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all together now?

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Hi Seattle Sue

Thank you for the suggestion ..... I will do my best at getting into the act

with your idea.....I am very slow with my Kundalini lessons......I am setting

up a special place to practice and am acquiring tapes, etc. Navel center has

always been weak and I know it has to be strengthened....this will push me

into being more diligent.


After I started Kundalini yoga, I heard from a publisher to whom I have

submitted a story at least 8 years ago. They were interested in publishing it


it was to be evaluated first by 750 elementary school children nationwide for

6 mos. along with 95 other stories. Last month I heard that I am to be

published in Chicken Soup for the Kid's Soul. Why now? I wonder about the

kundalini yoga having a role in it ....I have also been studying Heart Math

programs along with. Love and good fortune to us all.






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Hey Sue,


My name's Gurubala, I live in Sydney. I think your idea is brilliant &

would love to join you. Any day is good for me, will just incorporate

it into my current sadhana.


love & light,



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dear gurubala, teresa, and everybody else,

first, congratulations, teresa, on the publication!! wahe guru! that's

awesome! also, here is a link to the nabhi kriya, so you can have a look

at it:

kundalini yogakyt09.html

there is a lot of great information on this page; the kriya is toward

the bottom.

let's wait another day or so and see if we can find any others to join

on. lilananda, maybe? c'mon, everybody!

sat nam!





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Hello there Sue,


Sounds like a great idea to me. Might allow us to tap

into a group energy

for all KY practitioners. According to the holographic

theory, we are all

connected on a subatomic level, bypassing barriers of

time and space.


Your suggestions reminds me of the global meditation

project, only we'd use

Nabhi Kriya instead of meditate. :)









Message: 3

Wed, 22 Feb 2006 12:01:47 -0800

seattle sue <thelmasue

all together now?


hey everybody! wouldn't it be fun to pick a day when

we would ALL (or

anyway, a bunch of us) do nabhi kriya together? just

ONE day. if some

want to use it as a gateway to starting a 40 day

sadhana, they could,

but no one would have to commit to more than one time.

we could make a

list here of all our names, and when we do the kriya,

we could hold each

other in our minds/hearts. kind of like white tantra,

but with everyone

at their own corner of the globe. what do you all


sat nam,

seattle sue

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Count me in.

Guru Prem Kaur, Florence Kentucky


"seattle sue" <thelmasue


Thursday, February 23, 2006 1:15 AM

Re: Kundalini Yoga all together now?



> dear gurubala, teresa, and everybody else,

> first, congratulations, teresa, on the publication!! wahe guru! that's

> awesome! also, here is a link to the nabhi kriya, so you can have a look

> at it:

> kundalini yogakyt09.html

> there is a lot of great information on this page; the kriya is toward

> the bottom.

> let's wait another day or so and see if we can find any others to join

> on. lilananda, maybe? c'mon, everybody!

> sat nam!

> sue


> *

> *






> Kundalini Yoga - for the best online

> selection of Books, Videos and DVDs on Kundalini Yoga, based on ancient

> technology as brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan. Also a great range of

> beautiful Meditation and Mantra CDs, all with RealAudio sound clips.

> - visit

> Links







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Hey Sue, count me in, I'd like support this endeavor. I am recovering from

an 'injury", however, and so will do it with care. I'll finish, but just a

tad behind the rest of you.



Millis, MA



On 2/22/06, seattle sue <thelmasue wrote:


> hey everybody! wouldn't it be fun to pick a day when we would ALL (or

> anyway, a bunch of us) do nabhi kriya together? just ONE day. if some

> want to use it as a gateway to starting a 40 day sadhana, they could,

> but no one would have to commit to more than one time. we could make a

> list here of all our names, and when we do the kriya, we could hold each

> other in our minds/hearts. kind of like white tantra, but with everyone

> at their own corner of the globe. what do you all thing?

> sat nam,

> seattle sue






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Sat Nam, all,


for me Saturday is fine, I would do it in the morning, holding all the group

in light throughout the set and a subsequent meditation (perhaps choose one



Bless and bliss

Sadhana K., Eckernfoerde, Germany




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Sat Nam Sue,

Thanks, this is just the push I need, however I woke up this morning

with the stomach flu so this is not a good day to start. I will try

and jump in after the weekend. Karin/Prithi

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Yes, I´ll join in, too.


Nabhi Kriya is just the right thing for me to work out, very good idea.


Any time in the next days would be great..


Greetings from northern germany, where the snow just lights up the darkness

of the night.


Deva Singh (Pierre)







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WOW!!! wahe guru!! look at our group!

guru bala, sydney, australia



guru prem kaur, florence, kentucky

dharam, millis, massachusetts

guru gopal (joan): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


sadhana k., eckernfoerde, germany

deva singh (pierre), northern germany

and yours truly, seattle sue!

we haven't picked a day yet. any suggestions, numerologically and/or

astrologically speaking? we could just throw a dart at a calendar and

say, oh, this coming saturday, the 25th? that gives a couple more days

to catch more people, and doing it on a weekend makes it more flexible

for everybody, i'm thinking.

so, what do you all think of this saturday? any time, any time zone!

i'll do it with the consciousness of holding space for all of us to

really find and live in our own power. you're right, al, that doing it

together will allow us to tap into the group energy. look out!!! just

like joan's message about the group who chants om on easter.

sat nam, sat prem!


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I'm in as well--rebalance the Kanda, and strengthen

the focal point of 72K nadis--keep my SoulShining...




--- seattle sue <thelmasue wrote:


> WOW!!! wahe guru!! look at our group!

> guru bala, sydney, australia

> teresa

> al

> guru prem kaur, florence, kentucky

> dharam, millis, massachusetts

> guru gopal (joan): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

> karin/prithi

> sadhana k., eckernfoerde, germany

> deva singh (pierre), northern germany

> and yours truly, seattle sue!

> we haven't picked a day yet. any suggestions,

> numerologically and/or

> astrologically speaking? we could just throw a dart

> at a calendar and

> say, oh, this coming saturday, the 25th? that gives

> a couple more days

> to catch more people, and doing it on a weekend

> makes it more flexible

> for everybody, i'm thinking.

> so, what do you all think of this saturday? any

> time, any time zone!

> i'll do it with the consciousness of holding space

> for all of us to

> really find and live in our own power. you're right,

> al, that doing it

> together will allow us to tap into the group energy.

> look out!!! just

> like joan's message about the group who chants om on

> easter.

> sat nam, sat prem!

> sue












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I have been eaves dropping so to speak on this discussion group for some

time as I was too shy to introduce myself...I am often profoundly moved

by your (meaning the participants here) devotion to life in all its

manifestations as well as your candour and obvious desire to live lives

of integrity...I have for years identified as a Buddhist and have a

regular meditation practice. Four months ago I happened upon an

advertisement for a weekend workshop with Gurmukh here in Vancouver,

B.C.. Her photo in the advertisement seemed so radiant I was compelled

to participate. Silly me, I assumed kundalini was all about meditation

so I thought I would be able to sink into the workshop so to speak...Hmm

without wishing to sound dramatic the weekend was one of the most

challenging things I have done. And, it was transformative even to the

molecular level...what struck me was the relationship between the truths

held in the heart and those in the body and the relationship or dialogue

between these two...I have since that weekend found a weekly class at a

Sikh Temple near my home with a wonderful teacher. I must say the

practice is very slowly, almost imperceptibility introducing a level of

ecstatic calm that is nourishing beyond measure. The truths I am

cultivating through the practice inform my life so that my life is the

practice if this makes sense...


All this to say I am grateful for your inspiration, for your presence

and to know that there are so many around the world cultivating

graceful, radiant, devotion...


I am on day 36 of my first 40 days of the 10 subtle bodies which has

been so many things, the commitment and the practice is a curious mirror

as I moved from excitement, to boredom to mine deeper truths...for

moments it is as if a veil lifts and the sublime nature of reality

unfurls...there is such depth, such radiance, - I don't know how

exactly to convey the subtlety or the wonder - I am not one prone to

the dramatic, have a long mediation practice and have trained myself to

simply be present without falling into the swirl so to speak; trained

myself to cultivate a neutrality and yet as this 40 day progresses I

feel a deepening, a quickening in a way that I could not have

anticipated...it is as if there is a mystical sweetness to life amid all

the traffic, the homeless, the poverty, the suffering (I live and work

in a highly urban environment) and I am often moved to rails of laughter

or quiet tears ... And I am so very grateful for this precious, precious

gift of a human life and the technology if you will of kundalini...


All this to say Yes, Yes and again Yes please count me in on Saturday...


Brenna in Vancouver




[Kundaliniyoga] On Behalf Of seattle sue

February 23, 2006 11:01 AM


Re: Kundalini Yoga all together now?



WOW!!! wahe guru!! look at our group!

guru bala, sydney, australia



guru prem kaur, florence, kentucky

dharam, millis, massachusetts

guru gopal (joan): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


sadhana k., eckernfoerde, germany

deva singh (pierre), northern germany

and yours truly, seattle sue!

we haven't picked a day yet. any suggestions, numerologically and/or

astrologically speaking? we could just throw a dart at a calendar and

say, oh, this coming saturday, the 25th? that gives a couple more days

to catch more people, and doing it on a weekend makes it more flexible

for everybody, i'm thinking.

so, what do you all think of this saturday? any time, any time zone!

i'll do it with the consciousness of holding space for all of us to

really find and live in our own power. you're right, al, that doing it

together will allow us to tap into the group energy. look out!!! just

like joan's message about the group who chants om on easter. sat nam,

sat prem! sue







Kundalini Yoga - for the best online

selection of Books, Videos and DVDs on Kundalini Yoga, based on ancient

technology as brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan. Also a great range of

beautiful Meditation and Mantra CDs, all with RealAudio sound clips.

- visit


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I would be honered to join. I'm in Martin, Tennessee. I think sunrise would be

a lovely time on any day.









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Sat Nam!

I'm ready!

Community=Sat Sangat

I always enjoy doing things with a group! When would be the best day

for this? I'm outside of Baltimore Maryland! Lets hear it from the east


Wahe Guru!

Siri Chand Singh

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Sat Nam Everyobody,

I have been doing the nabhi kriya for a while and would love do it

collectively! So count me in ...










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Hey Teresa,


My name means blessed with wisdom (guru) & innocence(bala) Bala also

means strength but in this context it means innocence. The more I

meditate on the name the more I understand why!


In love & light,


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Sat Nam all,


as we are doing 3rd chakra work perhaps the 3 march would be a good

date to do Nabhi kriya?


In love & light,


Kundaliniyoga, EvelynHorsch wrote:


> Sat Nam, all,


> for me Saturday is fine, I would do it in the morning, holding all

the group

> in light throughout the set and a subsequent meditation (perhaps

choose one

> together).


> Bless and bliss

> Sadhana K., Eckernfoerde, Germany





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our group grows!!! we've added:


brenna in vancouver - what a lovely post about your experience with

kundalini, brenna!

lee ann, in martin, tennessee

siri chand singh, baltimore, maryland

preeti, sydney, australia

sadhana seva, philadelphia, pennsylvania


joseph norton, new south wales, australia


joseph asks what time we'll practice and how to coordinate it across

time zones. my feeling is to let people choose their own time. for some

it will be sunrise (you go, lee ann!). for me, i'm afraid that if i miss

the time we set as a group, i'll just say "forget it" and give up. i

want to keep up! so i personally would like to let it be up to each

person. also, that's a lot of time zones!!! how would we find a time

when everyone is awake?!

i will make a list of all our names to put on my altar on that day. :)

we have 18 peoplee responding so far!! a lucky number in the jewish

tradition (it means LIFE!)! wahe guru!!

- seattle sue



seattle sue wrote:


> WOW!!! wahe guru!! look at our group!

> guru bala, sydney, australia

> teresa

> al

> guru prem kaur, florence, kentucky

> dharam, millis, massachusetts

> guru gopal (joan): HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

> karin/prithi

> sadhana k., eckernfoerde, germany

> deva singh (pierre), northern germany

> and yours truly, seattle sue!


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You're right Sue! Wahe Guru! And you can add two more

to the list. My mum and I are in London and will

happily join in. I e-mailed the group a while ago to

ask advice as Mum was due to start chemotherapy. She

is doing a short daily Kundalini routine and is doing

great! This was such a lovely suggestion for us all to

unite on this one. Much love to you all,


Emily and Ginny





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