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Kali Tongue Symbolism

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Greetings Satori,


The tongue symbolism of deities (as Kali, Bhairavi, etc) in Tantric traditions

has different meanings but in all cases we can analyze some common factors as

"inversion", "immortality", and so on. In my opinion the long tongue of Kali is

an explicit recall of the Khechari Mudra's physical effects (therefor

"invertion" of tongue and "immortality" of amrita falling). You know, this

advanced tantric practique in ancient times (and maybe also in our time)

involved the elongation of Tongue (in some tantric texts is written that the

tongue must arrive at the center of the brow) so my conclusion is that the

symbolism in Tantric path is always a specific initiatic instruction. The

Kali's protruding tongue is the demonstration of the existence of a way, the

Supreme Way of Liberation.

Remember that Kali is in Shunya (the Void) and the way that overstep the abyss

is the only way to emancipation...

The practical sense is disclosed in Khechari Mudra where your mounth is Shunya

and your tongue is the principle of Invertion, so stimulating some hidden

points you can drink the Amrita and win the death.


I think that Kali symbolism is really a great example to understand all tantric

symbols, is the key of an immense gamma of icons. Unfortunately for whom thinks

that the terrifying symbols (bones, skulls, ect) are only a metaphor there is a

list of texts and storic facts that demonstate the reality of this symbolism...

In the past Kali was the deity of necromacy, cemetery meditations, sacrifices,

auto-choking (Khecari Mudra) and so on... All this symbols are

physical/practical implications and for this reason Kali is a really complicate

deity... really really difficult to understand in all her symbolic and practic

meanings... Today some practiques as human sacrifices are surpassed, but the

denial of the dark aspects of Kali Cult is a big error of interpretation.

So, ascertained Kali symbolism is not metaphoric one, what you think about all

the terrifying symbols of this deity?


Maybe i've divagated...

All the best!


Bhoom Bhairavi Kali Bhoom











Saturday, July 24, 2004 4:49 AM

Kali Tongue Symbolism

Namaste!I am curious to discover the symbolism of Kali's protruding tongue in

various portrayals of her. If anyone can enlighten me, I would be most

appreciative.Jai Maa!Satori

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Vincenzo <nox.nihil (AT) email (DOT) it> wrote:

Greetings Satori,


The tongue symbolism of deities (as Kali, Bhairavi, etc) in Tantric traditions

has different meanings but in all cases we can analyze some common factors as

"inversion", "immortality", and so on. In my opinion the long tongue of Kali is

an explicit recall of the Khechari Mudra's physical effects (therefor

"invertion" of tongue and "immortality" of amrita falling). You know, this

advanced tantric practique in ancient times (and maybe also in our time)

involved the elongation of Tongue (in some tantric texts is written that the

tongue must arrive at the center of the brow) so my conclusion is that the

symbolism in Tantric path is always a specific initiatic instruction. The

Kali's protruding tongue is the demonstration of the existence of a way, the

Supreme Way of Liberation.

Remember that Kali is in Shunya (the Void) and the way that overstep the abyss

is the only way to emancipation...

The practical sense is disclosed in Khechari Mudra where your mounth is Shunya

and your tongue is the principle of Invertion, so stimulating some hidden

points you can drink the Amrita and win the death.


I think that Kali symbolism is really a great example to understand all tantric

symbols, is the key of an immense gamma of icons. Unfortunately for whom thinks

that the terrifying symbols (bones, skulls, ect) are only a metaphor there is a

list of texts and storic facts that demonstate the reality of this symbolism...

In the past Kali was the deity of necromacy, cemetery meditations, sacrifices,

auto-choking (Khecari Mudra) and so on... All this symbols are

physical/practical implications and for this reason Kali is a really complicate

deity... really really difficult to understand in all her symbolic and practic

meanings... Today some practiques as human sacrifices are surpassed, but the

denial of the dark aspects of Kali Cult is a big error of interpretation.

So, ascertained Kali symbolism is not metaphoric one, what you think about all

the terrifying symbols of this deity?


Maybe i've divagated...

All the best!


Bhoom Bhairavi Kali Bhoom











Saturday, July 24, 2004 4:49 AM

Kali Tongue Symbolism

Namaste!I am curious to discover the symbolism of Kali's protruding tongue in

various portrayals of her. If anyone can enlighten me, I would be most

appreciative.Jai Maa!Satori

----Email.it, the professional e-mail, gratis per te:clicca

quiSponsor:Lerboristeria.biz: per la tua bellezza e salute il miglior

assortimento di prodotti erboristici ed oggettistica onlineClicca qui


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Kali_Ma, "Satori" <sokushinjobutsu> wrote:

> Namaste!


> I am curious to discover the symbolism of Kali's protruding tongue

> in various portrayals of her. If anyone can enlighten me, I would be

> most appreciative.


> Jai Maa!

> Satori


Kali's red tongue represents rajas guna. Her white Teeth,

closed on Her tongue, represents sattvas guna.


Kali as the Mahashakti is in a state of perpetual excitement.

Her tongue lolls due to Her spasming in bliss by the creation

of the manifest universe. Were it not for Her white Teeth,

Her activity would grow more and more violent in the pursuit

of more and more bliss. The influence of sattvas guna serves

to calm Her just enough to maintain the continued existence

of the Universe.



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Mahavidya means she of great wisdom.They represent all aspects of

reality;beauty, wealth, youth, old age, uglyness,war, peace, growth, sex,

fertility, povertymagick, anger, peace, wisdom, experience, etc.If male

consorts or seen with them they are in subordinate positions. How many are

there? The most popular traditions says ther are ten. Another tradition claims

there are 18 and yet another tradition saysthere ae 10 million Mahavidya. Is

Lakshmi and Sarasvati a Mahavidya yesand no. Even though she is the goddess of

speach, the vedas, wisdom,learning, poetry and the arts she is ONLY a Mahavidya

as Matangi theoutcatse goddess. As Sarasvati when she is seen with her husband

Brahmashe is seen in a subordinate position the same as Lakshmi the goddess of

love, marriages, fertility, and wealth. Towards her husband Vishnu she is

smaller and subordinate. In one picture she is seen sitting at her


feet massagining them and she is much smaller than he is.She massages her lords

feet while Vishnu contemplates creation. But as Kamala she is seen with no

husband yet her beauty remains. She is seated on a pink lotus with white

elephants constanly pouring water on her.Durga even though in the most popular

10 mahavidyas she is not listed but in another list she is the 5th mahavidya

and in that tradition she replaces the fierce Bhairavi. Bhairavi is the Goddes

who wears a garlandof severed heads and has no mount she has just completed her

fierce battlewhereas Durga is prepared for and fights the battle. Kali is the

head of the 10 mahavidyas, and it is said that all mahavidyas are an aspect of

Mother Kali. Kali is the first amoung the Mahavidyas. All the Mahavidyas are

said to be the manifestations of Kali. This is true. In all the diffrent belief

system of the Mahavidyas Kali is usually first and she is always included amoung

the Mahavidyas. She is

the terrible and benign mother. She is the beginning and the end. here is a

description of Kali from the Dhyana mantra of Guhya-Kali"She is lustrous like a

dark cloud and wears black cloud and wears black clothes. Her tongue lolls her

face is dreadful to behold, her eyes are sunken, and she smiles. She wears the

cresant moon on her forehead and is decorated with serpents. She drinks wine,

has a serpent as a sacred thread, is seated on a bed of snakes, and wears a

garland of fifty human heads that hangs all the way down to her knees. She has

a large belly, and the thousand-hooded serpent Ananta looms above her head.

Shiva is present as a boy beside her. She makes a loud, laughing sound, she is

very dreadful, but bestows the desire of the aspirant.There are many stories

why Kali hangs her tongue out. The most famous in a newer patriarcal meaning

from the Oriya Hindus. I do not believe this meaning for why her tounge is

haning out. I will shorten the story. After

the Devi destroyed all the demons, she was furious about how the gods could be

so careless of granting powerful boons to demons. She was also intoxicated by

the blood she had consumed and went on a rampage. She intended to destroy all

of creation including all the gods. The gods were at a loss as they were

frightened and had no power whatsoever to stop the Devi's rampage. They

petitioned the acsetic Lord Shiva and begged for his help. He finally agreed.

He came and layed amoung the bodies that were strewn all over the battlefield

as Kali stepped on Shiva she realized whom she had stepped on; her husband. She

felt shame; laja. She was so ashamed of this unforgivable act that like a

traditional Oriya women she held her tongue out in shame and she calmed down

and so the universe, world and the gods were saved.This is why I do not belive

in this.A) her tongue hanging out has a deeper symbolic meaningB) Shame? Then

why is she seen in some pictures devouring Shiva's

internal organs?C) Shame? Then please tell me why does she have severd heads or

some times skulls around her neck. Why does she wear embryos or corpses of

children for ear ornaments at times.D) wheres the shame when she drinks blood

and prances around in the cremation grounds?E) Wheres the shame when she

appears with messed up wild hair and severed arms hanging around her waist?

This Lady has no shame.Here is another myth upon why Kali has her tongue

hanging out.The Goddess is Divinely angry. Furious. In a rage. She calms down

when she wants too. When Shiva tries to calm her down, she gets him so Divinley

insane with rage she has him going berserk. She calms down when she wants to.

She will not be bullied or shamed into calming down.She literaly picks up Lord

Shiva the supreme god amoung gods and throws him down, she steps on him showing

Her supremecy over the god of gods and she sticks her tongue out in Divine wrath

and calms down. Look into her eys in

some pictures and you will see that anger still lingering.

There are other stories as well.

I see that to be at the feet of the Mother is liberating.

Her facial expression represents the 3 worlds and how she saves the devotee. Her

body in some cases is very dark, sometimes black this represnts Tamas, inertia,

lazyness, bestial behavior, glutony etc, Her tongue is Rajas; activity, war,

work etc, Her teeth are satva; peace, spirituality, devotion, considerateness

etc. She grabs the devotee from tamas with her tongue rajas tyhen with her

teeth satva she liberates the devotee.This passage comes from a book by Lex

Hixon Mother Of The Universe. This book is about Sri Ramprasads poetry. Sri

Ramprashad was Kalis intoxicated saint and poet. All he could think of is the

Mother. Lex Hixon was initiated into the Kali mysteries and his intiiation

comes direclly down from Sri Rama Krishna snd Sri Sarada Devi. Sri Rama Krishna

was the Kali intoxicated priest and he was the 9h incarnation of Vishnu and it

is written that when VIshnu incarnates so would Lakhsmi. Ok here is the

passage"We must

remember Goddess Kali's voluntary relationship with her consort, Lord Shiva. The

Goddess in inwardly independent of her counterpart in male form, for she has no

need of the masculine principal to complete her, much less to assist her or

protect her. She embrases all possibilities within her as she strides alone

across the universal field of battle or chooses blissful union with Shiva, a

union in which she is the dominant partner, dancing fiercly or standing

perfectly still upon his vast breast, which is the peaceful expanse of the

absolute." Here are my rambeings on the subject...Her energy is within shiva.

Mother is the "I" in Shiva, his Shakti, without this "I" he would be Shva

meaning an unanimated corpse.There are those who believe in the misconception

that Kali is not used for healing...this is not correct. In the Indo-Cariibean

Hindu religion in Guyana, the Kali religion is an esoteric and healing

religion. Some people are atrracted to Kali for that

purpose. Her Punjaris (priests) have to know how to heal and call on Kali to

assist in that healing. Amoung the people there she is a healer. She can heal

in many ways. She is also prayed to for conception of a child and also a

spiritual child at that in her traditional Kali worship. It says in the Kali

Kavacam (Armor of Kali) and I quote verse 14 "Those without children will gain

children. Those who desire wealth will gain wealth.Those who desire knowledge

will attain knowledge. Those who desire desires will attain the fulfillment of

desires."Kali is the power of Vayu the wind and she is also the power of

electricity. Oya/Iansa of the Yorubas is also the Goddess of wind and storms,

like Kali Oya can be unpredictable. Kali comes from the root word Kal which

means time. Kali is therefore the Mother of time. Like time she ages and

eventually swallows her children. Kali is also called She Who Takes Away the

Darkness. Also Kali means beautyful and Kali is called very

beautyful. Also Kali means black. Theres another reason why Shiva is beneath

Kali's feet. This info comes from theMahabhagavata. The Goddess Kali has tested

Shiva several times and he did pass many times. But not always. Well when he did

pass another test and a big one mainly overcomming his male pride and

remembering that his wife is the supreme mother of the universe;kali. she was

pleased and grants him a boon. Shiva askes that when She appears as Kali that

he will be seen beneath her feet. He so loves his great wife and his mother as

she created him. So Kali grants it and Shiva enters a yogic state and lies down

and places her lotus feet on his chest. Shiva tells her that she will also be

known as She Who's Vehicle Is A Corpse. He tells her to be pleased and calls

her the Matriarch of the world. One of Kali's mantra is "Om Krim Kaliyai

Namaha" This means I bow to she who takes away the Darkness. Krim is a mantra

that belongs to Kali and it is also a mantra of action. Krim

also means K stands for full wisdom R stands for that she is holy I stands for

that the Goddess Kali grants boons. M stands for the

power of liberation and freedom that Kali bestows. For more info on Kali Ma

please go to my website at http://community.webtv.net/friskey-kity/ you will

find many pages on my website about Kali including the page Jai Ma also check

out http://www.kalimandir.org this has nothing to do with my site but there is

a lot of info on the Holy Mother Kali there. Please scroll down below and go to

the next page




jodyrrr <jodyrrr > wrote:

Kali_Ma, "Satori" <sokushinjobutsu> wrote:>

Namaste!> > I am curious to discover the symbolism of Kali's protruding tongue

> in various portrayals of her. If anyone can enlighten me, I would be > most

appreciative.> > Jai Maa!> SatoriKali's red tongue represents rajas guna. Her

white Teeth,closed on Her tongue, represents sattvas guna.Kali as the

Mahashakti is in a state of perpetual excitement.Her tongue lolls due to Her

spasming in bliss by the creationof the manifest universe. Were it not for Her

white Teeth,Her activity would grow more and more violent in the pursuitof more

and more bliss. The influence of sattvas guna servesto calm Her just enough to

maintain the continued existenceof the



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Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>





> Her energy is within shiva. Mother is the "I" in Shiva,

> his Shakti, without this "I" he would be Shva meaning

> an unanimated corpse.


In terms of Shakta Advaita, this interpretation is

backwards. Shiva represents Nirguna Brahman, the un-

manifest aspect of reality that is in fact the source

of the "I" in all beings, including Ma's.


Ma represents Saguna Brahman, or the Mahashakti, the

manifested aspect of reality. *EVERYTHING* which

happens in the spacetime continuum is the result of

Her activity.


Ma stands on Shiva as nothing in the realm of being

can exist without the foundational support of Brahman.

Brahman is the one source of all being for all beings,

including Ma. He lies in samamdi, motionless and

actionless like Brahman, yet everything which exists

(as represented by Ma) is absolutely dependent on

His being.


Ma could do nothing without Brahman, the source of

all being. However, Shiva never tells Ma what to

do. If She decides to sit on his cock, He's there

for that. If She decides to shake down a few galaxies,

He is there for that as well. Shiva never comes out

of nirvakalpa samadhi, but His participation is

mandatory as the source of being for anything and

everything that exists and goes down in the manifest




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Kalimirjodyrrr <jodyrrr > wrote:

Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma

<jai_ma_kali>wrote:[snip]> Her energy is within shiva. Mother is the "I"

in Shiva, > his Shakti, without this "I" he would be Shva meaning > an

unanimated corpse.In terms of Shakta Advaita, this interpretation isbackwards.

Shiva represents Nirguna Brahman, the un-manifest aspect of reality that is in

fact the sourceof the "I" in all beings, including Ma's.Ma represents Saguna

Brahman, or the Mahashakti, themanifested aspect of reality. *EVERYTHING*

whichhappens in the spacetime continuum is the result ofHer activity.Ma stands

on Shiva as nothing in the realm of beingcan exist without the foundational

support of Brahman.Brahman is the one source of all being for all

beings,including Ma. He lies in samamdi,

motionless andactionless like Brahman, yet everything which exists(as

represented by Ma) is absolutely dependent onHis being.Ma could do nothing

without Brahman, the source ofall being. However, Shiva never tells Ma what

todo. If She decides to sit on his cock, He's therefor that. If She decides

to shake down a few galaxies,He is there for that as well. Shiva never comes

outof nirvakalpa samadhi, but His participation ismandatory as the source of

being for anything andeverything that exists and goes down in the manifest




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Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>


> Interesting. Sometimes things are not the way they seem.

> Dhumavati swallows Shiva and has no male counterpart. She

> is the widow. Kali is Dhumavati.


Kali is also Parvati, seducing Shiva as well.


> There are so many beliefs

> about the Goddess so agree some disagree and yet sometimes they

> connect. I have heard people call Kali the female Brahmen.


You are correct in that there are many interpretations.

However, some are closer to the original intent than others.


For instance, there can be no female Brahman, as Brahman

is not two. In other words, Brahman is not split along

gender lines. Shiva as a male may represent Brahman to

some, but Brahman Itself is utterly beyond any conditions

and qualities, including that of gender.


In terms of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta, as well as the

expression of the lives of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda,

the iconography of Sri Ma Kali Dakshineswari shows the

apparent division of the universe into manifest and

unmanifest, as this makes sense to a mind which developed

in this apparent division. However, Brahman is not

divisible, not two, and includes everything manifest and

unmanifest, even though Brahman Itself is utterly actionless

and utterly transcendent of the going-ons in the world of

name and form, which Ma represents in Her role as the

Mahashakti (primary manifestor) of the material plane.


> For me the Goddess is the ultimate.


Me too. However, I feel it's important to note that

the ultimate has an apparently manifested and unmanifested

nature. We are all, right now, each and every one of us,

Brahman, whether or not we live in the recognition of this.

When we don't, all we have is the manifest, which is Ma.

So, you as an individual and a devotee are only another

manifestation of Kali, but you as the pure being which

alights your heart with being are only Brahman, and as such are

even transcendent of Ma. This is the gift She as the Mahamaya

offers Her truly surrendered devotees, the gift of understanding

of our true nature as one with all as Brahman, right now

and forever unborn.


> Kalimir





> jodyrrr <jodyrrr> wrote:

> Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>

> wrote:


> [snip]


> > Her energy is within shiva. Mother is the "I" in Shiva,

> > his Shakti, without this "I" he would be Shva meaning

> > an unanimated corpse.


> In terms of Shakta Advaita, this interpretation is

> backwards. Shiva represents Nirguna Brahman, the un-

> manifest aspect of reality that is in fact the source

> of the "I" in all beings, including Ma's.


> Ma represents Saguna Brahman, or the Mahashakti, the

> manifested aspect of reality. *EVERYTHING* which

> happens in the spacetime continuum is the result of

> Her activity.


> Ma stands on Shiva as nothing in the realm of being

> can exist without the foundational support of Brahman.

> Brahman is the one source of all being for all beings,

> including Ma. He lies in samamdi, motionless and

> actionless like Brahman, yet everything which exists

> (as represented by Ma) is absolutely dependent on

> His being.


> Ma could do nothing without Brahman, the source of

> all being. However, Shiva never tells Ma what to

> do. If She decides to sit on his cock, He's there

> for that. If She decides to shake down a few galaxies,

> He is there for that as well. Shiva never comes out

> of nirvakalpa samadhi, but His participation is

> mandatory as the source of being for anything and

> everything that exists and goes down in the manifest

> universe.


> --jody.



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> Kali_Ma/



> Kali_Ma









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I am devoted to many deities but Kali is my ultimate. As i said before I have

many alters in my home to gods and goddesses.

Have you ever read the book called Kali Puja? Its very nice. Its a book of

mantras and worship of Kali. You should check it out if you dont have it.

Kalimirjodyrrr <jodyrrr > wrote:

Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>wrote:>

Interesting. Sometimes things are not the way they seem. > Dhumavati swallows

Shiva and has no male counterpart. She > is the widow. Kali is Dhumavati. Kali

is also Parvati, seducing Shiva as well.> There are so many beliefs > about the

Goddess so agree some disagree and yet sometimes they > connect. I have heard

people call Kali the female Brahmen. You are correct in that there are many

interpretations.However, some are closer to the original intent than others.For

instance, there can be no female Brahman, as Brahmanis not two. In other words,

Brahman is not split alonggender lines. Shiva as a male may represent Brahman

tosome, but Brahman Itself is utterly beyond any conditionsand qualities,

including that of gender.In terms of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta, as well as

theexpression of the lives of Ramakrishna and Vivekananda,the iconography of

Sri Ma Kali Dakshineswari shows theapparent division of the universe into

manifest andunmanifest, as this makes sense to a mind which developedin this

apparent division. However, Brahman is not divisible, not two, and includes

everything manifest andunmanifest, even though Brahman Itself is utterly

actionlessand utterly transcendent of the going-ons in the world ofname and

form, which Ma represents in Her role as theMahashakti (primary manifestor) of

the material plane.> For me the Goddess is the ultimate. Me too. However, I

feel it's important to note thatthe ultimate has an apparently manifested and

unmanifestednature. We are all, right now, each and every one of us,Brahman,

whether or not we live in the recognition of this.When we

don't, all we have is the manifest, which is Ma.So, you as an individual and a

devotee are only anothermanifestation of Kali, but you as the pure being

whichalights your heart with being are only Brahman, and as such are even

transcendent of Ma. This is the gift She as the Mahamayaoffers Her truly

surrendered devotees, the gift of understandingof our true nature as one with

all as Brahman, right nowand forever unborn.> Kalimir--jody.> jodyrrr

<jodyrrr> wrote:> Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma

<jai_ma_kali>> wrote:> > [snip]> > > Her energy is within shiva. Mother is

the "I" in Shiva, > > his Shakti, without this "I" he would be Shva meaning > >

an unanimated corpse.> > In terms of Shakta Advaita, this interpretation is>

backwards. Shiva represents Nirguna Brahman, the un->

manifest aspect of reality that is in fact the source> of the "I" in all beings,

including Ma's.> > Ma represents Saguna Brahman, or the Mahashakti, the>

manifested aspect of reality. *EVERYTHING* which> happens in the spacetime

continuum is the result of> Her activity.> > Ma stands on Shiva as nothing in

the realm of being> can exist without the foundational support of Brahman.>

Brahman is the one source of all being for all beings,> including Ma. He lies

in samamdi, motionless and> actionless like Brahman, yet everything which

exists> (as represented by Ma) is absolutely dependent on> His being.> > Ma

could do nothing without Brahman, the source of> all being. However, Shiva

never tells Ma what to> do. If She decides to sit on his cock, He's there> for

that. If She decides to shake down a few galaxies,> He is

there for that as well. Shiva never comes out> of nirvakalpa samadhi, but His

participation is> mandatory as the source of being for anything and> everything

that exists and goes down in the manifest > universe.> > --jody.> > >

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Kali_Ma/> > To from this group,

send an email to:> Kali_Ma> > Your use of

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Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>


> To me Brahman just is........

> I am devoted to many deities but Kali is my ultimate. As i

> said before I have many alters in my home to gods and goddesses.

> Have you ever read the book called Kali Puja? Its very nice. Its

> a book of mantras and worship of Kali. You should check it out if

> you dont have it.

> Kalimir


A man named Bhagavan Das told me that was a favorite of his

as well. I have the book, but my favorites are Mookerjee's

"Kali: The Feminine Force" and Kripal and McDermott's

"Encountering Kali." There's also Usha Harding's "Kali:

The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar" and Bhairavan's "Kali's




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Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>wrote:> To

me Brahman just is........> I am devoted to many deities but Kali is my

ultimate. As i > said before I have many alters in my home to gods and

goddesses. > Have you ever read the book called Kali Puja? Its very nice. Its >

a book of mantras and worship of Kali. You should check it out if > you dont

have it. > KalimirA man named Bhagavan Das told me that was a favorite of his

as well. I have the book, but my favorites are Mookerjee's "Kali: The Feminine

Force" and Kripal and McDermott's "Encountering Kali." There's also Usha

Harding's "Kali:The Black Goddess of Dakshineswar" and Bhairavan's



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Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>


> yes I have all those books. My favorite is Kali by Elizabeth

> U. Harding. I have so many more books on Kali and the Mahavidyas.


Have you been to Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach, California?

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I am making my own little temple in my home with all the alters. I am still

constructing a Mahavidya alter.



jodyrrr <jodyrrr > wrote:

Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>wrote:> yes

I have all those books. My favorite is Kali by Elizabeth > U. Harding. I have

so many more books on Kali and the Mahavidyas.Have you been to Kali Mandir in

Laguna Beach, California?



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If you can afford to, it's worth a trip out there for

their annual puja. It's attended by about 400-600

devotees. Krishna Das, Dave Stringer, Bhagavan Das

and Jai Uttal have all performed there.


It's usually held in the summer. They've already

had this years', but I'm sure it will be just as

good, if not better, the next.


They also hold monthly amavasya pujas which are

attended by up to 100 devotees, although it gets

pretty crowded in the mandir. The annual puja is

held at a much larger facility, and the priests

from the Dakshineswar Kali temple in Calcutta are

flown out for the occasion.


It's a worthwhile trip for any Kali devotee.




Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>


> No I have not. I did however went to the Divya Dham temple when

> I used to live in Queens NY.

> I am making my own little temple in my home with all the alters.

> I am still constructing a Mahavidya alter.




> Kalimir



> jodyrrr <jodyrrr> wrote:

> Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>

> wrote:

> > yes I have all those books. My favorite is Kali by Elizabeth

> > U. Harding. I have so many more books on Kali and the Mahavidyas.


> Have you been to Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach, California?



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> Links



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> Kali_Ma









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Good Afternoon,


The net addy for the Kali Mandir @ Laguna Beach is:



The Puja is in July I believe.





Kali_Ma, "jodyrrr" <jodyrrr> wrote:

> If you can afford to, it's worth a trip out there for

> their annual puja. It's attended by about 400-600

> devotees. Krishna Das, Dave Stringer, Bhagavan Das

> and Jai Uttal have all performed there.


> It's usually held in the summer. They've already

> had this years', but I'm sure it will be just as

> good, if not better, the next.


> They also hold monthly amavasya pujas which are

> attended by up to 100 devotees, although it gets

> pretty crowded in the mandir. The annual puja is

> held at a much larger facility, and the priests

> from the Dakshineswar Kali temple in Calcutta are

> flown out for the occasion.


> It's a worthwhile trip for any Kali devotee.


> --jody.


> Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma <jai_ma_kali>

> wrote:

> > No I have not. I did however went to the Divya Dham temple when

> > I used to live in Queens NY.

> > I am making my own little temple in my home with all the alters.

> > I am still constructing a Mahavidya alter.

> >

> >

> >

> > Kalimir

> >

> >

> > jodyrrr <jodyrrr> wrote:

> > Kali_Ma, Maha Kali Tara Ma


> > wrote:

> > > yes I have all those books. My favorite is Kali by Elizabeth

> > > U. Harding. I have so many more books on Kali and the


> >

> > Have you been to Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach, California?

> >

> >

> > Sponsor

> >

> >

> >

> > Links

> >

> >

> > Kali_Ma/

> >

> >

> > Kali_Ma

> >

> > Terms of


> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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