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"Tend to your parents with love, reverence and gratitude. Second, speak the

truth and act virtuously. Third, whenever you have a few moments to spare,

repeat the Name of the Lord, with the Form in your mind. Fourth, never indulge

in talking ill of others in their absence. And finally, do not cause pain to

others in any form."


More freedom for Youth?

"Freedom is independence from externals. One who is need of the help of another

person, thing or condition, is a slave thereof. Perfect freedom is not given to

any man on earth because the very meaning of mortal life is relationship with

and dependence on one another. The lesser the number of wants, the greater is

the freedom. Hence perfect freedom is absolute desirelessness."



" 'Love' is a much misused word. Any positive response or attraction is called

love; any feeling of attachment, however trivial or transitory is characterized

as love. We must certainly coin new words or set aside specific words to

indicate different forms of love.the response to sexual attraction is best

described as fancy, fascination or delusion.The yearning to reach for the

sublimity that lies inherent in Truth - this alone is entitled to be called by

the holy word 'Love'."


Gratitude to Parents

"However high you may rise, no matter how rich you become, if your parents are

neglected in distress, your life has been a tragic waste. If you have no urge

to please them, who are very happy when their children show the slightest

concern for their comfort, how can you even hope to please God? Show the

parents respect with love and devotion. It is a tribute you should offer them

for the great chance they gave you to come into this world, with all the

wonderful opportunities it offers for self-realization."


Excessive Talk


"Talking too much hurt's one mind and destroys one's memory. The first thing

you have to do is reduce too much talk.This is most important for the students.

The energy that is present in you will diminish if you talk too much.Talking too

much will also weaken your nerves, making you a nervous wreck.It is because of

this that our ancestors gave so much importance to silence. They observed

silence for long periods of time. We see that to the extent we minimize our

talking, we promote the intelligence that is present in us."






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