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Sai Baba Gita - In what Way are Human Beings better than Animals?

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In what Way are Human Beings better than Animals?

The lion told them, "You have all heard what my brother has said to you. I want

you to know that the great qualities you have, like valor and courage, humans

do not really have. I myself am a direct proof of this. If you consider the

courage and valor, the magnificent prowess and strength which I have, where

will you find any human being who is my equal? Though I am king of the animals,

I never take any wrong or unjustifiable actions. Without reason I do not kill

animals. Only when I am hungry will I take a little food. I do not kill any

animals for sport; I never waste any food. Consider our courage, our code of

ethics, our high level of morality. Can you find such great qualities in human

beings? No! They don't have them at all. Therefore, why should we be afraid of

them? Why should we be thought of as inferior to humans? Today, let us resolve

to wipe out this blot on our reputation." When the lion finished his address

there was an uproarious cheer and the applause resounded

throughout the entire forest.

When things quieted down, the elephant, who was sitting just by the side of the

lion got up and said, "Humans are not even half as big as my leg. In form I am

certainly mighty and magnificent. In intelligence I have attained proverbial

greatness. Kings, emperors, distinguished leaders, all have developed great

regard for me. If ever a coronation was to be performed and I were not there,

it would have to be postponed. When I am so great, how can you say that humans

are superior to me? My intelligence is extraordinary. Therefore, even if you

consider just these two, my intelligence and my physical size, you must

conclude that humans can never be equal to me." Again the audience cheered

their agreement.

The fox got up and said, "The lion, our illustrious king, has just talked to

you, and the big elephant, our distinguished minister, has also spoken his

mind. Now we would like to invite a representative of the smaller animals to

come and address us." At this point a dog who had strayed into the forest, and

who had many experiences with human beings, was asked to speak to the

gathering. It offered its humble salutations to the president, to the king, to

the minister, to the secretary and to all in that great throng who had

assembled there. Then it said, "Although I am very small and weak, in faith

there is no one that can be compared to me. I have unswerving faith and

unlimited loyalty to the person who has brought me up, and who looks after me.

I will always be grateful and faithful, even if I lose my life. Even if I am

hurt and harmed by my master, I will not return the harm in kind. Everyone

knows that human beings do not have this sense of loyalty which a dog has. In


quality of loyalty I can never be considered inferior to human beings.

"Among themselves, humans often give trouble to the ones who most lovingly take

care of them and guide them, such as their own parents or their teachers.

Humans will not hesitate to do bad in return for the good which is given to

them. They will criticize and concoct schemes to deceive and hurt the very ones

who have looked after them so carefully. Humans do not have any gratitude at

all. They do not have any loyalty. Only so long as their purposes are being

served will they pretend to be obedient. The moment their own selfish interests

have been taken care of, they start troubling their own teachers. When humans

are like this how can we be considered inferior to mankind?" There was complete

agreement in the audience. A nodding of heads and sounds of "Hear! Hear!"

affirmed every point the gentle dog had made. In this way, one by one, others

got up and had their say. Appropriate to their status and experience, they gave

speeches, extolling the many fine qualities practiced by the

animals but which were being ignored by human beings. Finally, there was the

speech of the president.


Sai Baba Gita, Compiled and edited by Al Drucker - Published by Atma Press -

http://www.atmapress.com - ISBN: 0963844903Online Edition:





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