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KY and lower back pain

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Hi everyone, I have no history of any back pain, although I've always had

poor posture and a slightly protruding spinal cord (I generally sit slumped

over with my chest closed and the weidht in the middle of my back...which I

think ahs a lot to do with poor self-esteem, closed heart center and a

"weak core" but that's besides the point)


About two months ago I started taking a KY class two mornings a week

(before thought I had taken a hatha yoga class off and on for about 6

months and generally the sun salutation at least is part of my morning

prayer ritual). About a month after I started the class (at the beginning

of October) after a particularly intense week of working the lower back

(lots of leg lifts) I began to notice some pain in my lower back, like it

feels squished and compacted and there is this dull burning sensation down

towards the bottom of the spine. Occasionally the are shooting pains

slightly up the side of the spine as well. This occasionally gets so bad

that I have to lie down to take the pressure of my spine. Last week I

skipped my KY classes because the pain was getting so bad, this week I went

to class and took all the modifications: feet on the floor, hands

underneath the lower back/buttocks, small movements, etc but now my back is

pretty aggravated again. I do have a history of some other chronic health

problems (which is one thing that brought me to KY to begin with) but I've

never had back pain (i'm only 23), although I have always had a somewhat

sensitive lower back because of bad posture and I know I hold a lot of

tension in the lower back (i have some problems with anxiety)


After doing my hatha yoga class regularly I began to get some discomfort in

my back, but that was more because I was noticing my posture starting to

shift and my weight was being correctly proportioned for the first time in

a long time. There is some of that going on here, but more than that, I

really feel like maybe I am hurting myself. Should I continue doing the

yoga or just switch back to gentler hatha yoga exercises and keep doing KY

mantras and mudras?


If I am sitting down the pain is in like the second and third and fourth

vertebrates from my tailbone. Squished and burning is the best way I can

describe it. Any advice would be good.




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Dear Eric,

I kind of know how you are feeling about your back,

coz i too had this problem (i too am only 23!).I think

you should stop doing heavy duty back exercises

completely either in hatha yoga or ky. Regular

massages with any good ayurvedic oil will help a lot.

instead of doing any exercise to cure your back, i

suggest you try walking as much as you can.your back

is probably not ready for those exercises.hope that



Sat Nam





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Dear Eric,

I have no history of any back pain, although I've always had > poor posture

and a slightly protruding spinal cord (I generally sit slumped > over with

my chest closed and the weidht in the middle of my back...which I > think

ahs a lot to do with poor self-esteem, closed heart center and a

> "weak core" but that's besides the point)



THis not definitely not besides the point. You need to work on opening the

heart chakra. THe navel center has to be strong to support and open heart.



> of October) after a particularly intense week of working the lower back >

(lots of leg lifts) I began to notice some pain in my lower back, like it >

feels squished and compacted and there is this dull burning sensation down

> towards the bottom of the spine. Occasionally the are shooting pains >

slightly up the side of the spine as well. This occasionally gets so bad

that I have to lie down to take the pressure of my spine.


You need to rest and heal before starting even modifications. But you

definetly need to strength the navel center. You can work with breath of

fire and then add very gently exercises for the abdominal muscles and back.



> sensitive lower back because of bad posture and I know I hold a lot of >

tension in the lower back (i have some problems with anxiety)


So your navel energy is used up in anxiety. Work on calming yourself down

from the inside out with meditation and breathing and then you will have the

energy to devote to the excersises.


> really feel like maybe I am hurting myself. Should I continue doing the >

yoga or just switch back to gentler hatha yoga exercises and keep doing KY >

mantras and mudras?


Switch back to gentle stretches and strengthening and build up from there.

Also do other KY to energize and strengthen the heart center and release

tension in upper body. Then the energy can come down.


Sat nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dear Eric,


The advice you've received thus far is good advice. I'd like to

offer my 2 cents as well.


I had back surgery over a year ago for herniated/ruptured/bulging

disks. (and then was in a car accident that re-injured my back) (FYI -

I'm 28 - had surgery at 26.)

So, I've done countless Physical Therapy sessions, and exercise and

research on back pain.


If you have any shooting pains whatsoever you need to go see a spine

doctor. (if you can) It may be a mechanical problem that can't be

fixed with yoga.


I have found yoga to be the only thing that has kept me pain free for

the last 4 months after PT was over, so I will never discount it's

power. But it is important that if you have this type of severe back

pain you do some research and seek professional help. And make sure

it's a good doctor who listens to you or you're wasting your time.


Check out this web site for excellent information on back heath.



Sat Nam.

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