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Bhagavan Baba's Philosophy and Methodology of Education with a Focus on Water Education for African Cities

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essential to sustain human life. It is therefore no wonder that in ancient

times, people in all societies revered water as a wonderful gift of God. Almost

all major religions have an important place for water in their rituals; these

involve cleansing, blessing, ablutions of various kinds and offerings

accompanied by the pouring of water."Water as a Basic Element According to the

story of creation in the Bible (Genesis 1: V1-2), we are told: "In the

beginning God created heaven and earth ..... the earth was without form .......

And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters". This shows the part

played by water in the beginning and sustenance of life as perceived by Bible

believers.Truly, water is sacred and must be treated as such by all its users.

Yet, there are billions of people on this planet to whom good drinking water is

not available or accessible. Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Project IndiaResponding

to the dire

needs of the people of the scarcity affected regions of Andhra Pradesh, Bhagavan

declared in March 1995 that He was going to provide drinking water to the

villagers who had been the victims of acute drinking water shortages for more

than a century. Sri Sathya Sai Water Supply Project was thus started which has

provided water to millions of villagers of Anantapur, Medak, Mahboobnagar, East

Godavari and West Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh during the last 10 years.

It has also met the acute drinking water shortage of the city of Chennai in

Tamil Nadu. All this was possible through the unlimited love and grace of

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to all mankind. As He Himself says: "I am always

ready to help you and serve you. You may belong to any village or any district

.......... I do not have any feelings of difference - religious, regional or

national. I do not go by the position of the people or the place to which they

belong. All are the same to Me and I serve all equally".

Bhagavan's example of His concern for the supply of water is being replicated by

many countries of the world. Water in African Cities ProjectThere exist many

dissimilarities in African countries in terms of size, water resources, water

management styles, economic differentials, social and environmental norms

related to water, etc. Yet their national goals and objectives are basically

similar. They all have, as their main goal, the provision of adequate cost-

effective and good water supply for all (the economic and social dimensions of

water). In cognizance of the fact that these goals cannot be achieved in

isolation, these countries have, as complementary goals, the maintenance of a

good environment, avoidance of water wastage and pollution, prevention of

vandalism and illegal connections; discouraging late or non- payment of water

bills, non-tampering of water meters, prevention of water riots and water wars,

eradication of corruption and enhancement of

adequate sanitation and better hygiene practices through technical and

regulatory measures. In pursuit of their goals and objectives, the African

cities have been using different strategies as leverages towards the

realisation of their national goals. Overall, these strategies have not

produced the desired results of reaching national goals and objectives. This is

because of the absence of second tower that lays emphasis on the transformation

of attitudes and behavioural patterns of water users and providers. UN-HABITAT

have for a long time been searching for a tool or mechanism that will enrich

and strengthen Water Education strategies in Africa.Human Values Approach to

Water Education in Africa The introduction of the water education initiative

was preceded by an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) convened by UN-HABITAT in

collaboration with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Swedish

International Water Institute (SIWI) in Johannesburg, South Africa

from 30th April to 2nd May 2001. The meeting brought together international and

regional experts on education, curriculum development, urban development, water

resources management and NGOs active in water education. The objectives of the

meeting were to share information on the ongoing water problem in Africa,

develop a broad consensus among all stakeholders with regards to the most

effective strategy for introducing Water Education in-African cities, agree on

sharing of responsibility for project implementation by different partners and

develop an action plan for the project implementation.An important outcome of

the Expert Group Meeting was the consensus acceptance of the paper presented by

the Director of the African Institute of Sathya Sai Education (TAISSE) with the

title "Water Education: A Human Values Approach" which was, in fact, a

reproduction of Sri Sathya Sai Baba's philosophy and methodology of Human

Values Education in its pristine form. The recommendation

arising therefrom was the pursuance of a Human Values Approach to introducing

Water Education for African children and communities. Understanding Water

EducationWhat is Water Education? From the point of view of the Human Values

approach, Water Education is not just about water literacy (knowledge of the

science of water, types, sources, uses, treatment, management and its

associated problems, etc). These are, of course, important tangibles. However,

Water Education is also about intangible things that are equally important.

These include people's perceptions of water, the level of their consciousness

towards water usage, awareness of their civic responsibilities towards water,

cultural beliefs and practices in relation to water. In short, it is about

Human Values - about the country's sense of duty, the obligations members have

to each other, to the use of water itself and to future

generations.A country's sense of duty ought to be strengthened through Human

Values Education towards the management of water and other resources which took

billions of years to develop and yet, which would be diminished or exhausted

within a relatively short period of time. There is, thus, a compelling need for

the introduction of Human Values in Water Education as a complimentary to the

existing technical and regulatory measures in water demand management. In this

manner, Water Education will stand firmly on the twin towers of water literacy

and Human Values - their understanding, commitment and practice. The Expert

Group noted that Water Education should aim at promoting a better understanding

of water as a key social, economic and environmental resource and should

facilitate the emergence of a new water management ethic on the continent. It

is observed that the introduction and implementation of Value- based Water

Education (VBWE) through formal,

non-formal and informal channels of learning, especially through the use of the

curriculum is a promising strategy to bring about a positive and lasting change

in attitude and behaviour towards water at all levels of society.Value-based

Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education (VBWSHE)Having been inspired by the

successful implementation of Bhagavan's Values Education programme at the

African Institute of Sathya Sai Education (TAISSE), Ndola, Zambia, many

countries in Africa today are involved in Value-based Water, Sanitation and

Hygiene Education (VBWSHE) programme.In 2002, TAISSE was contracted for two

years by UN-HABITAT to implement the first phase of Value- based Water

Education (VBWE) in six African counties. By the grace of Bhagavan, this was

successfully completed in 2004. Impressed with the effectiveness of the values

programme in the six African countries, the UN-HABITAT again asked TAISSE in

2005 to implement the second phase

of the Value-based Water Education programme to include Sanitation and Hygiene

Education, known as Value-based Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Education

(VBWSHE) in twelve African countries. This Cooperation Agreement will end in

2007. This is indeed a major contribution of Bhagavan's education programme,

which is essentially philanthropic in its nature, to the upliftment of the

African continent. Sri Sathya Sai Drinking Water Project ZambiaBhagavan's water

projects in India have inspired Sai Education Trust (SET) of Zambia to follow

Sathya Sai Baba's example in the provision of drinking water to the poor. In a

small way, the Trust, in May 2005, embarked on the task of providing free clean

drinking water to disadvantaged townships surrounding Sri Sathya Sai School,

Ndola, Zambia. Ten bore-holes ranging between 60 and 97 metres deep with

submersible and hand pumps were drilled in five townships where people had been

greatly disadvantaged for centuries past in

terms of good drinking water. The sprouting out of water and the simultaneous

response of many children as expressed in their shouting and clapping was a

moving experience. There is no doubt that Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba will

forever remain a powerful role model in the provision of water to the

less-privileged people of the world. Sourced: Sanathana Sarathi pgs 344 to 347

- November 2005 Courtesy:

http://worldnet24.tripod.com/articles/water-education.htmSai Ram Website:


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There is no theory to be internalized and applied in this psychology. Ancient practices spontaneously induce what each person needs as the individual and the universal coincide. The work proceeds through intellectual knowledge of the playing field ( jnana yoga), emotional devotion to the ideal (bhakti yoga) and right action that includes both feeling and knowledge (karma yoga). With ongoing purification we approach wisdom. The Bhagavad-Gita is a message addressed to each and every human individual to help him or her to solve the vexing problem of overcoming the present and progressing towards a bright future. Within its eighteen chapters is revealed a human drama. This is the experience of everyone in this world, the drama of the ascent of man from a state of utter dejection, sorrow and total breakdown and hopelessness to a state of perfect understanding, clarity, renewed strength and triumph. May the wisdom of loving consciousness ever guide us on our journey. What makes the Holy Gita a practical psychology of transformation is that it offers us the tools to connect with our deepest intangible essence, and we must learn to participate in the battle of life with right knowledge.

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