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The Mysterium of Michael Jackson and Sathya Sai Baba - Description

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are signs for forgotten knowledge und he awakening of humanity from a dream

lasting for centuries.Michael Jackson and Sathya Sai Baba are unique, each of

his kind. Disdained and loved - slandered and praised - humiliated and

glorified. Margott Schürings, PH.D., has chosen Michael Jackson and Sathya Sai

Baba for this book, they are not chosen.The first and only book - worldwide -,

that illumines the spiritual side of Michael Jackson...For all those, who have

started off consciously on the journey, at whose end one states, that one has

only travelled from oneself to one Self... ...the dream continues... This


reference book is a challenge for the consiousness of the mass. It deals with a

wide spectrum of spiritual themes by means of the words of the King of Pop and

the Avatar. It proves that the Truth can be found everywhere and that there is

no place, where it is not. It proves that the limited thinking and the lack of

the power of imagination in men is the cause, that men is at his wits’ end and

does not know who he is. Many Knowers have their say - from Jesus to Goethe,

from Wilber to Ghandi, from Hesse to Laotse. New and interesting is the mixture

of sources and the prove, that there is no place where God is not. What man

thinks to be reality is unreal, and what man thinks to be unreal is reality.

What man has separated is One. God and man, Spirit and nature, energy and

matter - all these are only different names and forms of the One Truth, which

is nameless. ...this time it is a waking dream... I AM - God IS - OM.

The author... Margott Schürings, born in 1947, studied psychology, Ph.D. I

worked in the fields of research and teaching

at universities and a broadcasting station and as a visiting professor in

Brazil. Apart from that also as a psychiatrist, seminar leader, book producer,

translator, author and publisher. I played the roles of an artist of life, of a

stand-up-woman and a philanthropist, finished two marriage projects, am mother

of three adult sons. The pathless path led me to traditions of wisdom, world

religions and great souls, to Vedanta and Advaita (non-dualism). I live and

work in Hohenpeißenberg. Today I know that there is only THAT - I love and

embrace all ITS names and forms and bow to IT. Diagnosis... Humanity

suffers from a terrible disease, that has spread

since eons all over the whole globe and was not yet stopped by any frontier.

People of all ages, all nations, races, classes and confessions suffer from

this disease. The academic science did not discover this disease til today. How

is it possible that a disease, that is spreaded all over the globe, has not been

discovered since eons? Academic science is itself most severely attacked by it.

It does not see the beam in its own eye und does not believe those, who have

the sufficient distance from oneself to see it. For that would mean that it

desisted from the faith and claim of infallibility of academic science - und

thus ist claim of power and reason to exist would be forfeited. And yet is this

disease recognized and known. Since eons wise men, holy people, mystics and

world teachers point to it

untiringly. But nobody listens to them. One hears, but one does not listen. What

is this strange disease about, that everybody refuses to believe in, that nobody

wants to be true? It is the "collective amnesia" of humanity, the total loss of

memory, the complete loss of reminescence. And what is it, that man has

forgotten? What is it that he does not remember? What is it that he does not

know? The answers to the questions: Who am I?Who are you?Where do we come

from?Where do we go to?What is this all about? Remberer... We want to

listen to the messages of two lifestreams on this planet, that do not suffer

from the terrible disease of "amnesia" - perceive - the star of earth Michael

Jackson and the star of heaven Sathya Sai Baba. Michael Jackson speaks in his

poem "Two Birds" of two aspects of being: Two birds fly through the air.One’s

song drops like crystal from the sky.... the other spreads wings of

invisibility.It’s easy to guess which bird I am,but they’ll never find

you.Unless ... To find the "second bird" is important to Michael Jackson and

is the theme of this book. Love that does not interfere... Sathya Sai Baba

clarifies the terms in his christmas discourse 1997: Today man is totally

unaware of what is meant by Love. Man equates desire with Love. He imagines

that whatever he yearns for, is prompted by Love. This is not true love. True

love is totally free from desire. It is utterly selfless. It seeks no return.

It is all-encompassing. It makes no distinction between friend and foe.

Forgetting this concept of universal selfless love, filling himself with

selfisch desires, man fancies that he is filled with Love. This is mundane

attachment. It is quite apart from the Love that flows from the Spirit inside.

Spiritual love is boundless. ... God is Love. The Western man believes in the

contrary, he chose a punishing and loveless God as maxim. Similarly he prefers

to see bad, to hear bad and to do bad. ... The one who uses more than the five

senses and whose heart cries facing the condition of the world can understnd

the realization, which Michael Jackson had in front of his image: The most I

can do for the earth

is to be its loving child. That one in the mirror winced and squirmed. He hadn’t

thought so much about love. Seeing "Problems" was much easier, because love

means complete self-honesty. Ouch! "Oh, friend", I whispered to him, "do you

think anything can solve problems without love? Das Mysterium von Michael

Jackson und Sathya Sai Babain German languagepaperback, 192 pagesISBN

3-934281-00-1Price: 13,80 Euro


Preetham Sai P.V.

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  • 7 years later...

I don't know much about Michael Jackson, but I recently watched some interviews and short video clips and it struck a cord. I felt deep in me that he was a truly great person filled with love and compassion, for people, animals and our planet.

I am an aspiring devotee of Sri Satya Sai Baba, and I found that in some way Michael Jackson lived so many of the teachings of Satya Sai baba.

I believe that Michael Jackson was no ordinary person, he was a divine being, however, he got somewhat derailed from his mission by the powerful force of Maya.

Nevertheless he picked himself up and tried to find his way, to fulfill the purpose of his birth on this planet.

I salute that great soul who took birth in our world as Michael Jackson, and humbly prostrate to our sweet lord Satya Sai Baba.

May we all try to live by His teachings, of love, compassion, and tolerance.

Jai Sai Ram.

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