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Happy 80th birthday Baba

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Sairam Brothers and sisters,

Humble Pranams to the lotus feet of bhagwan


Wishing satya sai baba a very happy 80th birthday. i

thank u for being my mentor, guardian and god. i would

pray to god for your long life so that you can

continue the work and lots of people can continue

getting benefitted by your blessings.


sai brothers and sisters, please do not get offended

by this mail, coz in Narayaneeyam it is said that god

also suffers when he is born as a human being. we all

have heard about ramayana and mahabaratham where

vishnu suffered. when narayana battadri wrote

narayaneeyam in guruvayur, he says people come and ask

for wealth health and other things but nobody enquires

about your health, but i (narayana battadri) will from

now on enquire about your health and do archanai in

your name. i too follow the same when i go to temple.

i make archanai in the name of god and not on my name.

this is followed by my family members also. thanks to

my mom who is a ardent devotee of Guruvayurappan. the

time she learnt narayaneeyam she told us about this

and we started following. so keeping that in mind i

said i will pray to god for babas long life.


the next question is what am i going to give you as

your birthday gift? i have decided to follow your

words and act accordingly. i will do service and help

others but i will not hurt others. this is the best

gift i can give you in my lifetime.


once again i would request sai brothers and sisters

not to get offended by this mail. is is just my

thoughts and i would also request you all to correct

me incase you find any mistakes in this mail.


take care baba.


Sairam brothers and sisters

Humble pranams to the lotus feet of bhagwan

sairam sairam sairam


Shreekkanth Bhaskaran



Signing Off


?I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been

only like the boy playing on the sea-shore, and diverting myself in now and then

finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great

ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me?.

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Pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of our Beloved Bhagwan,

Dear Shreekanth,

You are right and it is a nice sentiment to Pray Bhagwan for the Health

of Bhagwan.

It is a nice and humble demonstration of our Love for Bhagwan.

Narayaneyam is ofcourse an excellent reference.


and thank you for the prayers





shreekkanth bhaskaran wrote:



>Sairam Brothers and sisters,

>Humble Pranams to the lotus feet of bhagwan


>Wishing satya sai baba a very happy 80th birthday. .....

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Humble pranams to the lotus feet of baghwan

sairam brother krishnan,


You need not thank me brother, but i would like to say

that it is our duty to pray for babas good health and

long life. and i feel it is our duty. i would request

all sai brothers and sisters to do the same. whenever

you go to temple for doing any archanai please do it

in gods name. God knows what to give and what not to

give. also pray to god for just 2 minutes(atleast)

everyday for babas health and long life. is is not

fair to just do it on his birthday and leave the rest

of the days as we do that to famous personalities like

gandhiji etc. so i would sincerely and kindly request

all sai brothers and sisters to make it a habit to

pray to god everyday for babas health and long life.

also i would request you to kindly correct me incase

you feel i am wrong.


Pranams to teh lotus feet of baghwan



Sai devotee

Shreekkanth bhaskaran



--- Krishnan T V <crishnantv wrote:





Pranams at the Divine Lotus Feet of our Beloved


Dear Shreekanth,

You are right and it is a nice sentiment to Pray

Bhagwan for the Health of Bhagwan....

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ohm sri sai ram

it is good to remind the devotees the prayers for


it was started over a year ago with mantra as

mentioned below for the sake of BABA's good health






this is to be repeated twice a day


ohm sri sai ram



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