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Is not God above desire? Why then a desire for "Leela"?

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Dear Shri Reddy,


It is something like this. We all send our kids to school for education.

Definitely it is a pain for all of them. Still we want to do. In order to

get purified gold one has to dig the mine, purify it by heating it and

finally we get the purified form out of that. Similarly, in order for the

jeevas to get purified (get rid of all desires. remember AshA dukasya

karanam - desires are the sole cause of worries), he has to give a life to

these jeevas and undergo samsaric pleasures to understand and realise after

engulfing in those pleasures to see that they all are maya and only eternal

pleasure is to be at his tiruvadi. Hope this could have given some

convincing reply. Request all other Baghavatas to enlighten more on this.


namO nArAyanA



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"Narender Reddy" <reddynp

"Ram Anbil" <Ramanbil; <Srirangasri>; "Jaya

Krishna" <jkdevaki

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 6:29 AM

Re: Is not God above desire? Why then a desire for




> Dear Bhagavatas:

> The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need to "desire".

> (avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire" anything at all?.

> Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic pleasure in making

> jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for such role

> if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

> This has not been answered.

> Can anyone address this specific question?

> Moderator

> ========================================================================

> Jai Sriman Narayana!


> We are the children of God (Sriman Narayana). He is

> all potent and independent. However, we the jiva

> athmas are dependent on Him. This Leela Vibhoothi

> (play ground for God), is like an amusement park for

> us and this amusement park (Leela Vibhoothi) provides

> us with a false sense of independence and transient

> (temporary) happiness. Although the sastras do not

> point out why we are here, they point out that we have

> been here since time immemorial. My feeling is that we

> wanted to visit this like children want to visit a

> magic show or some ammusement park. Some times a child

> may want to dress like the presedent and imitate him,

> or dress like the mother and imitate her, etc.


> At the beginning when we entered our first body for

> the first time, we perhaps did not get attached to the

> body but later we got attached to the body after

> living in it for some time. Then the karma came in,

> we have been going through thousands of bodies and

> life cycles.

> We are supposed to be instruments of God, mere actors

> but we got attached to the characters and fell in to

> the bounds of karma. I heard of a story about a play

> in which the person who was playing as Lakshmana got

> so immersed into the play that he physically cut the

> nose of the actor who was playing as surpanaka. If the

> plays directed by orinary humans can be such immersing

> then think of how immersing can be the play of Lord

> Sriman Narayana. Only He can show our real identyity

> and guide us out.


> The question at this point should be how to get out of

> it, rather than how we got into it. The portion of the

> Vedas in the leela vibhoothi therefore do not talk

> about how we got into this samsara; they only talk

> about how we can get out of samsara.


> In the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,


> Sincerely

> Narender Reddy



> --- Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:

> > Dear Bhagavatas:

> >

> > "Jaya Krishna" <jkdevaki

> > has posted this interesting question. I would

> > request the members to provide

> > a suitable answer to the query. Thanks.

> > Dasoham

> > Anbil Ramaswamy

> >

> =================================================================

> >

> > Om Namo NaArayanaya

> >

> > Dear Devotees,

> >

> > I introduce myself as a Graduate from IIT Madras and

> > have been working with

> > TCS. I hail from a Vasihnavite family.

> >

> > Much as I tried to understand the Tatva of Lord, my

> > thoughts are coming to

> > halt at a point.

> >

> > I understood that we need to pray God (Bhakthi) and

> > surrender (prapatti)

> > ourselves at His Holy feet. He removes all the

> > difficulties of SamsaAra

> > (Death and Rebirth) and makes us as His eternal

> > servants in the Paramapada

> > to enjoy the permanant bliss.

> >

> > My doubt is...what might be the reason for this

> > Entire Creation/Destruction

> > of God. If we assume this (creation/destruction) as

> > God's 'Iccha' or

> > 'Leela', being God, He himself should not have any

> > desires as He is 'poorna

> > purusha'! Is n't it? Hence, if there is no

> > creation at all, there arises

> > no question of destruction, clinging of our souls in

> > Samsara and other

> > things. He creates us, makes us to enjoy the 'karma

> > phalam', realise Him and

> > then do service to Him. Why God is doing all this?

> > Why the souls are being

> > placed (in the body) and destroyed (removed from the

> > body) repeatedly due to

> > Karma? Why can't God stop this creation at some

> > point of time so that no

> > question of Karma/Liberation of souls would not

> > arise?

> >

> > I may be asking this question out of sheer ignorance

> > as am a

> > beginner/learner of Sri Vaishnava Samparadayam.

> > Please correct me in this

> > regard. Adiyen humbly requests all the devottes to

> > help him in this regard.

> >

> > Pranamams,

> >

> > Jayakrishna DaAsan.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> _______________

> > Unlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free! Try

> > MSN.

> >

> http://resourcecenter.msn.com/access/plans/2monthsfree.asp

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Srirangasri-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





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> Srirangasri-




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Dear Bhagavatas:

The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need to "desire".

(avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire" anything at all?.

Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic pleasure in making

jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for such role

if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

This has not been answered.

Can anyone address this specific question?



Jai Sriman Narayana!


We are the children of God (Sriman Narayana). He is

all potent and independent. However, we the jiva

athmas are dependent on Him. This Leela Vibhoothi

(play ground for God), is like an amusement park for

us and this amusement park (Leela Vibhoothi) provides

us with a false sense of independence and transient

(temporary) happiness. Although the sastras do not

point out why we are here, they point out that we have

been here since time immemorial. My feeling is that we

wanted to visit this like children want to visit a

magic show or some ammusement park. Some times a child

may want to dress like the presedent and imitate him,

or dress like the mother and imitate her, etc.


At the beginning when we entered our first body for

the first time, we perhaps did not get attached to the

body but later we got attached to the body after

living in it for some time. Then the karma came in,

we have been going through thousands of bodies and

life cycles.

We are supposed to be instruments of God, mere actors

but we got attached to the characters and fell in to

the bounds of karma. I heard of a story about a play

in which the person who was playing as Lakshmana got

so immersed into the play that he physically cut the

nose of the actor who was playing as surpanaka. If the

plays directed by orinary humans can be such immersing

then think of how immersing can be the play of Lord

Sriman Narayana. Only He can show our real identyity

and guide us out.


The question at this point should be how to get out of

it, rather than how we got into it. The portion of the

Vedas in the leela vibhoothi therefore do not talk

about how we got into this samsara; they only talk

about how we can get out of samsara.


In the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,



Narender Reddy



--- Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:

> Dear Bhagavatas:


> "Jaya Krishna" <jkdevaki

> has posted this interesting question. I would

> request the members to provide

> a suitable answer to the query. Thanks.

> Dasoham

> Anbil Ramaswamy




> Om Namo NaArayanaya


> Dear Devotees,


> I introduce myself as a Graduate from IIT Madras and

> have been working with

> TCS. I hail from a Vasihnavite family.


> Much as I tried to understand the Tatva of Lord, my

> thoughts are coming to

> halt at a point.


> I understood that we need to pray God (Bhakthi) and

> surrender (prapatti)

> ourselves at His Holy feet. He removes all the

> difficulties of SamsaAra

> (Death and Rebirth) and makes us as His eternal

> servants in the Paramapada

> to enjoy the permanant bliss.


> My doubt is...what might be the reason for this

> Entire Creation/Destruction

> of God. If we assume this (creation/destruction) as

> God's 'Iccha' or

> 'Leela', being God, He himself should not have any

> desires as He is 'poorna

> purusha'! Is n't it? Hence, if there is no

> creation at all, there arises

> no question of destruction, clinging of our souls in

> Samsara and other

> things. He creates us, makes us to enjoy the 'karma

> phalam', realise Him and

> then do service to Him. Why God is doing all this?

> Why the souls are being

> placed (in the body) and destroyed (removed from the

> body) repeatedly due to

> Karma? Why can't God stop this creation at some

> point of time so that no

> question of Karma/Liberation of souls would not

> arise?


> I may be asking this question out of sheer ignorance

> as am a

> beginner/learner of Sri Vaishnava Samparadayam.

> Please correct me in this

> regard. Adiyen humbly requests all the devottes to

> help him in this regard.


> Pranamams,


> Jayakrishna DaAsan.













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> Srirangasri-




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Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Dear BhAgavatas,


Pardon me if I am wrong, but adiyEn always thought that

avApta samasta kAman meant that He is one who has all

His desires fulfilled (or that He has no desires

unfulfilled). If that is the case, the original

question would be incorrectly phrased, as the question

says that He is above desires. Perhaps desire in the

sense that we understand it, is not the right word to

use for Him. The answer might be that it is His wish

to have a leela and His wish is fulfilled. I look to

the bhAgavatas to correct my rambling.


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

TCA Venkatesan


--- Narender Reddy <reddynp wrote:

> Dear Bhagavatas:

> The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need to

> "desire".

> (avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire" anything

> at all?.

> Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic

> pleasure in making

> jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for such

> role

> if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

> This has not been answered.

> Can anyone address this specific question?

> Moderator


> ...




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adiyen anandavalli dasan.

Please forgive me if I am offending anyone or

being presumptive...no such intent.


"iruppidam vaikuntam" this is the essence...

there is no torment here other than being separated

from HIM and not being able to enjoy HIM more than

what adiyen is able to.

Everything else is my own making.

So what if adiyen does not have lot more money

adiyen has Niagra Falls, mountains and nectar like

stories of Udayavar, ThiruMangai, Gita, Swamy Desikan,

Jagat Guru AdiShankara and ad infinitum to this list.

The problem is then how to find vaikuntam here and

start enjoying.

(1) First step is to recognize there is

a problem within us

(2) out of sincere contrition try

to see through that enveloping avidya and

(3) start

enjoying what is awaiting us here and now in various

divya desams.

Do we know better than our Azwars who have repeatedly

said.. do not want that Sri Vaikuntam when I can be

here as a stepping stone or a fish in the pond

Kulasekhara Azwar and

of course the famous pacchai maamalar pol pasuram.


Therefore, adiyen feels and opines that misery

or the torment that we experience is not existent.

We just do not have the mental maturity to say

I have had enough and feel do not need more..

the moment something appears good we want that

and there desire sets in and follows all the torment

swamin has mentioned.


Listen to Ramanuja Nootrandi and cry with it. You will

feel strong as one who has a million dollars. Sing

Periazwar pasuram and experience a billion more.

At the top, attempt Nammazwar Sooz Visumbu pasuram

and experience heaven right here. Is that not why

Swamy Sadagopan wrote it for our anubhavam. Or was

HE taking notes so HE can review it for a test later?

precisely for us to enjoy. If we do not want to


there who is at fault. All our torments are our own

making. Sriman Narayana has given everything we need

to enjoy here and be happy. We create rules, we break

them. We set standards and we do not attempt enough to

reach it..

Climb the hills of Thiruvengadamudayan by foot,

pausing on each step with a pasuram or two from 4000

DP. Between 4 AM and 8 AM ..or go to Badri to enjoy

what our Lord has given us. Read Gita and forget

yourself. All our torments will vanish.


We need better eyes and

better percept to go after these than others.

that is our problem. we dwell on small and petty


Namo Narayana!

Matrondum illai!


--- Narender Reddy <reddynp wrote:

> Dear Bhagavatas:

> The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need

> to "desire".

> (avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire"

> anything at all?.

> Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic

> pleasure in making

> jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for

> such role

> if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

> This has not been answered.

> Can anyone address this specific question?

> Moderator



> Jai Sriman Narayana!


> We are the children of God (Sriman Narayana). He is

> all potent and independent. However, we the jiva

> athmas are dependent on Him. This Leela Vibhoothi

> (play ground for God), is like an amusement park for

> us and this amusement park (Leela Vibhoothi)

> provides

> us with a false sense of independence and transient

> (temporary) happiness. Although the sastras do not

> point out why we are here, they point out that we

> have

> been here since time immemorial. My feeling is that

> we

> wanted to visit this like children want to visit a

> magic show or some ammusement park. Some times a

> child

> may want to dress like the presedent and imitate

> him,

> or dress like the mother and imitate her, etc.


> At the beginning when we entered our first body for

> the first time, we perhaps did not get attached to

> the

> body but later we got attached to the body after

> living in it for some time. Then the karma came

> in,

> we have been going through thousands of bodies and

> life cycles.

> We are supposed to be instruments of God, mere

> actors

> but we got attached to the characters and fell in to

> the bounds of karma. I heard of a story about a

> play

> in which the person who was playing as Lakshmana got

> so immersed into the play that he physically cut the

> nose of the actor who was playing as surpanaka. If

> the

> plays directed by orinary humans can be such

> immersing

> then think of how immersing can be the play of Lord

> Sriman Narayana. Only He can show our real identyity

> and guide us out.


> The question at this point should be how to get out

> of

> it, rather than how we got into it. The portion of

> the

> Vedas in the leela vibhoothi therefore do not talk

> about how we got into this samsara; they only talk

> about how we can get out of samsara.


> In the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,


> Sincerely

> Narender Reddy



> --- Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:

> > Dear Bhagavatas:

> >

> > "Jaya Krishna" <jkdevaki

> > has posted this interesting question. I would

> > request the members to provide

> > a suitable answer to the query. Thanks.

> > Dasoham

> > Anbil Ramaswamy

> >



> >

> > Om Namo NaArayanaya

> >

> > Dear Devotees,

> >

> > I introduce myself as a Graduate from IIT Madras

> and

> > have been working with

> > TCS. I hail from a Vasihnavite family.

> >

> > Much as I tried to understand the Tatva of Lord,

> my

> > thoughts are coming to

> > halt at a point.

> >

> > I understood that we need to pray God (Bhakthi)

> and

> > surrender (prapatti)

> > ourselves at His Holy feet. He removes all the

> > difficulties of SamsaAra

> > (Death and Rebirth) and makes us as His eternal

> > servants in the Paramapada

> > to enjoy the permanant bliss.

> >

> > My doubt is...what might be the reason for this

> > Entire Creation/Destruction

> > of God. If we assume this (creation/destruction)

> as

> > God's 'Iccha' or

> > 'Leela', being God, He himself should not have any

> > desires as He is 'poorna

> > purusha'! Is n't it? Hence, if there is no

> > creation at all, there arises

> > no question of destruction, clinging of our souls

> in

> > Samsara and other

> > things. He creates us, makes us to enjoy the

> 'karma

> > phalam', realise Him and

> > then do service to Him. Why God is doing all this?


> > Why the souls are being

> > placed (in the body) and destroyed (removed from

> the

> > body) repeatedly due to

> > Karma? Why can't God stop this creation at some

> > point of time so that no

> > question of Karma/Liberation of souls would not

> > arise?

> >

> > I may be asking this question out of sheer

> ignorance

> > as am a

> > beginner/learner of Sri Vaishnava Samparadayam.

> > Please correct me in this

> > regard. Adiyen humbly requests all the devottes to

> > help him in this regard.

> >

> > Pranamams,

> >

> > Jayakrishna DaAsan.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >



> > Unlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free! 

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> >



> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Srirangasri-

> >

> >

> >

> > Your use of is subject to

> >

> >

> >





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Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namah,


This is Adiyen's 2 cents contribution.


The realities or Tatvas of Jiva (Chit), Jada (Achit) or matter and

Ishwara (Sriman Narayana) are all eternal.

Like wise Karma is also eternal.That means there is no beginning or

end to all these.


If Karma is done with a selfish motive to enjoy the material world

prompted by kama or desire then it starts binding the Jiva in the

cycle of births and deaths.It takes us away from the Lord.


On the other hand if all the karma is done for the Lord (Satveeka

tyagam) then everything becomes a Yagnya or His kainkaryam.


Nothing is newly created or destroyed by the lord.It is only an

expansion from an unmanifested state to the manifested state.


It is the mercy of the Lord to create or expand this universe out of

his own body (like spider weaving its web) and this gives the Jiva's

an opportunity to work out their karmas.He is so merciful that He

enters into all His creation (living and non living) as Sarva-

antaryami and facilitates all the things to happen as they are

supposed to happen.


The processes of digestion, circulation etc that happens inside our

body of which we are totally unaware of , are being done by the Lord

in His Vishvanara form.(BG- Aham vishvanaro bhutva praneenam

dehamashritaha).The Sun is glowing, the clouds are raining, water is

flowing and Air is blowing and all these are happenning because of

the presence of the Lord in all of them.We just blindly enjoy the

world through our senses and out of ignorance think that we are the

doers.Thus our so called freedom is false.We are absolutely dependent

on Him.


The Lord also reminds us in the Bhagavadgita that He is also engaged

in constant Karma or action but those actions of His does'nt bind him

but it surely does for us.


Thus God's Leela of Creation and destruction are not a result of

his "desires" and it is a result of His unlimited mercy on the

badhdha Jivas to give them unlimited opportunities to come to the

right path and true knowledge.


Iti SriMad Acharya Padarenu,


Suresha dasa:

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"At the beginning when we entered our first body for

the first time"

as far as i know, there is no first even for JEEVATMA. like paramatma

jeevatma is also anadhi.

please correct me if i am wrong.


"Narender Reddy" <reddynp

"Ram Anbil" <Ramanbil; <Srirangasri>; "Jaya

Krishna" <jkdevaki

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:59 AM

Re: Is not God above desire? Why then a desire for




> Dear Bhagavatas:

> The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need to "desire".

> (avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire" anything at all?.

> Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic pleasure in making

> jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for such role

> if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

> This has not been answered.

> Can anyone address this specific question?

> Moderator

> ========================================================================

> Jai Sriman Narayana!


> We are the children of God (Sriman Narayana). He is

> all potent and independent. However, we the jiva

> athmas are dependent on Him. This Leela Vibhoothi

> (play ground for God), is like an amusement park for

> us and this amusement park (Leela Vibhoothi) provides

> us with a false sense of independence and transient

> (temporary) happiness. Although the sastras do not

> point out why we are here, they point out that we have

> been here since time immemorial. My feeling is that we

> wanted to visit this like children want to visit a

> magic show or some ammusement park. Some times a child

> may want to dress like the presedent and imitate him,

> or dress like the mother and imitate her, etc.


> At the beginning when we entered our first body for

> the first time, we perhaps did not get attached to the

> body but later we got attached to the body after

> living in it for some time. Then the karma came in,

> we have been going through thousands of bodies and

> life cycles.

> We are supposed to be instruments of God, mere actors

> but we got attached to the characters and fell in to

> the bounds of karma. I heard of a story about a play

> in which the person who was playing as Lakshmana got

> so immersed into the play that he physically cut the

> nose of the actor who was playing as surpanaka. If the

> plays directed by orinary humans can be such immersing

> then think of how immersing can be the play of Lord

> Sriman Narayana. Only He can show our real identyity

> and guide us out.


> The question at this point should be how to get out of

> it, rather than how we got into it. The portion of the

> Vedas in the leela vibhoothi therefore do not talk

> about how we got into this samsara; they only talk

> about how we can get out of samsara.


> In the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,


> Sincerely

> Narender Reddy



> --- Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:

> > Dear Bhagavatas:

> >

> > "Jaya Krishna" <jkdevaki

> > has posted this interesting question. I would

> > request the members to provide

> > a suitable answer to the query. Thanks.

> > Dasoham

> > Anbil Ramaswamy

> >

> =================================================================

> >

> > Om Namo NaArayanaya

> >

> > Dear Devotees,

> >

> > I introduce myself as a Graduate from IIT Madras and

> > have been working with

> > TCS. I hail from a Vasihnavite family.

> >

> > Much as I tried to understand the Tatva of Lord, my

> > thoughts are coming to

> > halt at a point.

> >

> > I understood that we need to pray God (Bhakthi) and

> > surrender (prapatti)

> > ourselves at His Holy feet. He removes all the

> > difficulties of SamsaAra

> > (Death and Rebirth) and makes us as His eternal

> > servants in the Paramapada

> > to enjoy the permanant bliss.

> >

> > My doubt is...what might be the reason for this

> > Entire Creation/Destruction

> > of God. If we assume this (creation/destruction) as

> > God's 'Iccha' or

> > 'Leela', being God, He himself should not have any

> > desires as He is 'poorna

> > purusha'! Is n't it? Hence, if there is no

> > creation at all, there arises

> > no question of destruction, clinging of our souls in

> > Samsara and other

> > things. He creates us, makes us to enjoy the 'karma

> > phalam', realise Him and

> > then do service to Him. Why God is doing all this?

> > Why the souls are being

> > placed (in the body) and destroyed (removed from the

> > body) repeatedly due to

> > Karma? Why can't God stop this creation at some

> > point of time so that no

> > question of Karma/Liberation of souls would not

> > arise?

> >

> > I may be asking this question out of sheer ignorance

> > as am a

> > beginner/learner of Sri Vaishnava Samparadayam.

> > Please correct me in this

> > regard. Adiyen humbly requests all the devottes to

> > help him in this regard.

> >

> > Pranamams,

> >

> > Jayakrishna DaAsan.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> _______________

> > Unlimited Internet access -- and 2 months free! Try

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"avApta samasta kAman" means - There is nothing exist that He cannot get if

He desires. This is a very important concept.

Similarly another interesting definition given by Swami Desika on "Agadita

Gadana Samarthyam".




TCA Venkatesan [vtca]

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 7:23 AM


Re: Is not God above desire? Why then a desire

for "Leela"?




Srimathe Ramanujaya Nama:


Dear BhAgavatas,


Pardon me if I am wrong, but adiyEn always thought that

avApta samasta kAman meant that He is one who has all

His desires fulfilled (or that He has no desires

unfulfilled). If that is the case, the original

question would be incorrectly phrased, as the question

says that He is above desires. Perhaps desire in the

sense that we understand it, is not the right word to

use for Him. The answer might be that it is His wish

to have a leela and His wish is fulfilled. I look to

the bhAgavatas to correct my rambling.


adiyEn madhurakavi dAsan

TCA Venkatesan


--- Narender Reddy <reddynp wrote:

> Dear Bhagavatas:

> The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need to

> "desire".

> (avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire" anything

> at all?.

> Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic

> pleasure in making

> jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for such

> role

> if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

> This has not been answered.

> Can anyone address this specific question?

> Moderator


> ...




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I am responding to "Magnatherm"

In Visishtadvaitha philosophy:

- tatvas: Jeevatmas (Chetanas, avara tatva), Paramatma (Iswara, para tatva)

and Moola Prakriti (achetana, avara tatva) all are 'anadhi' (no begining)

+'anantha' (no end) hence they all have 'swaroopa nityatvam'.

- regarding the samsara (having body due to karma)to the 'baddha' jeevas one

cannot say it is 'nitya'. in this sampradaya when did the baddha jeevatama

entered the body is accepted as 'anadhi'. Every sampradaya/phlosophy have

accepted some forms of 'anadhi' and there is no sampradaya which is either

explicitly or implicitly accepted 'anadhi'.

- There are three types of Jeevatma: 1. Nitya (eg. adhisesha/Garuda): all of

them have non-samsaric nityas as they never and in future also will enter in

to a karmic-body (karmakruta sareeram). 2. Muktas: those jeevas who have

denounced the karmic-body by forcing Sriman Narayana to give moksha either

thro' 'sadhana bakthi" or "prapatti". For muktas samsara 'adhi' is not know

n but 'antham' is known. 3. Badha Jeeva: we all. starting from chatumukha

Brahma to the last grass. both 'adhi' and 'antham' not known.


Hence, there is a lot of difference between 'anadhi' of Jeeva and 'anadhi'

of his/her 'body'. In the case of jeevatma - that swaroopa is there all the

time (nitya). But in the case body to Jeevatma, there exist a first

karmic-body, BUT we dont know when and how it has happened and that is what

we call as anadhi.


Normally the term 'anadhi' is attributed to an 'action' or 'event' over a

'time' and not to a tatva. (time is an achetana tatva and it is there even

in moksha). However, when we say paramatma is anadhi we mean 'existence' of

paramatma over a time is 'anadhi', meaning He is there all the 'time'.


Kindly corrcet me if I am wrong.



Magnatherm [magnatherm]

Thursday, November 07, 2002 9:19 AM

Ram Anbil; Srirangasri; Jaya Krishna; Narender Reddy

Re: Is not God above desire? Why then a desire

for "Leela"?



"At the beginning when we entered our first body for

the first time"

as far as i know, there is no first even for JEEVATMA. like paramatma

jeevatma is also anadhi.

please correct me if i am wrong.


"Narender Reddy" <reddynp

"Ram Anbil" <Ramanbil; <Srirangasri>; "Jaya

Krishna" <jkdevaki

Wednesday, November 06, 2002 4:59 AM

Re: Is not God above desire? Why then a desire for




> Dear Bhagavatas:

> The point raised, I believe, is that God has no need to "desire".

> (avaapta samasta kaama:).Why should he "desire" anything at all?.

> Does this not amount to God's deriving a sadistic pleasure in making

> jeevas to play a role and seek to torment them for such role

> if does not fit into his regimen (Sastras)

> This has not been answered.

> Can anyone address this specific question?

> Moderator

> ========================================================================

> Jai Sriman Narayana!


> We are the children of God (Sriman Narayana). He is

> all potent and independent. However, we the jiva

> athmas are dependent on Him. This Leela Vibhoothi

> (play ground for God), is like an amusement park for

> us and this amusement park (Leela Vibhoothi) provides

> us with a false sense of independence and transient

> (temporary) happiness. Although the sastras do not

> point out why we are here, they point out that we have

> been here since time immemorial. My feeling is that we

> wanted to visit this like children want to visit a

> magic show or some ammusement park. Some times a child

> may want to dress like the presedent and imitate him,

> or dress like the mother and imitate her, etc.


> At the beginning when we entered our first body for

> the first time, we perhaps did not get attached to the

> body but later we got attached to the body after

> living in it for some time. Then the karma came in,

> we have been going through thousands of bodies and

> life cycles.

> We are supposed to be instruments of God, mere actors

> but we got attached to the characters and fell in to

> the bounds of karma. I heard of a story about a play

> in which the person who was playing as Lakshmana got

> so immersed into the play that he physically cut the

> nose of the actor who was playing as surpanaka. If the

> plays directed by orinary humans can be such immersing

> then think of how immersing can be the play of Lord

> Sriman Narayana. Only He can show our real identyity

> and guide us out.


> The question at this point should be how to get out of

> it, rather than how we got into it. The portion of the

> Vedas in the leela vibhoothi therefore do not talk

> about how we got into this samsara; they only talk

> about how we can get out of samsara.


> In the service of Lord Sri Venkateswara, I remain,


> Sincerely

> Narender Reddy



> --- Ram Anbil <Ramanbil wrote:

> > Dear Bhagavatas:

> >

> > "Jaya Krishna" <jkdevaki

> > has posted this interesting question. I would

> > request the members to provide

> > a suitable answer to the query. Thanks.

> > Dasoham

> > Anbil Ramaswamy

> >

> =================================================================

> >

> > Om Namo NaArayanaya

> >

> > Dear Devotees,

> >

> > I introduce myself as a Graduate from IIT Madras and

> > have been working with

> > TCS. I hail from a Vasihnavite family.

> >

> > Much as I tried to understand the Tatva of Lord, my

> > thoughts are coming to

> > halt at a point.

> >

> > I understood that we need to pray God (Bhakthi) and

> > surrender (prapatti)

> > ourselves at His Holy feet. He removes all the

> > difficulties of SamsaAra

> > (Death and Rebirth) and makes us as His eternal

> > servants in the Paramapada

> > to enjoy the permanant bliss.

> >

> > My doubt is...what might be the reason for this

> > Entire Creation/Destruction

> > of God. If we assume this (creation/destruction) as

> > God's 'Iccha' or

> > 'Leela', being God, He himself should not have any

> > desires as He is 'poorna

> > purusha'! Is n't it? Hence, if there is no

> > creation at all, there arises

> > no question of destruction, clinging of our souls in

> > Samsara and other

> > things. He creates us, makes us to enjoy the 'karma

> > phalam', realise Him and

> > then do service to Him. Why God is doing all this?

> > Why the souls are being

> > placed (in the body) and destroyed (removed from the

> > body) repeatedly due to

> > Karma? Why can't God stop this creation at some

> > point of time so that no

> > question of Karma/Liberation of souls would not

> > arise?

> >

> > I may be asking this question out of sheer ignorance

> > as am a

> > beginner/learner of Sri Vaishnava Samparadayam.

> > Please correct me in this

> > regard. Adiyen humbly requests all the devottes to

> > help him in this regard.

> >

> > Pranamams,

> >

> > Jayakrishna DaAsan.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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