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Sadhana/Meditation Question - North, South, East, or West?

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Sat Nam & Greetings Everyone.


This must be my fourth try at sending this question out to the group, and to

date, I've not

received an answer. So here goes one more time...


I've been hoping to get an answer to a pretty basic Sadhana/Meditation question,

which relates to

the direction one is facing while meditating. By this I mean, should we be

facing North, South,

East, or West? I have been facing East. Does it matter?


Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.


All the best,






Kindest regards,MvGHM

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Your question did come through but I can't help you

with the answer but I am sure someone on here can.



--- MHM <mvghm wrote:

> Sat Nam & Greetings Everyone.


> This must be my fourth try at sending this question

> out to the group, and to date, I've not

> received an answer. So here goes one more time...


> I've been hoping to get an answer to a pretty basic

> Sadhana/Meditation question, which relates to

> the direction one is facing while meditating. By

> this I mean, should we be facing North, South,

> East, or West? I have been facing East. Does it

> matter?


> Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.


> All the best,





> =====

> Kindest regards,MvGHM




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In the Kundalini-Shakti tradition I received training in, the general suggestion

was to face East, since the subtle magnetic currents flow FROM East to West,

and in this way one may take advantage of the VERY SUBTLE currents in opening

the Spiritual Eye. After one has attained Illumination of Consciousness, been

immersed in the Supreme Light, then one may benefit from facing North for

ultimate Liberation. These directions are based on very subtle electromagnetic

currents and flow of Shakti. My own personal experience has shown me that The

MOST important element, obviously, is simply to MEDITATE on a REGULAR basis, no

matter which direction one is facing. I hope this may help answer your question.

I have not seen this in Yogi Bhajan's writings, however. Perhaps another member

may be able to provide more insight.


Blessings and Love,

Buddy Carl Pounds

MHM <mvghm wrote:

Sat Nam & Greetings Everyone.


This must be my fourth try at sending this question out to the group, and to

date, I've not

received an answer. So here goes one more time...


I've been hoping to get an answer to a pretty basic Sadhana/Meditation question,

which relates to

the direction one is facing while meditating. By this I mean, should we be

facing North, South,

East, or West? I have been facing East. Does it matter?


Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.


All the best,






Kindest regards,MvGHM






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Hi! I'm Charlie, a Filipino. Yoga is a realization of universal Conciousness,

the God Within. We do not need any particular direction in meditation as long

as we focus our attention to our ultimate goal...oneness


MHM <mvghm wrote:Sat Nam & Greetings Everyone.


This must be my fourth try at sending this question out to the group, and to

date, I've not

received an answer. So here goes one more time...


I've been hoping to get an answer to a pretty basic Sadhana/Meditation question,

which relates to

the direction one is facing while meditating. By this I mean, should we be

facing North, South,

East, or West? I have been facing East. Does it matter?


Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.


All the best,






Kindest regards,MvGHM

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Question: I have been facing East. Does it matter?


Answer: I am reading the wonderfull book The splendor of the sun by Gurunam


i think that i will do Kundalini Yoga towards the SUN, so in the

morning towards EST.




Hope it helps


Marco B.





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I share your curiosity on this subject. I too face the

east while meditating. In Hindu customs and religiou

activites east facing is considered the"purest "

direction. West facing would do. North and south

should be avoided. i try to follow the same code.


Sat Nam!





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Sat Naam


I don't know what the Kundalini Yoga teaching is on this, but I learned

through other traditions that the best orientation is East, second best is

North, the magnetic qualities of these directions are best for meditating.

Then South, then West is last, more negative energy can come from that



ranjit k.



>MHM <mvghm



>Kundalini Yoga Sadhana/Meditation Question - North, South, East,

>or West?

>Wed, 5 Nov 2003 20:25:01 -0800 (PST)


>Sat Nam & Greetings Everyone.


>This must be my fourth try at sending this question out to the group, and

>to date, I've not

>received an answer. So here goes one more time...


>I've been hoping to get an answer to a pretty basic Sadhana/Meditation

>question, which relates to

>the direction one is facing while meditating. By this I mean, should we be

>facing North, South,

>East, or West? I have been facing East. Does it matter?


>Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.


>All the best,






>Kindest regards,MvGHM




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Sat Naam


Even though I was taught West is the least auspicious direction for

meditation, I do like facing the direction of the Sun for Yoga. I practice

facing the sunset in the evening -- I have a gorgeous Western view through

bay windows in my place and on my roof!


One reason for this, is the hours of 4 - 6PM have similar qualities as the

same AM hours so is the second best time for sadhana.


Also, I have used feng shui techniques in my apartment to counter the

incoming negative Western energy, for example, hanging crystals in the

windows is one of the best things you can do. Also bells in the middle of

the room.


~ ranjit k.



>"mb" <maber



>Re: Kundalini Yoga Sadhana/Meditation Question - North, South,

>East, or West?

>Fri, 7 Nov 2003 09:43:11 +0100




>Question: I have been facing East. Does it matter?


>Answer: I am reading the wonderfull book The splendor of the sun by

>Gurunam and

> i think that i will do Kundalini Yoga towards the SUN, so

>in the morning towards EST.




>Hope it helps


>Marco B.









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