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worshipping Lord Shiva

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Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva is

inauspicious because He is related to the destruction.

Is it true?


Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva is that He is

always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is the

first Guru who gives divine knowledge (Jnanam

Maheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to be very

auspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He is

indicating destruction of the world or the death of a

person. One should always remember that this world

will be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you must

know that death is inevitable for the body and for the

body relationships. The old person must be aware of

the death that is going to come shortly and must

become spiritually alert. Even the young man must

think about untimely accidental death and that there

is no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembers

the death constantly, he will be spiritually active.

The human being is not turned to spirituality because

he thinks that he will live forever or live for a

very long time. He should constantly remind his mind

about the death and thus should become spiritually

active. Generally people think that death is

inauspicious. But it is the most auspicious Guru that

gives knowledge about the temporary existence of the

body and makes the human being alert in the spiritual

effort. In Mahabharata it is told that one should

constantly remember death as if it is walking by our

side catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appears

inauspicious externally. But internally He is the

embodiment of the divine knowledge and most

auspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.

Any quality turned towards God is always good. Tamas

gives rigid firmness in the spiritual path. Prahlada

was firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation by

donating eyes to Lord Siva. Even Sattvam when turned

towards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very polite

and was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possesses

Sattvam quality. But he never followed the word of

Lord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was diverted

towards the world and he was very greedy. The Lord

punished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the justice

also by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules

of justice to protect His real devotee due to the

Tamas quality only. Lord Siva protected Markandeya in

this way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond of

prostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that in

Nivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord even if

the Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard not

leaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.

At that stage to have such a firm desire on the Lord,

Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment of

Sattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith on

Lord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord Krishna forced

him to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack of

firmness in the faith and the firmness is always due

to Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva is very much in

the spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman is

called Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on the

association with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts of

different colours. The Lord is not having any colour.

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energetic

bodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate

coloured shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scolded

Brahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same (Brahmacha

Narayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is to

differentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and to

differentiate their corresponding incarnations i.e.,

Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.





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Dear Moderator Swamy,

Daily I use to delete this mail without

opening. Today by mistake I have opened

seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam.

Why do you allow such immatured and

anti Vaishnava write ups in this group.

Why don't you stop such time wasting


Sri Ramanuja Dasan,

R. Padmanabhan,

Branch Accountant,

Fenner (India) Ltd.,

9-1-87, S.D. Road,



Tel: 040 27703042; 040 27804038

Cell: 040 31109751

Fax: 040 27703770

Email: padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry >

Sent by:

05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to



agayathry <agayathry >




Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva is

inauspicious because He is related to the destruction.

Is it true?

Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva is that He is

always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is the

first Guru who gives divine knowledge (Jnanam

Maheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to be very

auspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He is

indicating destruction of the world or the death of a

person. One should always remember that this world

will be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you must

know that death is inevitable for the body and for the

body relationships. The old person must be aware of

the death that is going to come shortly and must

become spiritually alert. Even the young man must

think about untimely accidental death and that there

is no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembers

the death constantly, he will be spiritually active.

The human being is not turned to spirituality because

he thinks that he will live forever or live for a

very long time. He should constantly remind his mind

about the death and thus should become spiritually

active. Generally people think that death is

inauspicious. But it is the most auspicious Guru that

gives knowledge about the temporary existence of the

body and makes the human being alert in the spiritual

effort. In Mahabharata it is told that one should

constantly remember death as if it is walking by our

side catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appears

inauspicious externally. But internally He is the

embodiment of the divine knowledge and most

auspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.

Any quality turned towards God is always good. Tamas

gives rigid firmness in the spiritual path. Prahlada

was firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation by

donating eyes to Lord Siva. Even Sattvam when turned

towards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very polite

and was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possesses

Sattvam quality. But he never followed the word of

Lord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was diverted

towards the world and he was very greedy. The Lord

punished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the justice

also by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules

of justice to protect His real devotee due to the

Tamas quality only. Lord Siva protected Markandeya in

this way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond of

prostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that in

Nivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord even if

the Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard not

leaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.

At that stage to have such a firm desire on the Lord,

Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment of

Sattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith on

Lord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord Krishna forced

him to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack of

firmness in the faith and the firmness is always due

to Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva is very much in

the spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman is

called Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on the

association with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts of

different colours. The Lord is not having any colour.

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energetic

bodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate

coloured shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scolded

Brahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same (Brahmacha

Narayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is to

differentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and to

differentiate their corresponding incarnations i.e.,

Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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The same is the case with many SrIvaishnavas. I doubt whether this group has any

moderator. The group name lured me to join. I would like to leave now.


The writer (could be the so called svamiji himself) has so many lists to publish

such articles other than SrIvaishnava lists. I know that many lists ban these







Tuesday, May 31, 2005 7:39 PM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan,Branch Accountant,Fenner

(India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040 27703042; 040

27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email: padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He isalways auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of aperson. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware ofthe death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mindabout the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritualeffort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunterwho is the

embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva. Even

Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand was a

devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never followed the

word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards the world and

he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the

justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rulesof justice to

protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva protected

Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond ofprostitute due to

Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord

even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard notleaving the harmful

wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have such a firm desire on

the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment ofSattvam quality.

But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord

Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack offirmness in

the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva

is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman iscalled Brahma,

Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamasrespectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separatecoloured shirts.

If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same

(BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is todifferentiate

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding incarnations

i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy,

Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by mistake I have opened

seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such immatured and anti

Vaishnava write ups in this group.

Why don't you stop such time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan,

Branch Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel:

040 27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry >

Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is

always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru who gives divine

knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to be veryauspicious

in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction of the world or the

death of a

person. One should always remember that this worldwill be destroyed and is not

eternal. By this you mustknow that death is inevitable for the body and for

thebody relationships. The old person must be aware of

the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually alert. Even

the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that thereis no

guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembers

the death constantly, he will be spiritually active.The human being is not

turned to spirituality becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for

avery long time. He should constantly remind his mind

about the death and thus should become spirituallyactive. Generally people think

that death isinauspicious. But it is the most auspicious Guru thatgives

knowledge about the temporary existence of thebody and makes the human being

alert in the spiritual

effort. In Mahabharata it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if

it is walking by ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also

appearsinauspicious externally. But internally He is the

embodiment of the divine knowledge and mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the

quality of Tamas.Any quality turned towards God is always good. Tamasgives

rigid firmness in the spiritual path. Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality

only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possesses

Sattvam quality. But he never followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam

quality was divertedtowards the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished

him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord

crosses the rules

of justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that in

Nivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is

like the drunkard notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that

stage to have such a firm desire on the Lord,

Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment ofSattvam quality. But he was

not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord Krishna forcedhim

to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack of

firmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and


respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The Lord is

not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate

coloured shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says

the same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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-- Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never

followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards

the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to

cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of

justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee

shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard

notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have

such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the


ofSattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore,

even if Lord Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack

offirmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamas respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured

shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the

same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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Dear SrI Shankar,


I would like you you to go thro' the original posting of Gayathry:


""Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord even ifthe

Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard notleaving the harmful wine and the

harmful prostitute.At that stage to have such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas

is required."""


and some other quotations in this series of Q/A are really abhattams (we are not

talking about worshipping alone, here)


Vaidikas would like to have pramanams from vedas (and prastana trayams - which

are also based on vedas). Also, the examples shall be handled and quoted very



Also, we should know the lineage of those who claim to be 'svamijis' etc, whom

we see plenty nowadays. If one man jumps from somewhere without any connection

(Acharya-lineage) to the pratama-Acharya (Sriman Narayana), we denounce them



Hope you see this from other angle too. (I would like you to visit the site

mentioned by Gayathry, wherein you'll see more abhatthams)





[] On Behalf

Of Shankar SridharanThursday, June 02, 2005 10:12 AMTo:

Subject: Re: worshipping Lord Shiva

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter who is the

embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva. Even

Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand was a

devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never followed the

word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards the world and

he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the

justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of justice to

protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva protected

Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond ofprostitute due to

Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord

even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard notleaving the harmful

wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have such a firm desire on

the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment ofSattvam quality.

But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord

Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack offirmness in

the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva

is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman iscalled Brahma,

Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The Lord is

not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energeticbodies

of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured shirts. If you scold

Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same

(BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is todifferentiate

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding incarnations

i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never

followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards

the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to

cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of

justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee

shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard

notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have

such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the


ofSattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore,

even if Lord Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack

offirmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamas respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured

shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the

same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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Yes I agree,

The information written in the mail

is not even having the weight to read and comment.

"EduthuKKazhikkavum Thagathathu",

That is why I have recommended the moderator

to stop such mails.

Sri Ramanuja Dasan,

R. Padmanabhan,

Branch Accountant,

Fenner (India) Ltd.,

9-1-87, S.D. Road,



Tel: 040 27703042; 040 27804038

Cell: 040 31109751

Fax: 040 27703770

Email: padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Shankar Sridharan <ss1969au >

Sent by:

06/02/2005 07:41 AM

Please respond to






Re: worshipping

Lord Shiva

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A.

This shows that your Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is

good to have one pointed devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing

there is no place in your heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham.

Meaning of Vaishnava is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians

and muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not



He is a true Vaishnava who knows and

feels another?s calamities as his own.

Ever ready to serve, he never boasts.

Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.

Blessed is the mother of such a person.

He treats women as he would treat his own mother

He keeps his mind calm and

does not stain his lips with falsehood;

Nor does he touch another?s wealth.

No bonds of attachment can hold him.

Ever in tune with Rama-nama (name of God),

within his body is present all places of piligrimage.

Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,

This is a true Vaishnava


Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is

rubbish. This shows your immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good



THIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.

On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com>


Dear Moderator Swamy,

Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by mistake I have


seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam.

Why do you allow such immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group.

Why don't you stop such time wasting mails.

Sri Ramanuja Dasan,

R. Padmanabhan,

Branch Accountant,

Fenner (India) Ltd.,

9-1-87, S.D. Road,



Tel: 040 27703042; 040 27804038

Cell: 040 31109751

Fax: 040 27703770

Email: padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry >

Sent by:

05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to



agayathry <agayathry >




Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva is

inauspicious because He is related to the destruction.

Is it true?

Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva is that He is

always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is the

first Guru who gives divine knowledge (Jnanam

Maheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to be very

auspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He is

indicating destruction of the world or the death of a

person. One should always remember that this world

will be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you must

know that death is inevitable for the body and for the

body relationships. The old person must be aware of

the death that is going to come shortly and must

become spiritually alert. Even the young man must

think about untimely accidental death and that there

is no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembers

the death constantly, he will be spiritually active.

The human being is not turned to spirituality because

he thinks that he will live forever or live for a

very long time. He should constantly remind his mind

about the death and thus should become spiritually

active. Generally people think that death is

inauspicious. But it is the most auspicious Guru that

gives knowledge about the temporary existence of the

body and makes the human being alert in the spiritual

effort. In Mahabharata it is told that one should

constantly remember death as if it is walking by our

side catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appears

inauspicious externally. But internally He is the

embodiment of the divine knowledge and most

auspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.

Any quality turned towards God is always good. Tamas

gives rigid firmness in the spiritual path. Prahlada

was firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation by

donating eyes to Lord Siva. Even Sattvam when turned

towards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very polite

and was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possesses

Sattvam quality. But he never followed the word of

Lord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was diverted

towards the world and he was very greedy. The Lord

punished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the justice

also by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules

of justice to protect His real devotee due to the

Tamas quality only. Lord Siva protected Markandeya in

this way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond of

prostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that in

Nivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord even if

the Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard not

leaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.

At that stage to have such a firm desire on the Lord,

Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment of

Sattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith on

Lord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord Krishna forced

him to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack of

firmness in the faith and the firmness is always due

to Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva is very much in

the spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman is

called Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on the

association with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts of

different colours. The Lord is not having any colour.

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energetic

bodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate

coloured shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scolded

Brahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same (Brahmacha

Narayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is to

differentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and to

differentiate their corresponding incarnations i.e.,

Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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It is written that

Sri Vishnu has Rajo Gunam, Thridarashran had Sathva Gunam,

Uthishtran & Prahlathan

had Thamogumam, You may not hesitate to say Chaguni,

Thuchadanan, Duryothanan

are also had Sathva Gunam.etc., etc.,

Here we never talk

about anybody's worship.

"Veda says the same (Brahmacha

Narayanah, Sivascha Narayanah)." - your own write up.

-Its real meaning is that Brahma, Siva

all are under Sriman Narayana,

They do their work as per the instructions

of Him. There is

no body above Sriman Narayana.

Thirumazhisai Azhwar says "Naan

muganai Naaryanan Padaithan,

Naan muganum Thaanmugamai Sankaranai

thaan padaithan".

Veda Says "Eho havai Narayana Aaseeth,

Na Brahma, Na Eesanaha"

Sri Veda Vyasa Bhagavan says "Sathyam

Sathyam Punaha Sathyam

Mudrujya Bhuja Muchyathe, Vedasasthram

param naasthi

nadaivam Kesavathparam"

Hence there is nothing wrong in our belief.

We have more tolerance, that is why we

are simply advising you to

stop such writings.

Everything and everybody has got a path

followed by thier elders and we also follow the same.

"MElayar Seivanagal" as advised

by Sri Aandal,

"Poorvacharyargal POdumanuttanangal"

as per Sri Math Manavala Mamunigal.

It is a forum, where like minded people

are involved and the idendity is given as

"Divya Desam Group."

If this group doesn't like such write

ups better you stop it, no more arguments.


looks like that tomorrow you may send some obseen pictures and ask us to

see those pictures,

with patience,

and advise us to "Be a good Vaishnava!!."

You may say "It

is also like the Divya Desam pictures sent by Sri Padmanabhan Swamy and


"you need to have broad mind, matured mind etc., etc.,".

Desist from

advising us how we need to be a good vaishnavite.!

Sri Ramanuja Dasan,

R. Padmanabhan,

Branch Accountant,

Fenner (India) Ltd.,

9-1-87, S.D. Road,



Tel: 040 27703042; 040 27804038

Cell: 040 31109751

Fax: 040 27703770

Email: padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Madhura Limaye <astromads >

Sent by:

06/02/2005 11:56 AM

Please respond to






Re: worshipping

Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved

into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of


Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.



Shankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A.

This shows that your Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is

good to have one pointed devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing

there is no place in your heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham.

Meaning of Vaishnava is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians

and muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not



He is a true Vaishnava who knows and

feels another?s calamities as his own.

Ever ready to serve, he never boasts.

Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.

Blessed is the mother of such a person.

He treats women as he would treat his own mother

He keeps his mind calm and

does not stain his lips with falsehood;

Nor does he touch another?s wealth.

No bonds of attachment can hold him.

Ever in tune with Rama-nama (name of God),

within his body is present all places of piligrimage.

Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,

This is a true Vaishnava


Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is

rubbish. This shows your immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good



THIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.

On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com>


Dear Moderator Swamy,

Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by mistake I have


seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam.

Why do you allow such immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group.

Why don't you stop such time wasting mails.

Sri Ramanuja Dasan,

R. Padmanabhan,

Branch Accountant,

Fenner (India) Ltd.,

9-1-87, S.D. Road,



Tel: 040 27703042; 040 27804038

Cell: 040 31109751

Fax: 040 27703770

Email: padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry >

Sent by:

05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to



agayathry <agayathry >




Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva is

inauspicious because He is related to the destruction.

Is it true?

Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva is that He is

always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is the

first Guru who gives divine knowledge (Jnanam

Maheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to be very

auspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He is

indicating destruction of the world or the death of a

person. One should always remember that this world

will be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you must

know that death is inevitable for the body and for the

body relationships. The old person must be aware of

the death that is going to come shortly and must

become spiritually alert. Even the young man must

think about untimely accidental death and that there

is no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembers

the death constantly, he will be spiritually active.

The human being is not turned to spirituality because

he thinks that he will live forever or live for a

very long time. He should constantly remind his mind

about the death and thus should become spiritually

active. Generally people think that death is

inauspicious. But it is the most auspicious Guru that

gives knowledge about the temporary existence of the

body and makes the human being alert in the spiritual

effort. In Mahabharata it is told that one should

constantly remember death as if it is walking by our

side catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appears

inauspicious externally. But internally He is the

embodiment of the divine knowledge and most

auspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.

Any quality turned towards God is always good. Tamas

gives rigid firmness in the spiritual path. Prahlada

was firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation by

donating eyes to Lord Siva. Even Sattvam when turned

towards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very polite

and was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possesses

Sattvam quality. But he never followed the word of

Lord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was diverted

towards the world and he was very greedy. The Lord

punished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the justice

also by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules

of justice to protect His real devotee due to the

Tamas quality only. Lord Siva protected Markandeya in

this way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond of

prostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that in

Nivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord even if

the Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard not

leaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.

At that stage to have such a firm desire on the Lord,

Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment of

Sattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith on

Lord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord Krishna forced

him to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack of

firmness in the faith and the firmness is always due

to Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva is very much in

the spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman is

called Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on the

association with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts of

different colours. The Lord is not having any colour.

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energetic

bodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate

coloured shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scolded

Brahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same (Brahmacha

Narayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is to

differentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and to

differentiate their corresponding incarnations i.e.,

Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal






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Dear All


As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we should presume it as 108 Divya

Desam of Vishnu) , I think we should share our knowledge about the 108 Divya

Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs attention etc. Not what swamiji

says or does, Did any one try to see the link given in the posting. it is most

ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of

Krishna in cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was portrayed as Mary and

Christians raised a lot of hue and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


I think Divya Desam group should be used for specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


I hope everyone will agree with me.









Madhura Limaye


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter who is the

embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva. Even

Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand was a

devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never followed the

word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards the world and

he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the

justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of justice to

protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva protected

Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond ofprostitute due to

Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord

even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard notleaving the harmful

wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have such a firm desire on

the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment ofSattvam quality.

But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord

Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack offirmness in

the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva

is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman iscalled Brahma,

Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The Lord is

not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energeticbodies

of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured shirts. If you scold

Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same

(BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is todifferentiate

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding incarnations

i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Messenger Now


Sponsor --------------------~--> Would you Help a Child in

need?It is easier than you think.Click Here to meet a Child you can



/<*> To from this group,

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is subject to: /


Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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Guest guest

it is not the first time that we such articles...inspite of repeated messages

that only sri vaishnavaite culture and sampradams to be propagated, others just

cast a dark shadow. I request the other cultures to stop sending mails to this

site in good faith and also with due respects to their sects. will the

concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the site without any



rajaramanSrihi <srihi (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear All


As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we should presume it as 108 Divya

Desam of Vishnu) , I think we should share our knowledge about the 108 Divya

Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs attention etc. Not what swamiji

says or does, Did any one try to see the link given in the posting. it is most

ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of

Krishna in cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was portrayed as Mary and

Christians raised a lot of hue and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


I think Divya Desam group should be used for specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


I hope everyone will agree with me.









Madhura Limaye


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never

followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards

the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to

cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of

justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee

shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard

notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have

such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the


ofSattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore,

even if Lord Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack

offirmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamas respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured

shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the

same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Messenger Now


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need?It is easier than you think.Click Here to meet a Child you can



/<*> To from this group,

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is subject to: /


Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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How much free photo storage do you get? Store your friends n family photos for

FREE with Photos. http://in.photos.

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Guest guest

Can anybody tell me first what is this sri Vaishnaviate culture first?

i am maharashtrain brahmin from bombay and joined this site with belief that it

will add to my knowledge about spiritualism etc.

But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else.

I think Lord Vishnu will also not like this wars and if you propogate us leaving

this group, it is still fine with us.



Madhura limaye.raja raman <rrb4u (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

dear sir


it is not the first time that we such articles...inspite of repeated messages

that only sri vaishnavaite culture and sampradams to be propagated, others just

cast a dark shadow. I request the other cultures to stop sending mails to this

site in good faith and also with due respects to their sects. will the

concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the site without any



rajaramanSrihi <srihi (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear All


As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we should presume it as 108 Divya

Desam of Vishnu) , I think we should share our knowledge about the 108 Divya

Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs attention etc. Not what swamiji

says or does, Did any one try to see the link given in the posting. it is most

ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of

Krishna in cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was portrayed as Mary and

Christians raised a lot of hue and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


I think Divya Desam group should be used for specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


I hope everyone will agree with me.









Madhura Limaye


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never

followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards

the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to

cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of

justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee

shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard

notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have

such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the


ofSattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore,

even if Lord Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack

offirmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamas respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured

shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the

same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Messenger Now


Sponsor --------------------~--> Would you Help a Child in

need?It is easier than you think.Click Here to meet a Child you can



/<*> To from this group,

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is subject to: /


Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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Guest guest

Dear madhura Limaye,


Srivaishnavite culture is the one that was popularized by Sri Ramanujacharya (1017 AD-1137 AD),

further solidified/codified by Sri Vedanta Deshikar and Sri Manavala Munigal.

Srivaishnavism is not caste based (Iyengars, who are part of Srivaishnavites are Brahmins.

Some popular figures are_ Rajagopalachari, Hemamalini, Venkata Raghavan, Jayalalita).

Here sole surrender to SrimannarayaNa as the one and only,

for all our needs including salvation is the requirement.

This tradition gives equal status as the shrutis (Vedas/Upanishads/Brahma sutras/Bhagavadgita),

to the works of ALvArs in the form of Tamil poems (divya prabhandhams). These

poetry also pays specific tributes to the special 108 sacred abodes/temples of

Vishnu (Divyadeshams).

Ramayanam/Mahabharatam/Bhagavatam /VishNupuranam are all recognized as sacred scriptures.

The whole purpose of life is to do service to the Lord.


> But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else<

from what I have stated above, this is your wrong conclusion.

It is nothing to do with caste, but everything to do with Srivaishnavism.

Surely, this is not a generic site Hinduism or any spiritualism.

This is for Srivaishnavites and/or those who like to

share, learn and rejoice Srivaishnavism.


Hope this clarifies your doubts.




K.S. tAtAchAr Madhura Limaye

<astromads >Sent: Thu, 2 Jun 2005

22:59:20 -0700 (PDT)Re: worshipping Lord Shiva


Can anybody tell me first what is this sri Vaishnaviate culture first?

i am maharashtrain brahmin from bombay and joined this site with belief that it

will add to my knowledge about spiritualism etc.

But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else.

I think Lord Vishnu will also not like this wars and if you propogate us leaving

this group, it is still fine with us.



Madhura limaye.raja raman <rrb4u (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

dear sir


it is not the first time that we such articles...inspite of repeated messages

that only sri vaishnavaite culture and sampradams to be propagated, others just

cast a dark shadow. I request the other cultures to stop sending mails to this

site in good faith and also with due respects to their sects. will the

concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the site without any



rajaramanSrihi <srihi (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear All


As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we should presume it as 108 Divya

Desam of Vishnu) , I think we should share our knowledge about the 108 Divya

Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs attention etc. Not what swamiji

says or does, Did any one try to see the link given in the posting. it is most

ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of

Krishna in cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was portrayed as Mary and

Christians raised a lot of hue and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


I think Divya Desam group should be used for specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


I hope everyone will agree with me.









Madhura Limaye


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter who is the

embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva. Even

Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand was a

devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never followed the

word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards the world and

he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to cross the

justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of justice to

protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva protected

Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond ofprostitute due to

Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee shall not leave the Lord

even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard notleaving the harmful

wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have such a firm desire on

the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the embodiment ofSattvam quality.

But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore, even if Lord

Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack offirmness in

the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the importance of Siva

is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman iscalled Brahma,

Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and Tamas

respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The Lord is

not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three energeticbodies

of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured shirts. If you scold

Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the same

(BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is todifferentiate

Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding incarnations

i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Messenger Now


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need?It is easier than you think.Click Here to meet a Child you can



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Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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Guest guest

You are perfectly right and We all understand this site is dedicated for

Vaishnavites and to discuss about the "kalyana Gunagal" of Perumal. But what I

obejected is not tell others as rubbish. If you don't like that kind of

article to come in this site, Mr.Padmanabhan would have written in a polite way

to resfuse other articles not related to Sri Maha Vishnu.


As per Raja Raman "will the concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the

site without any grievances.....


Yes, Mr. raja raman, I can leave the site if I wish. but the problem is that I

don't want to leave the site just for telling the truth. I am also a

Vaishnavite. I joined this group knowingly that this group will discuss only

about Sri Vishnu. But at the same time, I can't keep quiet enjoying somebody

telling nonsense about others belief. My point is simple and straight that

don't critisise others belives. If you don't like it ignote it.


We all are hear to share the Joy of discussing about Perumal. Don't make his

adiyavar as "Critics" of others.





tatachar (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

Dear madhura Limaye,


Srivaishnavite culture is the one that was popularized by Sri Ramanujacharya (1017 AD-1137 AD),

further solidified/codified by Sri Vedanta Deshikar and Sri Manavala Munigal.

Srivaishnavism is not caste based (Iyengars, who are part of Srivaishnavites are Brahmins.

Some popular figures are_ Rajagopalachari, Hemamalini, Venkata Raghavan, Jayalalita).

Here sole surrender to SrimannarayaNa as the one and only,

for all our needs including salvation is the requirement.

This tradition gives equal status as the shrutis (Vedas/Upanishads/Brahma sutras/Bhagavadgita),

to the works of ALvArs in the form of Tamil poems (divya prabhandhams). These

poetry also pays specific tributes to the special 108 sacred abodes/temples of

Vishnu (Divyadeshams).

Ramayanam/Mahabharatam/Bhagavatam /VishNupuranam are all recognized as sacred scriptures.

The whole purpose of life is to do service to the Lord.


> But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else<

from what I have stated above, this is your wrong conclusion.

It is nothing to do with caste, but everything to do with Srivaishnavism.

Surely, this is not a generic site Hinduism or any spiritualism.

This is for Srivaishnavites and/or those who like to

share, learn and rejoice Srivaishnavism.


Hope this clarifies your doubts.




K.S. tAtAchAr Madhura Limaye

<astromads >Sent: Thu, 2 Jun 2005

22:59:20 -0700 (PDT)Re: worshipping Lord Shiva


Can anybody tell me first what is this sri Vaishnaviate culture first?

i am maharashtrain brahmin from bombay and joined this site with belief that it

will add to my knowledge about spiritualism etc.

But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else.

I think Lord Vishnu will also not like this wars and if you propogate us leaving

this group, it is still fine with us.



Madhura limaye.raja raman <rrb4u (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

dear sir


it is not the first time that we such articles...inspite of repeated messages

that only sri vaishnavaite culture and sampradams to be propagated, others just

cast a dark shadow. I request the other cultures to stop sending mails to this

site in good faith and also with due respects to their sects. will the

concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the site without any



rajaramanSrihi <srihi (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear All


As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we should presume it as 108 Divya

Desam of Vishnu) , I think we should share our knowledge about the 108 Divya

Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs attention etc. Not what swamiji

says or does, Did any one try to see the link given in the posting. it is most

ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of

Krishna in cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was portrayed as Mary and

Christians raised a lot of hue and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


I think Divya Desam group should be used for specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


I hope everyone will agree with me.









Madhura Limaye


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never

followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards

the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to

cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of

justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee

shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard

notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have

such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the


ofSattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore,

even if Lord Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack

offirmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamas respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured

shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the

same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


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Messenger Now


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need?It is easier than you think.Click Here to meet a Child you can



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Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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Thats why we are getting offended by reading such stupid examples.




Chakrapani Shankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Mr. tAtAchAr,


You are perfectly right and We all understand this site is dedicated for

Vaishnavites and to discuss about the "kalyana Gunagal" of Perumal. But what I

obejected is not tell others as rubbish. If you don't like that kind of

article to come in this site, Mr.Padmanabhan would have written in a polite way

to resfuse other articles not related to Sri Maha Vishnu.


As per Raja Raman "will the concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the

site without any grievances.....


Yes, Mr. raja raman, I can leave the site if I wish. but the problem is that I

don't want to leave the site just for telling the truth. I am also a

Vaishnavite. I joined this group knowingly that this group will discuss only

about Sri Vishnu. But at the same time, I can't keep quiet enjoying somebody

telling nonsense about others belief. My point is simple and straight that

don't critisise others belives. If you don't like it ignote it.


We all are hear to share the Joy of discussing about Perumal. Don't make his

adiyavar as "Critics" of others.





tatachar (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

Dear madhura Limaye,


Srivaishnavite culture is the one that was popularized by Sri Ramanujacharya (1017 AD-1137 AD),

further solidified/codified by Sri Vedanta Deshikar and Sri Manavala Munigal.

Srivaishnavism is not caste based (Iyengars, who are part of Srivaishnavites are Brahmins.

Some popular figures are_ Rajagopalachari, Hemamalini, Venkata Raghavan, Jayalalita).

Here sole surrender to SrimannarayaNa as the one and only,

for all our needs including salvation is the requirement.

This tradition gives equal status as the shrutis (Vedas/Upanishads/Brahma sutras/Bhagavadgita),

to the works of ALvArs in the form of Tamil poems (divya prabhandhams). These

poetry also pays specific tributes to the special 108 sacred abodes/temples of

Vishnu (Divyadeshams).

Ramayanam/Mahabharatam/Bhagavatam /VishNupuranam are all recognized as sacred scriptures.

The whole purpose of life is to do service to the Lord.


> But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else<

from what I have stated above, this is your wrong conclusion.

It is nothing to do with caste, but everything to do with Srivaishnavism.

Surely, this is not a generic site Hinduism or any spiritualism.

This is for Srivaishnavites and/or those who like to

share, learn and rejoice Srivaishnavism.


Hope this clarifies your doubts.




K.S. tAtAchAr Madhura Limaye

<astromads >Sent: Thu, 2 Jun 2005

22:59:20 -0700 (PDT)Re: worshipping Lord Shiva


Can anybody tell me first what is this sri Vaishnaviate culture first?

i am maharashtrain brahmin from bombay and joined this site with belief that it

will add to my knowledge about spiritualism etc.

But it seems this site is just for caste wars and nothing else.

I think Lord Vishnu will also not like this wars and if you propogate us leaving

this group, it is still fine with us.



Madhura limaye.raja raman <rrb4u (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote:

dear sir


it is not the first time that we such articles...inspite of repeated messages

that only sri vaishnavaite culture and sampradams to be propagated, others just

cast a dark shadow. I request the other cultures to stop sending mails to this

site in good faith and also with due respects to their sects. will the

concerned person rise to the occasion and leave the site without any



rajaramanSrihi <srihi (AT) vsnl (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear All


As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we should presume it as 108 Divya

Desam of Vishnu) , I think we should share our knowledge about the 108 Divya

Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs attention etc. Not what swamiji

says or does, Did any one try to see the link given in the posting. it is most

ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of

Krishna in cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was portrayed as Mary and

Christians raised a lot of hue and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


I think Divya Desam group should be used for specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


I hope everyone will agree with me.









Madhura Limaye


Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for below.

When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get involved into it, and that is it.

That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies of GOD.

Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.


MadhuraShankar Sridharan <ss1969au > wrote:

Dear Vaishnavas,


I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A. This shows that your

Bhakthi and faith towards Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing there is no place in your

heart for Perumal.


Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava

is tolerant, single pointed devotion.


This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made Bhudists,christians and

muslims to invade our culture and criticise our values. Be a good Vaishnava!!

Our children needs acceptance of our own principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


He is a true Vaishnava who knows and feels another?s calamities as his own.Ever

ready to serve, he never boasts.Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.Blessed

is the mother of such a person.He treats women as he would treat his own

motherHe keeps his mind calm and does not stain his lips with falsehood;Nor

does he touch another?s wealth.No bonds of attachment can hold him.Ever in tune

with Rama-nama (name of God), within his body is present all places of

piligrimage.Free from greed and deceit, passion and anger,This is a true



Don't ever say some thing which you don't like is rubbish. This shows your

immaturity of mind. You are not fit to be a good Vaishnavite.

ShankarTHIRUPPATHYRaguveeradayal Iyengar <rajamragu > wrote:

Adiyen fully endorses the view of Sri Padmanaban Swami.


On 31/05/05, R Padmanabhan/ACCT/SBD/FENNER <padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Moderator Swamy, Daily I use to delete this mail without opening. Today by

mistake I have opened seen the Abhatha Kazhanjiyam. Why do you allow such

immatured and anti Vaishnava write ups in this group. Why don't you stop such

time wasting mails. Sri Ramanuja Dasan, R. Padmanabhan, Branch

Accountant,Fenner (India) Ltd.,9-1-87, S.D. Road,Secunderabad.A.P.Tel: 040

27703042; 040 27804038Cell: 040 31109751Fax: 040 27703770Email:

padmanabhan (AT) fennermail (DOT) com

Gayathry <agayathry > Sent by: 05/31/2005 12:35 PM

Please respond to


agayathry <agayathry >



worshipping Lord Shiva

Q.196) I was told that worshipping Lord Siva isinauspicious because He is

related to the destruction.Is it true?Ans.) The very meaning of the word Siva

is that He is always auspicious. It is stated that Lord Siva is thefirst Guru

who gives divine knowledge (JnanamMaheswaraat). The divine knowledge is said to

be veryauspicious in Gita (Nahi Jnanena Sadrusam). He isindicating destruction

of the world or the death of a person. One should always remember that this

worldwill be destroyed and is not eternal. By this you mustknow that death is

inevitable for the body and for thebody relationships. The old person must be

aware of the death that is going to come shortly and mustbecome spiritually

alert. Even the young man mustthink about untimely accidental death and that

thereis no guarantee of the old age. Thus if one remembersthe death constantly,

he will be spiritually active.The human being is not turned to spirituality

becausehe thinks that he will live forever or live for avery long time. He

should constantly remind his mind about the death and thus should become

spirituallyactive. Generally people think that death isinauspicious. But it is

the most auspicious Guru thatgives knowledge about the temporary existence of

thebody and makes the human being alert in the spiritual effort. In Mahabharata

it is told that one shouldconstantly remember death as if it is walking by

ourside catching hold of our hair. Lord Siva also appearsinauspicious

externally. But internally He is theembodiment of the divine knowledge and

mostauspicious. Lord Siva represents the quality of Tamas.Any quality turned

towards God is always good. Tamasgives rigid firmness in the spiritual path.

Prahladawas firm due to Tamas quality only. Kannappa, a hunter

who is the embodiment of Tamas attained salvation bydonating eyes to Lord Siva.

Even Sattvam when turnedtowards world is bad. Dhritarashtra was very politeand

was a devotee of Lord Krishna. He possessesSattvam quality. But he never

followed the word ofLord Krishna. All his Sattvam quality was divertedtowards

the world and he was very greedy. The Lordpunished him. In Nivrutti one has to

cross the justicealso by using Tamas. Even the Lord crosses the rules of

justice to protect His real devotee due to theTamas quality only. Lord Siva

protected Markandeya inthis way. Datta appears as a drunkard and fond

ofprostitute due to Tamas only. Datta preaches that inNivrutti the devotee

shall not leave the Lord even ifthe Lord harms him. This is like the drunkard

notleaving the harmful wine and the harmful prostitute.At that stage to have

such a firm desire on the Lord,Tamas is required. Dharmaraja was the


ofSattvam quality. But he was not having firm faith onLord Krishna. Therefore,

even if Lord Krishna forcedhim to tell a lie he refused. This is due to lack

offirmness in the faith and the firmness is always dueto Tamas. Thus the

importance of Siva is very much inthe spiritual line. Moreover the same Brahman

iscalled Brahma, Vishnu and Siva based on theassociation with Sattvam, Rajas and

Tamas respectively. The same Lord is in three shirts ofdifferent colours. The

Lord is not having any colour.Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are only the three

energeticbodies of the same Lord, which are like three separate coloured

shirts. If you scold Siva, you have scoldedBrahma and Vishnu. Veda says the

same (BrahmachaNarayanah, Sivascha Narayanah). The greatest sin is

todifferentiate Brahma, Vishnu and Siva and todifferentiate their corresponding

incarnations i.e.,Madhva, Ramanuja and Sankara.


Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

Messenger Now


Sponsor --------------------~--> Would you Help a Child in

need?It is easier than you think.Click Here to meet a Child you can



/<*> To from

this group, send an email to: <*> Your



Adiyen,Dasan,Thiruppathi Raguveeradayal

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MailStay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour


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FREE with Photos. http://in.photos.

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Guest guest

The reason for this caste war is Gayathry.

Madam Gayathry pl pl pl pl pl pl pl from

this group.

or else pl DONOT post such articles.

I beg you on behalf of all other member of this group

pl stop posting such articles.




--- Shankar Sridharan <ss1969au wrote:


> Dear Mr. tAtAchAr,


> You are perfectly right and We all understand this

> site is dedicated for Vaishnavites and to discuss

> about the "kalyana Gunagal" of Perumal. But what I

> obejected is not tell others as rubbish. If you

> don't like that kind of article to come in this

> site, Mr.Padmanabhan would have written in a polite

> way to resfuse other articles not related to Sri

> Maha Vishnu.


> As per Raja Raman "will the concerned person rise to

> the occasion and leave the site without any

> grievances.....


> Yes, Mr. raja raman, I can leave the site if I wish.

> but the problem is that I don't want to leave the

> site just for telling the truth. I am also a

> Vaishnavite. I joined this group knowingly that this

> group will discuss only about Sri Vishnu. But at the

> same time, I can't keep quiet enjoying somebody

> telling nonsense about others belief. My point is

> simple and straight that don't critisise others

> belives. If you don't like it ignote it.


> We all are hear to share the Joy of discussing about

> Perumal. Don't make his adiyavar as "Critics" of

> others.


> Thanks


> Shankar


> tatachar wrote:

> Dear madhura Limaye,


> Srivaishnavite culture is the one that was

> popularized by Sri Ramanujacharya (1017 AD-1137 AD),

> further solidified/codified by Sri Vedanta Deshikar

> and Sri Manavala Munigal.

> Srivaishnavism is not caste based (Iyengars, who are

> part of Srivaishnavites are Brahmins.

> Some popular figures are_ Rajagopalachari,

> Hemamalini, Venkata Raghavan, Jayalalita).

> Here sole surrender to SrimannarayaNa as the one

> and only,

> for all our needs including salvation is the

> requirement.

> This tradition gives equal status as the shrutis

> (Vedas/Upanishads/Brahma sutras/Bhagavadgita),

> to the works of ALvArs in the form of Tamil poems

> (divya prabhandhams). These poetry also pays

> specific tributes to the special 108 sacred

> abodes/temples of Vishnu (Divyadeshams).

> Ramayanam/Mahabharatam/Bhagavatam /VishNupuranam are

> all recognized as sacred scriptures.

> The whole purpose of life is to do service to the

> Lord.


> > But it seems this site is just for caste wars and

> nothing else<

> from what I have stated above, this is your wrong

> conclusion.

> It is nothing to do with caste, but everything to do

> with Srivaishnavism.

> Surely, this is not a generic site Hinduism or any

> spiritualism.

> This is for Srivaishnavites and/or those who like

> to

> share, learn and rejoice Srivaishnavism.


> Hope this clarifies your doubts.


> dAsan


> K.S. tAtAchAr



> Madhura Limaye <astromads


> Thu, 2 Jun 2005 22:59:20 -0700 (PDT)

> Re: worshipping Lord Shiva


> .AOLPlainTextBody { margin: 0px; font-family:

> Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Sans-Serif; font-size:

> 12px; color: #000; background-color: #fff;

> }.AOLPlainTextBody pre { font-size:

> 9pt;}.AOLInlineAttachment { margin:

> 10px;}.AOLAttachmentHeader { border-bottom: 2px

> solid #E9EAEB; background:

> #F9F9F9;}.AOLAttachmentHeader .Title { font: 11px

> Tahoma; font-weight: bold; color: #666666;

> background: #E9EAEB; padding: 3px 0px 1px

> 10px;}.AOLAttachmentHeader .FieldLabel { font:

> 11px Tahoma; font-weight: bold; color:

> #666666; padding: 1px 10px 1px

> 9px;}.AOLAttachmentHeader .FieldValue { font:

> 11px Tahoma; color: #333333;}Hello,

> Can anybody tell me first what is this sri

> Vaishnaviate culture first?

> i am maharashtrain brahmin from bombay and joined

> this site with belief that it will add to my

> knowledge about spiritualism etc.

> But it seems this site is just for caste wars and

> nothing else.

> I think Lord Vishnu will also not like this wars and

> if you propogate us leaving this group, it is still

> fine with us.


> Thanks

> Madhura limaye.


> raja raman <rrb4u wrote:

> dear sir


> it is not the first time that we such

> articles...inspite of repeated messages that only

> sri vaishnavaite culture and sampradams to be

> propagated, others just cast a dark shadow. I

> request the other cultures to stop sending mails to

> this site in good faith and also with due respects

> to their sects. will the concerned person rise to

> the occasion and leave the site without any

> grievances.....


> rajaraman


> Srihi <srihi wrote:

> Dear All


> As the name of this group is Divya Desam ( So we

> should presume it as 108 Divya Desam of Vishnu) , I

> think we should share our knowledge about the 108

> Divya Kshetram,The Kshetrams of Vishnu Which needs

> attention etc. Not what swamiji says or does, Did

> any one try to see the link given in the posting. it

> is most ridiculous to see swamiji portrayed as

> Vishnu ( like NTR who dons the role of Krishna in

> cinema) ( Long back a Political leader was

> portrayed as Mary and Christians raised a lot of hue

> and cry. Is anyone saying anything?.


> I think Divya Desam group should be used for

> specific purpose of promoting Sri Vaishnavism only.


> I hope everyone will agree with me.


> Dasan

> Sridhar





> -

> Madhura Limaye


> Thursday, June 02, 2005 11:56 AM

> Re: worshipping Lord Shiva



> Hello,


> I also firmly agree with the view of Mr Shankar for

> below.

> When you worship the LORD, any LORD, you just get

> involved into it, and that is it.

> That is what GOD wants us to do. May be in any form.

> Whether Vishnu or Shiva, they are different energies

> of GOD.

> Kindly try to integrate our Hindu Dharma first.

> Thanks,

> Madhura


> Shankar Sridharan <ss1969au wrote:

> Dear Vaishnavas,


> I don't understand your problem in reading that Q&A.

> This shows that your Bhakthi and faith towards

> Vishnu is not firm. It is good to have one pointed

> devotion. As soon as you start hating some thing

> there is no place in your heart for Perumal.


> Do you people think, Bhagavan will appreciate your

> dwesham. Meaning of Vaishnava is tolerant, single

> pointed devotion.


> This hatred between our own hindu sectors only made

> Bhudists,christians and muslims to invade our

> culture and criticise our values. Be a good

> Vaishnava!! Our children needs acceptance of our own

> principles with tolerance.Not hatred.


> He is a true Vaishnava who knows and

> feels another?s calamities as his own.

> Ever ready to serve, he never boasts.

> Keeping his thought, word and deed pure.

> Blessed is the mother of such a person.

> He treats women as he would treat his own mother

> He keeps his mind calm and

> does not stain his lips with falsehood;

> Nor does he touch another?s wealth.


=== message truncated ===







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