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Reincarnation some thoughts enjoy:)

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madteaparty, "Jim" <jimbrandt@s...> wrote:

> This is a patently stupid argument. It all boils down to who is in

> control of whom.


> If reincarnation is "true," humans aren't really responsible for

> their own actions.

What? you really have no concept of what reincarnation or Karma means!


God really controls all human actions.


Hah! if that were true then there would be no need for any kind of

Doctrine telling us what we should or shouldn't do at all!


> If Jesus is right, God has no control over human action. That makes

> humans responsible for their own.

> I say God does not control us. That means, reinacarnation is stupid.


LMAO! No it means you are Ignorant of what reincarnation means and the

nature of it..that is, reincarnation happens(theoretically) because

Spiritually Likes Attract! Someone who has a certain outlook on life,

a certain feeling/expression/personality etc. will be naturally

attracted to those of like mind/like being, the reasons for

reincarnation are to experience physical life for the sake of

spiritual evolution, because..Spiritually Likes Attract and the

spiritual realms you go to and exist in, will only be a reflection of

yourself and those like you, and then how are you to evolve if you do

not experience Contrast/conflict? This implies that there is Something

BEYOND your present state of Consciousness and existance, something to

Evolve FOR!

So is there a state of being more enjoyable, more pleasurable, more

rewarding than the one you are experiencing now? is there anyone

happier than you? how did they get there? what makes them happier? is

it physical health? material wealth? a state of mind? or is it

probably a combination of all of these and perhaps some spiritual

advantage that allows them to experience more pleasure and find more

value in things than you do?

the reasons we would reincarnate to a certain family in a certain

part of the world is that we are attracted to them, their

'energies'(emotions,outlook on life, mentality etc.) it is all about

Affinity! In spiritual realms you percieve what it is that is most

like yourself, what is beyond you is simply that and you can't see it

or interact with it because you do Not 'Vibrate' on its' wave-length,

in other words you don't have any affinity with it. it's just like

using various instruments to view various aspects of the world, for

instance , we can't detect infrared light with our eyes, so we use

instruments to adapt them, or we can't see what is going on in another

part of a city, so we listen to the news for communication which

broadens our perspective on the world we live in, and ultimately can

change our perspectives entirely. The great advantage of Physical life

is that we can all interact together with our various perspectives and

then as a whole can exchange and share our particular perspectives

about life and our techniques for evolving to greater states of

happiness and wisdom all at one time, and having a physical body and

living in a physical world means that we HAVE something in Common, a

common "ground" if you will, that allows us to interact with

one-another, otherwise we could only perceive those like ourselves in

spiritual realms.

have you ever asked yourself how one person is able to have all

kinds of visions and is able to change the course of history with

their discoveries, while another is totally oblivious to the course of

the macrocosm, or the spiritual realms? How can one person communicate

with a spiritual being and physically see it, while another can't see

anything there at all? The Answer is Affinity and openness to that

particular vibration that the particular spirit vibrates on. Those who

are Selfish, greedy, manipulative, closed-minded etc. are firmly

placed within their own particular worlds and vibrations, and this

isolation means that even in various company they feel alone because

they are unable to experience the joy or pleasure of others around

them, they don't share Affinity, in fact they have a hard time

'Sharing' anything, mostly out of fear of the unknown, what is beyond

them, which makes them self-absorbed.

Fear is the worst enemy of evolution, spiritual and physical,

after fear comes Anger and confusion etc.

A Truly great soul is able to experience and enjoy all kinds of

company and able to find beauty in even the darkest of times because

their openness/sensitivity and spectrum of experience isn't limited by

the situation they find their bodies in. They do not fear death

because they have already died many times to their individual/selfish

selves and they recognize that they are One with all things and cannot

be destroyed.

It is said that Isolation is misery/sorrowful and painful(misery

loves Company), and so many people seek company much of their lives

and hate to be alone, and who can blame them? the reason that we

desire company is that we feel isolated and uncomfortable with

ourselves. interaction with others moves us beyond ourselves and our

worries and self-concern through intellectual, physical and spiritual

interaction. The Key is Moving Beyond Ourselves! The more Aware we are

and the more sensitive we are, the greater our potential for great

spiritual heights and thus bliss and happiness.

How much pleasure is experienced by the angels/devas or whatever

you wish to call them, or by other humans or animals or trees at the

rising of the sun etc. how much is there to enjoy? Isn't the bliss of

the love shared between two people then caused by them opening-up to

one-another and losing the borders that separate them physically as

well as spiritually? it's a bliss because it is opening up to another

part of the universe, which means dying to ones' self!

do you wonder how psychics are able to do what they do? it is

because they can feel you and they can open-up to you, although many

of them just use knowledge of astrology or have familiars to inform

them, or use divination. how can people read minds? because the whole

bodily system runs on Bio-electric energy, called

Prana/Ch'i/Ki/Mana/universal life force/orgone/Ruach etc. in various

cultures around the world, and these thoughts are perceptible by

'tuning' into someone.

Highly evolved souls can do these things because they aren't

'self-centered' but they live in that state of being where all people

are One, or to use Christian symbolism 'we are all parts of the body

of Christ' or for Hinduism, 'Aham Brahmasmi'-I AM Brahman(God), that

is all is one..just like Jesus said 'as you have done this to the

least of these, you have done them unto me'

this is mirrored in how the caste system in India is literally

set-up to mirror this relationship between the cosmos/God/macrocosm

and the individuals/caste/Microcosms, that one perfectly reflects the

other as 'parts of the body of Christ or Purusha,' there is no

difference in the realizations.

Monastics use isolation to encourage and spurn their be-ing-ness

on to incorporating the bliss of the universe(macrocosm), instead of

seeking distractions to remove their isolation or loneliness. So they

meditate endlessly and seek spiritual realms through the encouragement

of their own isolated lives, using it as a slave-driver would use a whip.

This is why Monastics will tell you that their paths are more

difficult than the house-holders life. because distractions are

removed and human interaction is limited and this is the Furnace that

encourages and inspires them to 'Expand' beyond themselves and into

higher spiritual realms.



> I also say we do not control God. That makes the idea of heaven and

> hell as patently stupid.


Heaven is a matter of Affinity, just as Hell. one man standing next to

another could be in hell, and the other in Heaven, ultimately you put

yourself in either one. The point of the Sacrificed God is that 'God'

Died to its' ultimate will so that we could be free to do with our

lives as we will to do, live in heaven or hell according to our

affinity and choice, and so it is said that WE were the ones who Jesus

died for and it was WE who drove the nails into his body and hung him

on the cross, because ultimately we Do This Every Time We Injure

one-another in any way! Why? because We are God/s and all that is Done

to us is done to God/it!


> At best, we can all exist and understand one another. It's futile to

> try and overtake the rigns of authority from anyone.


I agree! Love Never Forces itself On Anyone! that would be the

complete opposite of the true nature of Love(religious fundamentalists

pay attention)


> Reincarnation attempts to take that from God. Judeo-Christianity

> attempts to do the same thing.


not at all, in fact it leaves it up to the individual, but you are

right about Judeo-Christianity/Islam Prosyletizing is a delicate

affair and most always abused because the prosyletizers know nothing

of the Truth and this is why they force themselves on others! Variety

is the Spice of Life, Even the Very Reason For IT!





> Nobody knows what to believe in...

> Everyone believes in the wrong thing."


Many do Indeed! it has always been a very few who actually understand

the Truth! A wise man interprets according to his Wisdom and a Foolish

man to his Foolishness!

The Foolish are in the majority by far!

Light in Extension!



> madteaparty, "justiceforall442" <justiceforall442>

> wrote:

> > Ma'at!

> >

> > In Hebrew reincarnation is Called 'Gilgalim' literally-revolving.

> In

> > the bible it says that the sins of the father will be visited upon

> > their children to the seventh generation-why would 'God' torture

> > children for the sins of their parents or grandparents or great-

> etc.?

> > could it be that the reasons for sins being visited on the next

> > generation is that the person who committed them was being

> > reincarnated and experiencing the results of their actions in

> another

> > life? i think it very well could be and is the Only Justification

> for

> > God punishing up to the 7th generation after an act was

> committed 'by

> > someone else?' i think not!

> > Namaste,

> > Justice

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  • 6 years later...

Dear Justice,

You have given an excellent treatise on reincarnation. It may not be out of way to suggest that you vist an almost similar forum on the same topic" Humans and destiny". where your views can be shared and appreciated by many more.

Hope I am not exceeding my limits.



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