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Namaste all. Radhe, Radhe dear blessed soul 'Born nutty'.


vadanti tat tattvavidas tattvam yajnAnam advayam

brahmeti paramAtmeti bhagavAniti zabdyate


-Bhagavatam 1.2.11


The knowers of Truth declare Absolute Knowledge alone as the REALITY,-

that Knowledge which does not admit of duality (the distinction of

subject and object), in other words indivisible and one without a

second, and which is called by different names such as Brahman (the

Absolute) Paramatma (the Supreme Spirit) and Bhagavan (the Divine



While explaining this important shloka Sri Kripaluji maharaj proclaims

that Lord Sri Krishna alone is the 'advya jnana' Who manifest Himself

in His three (brahman, paramatma and bhagavan) blissful aspects and

none else.


Maharaj ji also stresses on 'sat-chit-ananda' vigraha of the Lord.

He says 'sat' and 'chit' are only the adjectives of 'ananda'

but not as separate.


'teen roop sri krishna ko, vedavyas bakhaaya,

brahma aur paramatma, aru bhagavaan kahaaya'


According to Sri Veda Vyasa, the Supreme Personality has THREE

aspects, Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavaan.


'sarva sakti sampanna ho, sakti vikaas na hoy,

sat chit ananda roop jo, brahma kahaave soy'


The Sat-Chit-Ananda aspect of the Supreme Being is referred to as

BRAHMAN Who possesses all POWERS but they are UNMANIFESTED, except for

the Power of eternal Absolute existence.


'sarva sakti samyukta ho, nama roopa guna hoy,

leela parikara rahita ho, paramatma hai soy'


The aspect of the Supreme Being referred to as PARAMATMA, is ENDOWED

with Divine form, attributes but has NO associates NOR exploits, for

the progressive advancement of Santa Rasa to higher mellows of Divine



'sarva sakti praakatya ho, leela vividha prakaar,

viharata parikara samga jo, tehi bhagavan pukaar'


The aspect of Supreme Personality is referred to as Bhagavan is One

Whose Powers are fully manifested. He has innumerable Divine Names,

Forms, Attributes, Abodes, Associates and Exploits for the continuous

experience of Rasa (Dasya, Sakhya, Vatsalya and Madhurya) of Divine



'brahma praapti-patha jnaan hai, paramatma-patha yog,

krishna praapti-patha bhakti hai, adhikaari saba log'


'Jnana' is the PATH to REALIZE BRAHMAN and



'Bhakti' Divine Love, is the Path to ATTAIN Bhagavan,

Lord Krishna and each and every ONE is ELIGIBLE

to follow this Path, UNLIKE the other TWO

which impose severe restrictions on

the sadhaka (seeker) even for qualification.


- Bhakti Shatak, Verses 21- 25, Sri Kripaluji Maharaj




o swatantra avalambana aanaa

tehi aadheena gyaana vigyaanaa

bhagati taata anupama sukha moolaa

milayi jo santa hohim anukoolaa


Selfless Devotion (Divine Love) stands by itself and requires no other


On It depends allL Jnana, Knowledge, spiritual or profane.


Pure Devotion, dear brother, is incomparable and the very source of


but it can only be obtained by favor of the virtuous Rasik Saints.


Rama Carita Manas- Sant Tulasidas



bhakti swatantra sakala sukha khaanee

binu satasanga na paavahim praanee

punyapunja binu milahi na samtaa

satasamgati samsriti kara amtaa


Divine Love (Prema Bhakti) is independent and a mine of every


But men cannot attain without the fellowship of Rasik Saints.

Saints for their part are inaccessible without a stock of meritorious


it is their fellowship in any case that brings to an end the cycle of

births and deaths.


Rama Carita Manas- Sant Tulasidas



, "who_make_sense"

<who_make_sense> wrote:

> Radhe Radhe Pyari ji,


> I request you to please write on what scriptures says on


> and Bhakti Marg.......what are the goals.......and can it be

achived in

> todays changing times..


> Radhe Radhe


> Born_nutty

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Namaste all.


Lord Krishna's friend, great Jnani, Uddhavaji returns to Mathura,

praising the Prema Bhakti of the 'Women of Vraja',

with a sense of the uselessness of all the other sadhanas like

specialsed austerities and subtle knowledge as well as scriptural



This 'pada' is of Saint Sura Das, from the book by John S.Hawley.


"Madhava, give ear to what LOVE IS in Braj.


I've studied it now for fully half a year,

the milkmaids' WAY of life,


And all the time, Syam, You and Balaram



Their TEARS are a torrent of HOLY oblations,

their windblown saris the cooling WHISK;


For OFFERING vessels they tender their breasts,

their hands bear VOTIVE lotuses,


And their lips are alive with HYMNS that recall

the playful deeds You DISPLAYED;


Their homes and emotions, their physical frames

they OFFER to Your lotuslike eyes.


Sur says, one look at LOVE like theirs

and how TASTELESS it seems to be WISE."




Poems of Passionate Divine Love by

Sufi Saints:


"The intellectual is always showing off,

the lover is always getting lost.


The intellectual runs away,

afraid of drowning;


the whole business of love

is to drown in the sea.


Intellectuals plan their repose;

lovers are ashamed to rest.


The lover is always alone.

even surrounded by people;


like water and oil, he remains apart.


The man who goes to the trouble

of giving advice to a lover

get nothing. He's mocked by passion.


Love is like musk. It attracts attention.

Love is a tree, and the lovers are its shade."


Kulliyat-e Shams, 21




"Love is reckless; not reason.

Reason seeks a profit.


Love comes on strong,

consuming herself, unabashed.


Yet, in the midst of suffering,

Love proceeds like a millstone,


hard surfaced and straightforward.

Having died of self-interest,


she risks everything and asks for nothing.

Love gambles away every gift God bestows.


Without cause God gave us Being;

without cause, give it back again."


Mathnawi VI, 1967-1974




"Passion makes the old medicine new:

Passion lops off the bough of weariness.


Passion is the elixir that renews:

how can there be weariness

when passion is present?


Oh, don't sigh heavily from fatigue:

seek passion, seek passion, seek passion!"


Mathnawi VI, 4302-4304




Stay in the company of lovers.

Those other kinds of people, they each

want to show you something.


A crow will lead you to an empty barn,

A parrot to sugar.




Sufi Saint Rumi


from: http://www.khamush.com


Jaya Sri Radhey!

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