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OM and ONG

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Dear list,


I just came across the question: What is the difference between OM and ONG ?


Are these different symbols, different signs, different energies? So far I

had the opinion it should be the same....

Does anybody know? Any input?



Blessings and light,


Adarsh S.

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Jürgen Laske <jlaske wrote:Dear list,


I just came across the question: What is the difference between OM and ONG ?


Are these different symbols, different signs, different energies? So far I

had the opinion it should be the same....

Does anybody know? Any input?



Blessings and light,


Adarsh S.




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Dear Adarsh S.:


here I transcribe you an answer of Gururattan Kaur

about a similar question from a Tibetan budist.


Sat Nam.







OM opens the crown chakra and transcendental consciousness. The sound of OM

is the eternal silence of the universe. The chanting of OM connects us to

what is, was and always will be. It is very peaceful. This is the sound

that we wish to hear when we meditate. We want to recognize this dimension

of reality so it is easily recognizable when we die. Knowing this reality

makes us fearless in this life. It gives us a stable point of reference in

the changeable world of physical reality.


ONG is the creative aspect of universal energy. ONG makes things happen.

Chanted correctly, it activates the pituitary gland. The ONG must be

vibrated in the nasal passages and the center of the head. The vibration

should be felt in the lower chakras. The powerful vibration stimulates the

pituitary to secret. The pituitary gland is connected to the second chakra.

Together the sixth and second chakras they give us the power to be creative

in the world.


In Kundalini Yoga we chant ONG because this path is about being able to

manifest while we stay connected to the eternal sound of the universe. The

exclusive chanting of OM tends to make us spacey and fosters the desire to

escape from the world. That is great for when we leave our bodies. In the

meantime, we need to relate to the physical plane, earn a living, manifest

our dreams and make our contribution to the world.


If you chant OM, enjoy it and then finish your practice with 3-10 ONG"S and

grounding exercises so you can be effective in your daily endeavors. We

want to be here while we are here. Actually we want to get in our bodies

before we leave. The earthly journey will be over soon enough. We want to

enjoy this special moment in time and space.


I would appreciate your feedback if you decided to integrate both OM and ONG

into your practice. They do have very different effects and it would be

interesting to observe and share how they impact your life.


Many blessings and peace,


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur









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Dear Adarsh Singh,


I just came across the question: What is the difference between OM and ONG ?


* Do you have my book Love It with all Your Heart? I have several pages on this



The summary


Om -- the inert, stable, unchanging universal vibration. What you experience

after you die.

Very peaceful, but not the vibration for productivity.


Ong -- the creative force of the universe that manifests on earth. We use this

vibration to connect universal creativity in the physical dimention.


Yogi Bhajan taught us Ong so that we would stay here and get something done

instead of escape into the sweet bliss of out of body experiences. We can do

that when we leave our bodies.


SAt Nam,


Gururattan Kaur





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Kundaliniyoga, Jürgen Laske <jlaske@g...>


> Dear list,


> I just came across the question: What is the difference between OM

and ONG ?


> Are these different symbols, different signs, different energies?

So far I

> had the opinion it should be the same....

> Does anybody know? Any input?



> Blessings and light,


> Adarsh S.


***** Hi Adarsh....

I had my first KY class last night & the teacher began by

explaining that we would be using the mantra, ONG. She said it had to

do with the placement of the tongue on the roof of the mouth & the

particular vibration that it evoked. Made sense, as they do FEEL

different. ANYWAY...was a great first class & we're all beginers.

Appreciate this forum for support!!!

Namaste' Debbie

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Sat Nam,

Chant Ong Na Mo Guru Dev Na Mo for 120 times (One set in the morning and one set

before you sleep). Spend at least 5 minutes of silence after you chant the

sacred words.



amit mehta <amitmehta557 wrote:




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Sat Naam,


I was taught that OM takes us beyond to connect with the Divine, and ONG

brings it right down to us. Let me know if you want more information about

OM as I have studied more about that. I would like to hear more about ONG

from the list.


Thank you soul friends

ranjit k.


>Jürgen Laske <jlaske



>Kundalini Yoga OM and ONG

>Wed, 21 Jan 2004 05:02:10 +0800


>Dear list,


>I just came across the question: What is the difference between OM and ONG



>Are these different symbols, different signs, different energies? So far I

>had the opinion it should be the same....

>Does anybody know? Any input?



>Blessings and light,


>Adarsh S.




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