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Om Sri Sai Ram



Embodiments of Divine Love,

Let us remove all of the impurities from our minds and install only pure, sacred

thoughts therein. We will then have the vision of wisdom that the entire

universe shines as Brahman Himself who created everything out of Love. The

lasting happiness that man desires is not of this temporary ephemeral world

which is mainly one of worry and misery. Happiness and comforts from this world

are neither stable nor permanent. It is possible for man to attain eternal Bliss

when he realizes that the universe is the form of the Divine. He who views the

world as the world only, is a fool. "The differences lie in one's vision and

not in the creation, but man forgets the Divine feelings and views the world

only from a material perspective. All of the apparent world should be seen only

with the Divine


"The world is made up of atoms. From the macrocosm to the microcosm there is

only Divinity; God is therefore the biggest as well as the minutest. God is

within the atom and permeates through the entire creation which consists of

atoms. If we develop sacred Divine Love we will discover Divinity in the world.

Heads are separate so thoughts will also vary. Here is a small story to

illustrate this. Once four students visited a temple in India. "They argued

among themselves that the idol there consists of different colors and

materials. The first student saw the idol as consisting of white marble,

another as red stone, the other as blue, and the last insisted that it was

green. "They made a very big noise while arguing as is the fashion in the

modern age, and this noise attracted the attention of the priest. He exhorted

them to maintain peace as they were in a

sacred temple. "The students then asked the priest the colour of the idol and he

replied that it is black. He said that he had been worshipping this idol for the

past twenty years so he could certainly affirm that it is black. "The priest

understood that the students' quarrelling was due to their level of

intelligence which has been developed through pursuing knowledge only through

books. He distributed prasad to all of them and then removed their eye glasses.

"They were then able to see that the colour of the idol was indeed black. With

Divine vision one can perceive Truth. But sometimes one is not able to perceive

the proximate Divinity due to distorted vision. Today knowledge has progressed

in technology and all other fields, but has led to diversity in our vision with

the result that individual Divine vision has been lost.

Man has learned to travel to the moon at great expense but not an inch within

himself. He has developed the outer vision only; he does not look inside

himself which is cost free. The reflection of Divine Light on the mind is known

as the "moon." Man has not bothered to see his own moon (mind), but travels to

the moon to bring back dust. Why do we need to go to the moon for dust when we

can get truck loads full of mud here on earth? Man has developed a steadfast

endeavor to experience that which is far away rather than his own nature. From

afar a mountain looks smooth, but when one goes near it he can see that it is

full of stones.

All modem education is like building castles in the air. The knowledge man has

today is only like a small mustard seed, but man claims that it is the size of

a pumpkin. This pride is characteristic of the modern age. In the present day

man has invented weapons for killing people; the newspapers constantly report

many deaths. Oh! Mad man; is your intelligence only to be used for inventing

weapons to kill the outer enemies? Man has so many internal enemies like ego,

anger, pride and envy, but he does not kill them; instead he goes on killing

outer enemies. First one should kill the enemy ego and the deadly enemy

jealousy. Man has been acting ignorantly. When he conquers his inner enemies,

then he will have the right to conquer the outer ones. One who is subject to

internal enemies is a slave and does not

know the human qualities. To be truly human and develop one-pointed vision to

the Divine, man should be the master of himself, not a slave. Baba sang,

The jewel for one's hand is performing acts of charity,The jewel for one's neck

is speaking the Truth,The jewel for the ear is hearing the sacred texts,What

need is there for any other jewels?

Beauty is Truth. Charity is the real decoration. Listening to sacred texts is

the decoration for the ears. Try to understand the distinction between Truth

and untruth. As man today has no discrimination. Truth is taken as untruth and

vice versa. There is no other cosmic form beyond this world that one perceives

with the senses and the mind. Who has created all these lands and worlds that

man sees? Oh! Krishna, the cosmic form is not separate from You. Every person

being a part of the cosmic form is Divine. You, yourself, as Atma, are God and

are also ancient. God has descended to the earth in all

these human forms. If we realize this Truth, that we are not this human body but

Atma, we will not have low and mean thoughts. Convince yourself that, "I am

God," the eternal, ancient, ever-new one. After such an investigation into

yourself, you will know that everything is sacred. However, today mankind is

not proceeding in this direction.

In India, when you enter a bus, the first person to enter sits in the front seat

and the last person takes the last seat. The first person to board the bus gets

off last and the last person to enter gets off first. In the plane also it is

the same. The first person to board gets down last and the last person gets

down first. In life you should understand what is meant by first and last.

"First" stands for Divinity. One who understands Divinity goes slowly and

merges first with the Divine. In the beginning he is in the first stage of

Divinity. If he keeps

anything in his bag, while sitting on the bus, if it is valuable he has to look

for it, so he has to be on the bus for a long time. This is called prapti

(deservedness). Likewise, for many years now, you have been taking Darshan

(seeing), Sparshan (touching) and Sambashan (talking) of Swami. Though you have

come first you are going last. The one who has a pure heart, even though he may

have come to God late in life, comes out first (attains liberation). Wash off

all the dirt from your mind and fill it with pure thoughts and thus gain the

vision of wisdom. Then the universe will shine for you as the cosmic form of

God. Einstein stated that the universe is a combination of atoms. Everything in

creation is dancing to the cosmic tune which consists of vibrations. Long ago

the ancient saints declared that the whole universe is Divine. Oh! mind, dwell

on Rama, the Divine principle; sages called this Divine principle Rama, while

today science calls it atoms. The only difference is in the

name. The ancient culture of Bharat is very sacred with lofty principles.

Thyagaraja, a saint who lived in India, prayed, "Oh! Mind; please tell me what

will confer happiness. Does happiness come from pleasure or proximity to God?

What is freedom?" Thyagaraja learned that thinking of the Divinity confers

Bliss; that there is nothing more in life than this. One envies others because

they have material plentifulness and seem to be happy, but the point is that

you will become happier by dwelling on God. They have bhoga (riches) and roga

(diseases). You should feel happy that you don't have roga. One should have

only sacred thoughts but humans today are attracted in the wrong direction.

What is the reason for this? It is due to the samskara (tendencies) from their

past lives. If one is cleansed of past life samskaras, one's life can become

sacred. Man wants everything without

eliminating all of the bad qualities from past lives. Listen to one word, one

good word; do not follow others and play mad games. Give up the mistakes and

bondages. Chant the name of Sri Sathya Sai! Sri Sathya Sai!. Nowadays man is

not listening to the good things but is eager to listen to the bad. Why have

the eyes been given? Is to see everything? No; they have been given only to see

God. Why have the legs been given? Have they been given only to wander around?

Only for earning a living to buy food? No; they have been given to serve

mankind and gain liberation. All one's physical limbs should be offered for

service with this attitude in mind. All one's limbs are of God and indicate

that, "I am God.I" is the first name of God. We must inquire clearly. We say

"I am Swami, or I am a man, I am a woman, I am a Brahmin, I am a Vaishya." When

I say, "I am Swami,I" is first and Swami is next. Likewise, when I say, "I

am a woman,I" is first and woman is next. So "I" is always

first. When you ask anyone his name, he will say Rama or Ramaya, but first is

"I" and next is the name. Once when a devotee prayed to God, God appeared and

declared, "I am the Deity of your prayers." Even God says "I" first. The world

is bound by "I" (universal).

The reason for the existence of "I" (personal) and "mine" is the feeling of

attachment one has towards things as well as one's own body. If after you sold

your car, it met with an accident, you would not bother about it or become sad.

If someone hung a poster on the walls of your house you would become very

annoyed and fight with him, but after you sell your house, you would not bother

even if a bomb fell on it. If you have money in the bank (Love of God), you can

draw a Cheque, and withdraw it at anytime. In every aspect of life, as long as

one carries the sense of me and mine, there exists attachment. When there is no

attachment one will not be affected, and this attitude of non-attachment will

lead one to the realization of Divinity. All attachments should be directed

towards Divinity as God is the

one reality. The prayer,

"Twameva Matha cha Pitha twamevaTwameva Bhandu cha Sakha twamevaTwameva Vidya,

Dravinam twamevaTwameva Sarvam, Mama Deva Deva"

means, "You are my Mother and Father, You are my Relative and Friend, You are my

Knowledge and Wealth, You are my Everything." Instead of saying "This is mine,"

say "God is mine and everything is God." Such a relationship has seldom been

developed today and that is the cause for unhappiness.

How should one understand this detachment? One should not claim that the body,

mind, intellect, etc, are his. How can one say that they are not his? Say, "Na

Deham," which means, "I am not the body"; "Na Buddhi,I am not the

intellect"; "Na Manas"', "I am not the mind." Here we are referring to the

external mind; the other aspect is the internal mind that consists of inner

Bliss. As this Bliss is within man, no search is required to locate it. One

cannot acquire this Bliss from outside through one's status or position but can

attain it only through Love. Without expressing Love, no one will Love you. The

entire drama of life consists of dancing puppets. Man, do not be so proud of

your beauty because you lie on the doorstep of old age when you will not be

able to walk, your skin will be full of

wrinides and all will laugh at you. Realize now that you are only a puppet. The

human body has been gifted to do sacred action to realize that work is God and

to know that Truth is God Who is infinite.

Swami ended His Discourse by singing "Sathyam, Jnanam, Anantham, Brahma......:"

14. STHREE (WOMAN) [April 19, 1996]

Embodiments of Divine Love,

The karma marga (path of action) is a beautiful flower, the Bhakti marga (path

of devotion) is the raw fruit; the Jnana marga (path of wisdom) is the fully

ripened fruit. Children of Bharat (India), please listen. If you do not first

have the flower (dedicated action to God), you will not have a fruit (devotion

to God); and you also will not attain the fully ripened fruit (knowledge and

experience of the Atma). The flower is the basis, that is, karma (action) is

the basis for Jnana (wisdom).

In this world which is full of karma, to be born as a woman is very fortunate.

Ignorant men think that they are superior to women. Ladies have pride

(self-respect), wealth (noble and virtuous qualities), sweet talk, education,

intelligence, strength (fortitude) and patience. Not only in India but in

foreign countries, there are men who do not understand this, but think women

are weaker and not capable of doing important work. Men think that they are

physically strong and only they are capable of important work, due to their

ignorance. If the home,

community or country has respect it is due to women. We describe our country as

the Motherland; no one calls it the Fatherland. No one asks what is your

language? Rather, they ask, what is your mother-tongue? No one asks you what is

your father-tongue? (Laughter) The communities' reputation depends on the women.

Everyone in this world says, "This is my motherland and this is my


If a man wishes to perform any dharmic action or any big ceremony, he should

always discuss first with the women in the home. If he wishes to complete a

work successfully, he needs the cooperation of the wife. If he does not discuss

with her before doing, it will not be successful. Though the husband may be bad,

the wife should be able to give him good advice. She would be like a minister

capable of giving good advice. What about Mandodari? Due to her good advice,

Ravana was able to live for such a long time with all his sins. She said, "You

may be a strong one, educated, intelligent and wealthy, but if Sita would curse

you once, you would immediately become ashes. Therefore, you should understand

the nature of feminine power." If a man wishes to perform a Yagna (sacrificial

rite), his wife must sit

with him. Even if he wishes to do charity, the wife should be by his side. The

truthful Harischandra knows nothing other than Truth. When he gave his kingdom

to Visvamitra, his wife Chandramati, was with him. If she wouldn't have been

there, he could not have done it. A woman is equal-to a man's heart, and she is

half of him. Because she is the one who brings respect to the home, she is named

Grahalakshmi. Men are able to earn money, but the person who brings the good

reputation to the family is the woman. The one who cooks and serves the food in

the home is the woman, .isn't it? Because she takes good care of everything and

maintains the reputation of the home, she is also called "Kirthi." Wealth

consists of good health, good qualities happiness, purity and cleanliness, not

only currency notes. Because she has all of these good qualities, she is known

as "Grahalakshmi." Women have the ability to speak sweetly and soothingly, and

in thus doing, they maintain their own and the

family's respect. Only these days one may see the wife and husband together

walking and talking, but the wife does not interfere when the husband

entertains another man in the visitor's room. Only a lady can maintain this

type of respect.

Buddhi (intellectual discrimination) is another quality (energy) of women. When

the husband leaves in the morning and returns full of worries, the one who

speaks soothingly and sweetly and comforts him is the woman. That is why she is

called "dharma pathini." Women are more intelligent than men. Women are able to

concentrate and do work better than men. Men use their discriminative ability

only to do their jobs, but women can discriminate and deal with any work

according to the situation. For example: Men and women both drive scooters and

cars. But go and ask the police department who gets involved in accidents

(clapping). When ladies drive there are not often accidents. What is the

reason? It is due to their concentration (clapping). Due to their intelligence,

they do not hurt others and themselves by

causing accidents. Go and ask any university. Mainly it is the girls who score

first class and first rank. For Bhagawan, men and women are the same, but if

you really "see," this is the true situation (laughing and clapping). Women at

all times use their discriminatory power to discover what is good and what is


When a man desires to give his daughter in marriage, he will look at the future

bride groom's education and profession, but the mother will always find out

what type of family he belongs to and the family background and reputation. It

is the woman who always worries about the future. A man is always in a hurry

and then later he regrets. Haste makes waste; waste makes hurry. So don't be in

a hurry. A man always shows his strength in his hands, while women have their

strength in their hearts. When a man arrives home tired, his wife refreshes him

with her pleasant words like giving an injection of glucose (clapping). Many men

know this but they will not admit it (laughing and clapping). A man prospers in

life due to the support of women. Only a woman can understand all the aspects

of a situation, but men

will have only a superficial understanding. Though many foreigners invaded our

country and tried to destroy the culture, the culture is still alive due to


It is only the women who are always peaceful. Although some women quarrel, most

of them are quiet. The relatives may give problems, the son-in-law or

daughter-in-law may cause problems but women don't say anything. Rather, they

keep it within themselves and suffer, because they do not want to tarnish the

name and respect of the family. Ladies have seven qualities, but since people

do not understand this, the country is in its present predicament. Men have

three qualities. One is that they work and earn money. Due to this they become

proud and egoistic. Ladies also go out to work but they don't have this kind of

ego. A few of them do have ego. The strength of man depends on the housewife's

cheerful words.

Until recently in the United Kingdom the Prime Minister was a woman. Indira

Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India for 12 years. In Sri

Lanka the Prime Minister and President are women (mother and daughter). In the

world today wherever male Prime Ministers are in position there are problems

and troubles. If a man completes five years of his term as a Prime Minister it

would be surprising; yet Indira Gandhi could complete more than 10 years as a

Prime Minister. Women have immense courage to lead and protect their countries.

In the field of devotion women are the first to enter the spiritual path, and

then men slowly follow. In spiritual pursuits women are generally ahead. Men

may have wisdom but devotion is prominent in women. Without devotion to God,

one is nowhere.

In the court of the Maharaja (king), men can reach only as far as the entrance

hall, whereas women can go up to the private quarters. Men have no right to

enter here. What does the antapuram refer to here? Antapuram means the Atma

within, which only women can reach due to their devotion and sacrifice. Women

have attained liberation through devotion. One should never consider women to

be weak, but should show equal respect for both men and women.

In the Ramayana, Rama, because He was born to Kausalya, could be called God. Due

to the tender care of Sita, Lava and Kush (the twin sons), became very great.

This greatness was due only to the mother's influence. Even in the world today

the father earns money whereas the mother cautions and nurtures the children,

keeping in view their education and behavior. All over the world it is women

who are powerful. There is nothing that they cannot achieve through using their

inner power.

The entire world is a ladies' college. The drama of life is staged here.

Spiritually speaking all are female. In a girls college when a drama is being

enacted the king, servants, ministers etc., are all women; though the role is

that of a king, servant or minister, they are all women only. Food, sleep and

fear are common to both men and women; both eat, cry and have desires.

Brindavan (the place where Lord Krishna was raised and also the entire universe

which belongs to all of creation) belongs to all. Govinda, Krishna or the Lord

belongs to all. In order to show the qualities and capacities of

women, Krishna enacted the following drama: At the main gate to Brindavan,

Krishna said to the watchman, "See that no woman enters into Brindavan." One

day when Radha came to the gate she was refused entry by the watchman. When she

told him that Brindavan belongs to all, he replied that women were not permitted

entry. She asked him what he was and he replied that he was a man. Radha

challenged him by saying that there is no man; all are women only. God is the

only male; all the created ones are Prakriti or children of the earth.

Arjuna (devotee of Lord Krishna in the epic Bhagavad Geetha) had many titles.

Dhananjaya was the title which meant "holding the weapon" (of courage). But in

the battle-field while he was in the chariot, when he dropped his bow and lost

his courage, Krishna said "Stand up and fight. Know that in every age fate is

strong, justice will win and selfishness will die." Though Dritharashtra had

one hundred sons, there was not even one alive to do his obituary rites. What a

destiny! So

10pt">Krishna encouraged Arjuna to live up to his destiny and not to lose courage.

The world symbolizes womanhood. Therefore, one's country is called the

"Motherland" and the earth is termed "Mother Earth"; all bodies have been born

from the earth. For everyone mother is important; the motherly feelings which

are supreme always ensure the welfare of a country.

Once Sage Vishwamitra went to Dasaratha to request help in the ritual that he

was performing. Vishwamitra told him that though he had the power to kill

demons he could not use it, as in a sacred ritual there should be no violence.

As the chief priest, he requested Dasaratha to send his two sons, Rama and

Lakshmana to safeguard the Yagna (ritual sacrifice). Vishwamitra told the king

that his two sons were highly divine, that they always prayed to the Mother

Goddess first and to the father afterward. Vishwamitra paid respect to his

Mother first, father next and then preceptor. Why this order? Only the mother

gives birth and most often the mother is alert and awake when father sleeps; if

a child suffers from fever the mother will not eat. Such sacred Love is found in

a mother. The father has only 75% of

Love while the mother has 90%. The progress of the entire world depends on the

women; women are not for the kitchen alone.

Today both men and women go to work, earn salaries and keep a cook, a driver and

servants. The salaries to these staff may be more than their earnings but if the

woman remains at home she would be able to take care of these matters. The

husband encourages the wife to go to work. The wife's salary may be 2000 rupees

but the servants' salaries and expenses come to 3000 rupees. This is like eating

more pickle rather than the meal (laughter). The expense becomes more than the

income. Since she goes to work the entire family is disturbed. Listen to this

point carefully.

The Bhagavad Geetha refers to three aspects of purity: the vessel, the process

of cooking and the cook (all need to be pure and clean). It is very important

that the cook should be a pure, clean person not only outwardly but inwardly as

well. From ancient times we have said the food prayer, “Brahmarpanam

Brahmahavir" to offer the food to God so it would become prasad (blessed food).

So the purity of the transformed food was ensured through prayer. Nowadays the

husband and wife fight on the dining table. One reason for all these

disturbances is the impurity of the cook who is mainly concerned with his


The housewife cooks with purity. Even in royal families the queen herself served

the members of the family. As is the feeling, so is the reaction. If the family

is secure and happy, the society will also be happy; if the society is happy,

then the entire state will be happy. So purity and happiness should begin with

the individual.

Once in Hardwar there was a sixty-year old businessman who had no one to take

care of his family while he was occupied in his business. He married a

sixteen-year-old girl who was often very sad and weeping, missing her deceased

mother. After their marriage, this businessman usually returned home late at

night. Due to loneliness and grief she decided to end her life by jumping into

the Ganges

normal"> River. As it was the custom to feed people on the tenth day ceremony

after a death, this businessman contributed sweets to the ashrams in Rishikesh

in respect to his wife. That evening a certain renunciant sat in meditation.

Normally he could meditate very well, but that evening in his meditation he was

bothered by a sixteen-year-old girl crying. The next morning he asked his guru

the reason for this disturbance. His guru replied that he must have been having

impure thoughts. The renunciant replied that he was not. Then it was discovered

that the cause of the disturbance was the eating of the sweets that had come

from the businessman whose wife had committed suicide. Since that day this


stopped participating in feasts and became content with whatever he had. Thus

before partaking food we should offer it to God for purification. You are God.

Your heart is His altar; Love is His form; Bliss is His food. Many ask Baba

where He gets His energy because He eats so little. I am Energy! Energy is the

form of Divinity.

Women should not be looked upon as of little value. A house without the woman is

like a forest. When a woman is present, it is "for rest." Give them all your

respect, and care for their needs and comforts. If a woman sheds tears,

prosperity will not remain in that home; so do not make women suffer. A woman

stands for Love and devotion. From God's perspective or from the Atmic

standpoint, there is no difference between a man and a woman as both are His

creation. So surrender! God is your old friend, "old is gold" friend, whereas

modem friends are friends today but they may say good-bye tomorrow. They may

have motives and are friends only as long as you have money and such friendship

changes from moment to moment. So Love such a God; to develop such devotion is

the purpose of


Swami ended His Discourse by singing "Hey Shiva Shankara, Namami Shankar, Shiva Shankara Shamboo."


Before creation there was nothing but darkness everywhere. Later on, there was

rainfall for many years after which rays of light appeared from among the

clouds. Sound became evident, that which one hears from within the spiritual

heart when one closes his eyes and listens. This sound was created first, and

with it small vibrations. Some vibrations could be heard and others could not

be heard. For example, when our eyelids flutter there is sound even though it

cannot be heard by the human ear. The sound that was created by these

vibrations spread all over. For example, if you throw a stone in water, it will

make continuously spreading waves, similar to these spreading sound vibrations

created in space. We do not know how or from where these vibrations started in

the atmosphere, and we do not understand

the results of these vibrations. From the vibrations in the atmosphere, the wind

was created, and from wind, heat was created. As a result of the friction

between the sound waves and the wind, heat was created; from heat, water was

formed. When one has a fever, perspiration results when the fever is reduced.

This is like the relationship between heat and water. Water is denser than

fire. As water becomes more and more dense, it becomes the earth element. Sky

or Akasha is prevalent everywhere — above, below, around. After water was

created, earth was created. By mixing of water and earth, more aspects were

created. The earth became like a container to hold the water. As the heat

decreased, the liquid hardened to form rocks. The studies about this are called

physics. From physics, botany developed, and then zoology. From botany and

zoology, biology developed.

>From space, sound was created, from air, wind was created, then heat, water, and

earth. In the beginning these were not mixed together, but later when they were

combined, life was formed.

The three primary colors are red, blue and yellow, and when they combine we get

the other colors. The sky is blue. Sri Krishna also is blue-complexioned by

birth. He has the colour blue because He is all-pervasive like the sky.

During creation, sound was formed first. Everything was created from sound,

including the huge stars. When a huge star breaks up, small stars are formed.

There are millions of stars, but scientists are aware of only a few galaxies

such as the Milky Way where many stars are close together. The basis for all of

this creation is consciousness.

Wherever there is vibration there is sound. When one breathes, there is sound;

sound is all-pervasive. Wherever there is magnetism, there is electricity. The

Earth is a magnet; therefore electricity is created from the earth. The human

body is also a magnet. In Sanskrit, body is called deha, and nature is desha.

Scientists talk .about the law of nature, and Manu (a learned sage) also speaks

about the law of nature. If there is a rose flower, there must also be a Creator

who has created it. It is incorrect to say that the rose's existence is due to

the law of nature. For everything, there is a Creator.

The swan is able to separate and drink milk from a mixture of milk and water.

Near the beak of the swan is a chemical which enables it to separate the milk.

So says the scientist. But who created this chemical near the beak of the swan?

Who has done this? Everything has a creator. One should not forget that there is

a creator for all these things. Use the law of nature but don't break it. Lord

Buddha said:

Buddham Sharanam Gachhami,Sangham Sharanam Gachhami,Dharmam Sharanam Gachhami.

Cultivate wisdom and discrimination by using the intelligence (Buddhi). Live in

the society (Sangam) as per its laws, and adhere to, take refuge in

Righteousness (Dharma). One should follow the good example of others, rather

than following only the pleasure seekers. Buddhi, Sangam and Dharma were

created for the sake of society. Why do we prepare food? The body requires

nourishment and energy. Similarly if one sows good qualities in the community,

the community becomes good.

The sun has 98% hydrogen and 2% helium. Both are gases and the heat is

controlled by these gases. If helium were not there, the earth would have been

destroyed by the heat. There is a relationship between the sun and the earth.

Earth is the daughter of the sun, and moon is the daughter of the earth. Moon

has no life on it. The life form that exists on earth does not exist on other

planets. Ice, fire and water are all alive. The life forms that live and die in

the water are different from the life forms that exist in other elements. The

life forms in each element are unique. The life forms on earth are not like

those found in water, fire or air. The life form that exists throughout the

entire world is the Atma. God is in the earth and He is also in all of the five

elements. The earth has five qualities:

smell, taste, form, touch and sound. The earth is heaviest. Water has four

qualities: taste, smell, touch and sound. Fire has three qualities: form, touch

and sound. Air has two qualities: touch and sound. And ether has one quality:

sound. As ether has only one quality, sound, it is all-pervasive. God is beyond

any of these qualities and elements so He is able to be all-pervasive.

There are no flying saucers. The man-made satellites consist of three parts —

frontal, middle and back portions. When the satellite goes very fast, the rear

portion becomes detached, breaks and falls into the sea. People who see these

think they are flying saucers. The satellites made by scientists do not last

very long. What is permanent is created by God and is called Truth; all the

rest are impermanent.

God created sound first, which is the primordial Pranava. From this primordial

sound, Om, other sounds emanated. Om or the primordial sound is the basis for

all of creation. If we speak concisely about it, ether is infinite, but the

created is finite.


With Sai love from Sai brothers



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