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Swapneshwari Devi !

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Dreams have a very deep meaning in our life. Some westners (like

sigmund) tried to give an explnation of dreams,but he was stuck up at

Sex, a big part of our life but not all.


Drams are in fact a great blessings of God for us. There is no one

who does not dream (of course some who say we dont dream, do not

actually remember them).


Dreams are of three types viz.


1) chaotic dreams. These dreams are actually, adjustments of memory

space by brain hence these dreams have no story, no sequences but

have tangled scenes of past memories not in original forms. These

type of dreams we see normally in the begining of the sleep and have

no significance in our life.... They are just a sort of re-management

and rejection of some memories by brain


2) Actual Dreams : These dreams normally make part of the second

phase of sleep. They have a well woven story, hero is normally

ourselves,are in colors and have lesser chaos. These dreams are

mainly on our hidden desires, unfulfilled yet present in the sub-

conscious. These dreams sometimes bring out the fears in us in form

of a dream and let us face that. There are many books which decypher

such dreams and tell us what is in store for us, because these dreams

also indicate our present set of karmic debt and the possible

reaction of such debt in our life.


Mainly seeing white things, elephants, lions, flowers, king,

parents, guru, silver, making love, death of near and dear, snow,

climbing mountain or stairs,riding a horse and other such type of

dreams denote forthcoming good luck


Black colrs, demons, dry ponds, accident, oil massage, being

respected publicly, ghosts, earthquakes etc are symbols of bad times.


3: Divine dreams : These are very rare dreams and can occur to any

non-spiritual person too, but are very common among regular

sadhakas. Sometimes these dreams tell the future to the finest

details. We have lot of material on such dreams where someone saw a

dream and it happened in real life soon. These dreams do not come

out of chaotic sub-conscious, but are received from our higher self

during our momentous contact with the higher-self, accidentally or

due to regular sadhna.


Surprisingly, the meaning of a dream completely changes for a

regular sadhaka. What may be a bad dream for a common person, may

denote a progress sign for a sadhaka.


The reason behind this is that when one proceeds on the path of

sadhna, his sub-cons is churned and the bad vrittis of past many

births are brought to surface for destructions. Depending upon the

intensity of sadhna and purity of mind, many bad karmas which have

yet to appear in our life and trouble us, are so weakened that they

become a bad dream and give us trouble in dream and are destroyed.


I must add here that analyising a dream is not an easy job, and

we are the best judge of our own dreams. If we carefully note down

the minute details of the dream we can later on connect our life with

that dream.


There is a Mantra of Swapneshwari Devi which reads as


Swapneshwari Namastu-bhayam Falaye Vardaye cha


Mam Siddhi-msiddhim va swapney sarvam Pradarshaye


Doing Japa of this Mantra 108 times before sleep and then writing

your question on a paper and keeping it under pillow, will bring a

clear dream telling the solution to the problem you are facing.

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Namaste all. Thanks for the good article, Babaji.

I rewrote the Sanskrit mantra with meaning:


svapnezvarI namas tubhayaM phalaye varadAye ca

mAM siddhim-asiddhiM vA svapneya sarvaM pradarzaye


"My salutations to You, Svapneshvari, O Goddess of Dreams,

Who bestows the respective results and fruits upon the seekers!

Please show me in my dream whether I am awarded perfection or not."


Jaya Sri Radhey!


, "Baba ji" <beirut_ka_baba>


> Dreams have a very deep meaning in our life.

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  • 3 years later...


, pyari_h <NO_REPLY@Y...>wrote:

tks Hari pyari...for the correct phonetic pronunciation of the mantra.






Is there anyone who has done this...who can confirm if it works?Who can tell If the Devi really appears in your dream with the answer to your question. Is there someone who has done this?


And if you do the japa 108 times on which kind of mala you have to do the japa. In which direction you have to sit? In which asan you have to sit...etc. etc. Or does all this is irrelevant for this mantra?

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