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Seeds of Destruction ??

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So the fire of cartoon controversy reached India too. Maulavis in

Meerut and Hyderabad announced prize of millions for killing the

cartoonist. Similar prizes announced by the Maulavis of Pakistan

and other countries.



Do you remember…just a few years back Talibans decided to blow up

Buddha statues in Bamiyan, Afghanistan. Despite repeated prayers

from International communities, despite offer of cash award by Japan

for not breaking the world heritage, the talibans went ahead and

destroyed buddha's statues in Bamiyan.


No muslim …no maulavi, …no pseudo-secularist protested against this

destruction. No muslim processions were taken out anywhere in the

world against the destruction of such beautiful world heritage. One

of my muslim friend commented ," Allah is so happy with this

destruction of Kafir idols that He sent rain in Bamiyan where it did

not rain for 20 years".


So what is the logic of this religion….you destroy icons of other

religions and cherish…and if someone draws some harmless

sketches..then create hue and cry…resort to violence…kill innocent

people….and all this in the name of religion !!!



Can any one tell me why Mother Nature has allowed such a cult to

prosper? Why such cave-man mentality is encouraged by her, whose

only way is the progress ahead?


Or is it a game of Zeitgist, or the Mahakaal….who has sown seeds of

future destructions and change of the world in the name of this so-

called religion



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Security forces used tear gas against Muslim rioters as violence

over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed

continued.Cordons and roadblocks were created around the Pakistan

capital Islamabad and hundreds of arrests made in a bid to prevent

the banned protest. But several hundreds demonstrators defied the

authorities and clashed with security officials - who also fired

guns to disperse the crowds.


Crowds threw stones at security officials and two police officers

were injured.





had detained several lawmakers and Islamic leaders during raids

across three cities before the outlawed demo.


Denmark - where the cartoons were first published last September -

withdrew its ambassador from Islamabad as tensions mounted.


Elsewhere, around 400 Muslims set fire to a church in the southern

city of Sukkur after accusing Christians of burning pages of the

Koran. No-one was hurt.


Over the weekend, at least 16 people were killed in Nigeria during a

demonstration against the cartoons.


Thousands of Muslims attacked minority Christians and burned at

least 15 churches in Maiduguri in the north east of the country.


Witnesses said three children and a Catholic priest were among those



An Associated Press reporter told how mobs of Muslim protesters

swarmed the city centre with machetes, sticks and iron rods.


One group threw a tyre around a man, poured petrol on him and set

him ablaze.


The riots follow similar clashes over the caricatures in Libya,

where demonstrators protested against the Italian Cabinet minister

who wore a t-shirt depicting the cartoons.


Roberto Calderoli, of the anti-immigrant Northern League party, has

resigned after the Libyan clashes claimed 10 lives.


this is the religions...some pseudo secular said all religions

preach...love !!!!! where is that love ??

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Yes, and there are many many events they could have responded to,

including the destruction of their own people in the suicide



The difference between fanatics and others is in the action. In

between we have cowards who hide behind words and misplaced

spirituality. Both are angry even furious at events, both may be

hurting, but a fanatic destroys and destructs life by reacting, and

others respond by finding appropriate methods of resolving,

including punishment, as needed, through right channels. As I said

before, its a choice we make.


I recently recieved an email of a letter pointing out the drawings

made by Hussain. I had never seen all those before. It made me

furious. Then I reminded myself that the honor of our Devis and

Devatas does not depend on the behavior of ignorant people, then it

made me sad for this guy who finds pleasure in demeaning others,

then it made me think how much he must be hurting that he feels the

need to hit people at their core. I tend to react about all

cruelties in this way.


My response? To join some community force to bring this man to

justice. I also know that this is part of the larger plan, (give it

any name you wish .. mahakaal, end of Kali yuga, whatever), that

nothing happens without the "nod" of the Universe (system, God,

Universal intelligence). For me after my inital reaction I attempt

to find equanimity, because that is the only way I can live what I

learn from my path. The day I can respond without the littlest

initial reaction of hurt, anger and dislike, I can say I am finally



I still have along way home.




Tat twam asi






, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba



> So the fire of cartoon controversy reached India too. Maulavis in

> Meerut and Hyderabad announced prize of millions for killing the

> cartoonist. Similar prizes announced by the Maulavis of Pakistan

> and other countries.


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, "Tatwamasi" <tatwamasi wrote:


> Yes, and there are many many events they could have responded to,


you reminded me of Prithviraj...who forgave Mohd.gauri 16 times...and

finally 17th time...gauri won...and he did not take pity on

prithviraj...becoz history never is kind towards cowards...and pseudo-

secularists....and he made prithivi raj blind...


moghuls came to india with only 700 horsemen..and they ruled the

whole india...except some parts of punjab and maharashtra...do u know

why? not becoz of our weakness....but becoz of selfish and pseudo-


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This is what i was trying to show you,


A true Hundu thinks the way you tried to say in words,

There are rare and irregular cases hindus have

expressed fanatism otherwise it was reaction.Boycott

on valentine day was one of them.


While muslims are doing it all over regularly,for them

your word "fanatism "fits perfectly.


You should have reacted if you really have ( anybody

must have)pride of your forms of god,nothing much

happened except some incedents of burning Hussains



Hindu blood is cold (controlled)because of its

spiritual background,Its fact and not the play of



Just uttering abusive words can not solve the


A true love always express sweetness although they are

dry words.



--- Tatwamasi <tatwamasi wrote:


I recently recieved an email of a letter pointing out

the drawings made by Hussain. I had never seen all

those before.It made me furious. Then I reminded

myself that the honor of our Devis and Devatas does

not depend on the behavior of ignorant people, then it


made me sad for this guy who finds pleasure in

demeaning others,then it made me think how much he

must be hurting that he feels the need to hit people

at their core. I tend to react about all cruelties in

this way.






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  • 6 years later...

Students of Indian History have often expressed their angst over Prithviraj Chauhan’s mistake after the first Battle of Tarain—he did not chase Ghori himself and sent two of his generals with 1,00,000 Chauhan Cavary to chase Muhammad Ghori. Well, he certainly had the opportunity, but it is equally certain that he lacked the means to grab that opportunity.


The different formations of the huge Hindu army (elephants, infantry, cavalry) prevented them from chasing down and destroying Ghori’s army. It can be speculated that Prithviraj should have avoided rushing back to Kannauj for marrying Samyogita, while Shihab-ud-din was running home to Ghazni. Prithviraj also sent his general Skanda with 1,00,000 soldiers and 1000 catapults to capture Sarhind fort. But then the 1200 Musims in Sarhind fort did not sit idle—they suddeny swooped down to raid the seighing Chauhan Army and cut-off thousands of Hindu heads. The Musims harassed the Chauhan Army with cavalry maneuvers for several months kiling thousands of Hindu soldiers. Finally they surrendered after thirteen months since general Skanda blocked the stream supplying water to the fort. Prithviraj ordered to kill them all.


The Chauhans who went in chase for Ghori were trapped and massacred in Sind, which is now an alien land. Sind had been under Muslim occupation then for more than 200 years… Its forts had small garrisons of Muslims and many converted Hindus. Such a land could not be safe for Chauhans. Secondly the Chauhans were not physically strong like the Musims. Though the Chauhans were focusing exclusively on gaining weight by eating more, it made them only fat but not strong. Thus the fatty Chauhans were no match for fighting against the muscuar Musims. With these circumstances it appears that Prithviraj did the right thing in going step-by-step by first eloping with Samyogita and then sending a huge army for liberating Sarhind and acquiring a base for future operations in the north.


The second mistake of Prithviraj is that after marrying gorgeous Queen Samyogita, he continued his honeymoon endlessly with her and he never came out of Samyogita’s harem. Prithviraj was so much enamored by Samyogita’s beauty that he never left her bedroom and was always matting with her amourously. Soon Samyogita became pregnant and gave birth to a male child. But the charming couple continued their coitus and coupling endlessly to satisfy each others carnal pleasures.

Prithviraj had degenerated into a debauchee to the extent that he frequently had oral sex with Samyogita. Apart from having continuous coupling and coitus, Prithviraj and Samyogita spent their time frequently in kamasutra’s 69 position to fulfill their sensual needs. Fatty Prithviraj and busty Samyogita were so much infatuated on each other to the extent that they even answered the calls of nature together. Again Samyogita became pregnant for the second time. Delighted Prithviraj continued his amorous revelries with his ravishing wife Samyogita.

In Tarain II, according to the historical accounts, the Chauhan army was not only defeated but also destroyed. It is so surprising that Prithviraj was unable to defeat Ghori even though his Hindu army was thirty times larger in numbers than Ghori’s Muslim army. In Tarain II, the army of Prithviraj had 5,00,000 horses, 50,000 elephants, 30,00,000 soldiers and 20,00,000 women (wives, concubines & prostitutes). The army of Ghori had 55,000 horses and 1,20,000 soldiers. To destroy such a huge Hindu army, Ghori attacked the Hindus in early morning. Prithviraj and his Hindu soldiers were smooching with their naked wives & concubines and were sleeping inside their luxurious tents, literally with their pants down. The Muslims killed thousands of Hindus soldiers who were naked with their pants down and raped thousands of naked Hindu women. But still the Hindu army could raise the alarm since their camp very huge. Soon the Hindu soldiers covered themselves from head to foot with their steel armour and formed the army lines as per the orders of Prithviraj. But still the Muslims cruelly crushed the huge Hindu army by killing millions of Hindu soldiers and raping millions of Hindu women. Prithviraj jumped down from his howdah, took his gorgeous queen Samyogita on a fast steed and ran away from the battlefield. Ghori chased down, captured and castrated Prithviraj. Ghori captured and raped ravishing Samyogita repeatedly in front of Prithviraj. Then Ghori beheaded Prithviraj in front of Samyogita. Later Ghori forcibly married Samyogita and converted her to Islam.

After Tarain II, the Chauhan military strength had evaporated, morale was devastatingly low, and the Hindu garrisons sat fearfully inside the forts while the Muslim army ranged their forts, killed the male populace, raped their wives and circumcised their children—because Prithviraj failed to be aware in the battlefield and spent his time in smooching and seducing Samyogita. In the battlefield, before Tarain II, Prithviraj spent the whole night by having sex with his beauteous wife Samyogita inside his luxurious golden tent.

Though Prithviraj had some conflicts with his Hindu neighbors, they all sent their armies to help Prithviraj in Tarain II. But Ghori had enemies like the Ghuzz Turks and the Khwarazim Turks who frequently raided his Kingdom to destroy it. After each Indian campaign Ghori had to return to his post in Ghazni to watch over them and support his elder brother.

The Chauhan Rajaputras never recovered their spirit since their huge army was massacred by the Muslims and millions of their women were captured and raped by Muslims. The Hindu counter-attacks on the Muslims ultimately went in vain and their spirit of resistance was completely broken—all the efforts of Hindus were crushed by Ghori’s Muslim army. Millions of Hindu ladies were raped throughout the Kingdom of Ajmer and Delhi.

After the death of fat Prithviraj


From Delhi Aibak attacked the neighboring principalities, which paid tribute to the rulers of Kannauj, and killed thousands of Hindu soldiers and raped their wives. In 1193 Muhammad Ghori came from Ghazni with 50,000 cavalry and joined his lieutenant to follow the course of the Yamuna River for invading Kannauj. Jaychand too advanced with his huge army of one million soldiers to fight the invader at Chandwar—throughout the head-on clash the Gahadval army prevailed until Jaychand was killed by Aibak. The leaderless forces lost their momentum and unity of command—they were defeated and massacred by the Muslims who captured millions of women and raped them at a gallop.


Once again Ghori returned to his home to watch over the Turks of Khwarazim while Aibak attacked and captured the remaining Chauhan forts—most of the Chauhan forts had been mopped up immediately after Tarain II when they were at their weakest. But the invaders made matters worse by repeatedly capturing and raping Hindu women. The Muslims left behind in Kannauj mopped up the local resistance in that newly-conquered land by capturing and raping the Hindu women in large numbers—the Rajaputra Harishchand (son of Jaychand’s younger brother) had never recovered his father’s domain. He ran away to the deserts of Rajasthan to save his dear life from the sword of Islam.

Prithviraj’s prime mistake was his excessive libido and enormous sensuality for beautiful young women, especially for the ravishing beauty of his gorgeous wife Samyogita. In Tarain II, Prithviraj fought by sitting inside his mighty golden howdah held firmly on his huge white elephant. Ghori fought by sitting on his black Arabian horse. Prithviraj and Samyogita were too lost in their amorous love-making to the extent that while fighting Ghori in Tarain II, Samyogita was sitting on Prithviraj’s fat lap and smooching with him inside his mighty golden howdah. Prithviraj had created the situation for committing that same mistake and the later Rajas would live to regret these repeated mistakes.

The tributaries of the Gahadvals, the Rathors of Badaun and the Bhor chieftains, also lost their lands and women to the Muslims. They ran away to hide themselves from the Muslims as they could not resist the Muslim attacks. The same story was repeated in the Chauhan principalities like Bayana, Gwalior, and Narwar. In each case at the very moment of their triumph against a particular fort, the Muslims captured and raped Rajaputra women and again they captured another place and the same cycle of mass rapine of Hindu women was repeated endlessly by the Muslims. All this was the result of Prithviraj’s inability, or a lack of will caused by his overconfidence on his huge army and his excessive libido for his bosomy bride Samyogita. Ghori crushed the power of the Chauhan Rajaputras with just hand full of Muslim soldiers because of the blunders of Prithviraj.


In 1202 Muhammad Ghori’s became the Amir of Ghor on the death of his elder brother—Qutb-ud-din Aibak became his deputy with the title of Sultan. The new Amir did not long enjoy his exalted position. In 1205 the Ghori’s army was crushed at Andkhui by the Turks of Khwarazim. Ghori ran away from the battlefield. Eventually he was killed in 1206 by a group of Karmathian Muslim soldiers. Aibak and the Muslims continued to rule India.

The military culture of the Hindus, especially Rajputs, was inferior to that of the Muslims---So the Hindus failed to protect their huge womenfolk from Islamic rapes.

Tarain II was a real-life epic disaster on the mahabharat scale---an entire generation of Hindu warriors died on the battlefield of Tarain.

Prithviraj Chauhan was not a brave prince as suggested by folklores, but in fact, an amorous prince who did not take advantage of his first victory over the Muslims to either finish them off or to prepare for the next battle, but remained immersed in carnal pleasures by having continuous coitus with his charming cute wife Samyogita after his victory. Lustful Prithviraj fell as a victim to the feminine charms of his sensuous Queen Samyogita. During Tarain II, seeing the immense carnage of Hindu soldiers and sensing a disastrous defeat, faint-hearted Prithviraj panicked. And when Ghori approached to kill him, Prithviraj tried to unsuccessfully flee away like a fugitive from the battlefield with his gorgeous queen Samyogita instead of dying a soldier’s death.

Prithviraj had the habit of taking opium before any battle with the Muslims, to fight without the fear of death. Prithviraj was a great philanderer and womanizer to the extent that when Ghori captured him in hot chase, Prithviraj was engaged in peak coitus with his beautiful wife Samyogita. Then followed the pornographic death of plum Prithviraj and repeated rapes of his ravishing Queen Samyogita by ugly Ghori.

As for the battle of Tarain II, history squarely puts the blame of the defeat on Prithviraj, the hot-headed, sensuous, amorous and arrogant commander of Hindu forces at Tarain---it was he who disregarded the advice given by his aged minister, that of keeping the women, away from the battlefield...........the huge Hindu forces on the battlefield were massively hampered by the need to protect their beautiful womenfolk from Islamic rapes, and were consequently not able to fight effectively against the small Muslim army led by ugly Ghori, resulting in disastrous defeat and death of millions of Hindu Soldiers.

History also blames Prithviraj for leaving the frontiers of the country undefended after his victory at Tarain I.......After Tarain I, Prithviraj rushed to kannauj for marrying the beauteous princess Samyogita. Prithviraj had enormous forces to defend his country. But he invited the disaster by carrying his gorgeous wife Samyogita to the Tarain battlefield. Prithviraj matted continuously with his pregnant Queen Samyogita all night in the battlefield, inside his luxurious golden tent, before Tarain II.

During Tarain II, the commander of the huge Hindu army Prithviraj became softened up physically because he spent his whole time after the Tarain I by having continuous coitus and coupling with his new young beautiful bride Samyogita. Sexy Samyogita’s softness and delicacy made Fat Prithviraj soft and plumy. The muslim commander Ghori was strong and muscular. After Tarain I, he did not go to his wife nor touched any women. He kept on doing exercises and war practices and his body became hard as rocks and stones during Tarain II. Hard and muscular Muslims attacked the soft and fatty Hindus in Tarain II and the bodies of plumy Hindus were torn into pieces by the Muslims. Thus Prithviraj’s mammoth Hindu army was massacred and destroyed by Ghori’s hand full of Muslim army.

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