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Energy Overload

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Think I lost Digest Number 9, Started to delete junk mail and accidentaly

deleted it.


I don't know if my experience when I mixed yoga and chi-gung was a result of

an overload of energy. I am more inclined to think the results occured

because I

mixed two systems almost like when you go out drinking and mix different


I however do believe both systems complement each other as long as you don't


them too close together.


I also believe you do not get any adverse effects if you learn to relax the

body. In this

way the energy flows more freely. There is also some Katas Martial Artists

use to

increase the Chi Channels(Allowing you to move more energy)


When practicing Chi Gung after a while you can feel the energy. Certain


the hands become like magnets and you can almost mentally feel the play of


between your hands. My personal opinion is that you can build energy faster

with Chi-Gung

but with Tai Chi you learn how to move it. Yoga you learn to stretch and relax

so the body

can use the energy. Breath exercises in yoga increases energy a lot.


I believe that it is possible to adversly affect an client with energy but

most people do

not reach that stage, to have to worry about it. I think the most common

problem occurs

when a practitioner projects energy into a patient and all the patients

chakras are

not open, the patient is unable to bring the energy up to the higher chakras,

and an

overdrive for sex will occur.(Unwanted pregnancies could be a result)


I think the worst enemy to energy development is sex, it depletes the resovoir

and even

if you mudras in yoga, or toaist pressure points were to be used during sex to

conserve energy,

the energy gained is tainted and not pure. (This is why I think a vegetarian

diet is good because

meat causes spikes in the brain pattern, when the energy starts to build if

its not pure you surely will fail).

That is why I believe there are hardly any true mystics, if any, in the world



This is my personal opinion and I'm sure a lot of people will disagree.



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overall, i pretty much agree with you , John, except with a few minor


most people agree that sustaining from sex when first starting to

practice is a good idea. but once you have energy flow

i feel energy exchange with another person (sexual or non sexual) is the

easiest way to learn to move it.

personally, i feel enlightenment is a purely biological

mechanism(complete kundalini) proper diet, thinking, or action , IMHO,

are not responsible for it, although they can be attributed as after


i ended up being lucky in that i started practicing a martial art that

opens the first 4 chakras as a result of the movements(katas)and

specific mudra.but enerrgy movement is downplayed and some people don't

even realize the implications until later.

John, what is your defintion of a mystic?

the siddha abilities are similar to chi-gong abilities(and also match

the requirements for canonization in the catholic church)

just my .0 cents. :)


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are we like, the only 3 people on this list?


i started with yoga, and know learn more to chi-gong.

i follow a form of buddhism( i am working on becoming ordained) that

has teachings that incorporates both disciplines.

there are differences in them,but i feel they are basically the same

vehicle going to the same place, but combining them really juices you

faster (pro or con) then either one by themselves


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