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ulcerative colitis help needed

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Dear All, Sat Nam


I was wondering if any one could suggest a yoga set or

meditation for ulcerative colitis. Two of my friends

have this and I was wondering if it would be possible

to help them using alternative medicine or yoga.


Looking forward for your reply.


Warmest Regards,


Dharam Dev







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Sat Nam,

you might try the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SDC) many have found it helpful

for a totally dietary approach. There is a book written by the originator who

used this diet to cure her daughter. Warmest regards,


Vito Mirinavicius <job4vito

Tue Feb 14 07:57:42 CST 2006


Kundalini Yoga ulcerative colitis help needed


Dear All, Sat Nam


I was wondering if any one could suggest a yoga set or

meditation for ulcerative colitis. Two of my friends

have this and I was wondering if it would be possible

to help them using alternative medicine or yoga.


Looking forward for your reply.


Warmest Regards,


Dharam Dev











Kundalini Yoga - for the best online selection

of Books, Videos and DVDs on Kundalini Yoga, based on ancient technology as

brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan. Also a great range of beautiful Meditation

and Mantra CDs, all with RealAudio sound clips.

- visit


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Hey Dharam -

as far as yoga - the nabhi kriya is great, or pretty

much any set for the navel and/or elimination. Just

remember, one has to be consistent and do something

every day! Vatskar Kriya is supposed to be good for

any digestive difficulty - it's found in the book

Sadhana Guidelines - it's exercise 1 of the

Elimination (apana) exercises on p. 55, but it can

also be practiced alone. The bound lotus kriya is

also great for any digestive issue.

they might also check out the book Patient, Heal

Thyself -

it's written a man who healed himself from Crohn's

disease (another usually chronic, incurable digestive

disease) through diet and supplements. he then

founded Garden of Life, which is a company that makes

supplements - so in some ways the book is basically an

advertisement for their products - but they're really

good and have helped many people heal. I also

recommend having your friends investigate a diet of

mostly raw, living foods. . . at least completely

eliminating refined sugar and flour of any kind. My

sister has ulcerative colitis, but she's content on

the western meds, and thankfully has suffered no side


good luck

love Ardas

--- Vito Mirinavicius <job4vito wrote:


> Dear All, Sat Nam


> I was wondering if any one could suggest a yoga set

> or

> meditation for ulcerative colitis. Two of my friends

> have this and I was wondering if it would be

> possible

> to help them using alternative medicine or yoga.


> Looking forward for your reply.


> Warmest Regards,


> Dharam Dev





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Sat Nam Vito,

certainly your friends may well benefit from dietary changes. The most

simple way to find out if their condition is worsened by their diet is

to go on the standard diet that is used to uncover food sensitivities.

This does not require buying cleansing kits or any added expense of

things like an organic juice fast. (Which is not to denigrate these

practices, merely to say that they may not be necessary as the first

simple step in diagnosing the actual problem.) If you google

"elimination diet" you will find much information on what foods to

allow (very mild foods like yams, white fish, lamb, rice, pears, for

example), which foods to cut out (anything corn or wheat related, rye,

coffee, spices, etc) and then slowly re-introduce one by one to see

how the body reacts. This is a somewhat long process, and it requires

paying attention to one's body and keeping a journal to track reactions.


Any nutritionalist, or doctor who specializes in allergies, will be

able to guide a patient through the process but it's also very simple

to do on one's own. (In case you live in a country where doctor

supervision is expensive and there is no national medicare system.)

Your friend's doctor who treats their ulcerative colitis should also

be able to walk them through the steps. Effectively, any cleansing

product that goes along with a juice and rice/mung beans diet is doing

the same thing without actually investigating whether the root cause

of the problem is associated with a particular food that you may be

sensitive to. Once again, cleanses can be useful and fasting always

has the potential to make one feel euphoric, but usually it is better

to uncover the cause of a problem than merely treat the symptoms.

After all, why turn to alternatives if we are going to use them in the

same way that causes problems in allopathic western medicine?


As for yoga, it will naturally help any kind of bowel problem simply

because it will help to relax the person. Our intestines are very

sensitive to stress and emotions (stress causes certain reactions in

the intestines as we prepare to fight or take flight). So both

exercises that reduce stress and ones that engage and massage the

bowels (all in the lower abdomen) are likely to be helpful to your

friends. As always, they should pay attention to their body and be

gentle and loving as they feed and exercise. The nourishment of love

and attention is very powerful in itself.

blessings to your and your friends


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Sat Nam Dharam Dev,

This situation is, at its roots, a normal and healthy reaction to


acid bile and unnaturally acid mucus in the intestines. What to do? Cleanse

the liver. When things are right, the bile is Alkaline. When things are

toxic, the bile is acidic. When the bile is acidic, grains and the fat

soluble in foods don't get digested very well and the body reacts to this

with mucuses. If this situation persists them ulcers develop (Yogiji has

actaully even taught that there is "no cure" for Hemmorhoids, but that one

could keeps things under control by keeping the liver healthy) Get on a

cleanse or even use the Melon Diet (check the archives for full details).

Get to place where one feels what wellness is like, again, and from that

inspired place take the steps necessary to remain as close to that health as

possible. Resolve to do some juicing a few times a week and/or eat less

wheat, meat, or whatever is their issue food and to change their

mental/emotional state if stress is the norm for them. Yoga is part of this,

BUT not simply to try and "cure" the situation but to heal the whole

individual's ability to handle his/her life in ALL areas (the Liver IS known

as the "Ocean of Emotion" in ). The ulcerated colitis is

just a symptom that they are out of control, and a blessed warning of worse

to come, if they don't fix it. Unblock and smooth out that Liver Chi ASAP

(Hint: when we're irritable, that's a pretty good indicator that Liver Chi

is blocked).


** I am including instructions for "Saro Nari Sohi Pranayam" below. Do it

for 40, 90, 120 days.


Further info


"In the textbook of Medical Physiology by Guyton, describes the various

buffer systems to protect the body against acids. Textbook of

Gastroenterology by Yamada and Clinical Gastroenterology by Spiro, describe

the damages caused when bile becomes unnaturally acid. It has been shown by

these authors that cancer of the bowel is often associated with bile acids.

Mucin and mucus are natural protective liquids that are excreted by the

mucous cells, globlet cells and crypts of Lieberkuhn throughout the stomach

and intestines to help protect the delicate mucosal membranes from acids and

toxins. Guyton explains that: "Even the slightest irritation of the mucosa

directly stimulates the mucous cells to secrete copious quantities of this

thick, viscid mucus. This in turn forms a gastric barrier that prevents the

digestion of the gastric wall and also greatly reduces the absorption of

substances by the gastric mucosa."


"Another well known fact is that 90% of the ulcers that develop in the human

body are found in the duodenum. This occurs primarily in an area of the

duodenum where the Brunner's glands are located. Normally, the Brunner's

glands secrete large amounts of mucus, which naturally protects the body

from the acids. Ulcers develop only after the body has lost its ability to

create *alkaline* mucus. My point is that acids can severely damage the

gastrointestinal tract, and the normal method of defense is to create



As indicated above, various bowel diseases occur after the bile has become

too acid. Bile is created by the liver and flows to the gall bladder. All

the bile that flows from the liver to the gall bladder has a pH from 7.6 -

8.6. But after the bile leaves the gall bladder, it can become very acid,

even as low as 4.5. Many people, in fact, most people, are rapidly moving

towards disease states and one of the steps towards disease occurs when they

have lost the ability to maintain alkaline bile, and acid bile develops"





** Saro Nari Sohi Pranayam

Do some full body warm-ups and then the below pranayam. Also, get an

understanding of yourself through the eyes of Nature - in other words

learn something about your Ayurvedic constitution and how you can work

with what is going on for you.

[ http://www.sahej.com/ayurveda_intro.html ]

[ http://www.sahej.com/Ahamkara.html ]

[ http://www.sahej.com/Asana_and_Ayurveda.html ]



Saro Nari Sohi Pranayam with the Siri Gaitri Mantra


Sit in easy pose or in lotus pose. Keep the spine straight and the body

balanced. Concentrate at the root of the nose where the eyebrows meet on

the forehead. Close the eyelids to 1/ 10th open. Place the hands in

prayer pose at the center of the chest or in gyan mudra: the tip of the

index finger touches the tip of the thumb. The hands rest over the knees

with the elbows straight. Curl the tongue and extrude the tongue about

1/2 inch past the lips. Inhale through the "U" of the tongue in eight

equal stokes. Place the mantra on the strokes. One mantra per eight

strokes of the inhale. Then exhale in eight equal strokes through the

nose. Make the breath precise and forceful. Mentally place the mantra on

the breath as you exhale, one mantra for the eight strokes. The Siri

Gaitri Mantra is:




Use a melody as in Kirtan Kriya or use a monotone when mentally reciting

the mantra. Continue the meditation for 11 to 31 minutes. Then inhale

deeply, hold briefly and relax.




This meditation must be built slowly. Start with 3 to 11 minutes. The

pranayam is very powerful. It can adjust all the meridians and healing

channels in the body. Treat it with respect and keep a glass of water

handy. It will give you fantastic digestion. It will supply you with

energy when you are sure there is none. It is a healing meditation that

can empower your entire immune system. It is the type of mediation that

you must approach with patience and regularity to mine its hidden

secrets. It is worth the effort.



On 2/14/06, Vito Mirinavicius <job4vito wrote:


> Dear All, Sat Nam


> I was wondering if any one could suggest a yoga set or

> meditation for ulcerative colitis. Two of my friends

> have this and I was wondering if it would be possible

> to help them using alternative medicine or yoga.


> Looking forward for your reply.


> Warmest Regards,


> Dharam Dev






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Interesting Dharm. That's great info. The liver is key.




One comment: If Yogiji said there was no treatment to heal hemorrhoids,

there's a way to heal them without treatment!


What I have noticed is the feeling I get when hemorrhoids appear and you

know what the feeling is each time?


I feel screwed. I feel taken advantage of. So I integrate that and heal by

learning my lesson.


The hemorrhoids always go way after that.






Awtar Singh


Rochester, NY





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  • 3 years later...



How did you come to know this info about Ulcerative colitis (that bile is acidic etc..). Also from where did you get this pranyama technique that you suggested?

I have been suffering from UC for the last 2 years and out of curiosity I am asking you. I trust you have given good information because when I do Sitali and Sitkari pranayam (something closer to the pranayama you suggested), it looks like the symptoms reduce a lot based on my personal experience.


But I am still wondering how you have this info, I am curious to know more about it. Please I request you to tell me.




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