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Divine Discourse: Latest published discourse: Ladies day 19 November 2005,Prasanthi Nilayam

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19 November 2005

Ladies Day

Prasanthi Nilayam

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Recent Discourses

Develop the Spirit of Oneness by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaNote: Discourses of

Sri Sathya Sai Babaon this website/group are unedited, authentic & only sourced

from the official Sai baba sites.

Embodiments of Love!

Today, being Ladies' day, many ladies have gathered here to share their

happiness with one and all. We distinguish and differentiate between ladies and

gents on the basis of upadhi (vesture) or physical form. However, the principle

of Brahman present in ladies and gents is one and the same. Sarvam khalvidam

Brahma (verily all this is Brahman). Everyone aspires to attain Divinity. Many

sages, seers and yogis did intense penance to have the vision of God. Where is

God? Daivam manusha rupena (God incarnates in the form of a human being). God

assumes human form to protect humanity. This has been the mission of all


Embodiments of Love!

God transcends names, forms and attributes. He is infinite and not limited to a

particular form. Once, Sage Narada and a few other sages prayed to Lord

Narayana to incarnate in human form and redeem mankind. Lord Narayana said,

"Narada, Brahma Shakti (Divine power) is positive. It is not possible for

Brahma Shakti to incarnate on earth unless it is coupled with negative power.

It is only when the positive and negative combine that Divinity manifests in

human form."

In response to the prayers of sages and seers, God comes down in human form. He

strives for the welfare of humanity and bestows joy on one and all. The Avatar

is a manifestation of Brahma Swarupa and manavatwa (humanness). The same

principle of Brahman is latent in all. One has to develop inward vision in

order to experience Him. Easwara sarva bhutanam (God is the indweller of all

beings). In this cosmic drama, God alone is the director and also the actor. He

is donning all the roles such as mother, father, husband, wife, daughter, son,


Someone says, "I have been blessed with a grandson today." The grandson is a

manifestation of Brahma. Brahma alone assumes various names and forms in this

world. When God incarnates on earth, He has to assume the form of jiva

(individual soul). The principles of Daivatwa (Divinity) and jivatwa

(individual) are inseparable. You cannot find one to the exclusion of the

other. Divinity has no specific form. Only the jiva has a name and a form but

not Deva (God). He is present in all. In fact, each one of you is an embodiment

of God. Whatever you see around is also the manifestation of God. Even the small

birds that you see here are endowed with the principle of Divinity. There is no

place which is not pervaded with Divinity. There is no form which is not

divine. However, God assumes a particular form based on the feelings of His


God is extolled as, Sabda Brahmamayi, Characharamayi, Jyotirmayi, Vangmayi,

Nityanandamayi, Paratparamayi, Mayamayi and Sreemayi (embodiment of sound,

mobility and immobility, light, speech, eternal bliss, perfection, delusion and

wealth). Hence, even the words that we utter manifest our innate divinity. It is

God who speaks through each one of you. You should have this firm conviction. If

someone accuses you, think that God in that form is accusing you. When you

develop such spirit of oneness and tolerance, you will never be perturbed by

censure and blame. Your mind will always remain in peace. Whatever may happen,

accept it wholeheartedly as the Will of God. Have firm faith that it is God and

God alone who is the doer.

Do not consider your fellow human beings as mere individuals. When you talk to

someone, think that you are talking to God. When you do not see God in others

and treat them as your own, you will be giving room to evil qualities like

anger, jealousy, hatred, etc. Develop the spirit of oneness. Only then will

your life be redeemed.

When you go to a noble soul and ask him for a message, he will merely say, "My

dear son, know thyself." Today People are interested in knowing about others.

They keep on enquiring, "Who are you? Where do you come from?" But, they do not

enquire into themselves "Who am I?" Only when you conduct such a self enquiry

will you get the correct answer. God has given you the human body. It is He who

makes you talk, walk, laugh, and even cry. Everything happens according to His

Will. Develop such firm faith.

On this occasion, we should remember Mother Easwaramma and the ideals she

exemplified. She was a paragon of virtues. She was always happy and cheerful,

and she had a smiling countenance. Her heart was tender and sweet because it

was filled with love and compassion. One day, she approached Me with a request,

"Swami, when the children of our village suffer from any ailment, their mothers

have to carry them all the way to Bukkapatnam hospital. It is a heartrending

sight to see the grief-stricken mothers carrying their children that far. There

is no guarantee that they get proper medical attention even after going there.

Hence, kindly establish a small hospital in our village itself." I pacified her

saying that her wish will certainly be fulfilled at an appropriate time. Only

when the kala, karma, karana, and kartavya (time, action, reason, and duty) are

favourable can one attain the desired result. I constructed a hospital as per

her wish.

On some other day, she came to Me with another prayer, "Swami, I am unable to

bear the sight of small children carrying heavy loads of books and walking all

the way to Bukkapatnam school. Even You had to walk to Bukkapatnam school in

those days. Kindly construct a small school in our village and save them from

the trouble of trudging all the way to Bukkapatnam for their studies." I

assured her, "Don't worry; I will surely construct a school in the village."

Accordingly, I fulfilled her wish.

She came to Me with yet another request, "Swami, people in our village are

suffering for want of drinking water facility. They have to go all the way to

Chitravathi river to fetch water. Even in the Chitravathi, we do not find water

always. It is not a perennial river. We find water only when there are rains. I

feel very sad to see small children carrying pots filled with water on their

tender shoulders. Water is the sustainer of life. Hence, kindly get a well dug

in our village and quench the thirst of people." I told her, "Your desires are

very simple. I will certainly fulfil them in a big way. You don't worry about

these things. I will make sure that the people of our village have proper

education and medical facilities."

As per My promise to her, I got a small school constructed in the village. In

the earlier days, she was concerned that not all the children of all the

villages were attending school. Later on, I established a college. Easwaramma

was very happy. Gradually, the college has developed into a university.

To begin with, I got a small hospital constructed on the top of the hill. Dr.

Seetharamaiah from East Godavari district came here to serve in the hospital at

My behest. He was an ardent devotee. He served here till his last breath. The

hospital was totally managed by one doctor and two nurses in those days. Now

much more has been achieved than what Easwaramma had asked for by establishing

a Super Speciality Hospital. The simple desires of Easwaramma in those days

paved the way for gigantic social welfare projects.

Once when I went to the banks of the river Chitravathi, I noticed some ladies

from the village scooping out sand to get their pots filled with water. Later,

Easwaramma also told Me about the hardships of the housewives in the village

for obtaining drinking water and requested Me to do something to relieve their

difficulties. Thereafter, I arranged for pipe water to be supplied to the

villages from a few hundred kilometres away. In fact, I fulfilled every little

desire that she had expressed. The reason being: her desires were never for her

own benefit but invariably in the larger interest of the villagers. Whenever

anyone expresses a truly selfless desire, Swami will surely fulfil such wishes.

What was once a small school has now been transformed into a multi-disciplinary

university. What was a small well has been transformed into a gigantic water

supply system.

Electricity was a rare privilege for the rural population those days. The

politicians who came to power were not very enthusiastic and effective in

supplying electricity for most villages. Therefore, I decided that without

seeking their assistance or help, I must get these facilities provided by

Myself. When Puttaparthi was electrified, there was jubilation, and this even

caused jealousy in nearby villages. Hence, I expanded the facility to other

villages also.

These were not casual acts of fancy but were provided after ascertaining the

needs of the villagers. See this vast auditorium. For whom have I got it

constructed? Is it not for the comfort of all of you? It is said, Paropakara

punyaya, papaya parapeedanam (one attains merit by helping others and commits

sin by hurting them). Help ever, Hurt never. Hence, always strive to help

everybody. Selfishness is an evil. Fish is better than "selfish".

Unfortunately, today you see persons who are utterly selfish everywhere. It is

difficult to trace the origin of the present-day politics steeped in utter

selfishness, but its consequences are rampant corruption and evil tendencies.

If this kind of politics is eliminated, there will be happiness all around. All

and sundry have now entered politics. Even panwalas and beedi vendors have

developed political aspirations. One has to understand the true purpose and

significance of politics before one enters into it. Instead of being helpful to

society politicians actually engage themselves in harming those whom they are

supposed to serve. Those in power expect that everyone should hanker after them

for obtaining things as a matter of favour that, in fact, are their right. I

would therefore advise that you shun such politics. Instead, rely on your own

innate strength.

What sort of a practice is it to go from door to door begging for votes? If you

lack the competence, your endeavours are bound to fail. Depend on God's grace.

If you depend on God, He will turn the minds of people in your favour. God is

everything. Victory is secured only when you totally depend on God's grace.

Here again your prayers to God should not be for selfish reasons. If you are

selfish, it practically renders you incapable of helping others.

First of all, acquire good qualities. You must be helpful to a few people around

you at least. Your efforts should reflect an element of sacrifice.

Karmanyevadhikarasthe ma phaleshu kadachana (you have right only to work, but

not to the fruit thereof). Be active in your life. Whatever work you take up,

depend on your own innate strength. Do not depend on assistance, support or

help from others. Be self-reliant. If you wish to have your family and children

well educated and flourishing, you pray to God.

Wherever you look, God is present. From stars to hillocks, from insects to

elephants, everything is pervaded by Brahman. Fill your heart with divine

feelings. God is known as Hridayavasi (resident of heart). Here heart does not

mean the physical heart. If there is enlargement of physical heart, it results

in a disease. What I refer in this context is the spiritual heart which is

present in every individual. When there is an expansion of heart, it gives rise

to broadmindedness. On the other hand, when there is contraction of heart, you

will have only narrow feelings. Hence, never entertain mean qualities.

The human birth is highly sacred. That is why God assumes the human form. Hence,

develop purity of heart and lead your lives in a sacred manner. When I give a

discourse or involve you in bhajan singing, it is only meant for the expansion

of your heart. When you participate in nagar sankirtan in the early hours of

the day, your heart will be brimming with bliss. It is not enough if you merely

sing for your own satisfaction. You should participate in community singing

wholeheartedly and share your joy with one and all. Sing His glory

full-throated and make everyone drink the nectar of the divine name. Your aim

should always be to attain expansion of heart in every endeavour. Only then

will the title of "human being" befits you. Be broadminded and share your

happiness with everybody.

At present, selfishness and self-interest are on the rise. People are not

striving to purify their hearts. On the other hand, they are trying to cover up

their mistakes and pose to be men of eminence. They are interested only in the

welfare of their own family and friends. You should have concern for the

feelings and well-being of others also. Love is God. Live in love. Love should

not be tainted with narrow feelings of I and mine. All should live in amity

with the spirit of oneness. It is possible only when you have firm faith that

God is present in all. Without the presence of divinity within, one cannot

live. With such awareness, live always in God consciousness.

Consider the suffering of others as your own. Do not do unto others what you do

not want others to do unto you. Consider love as your very life-breath. Grow in

love. Be broadminded and share your love with everybody. Pray that others should

not undergo the suffering you have undergone. Let everybody be happy and make

progress in life. It is possible only when you develop love.

Bhagawan ended His Discourse with the bhajan, "Prema Muditha Manase Kaho".

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