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Its a Boy!!Please Help me again

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Satnam ji,

Congratulations on you new baby. You are a mother now a position that is

honored by God for you are the vehicle to which he chose to bring forth his

child. I understand what you are going through. You are deprived of sleep so

this makes you crazy.Having a c-section must have also been very difficult. I

am presently trying to concieve so I am so happy for you. I would just love

to have a baby boy to love and take care of. Anyway...

Are there any gurdwaras near you? I am sure if you ask for help from the

community some of the women and teenagers can help you. Go to the head person

and request that they help you and go to the services so people get to know

you. If you are isolated you will get no help. People love babies. Humble

yourself to the community.

I also saw a feature on Oprah about support groups for moms. She might have

a link on her web site. You need help there is no douth about it.For your

baby sake and yours.Play meditative music near the baby and make sure you are

taking care of your health. This stage will not last forever and you will

make it through one day at a time. Think of all the women in your life and

get courage from them, your mother, your grandmother your aunt ect.Take

shifts with your husband demand that he takes responsibility.If your anger

and depression gets to much call your local hospital or docter and seek help

from a professional.

A baby sitter for just 2 hours a day so you can get some rest is worth it Do

this for at least 2 weeks until you recuperate.

You can also call one of the 3ho centers near you and see if there is anyone

willing to do a 40 days for you. We think a woman should have a 40 days

sevadar after birth. I don' t know where you live so I can;t find any leads

for you

Finally pray to God to take care of you and the baby. He will provide

I wish you well and keep us updated it will help you connect and express your


s.i.r. khalsa




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I have delivered a baby Boy on the 8th of October,but it as ended up

a a C-section...as it would have endangerd my

child.........otherwise, his name is Raajveer Singh sokhi.



I request another help from all of you...i donot have any elder as

no could be with me from India....i am alone taking care of my son

and husband who is sufffering fron rheumatoid Arthritis even though

my husband is trying his best to help me!!!


I am a wreck haven't slept since so many days the baby is fussy wants

to be fed after every 5 minutes to half an hour i am going mad and

feel like dying



can you'll help me with some good suggestions i need advice

support............i am did not have proper restfrom the day i was

discharged even though i had a c-section.....i feel very very



Please guide me are any tips from yogiji for mothers like me......my

baby is just 5 lbs.........



Soniya sokhi

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Sat Nam,


I see from this letter that you need ideas on where to ask for help. Call a

local high school or a nearby church and ask neighbors. Lets all pray that

some angel shows up to assist. Where do you live? Maybe there is someone

on the list in your area.


..i am did not have proper restfrom the day i was

> discharged even though i had a c-section.....i feel very very >



At least you should know that this is normal. Not fun, but normal.



Many blessings,


Gururattan Kaur

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Congratulations on the birth of your son! That's wonderful news. I

read your email and just kept thinking to myself, "boy can I remember

when..." My youngest son is now 4. He was probably the 'worst' when

it came to rest. I was nursing him, and he wanted to feed every 30 -

45 minutes. And he would nurse for 20. So every hour I was nursing.

It took him about 2 months before he was sleeping through the night.

Even at night he was up every 2-3 hours. And I remember nights I

would hear him. Get up and nurse him in the rocker near our bed.

Then, next thing I remember was hearing him cry again, opening my

eyes and find I'm laying in bed. The last thing I remembered was

sitting in the chair nursing him. Even when you feel like you have no

energy left, it's amazing what rushes through your body when you

realize you don't remember where you put your baby. A few seconds

later you realize that you did put him back in the cradle. Those were

the scariest times for me. I thought I fell asleep and dropped him or

something while I was nursing (but thankfully that never happened).

But there were other times, when I would just look down at him as he

was nursing. Occasionally he would open his eyes and look up at me.

He had these adorable sighs of contentment. Believe it or not, the

two things I loved most was pregnancy and nursing. And I REALLy loved

nursing him.


It got to the point where I would sleep everytime he did. Wash piled

up for awhile, so did the dishes. If your husband is able to at least

help out with preparing some simple food. Don't worry about the house

or anything else. Just make sure you are eating/drinking enough.

Sleep when he does and don't try to do too much except nurse him. I

got to the point with my daughter, that I would sleep in a spare bed

we had. I slept with her. When she would wake up, I would nurse her

in bed. Then roll over and nurse the other side. You can get through

this. God doesn't give you more than you can handle....all though at

times you may feel like he does. Enjoy your son. There will be a time

(and yes sooner than you think) when you will begin to say "I

remember when....."



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congratulations to a healthy little baby boy.


Next, what you describe about your little one wanting to eat every 5 min. to 1/2

hr is what my granddauther just went through last April. She was totally

exhausted and frustrated from the baby's constant demands day and night. - -

It took the Dr. almost 2 months to figure out that she shouldn't nurse because

of milk allergies - the baby's stomach discomfort kept her crying constantly,

sleeping only a few minutes here and there out of pure exhaustion. . After

changing her to a non-milk formula she was a happy and content little person

sleeping through the night and hrs on end during the day.


This may be your baby's problem too. It may be worth investigating and then

you'll be able to get more rest yourself and your own strength back.


Love and best wishes. Ruth



Its a Boy!!Please Help me again





I have delivered a baby Boy on the 8th of October,but it as ended up

a a C-section...as it would have endangerd my child.


I am a wreck haven't slept since so many days the baby is fussy wants

to be fed after every 5 minutes to half an hour i am going mad and

feel like dying



can you'll help me with some good suggestions i need advice

support............i am did not have proper restfrom the day i was

discharged even though i had a c-section.....i feel very very







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My husband is helping me a lot though he is himself sick and

suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis .....i am staying at



Will i really get help if i call the gurudwaras and what king of

help..........My friends did help till yesterday by providing food

from today i am trying to cook although did not succeed







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Dear Soniya,


..i am staying at > Brea,Ca..........


Anyone on the list from Brea?



> Will i really get help if i call the gurudwaras


If you actually have Sikh gurudwaras there you could get help. They are very

loving and service oriented people. You need to make a list of exactly what

you need and what others could do for you, so you know what to ask for.


..My friends did help till yesterday by providing food

> from today i am trying to cook although did not succeed



So great you have friends. Make the same list and ask them for continued

support for the next few weeks at least.


You have to ask to receive. There are a lot of kind generous people in the

world, but they have to be asked in order to give.


SAt Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Dear Soniya,


Heidis ideas are good. I would just add to ask one of your friends to call

around. They will have the energy for it. Then all you have to do is make a

list of what you need and would accept and ask one friend. That will lighten

your load.


Interesting how we often can't or don't ask for help. Then others can't

give to us. I was laughing the other day when I thought of the



We want others to know what we want before we know ourselves and to give it

to us before we ask. Humm. the human conditon.


SAt nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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Dear Soniya,

Hope that some of the suggestions given will help. Nevertheless

even though we cannot be there in person our love and prayers will be with you.

Let us know how it goes.


Sincerely yours

Hari Sant Singh


Give up your sense of mine and yours and become the dust of the feet of all. God

resides in every heart.






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> Interesting how we often can't or don't ask for help. Then others

> can't

> give to us.


I have been through c section, and other major surgery, and I had very

little help.

So what I think I can say to you, DO ask for help, try anything to get

help, but you must help yourself. And that means, don't do anything that

you dont have to do. Why are you cooking? Serve cornflakes and fruit for

dinner!!!!! Eat off paper plates, order take away, whatever you need to

make less work for you. Sleep, eat, feed the baby. That's all.

Best wishes, believe me, in a few weeks things will be much better


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I have to agree 1000% with Shoshana. I had the same surgery with no help

or family and it was horrible! It did teach me to ask for help, and take

a vacation from all the duties you think are yours! Even now when I know

I will be very busy, I make a big, huge pot of chili or gumbo or I order

take-out and that's it for the week and those packets of instant oatmeal

are great -warm and filling.

Shoshana is right your priorities are sleep, eat, baby.



walk in beauty


>> Interesting how we often can't or don't ask for help. Then others

>> can't

>> give to us.



> Why are you cooking? Serve cornflakes and fruit for

> dinner!!!!! Eat off paper plates, order take away, whatever you need to

> make less work for you. Sleep, eat, feed the baby. That's all.

> Best wishes, believe me, in a few weeks things will be much better

> shoshana

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Hi Soniya,

You will need help for more than a day so please ask for help from your

friend again, maybe she can come every day for an hour to help cook,

clean, etc till you feel better.

We want you to get the help you need.

Deanna on West Island Ma. USA


*Make A Connection* People who feel lonely, depressed, or isolated are 3

to 5 times more likely to get sick & die

prematurely. A spiritual teacher once asked, "What is the difference

between illness & wellness?" Walking to

the blackboard, he wrote "illness" & circled the letter, i. He then

wrote "wellness" & circled the letters, we. Support

each other! :)

@( ~ ~ )@ & Nizhoni-Tipsoo @=@

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>Its a Boy!!Please Help me again


Hi, Soniya,


You might be suffering from the postpartum depression. Sometimes after giving

birth the hormone level changes are causing it. Consult your doctor, he/she

might make good suggestions for you.


Also, someone mentioned that the baby might be suffering from the food

allergies. Watch what you eat, avoid spicy food, citrus, sugar, cabbage. Also

your milk could be too fat, look what color it has, and consistency. You might

need to drink more water. Or your baby could simply be hungry because it is

difficult for him to get enough.


Don't panic, it does get better. You just need to adjust and find your way



Take care,







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Dear Soniya,

I live very close to you in Fullerton and would be delighted to help. You

can contact me at Dawnsstars and I will give you my phone number.

Hang in there!


Sat Nam, Dawn




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  • 2 months later...

Where is Soniya? How is Soniya? The Baby? Her husband and his Rheumatic Disease?

Send them the sweetness,

Dharam Singh


soniyasokhi wrote:


> Satnam,


> I have delivered a baby Boy on the 8th of October,but it as ended up

> a a C-section...as it would have endangerd my

> child.........otherwise, his name is Raajveer Singh sokhi.


> I request another help from all of you...i donot have any elder as

> no could be with me from India....i am alone taking care of my son

> and husband who is sufffering fron rheumatoid Arthritis even though

> my husband is trying his best to help me!!!


> I am a wreck haven't slept since so many days the baby is fussy wants

> to be fed after every 5 minutes to half an hour i am going mad and

> feel like dying


> can you'll help me with some good suggestions i need advice

> support............i am did not have proper restfrom the day i was

> discharged even though i had a c-section.....i feel very very

> sad...................


> Please guide me are any tips from yogiji for mothers like me......my

> baby is just 5 lbs.........


> Satnam

> Soniya sokhi




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Sat Nam,


> Where is Soniya? How is Soniya? The Baby?


This is an old email, allthough I bet she could still use the


> Send them the sweetness,


Someone on the list volunteered to go help her. She lives somewhere in

Northern California. We haven't heard from either the volunteer of Sonya

since. We would love to hear from you.


Sat Nam,


Gururattan Kaur

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I am now living in Northern California (SF Bay Area) and would love

to help her in whatever way she needs. Please do let her know.


Sat Nam






Kundaliniyoga, "Gururattan K.Khalsa"

<rattanak@c...> wrote:

> Sat Nam,


> > Where is Soniya? How is Soniya? The Baby?


She lives somewhere in

> Northern California.

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