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Vol.3/12 d/01/10/02

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SrimatE Raamaanujaaya Namaha //

SrimatE Nigamaanta Mahaa Desikaaya Namaha //

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya/

SrIman! SrI Ranga Sriyam anubadravam anudhinam Samvardhaya//

KAvEri VardhathAm kAlE, kAlE varshathu vAsava: /

SrI RanganAthO jayathu Sri Ranga Sri cha VardhathAm//


SRI RANGA SRI VOL 03/ ISSUE 12dated 10th January 2002





Excerpts from talk delivered by Anbil Ramaswamy during the Tirunakshatram

Mahotsavam of Tiruvenkatamudaiyan and Swami Vedanta Desikan celebrated

jointly by “Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam”, “Sri Ramanuja Mission” and the

Hindu Cultural Society (HCS), Buffalo, New York on 29th September 2001. This

also marked the 5th Anniversary of “Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam and the

1st Anniversary of “Sri Ranga Sri” Electronic journal.


VAAMANA AVATAARAM (The Dwarf) – Anbil Ramaswamy


>From "Sri Ranga Vijayam" by Purisai Sri Krishnamachariar Swami,

Editor, "Nrisimhapriya" (translation in English: Anbil Ramaswamy)



(Written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghava

chariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" and translated in

English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center



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Anbil Ramaswamy,

Editor & Publisher,

“Sri Ranga Sri”




Excerpts from talk delivered by Anbil Ramaswamy during the Tirunakshatram

Mahotsavam of Tiruvenkatamudaiyan and Swami Vedanta Desikan celebrated

jointly by “Swami Desika Darsana Satsangam”, “Sri Ramanuja Mission” and the

Hindu Cultural Society (HCS), Buffalo, New York on 29th September 2001.


Nammazhwar’s 4 works are considered to be the essence of the 4 Vedas. Of

these, Tiruvoimozhi takes the pride of place as the essence of

SaamaVedam.They convey not only the emotional and sentimental outpourings of

the Azhwar but also contain deep inner esoteric meanings of the eternal

truths (tattvas) central to Srivaishnavam. While all the verses are gems

leaving no scope for choosing one over the other, we are compelled to limit

ourselves to the enjoyment of only a few of these Paasurams dedicated to



(i) ozhivil kaalamellaam uDanaai manni

vazhuvilaa aDimai seyya vENDum naam

Thezhi kural aruvi TiruvEnkaTathu

ezhil koL sOthi enthai tahnthai thanthaikkE 3.3.1


“ We should go, stay close to the Lord at TiruvEnkaTam and render faultless

service incessantly and forever. The Lord whose place is beautified with

clear waterfalls, the Lord who shines with incomparable effulgence, the Lord

who is the primordial father for our countless generations before and



This verse is the very life - breath of Srivaishnava Sampradaya. The Azhwar

desires that he should render Vazhuvillaa Adimai (faultless service)

without interruption (Ozhivil) forever (Kalam ellaam) being always with the

Lord (Udanaai Manni). He desires to do service like what Lakshmana did in

the forest and what Bharata did in Ayodhya.


Kaalam Ellaam might mean including the past. How is it possible to do

service retrospectively? The implication is that the service done from now

on should be so intense and so dedicated as to make up for the opportunity

lost in the past.


How can Lakshmana be cited as role model of Kaalamellam, Udanaai Manni and

Vazhuvilaa Adimai etc? He did fail on every count. Let us see how:


First, he did not stay with Rama when Rama went after the mysterious stag.

Hence, he failed in keeping CONSTANT Company that he promised viz. Sarva

desa, Sarva Kaala, Sarva Avasta etc. Even when Rama and Sita were together

privately, Lakshmana stood outside possibly to avoid embarrassment to the

couple enjoying each other's company.


In an imaginary dialogue, Acharyas used to say, that Lakshmana asked the

Azhwar what he would have done in the circumstances. Azhwar replied that he

would not leave the place but convert himself into a lamp (Kutthu ViLakku)

or a stepping stone (PaDik kal) or some such inanimate object and would have

stayed put there itself and thus avoided embarrassment.


Second, He did not render ' Vazhuvillaa ' faultless service because when

Rama had specifically asked him to stay and guard Sri Sita, he left her when

she uttered some harsh words. This indeed was “Dharma sankaTam “ (dilemma)

for Lakshmana but it is undeniable that he transgressed the specific orders

of Rama and his own promise " Aham Sravam Karishyaami".


The Azhwar is said to have replied that in this event, being a Nityasuri

especially the one who is reputed to be “Senraal KuDaiyaam, irundhaal

Simhaasanamaam, ninraal maravaDiyaam” etc., he would have split his

personality one to guard Sita and the other to accompany Rama. All this may

look like poetical fancy and imagination running riot, but the beauty of the

imagination cannot go un-admired.


Vazhuvillaaa also means devoid of Ahamkara, Mamakara, and Craving for name

or fame, sense of competition or jealousy, Sva-boghyatha attitude (i.e.)

Sense of self- gratification Vide SRI VACHANA BUSHANAM.


Well. That was in TrEtaa Yuga. What about Kali Yuga when the Azhwar lived?

Precisely for giving an opportunity for devotees like Azhwar that the Lord

had come all the way down to the earth in Tiru VEnkaTam. The service one

expects to do in SrivaikuNTam can be done HERE AND NOW and the Lord would in

His Soulabhyam be prepared to accept it.


Ezhil KoLL Jothi: His Soundaryam Also, it means the one who shines in the

company of Piraatti. Ezhil= Piraatti (Mahalakshmi). Also means the light

atop the mountain.

Enthai: Swami, Seshi

ThanthaiKKE: The emphasis on KE denotes 'AKAARAARTHA EVA' (i.e.) for the

sake of the Lord ONLY, the focal emphasis of Tirumantram, viz. The “Sesha-

Seshi bhaavam”


It would appear that AZWWAR TIRUVARANGA PERUMAL ARAIYAR while reciting this

verse was so overwhelmed by emotion that he would go on repeating Ozhivil

Kaalam ellaam, Kaa lam ellaam, Kaalam ellaam for long without proceeding



Swami Desikan concludes the “Nigamana Adhikara” of his “Srimad Rahasya Traya

Saram” quoting this verse " Sarveswaran Thaalinaik Keezh Ozhivil Kaalam

Ellaam Udanaai Manni Vazhuvillaa Adimai Seyya Vendum Naam Enra manOrathathin

PaDiye Sarva Desa, Sarva Kaala, Sarva Avasthochita, Sarva Vidha

Kainkaryankalaiyum Petru Vaazhvaarkal "


(ii) sonnaal virOdham idhu aagilum solluvEn! kENminO!

yen naavil in kavi yaan oruvarkkum koDukkilEn

thennaa thenaa enru vaNDu mural TiruvEnkaTathu

ennaanai ennappan em perumaan uLan aagavE 3.9.1


" Friends! Poets! Countrymen! Lend me your ears” Azhwar seems to say. “You

might feel offended if I say this. But, I cannot help telling the truth for

your good! You folks are running after petty pleasures and silly

satisfactions wasting your energies by singing paeans of praise of unworthy

entities. I, for one, would never misuse my tongue in such pursuits but

would dedicate all my hymns at the feet of my father, the Lord of

TiruvEnkaTam who is majestic like the mighty elephant and in whose place

bees hum his glory ".


The Azhwar says that we should use the faculties granted by the Lord

only for His purpose and not waste on others. The Azhwar feels sorry for

those who use their literary talents to suppressing their defects

(suppressio veri) and invent non-existent qualities in people (suggestio

falsi) - all for “a few dollars more” or for currying some silly gains from

them. He asks them to give up this unholy habit and unavailing exercise and

turn to sing about the Lord who has all the auspicious qualities and who is

totally devoid of any blemishes and who alone can grant more than what one

could wish for, even in their wildest imagination. Seeing the apathy of

people to this appeal, he turns to himself and says at least for his part,

he would practice what he preached.


NAMPILLAI says that the Azhwar's regaining composure in this thought is like

a pilgrim in a party who was somehow spared and let off with his possessions

while all the rest in the party were plundered by highway robbers.


The Azhwar seems to imply –

“ I was thinking that only my objective in life was to attain Him. But, He

seems to think that His only objective is to hear me singing about Him and

that is why He is standing in Tirumalai not minding the pain and cramp

affecting His legs by standing indefinitely for this!”

What an Anubhavam!


(iii) maari maaraatha thaNNam malai vEnkaTathu aNNalai

vaari maaraatha paim poom pozhil soozh kurugoor nagar

kaari maaran saTakOpan soll aayirathu ippaththaal

vEri maaraatha poomEl iruppaaL vinai theerkkumE 4.5.11


“ The cool rains fall mainly on the hills and plains of TiruvEnkaTam. Here

stands the Lord with His proverbial compassion. You know who has sung on

Him? Kaari Maaran a.k.a. SaTakOpan of Tirukkurugoor that abounds in gardens

of fragrant flowers. You know what will happen? Competing with the Lord,

Thayar who sits on the fragrant lotus flower will rush with unsurpassed

compassion to protect those who recite these 10 out of the 1000 Paasurams of



Why should Thayar do this? The secret is that She had recommended as

mediatrix (Purushaakaaram) to the jivas in the first place for the Lord’s

grace. It is but natural for Her to overtake the Lord in granting

protection to Her protégé!



VAAMANA AVATAARAM (The Dwarf) – Anbil Ramaswamy



vreeDaa vidha vadhaanya dhaanava yasO naasera dhaaTee paTah:

trai aksham makuTam punan avathu na: TraivikramO vikramah: /

yath prasthaava samuchritha dvaja paTee vrithaantha siddhaanthibhih:

srOthObhih: sura sindhu ashTasu disaa soudhEshu dOdhooyatE //


“ When the Lord went to Mahaabali to beg for three footsteps of land, the

bounteous Emperor Mahaabali felt ashamed of himself in offering the gift.

When the Lord grew to show His Viswaroopam and measured the three worlds,

the foot that went up seemed to be the flagstaff proceeding to proclaim the

glorious bounty of Mahaabali. Brahma offered “Paadhyam” to this foot, while

the sacred waters flowing from this fell on and sanctified the matted crest

of hair of Siva and the eight directions. May that Vikrama’s foot protect




MAHABALI, the grandson of PRAHLADA was a virtuous king. He performed a

sacrifice called `VISWAJIT' (conquest of the worlds) meaning that which

bestows mastery over the three worlds. From out of the sacrificial fire

arose a golden chariot, an armor and a coat of arms. Donning them, he set

out on a `DIGVIJAYA' (Conquest of the directions). With the help of

SUKRACHARYA his preceptor, he drove Indra and Devas to the nether world and

occupied MAYAVATHI, the capital of Indra.


BRIHASPATI counseled Indra to wait. Nothing could be done and MAHABALI would

fall only if and when his preceptor cursed him for disobeying his command -

a situation that could be contrived only by Lord VishNu.


Kaasyapa Rishi had another wife by name ADITI who was the mother of Devas.

As the banishment of Devas took place at a time when KASYAPA had gone out

for meditation, she awaited his arrival. And, when he returned she narrated

the happenings. KASYAPA and ADITI performed a `PAYOVRATA' - (penance for 12

days when the sacrificers could drink only milk). This was done to

propitiate SRI VISHNU. Vishnu was pleased and appeared before them and told

that he would be born as the youngest son of ADITI and would help in

restoring the glory of Indra. Accordingly he was born during a bright

fortnight of the month Bhadrapada. The baby immediately grew up to be a

short statured Brahmin Brahmachari (celibate) called VAMANA.


This Brahmachari entered the sacrificial grounds of BALI who was performing

Aswamedha (horse sacrifice). He was resplendent and shone like a thousand

Suryas. Bali was amazed, received him with due honors and requested what he

wanted - cows, elephants, horses, gold, chariots and promised that he would

give whatever VAAMANA wanted. Vaamana said that he did not desire any of

these but wanted that much of land as measured by three steps in his stride.

BALI readily agreed and asked his wife to bring water for consecrating water

in his palm. His Guru, Sukracharya realized that it is only Lord VishNu who

had come in the garb of a Brahmachari and prevailed upon BALI to retract

from his promise. But, Bali insisted saying that if Lord VishNu himself were

to seek alms from him, there could no greater glory for him and he would not



Sukracharya became angry and cursed him that he would soon fall from his

high position. And, SRI VISHNU was waiting exactly for this moment. Soon

after the consecration VAAMANA grew and grew so tall that all those who

witnessed were amazed to witness such a phenomenon. Vaamana became

TRIVIKRAMA and began to measure the three paces. By the first he strode like

a colossus and covered the earth. By the second, he measured the Heavens.

And, asked BALI where was he to measure by the third pace. BALI bowed low to

Vishnu and prayed VIKRAMA to place his foot on his head. Lord VishNu sent

him to Sutala to rule there and thereafter to enjoy for a whole Manvantara,

the position of Indra.


The three steps are compared by a commentator to three fiery manifestations

of the Lord Viz., Flame, Lightning and the Sun-the flame ablaze the

terrestrial sphere, the lightning illuminating the atmospheric sphere and

the Sun darting across the celestial sphere.


Thus, in this Avatar the God of majesty and power took a dwarf's stature,

begged MAHABALI on behalf of his devotee, Indra and at the same time ensured

MAHABALI, Lordship of the Sutala, the nether world and thereafter the

position of the next Indra in Savarni Manvanthra. It is believed the Lord is

still guarding the palace of MAHABALI and had conferred immortality to

MAHABALI in recognition and appreciation of his steadfastness in upholding

his promise.


Swami Vedanta Desika describes this Avatar as `Raksha Vaamana" - Vaamana

whose only objective is protecting those who surrender to him. Indra

surrendered and on his behalf he took a lowly form of a dwarf. As MAHABALI

surrendered to God when he bowed before the Lord, the Lord assumed the role

of a watchman to guard his palace. Since he did not desire to dishonor

MAHABALI, the grandson of an ardent devotee, Prahlada, He stooped even to

beg of him three paces of earth and desisted from wresting earth by force.

Also, Bhagavaan had promised to Prahlada that he would not kill any of his

family members or descendants. So, he had to avert a fight, which would have

entailed Mahaabali's death. The only way he could wrest earth was begging

and begging for a living was the prescribed vocation for a Brahmin

especially a Brahmachari. Thus, he protected both Indra and Mahaabali

without bloodshed.


An interesting point which is little known is that when Mahaabali once

complained to his grandfather, Prahlada about the decline in the prosperity

of his kingdom, Prahlada told him that it was due to the disrespect shown by

Mahaabali to the Lord. Mahaabali asked arrogantly who was this VishNu that

stood in his way. Prahlada could not bear to hear such a haughty reply and

cursed Mahaabali that he would soon be banished from his kingdom.

Sukracharya's curse only added fuel to the fire of the curse of Prahlada.

Together, the two curses brought the downfall of Mahaabali.


Though, in fact, Lord VishNu (the rightful lord of the Universe) was only

reclaiming what belonged to him and in the process seemed to check up the

measurements since he did it by begging alms- considered an unedifying act,

he shrank and looked dwarfish and small - all as a supplicant before

MAHABALI who looked great as a bestower - a fact that had to be recognized.


ANDAL refers him as "ONGI ULAGALANDA UTHAMAN' - the noble one who measured

the earth by assuming gigantic proportions - to prove that he measured his

own property.


Who is a “Uthaman”? One who helps others expecting a ‘quid pro quo’ is an

“adhaman”. One who helps without expecting anything in return is a

‘madhyaman’. One who beliitles himself, not minding the dishonor to one’s

self, yet goes out to help others is “Uthaman”. Here the Lord belittled

Himself to help both Indra and Mahaabali. Hence, He is “Uthaman”.


Even as pilot goes before a VIP, the foot of Trivikrama when it reached the

high heavens proclaimed the glory of MAHABALI'S bounty



1. This is the ONLY Avatara that is mentioned in the Vedas

“Idam Vishnu VichakramE Tredaa nidadE padam”.


2. When the Lord took Viswaroopam, He shone like the combination of the

terrestrial flames, the atmospheric lightning and the celestial Sun.


3. Because the Lord had promised to Prahlada not to kill any of his

descendants, He had to resort to a strategy to dispossess Mahaabali. The

best way that could be done is by begging a gift from Mahaabali. Naturally,

out of shame as one with a begging bowl, the Lord had to appear in a

diminutive form before Mahaabali, Hence, the dwarf Vaamana!


4. Vreeda vidtha= Overcome with shyness. The Sruti says that Daanam should

be given with shyness and humility. “hriyaa dEyam”

Hence, Mahaabali offered gift in this spirit.


5. Vadaanya = Generous. Vada + anya. When one gives Daanam, the donor should

feel he had not given enough. His bhaavam should be to ask the recipient

Please tell (Vada); “Do you need anything more?” (anya).

This is the frame of mind of the generous Mahaabali.


6. Daanava Yasah naaseera Dhaatee patah = The glory of the Asura King was

such that when the Lord took the form of Trivikrama and grew, His foot

reaching up the high heavens seemed to act as a pilot declaring his glory of

a VIP spearheading his army (naaseera).


7. Trai aksham makuTam Punann = Sanctifying the head of the three eyed Siva

because the waters flowing from Lord’ feet cleansed with the kamanDalam

waters offered by Brahma in SatyalOkam flowed down and was held in the locks

of hair of Lord Siva, the locks became purified!


8. The TiruvaDi of the Lord appeared as the flag post; the Ganges looked

like the flag (dvaja patee) declaring to all the worlds the glory of

Mahaabali’s generosity.


9. It is interesting to note that when one raised His foot (Trivikrama), one

offered Paadhyam and washed it (Brahma) and a third one’s head got

sanctified by the holy waters (Siva)! This establishes without any doubt as

to who is Para dEvata.


10. Why did Mahaabali fall? His Guru Sukracharya cursed him when he

disobeyed him by insisting on granting alms to Vaamana against Guru’s



Once, puffed up with pride, he challenged his grandfather, Prahlada

denigrating the Lord so dear to Prahlaada; Prahlaada spelled a curse that he

would lose his possessions. The twin curses led to his downfall.


11. Swami Desika in the 12th Sloka calls Vaamana “Rakshaa Vaamana” – One who

protected. This is because he did not kill Mahaabali; Instead, He spread the

glory of Mahaabali in all the 8 quarters (Ashtasu disaa soudeshu), sending

him down to rule over the nether world of Soothalam and finally assuring him

the post of Indra in the next manvantara.



>From "Sri Ranga Vijayam" by Purisai Sri Krishnamachariar Swami,

Editor, "Nrisimhapriya" (translation in English: Anbil Ramaswamy)


The 2nd Enclosure is “Chozha Mannan Raja MahEndran Sutru”. The entrance is

known as “Naazhigai kETTaan Tiruvaasal” because in the olden days people

used to inquire “What is the time now?” The front side is said to be guarded

by Bhadran and Subhadran while the rear one by “Sankanidhi” and

“Padmanidhi”. When the Lord passes this entrance, they used to play VeeNa.

The Lord’s gait in moving step by step listening to the music of VeeNa is a

sight for Gods to see!


As we enter, on our left we see the Safe vault for Lord’s ornaments, where

precious jewels of PerumaaL and Thaayaar are kept in safe custody. Next is a

cloaks room and separate rooms for offerings to Samaya puram Maari amman,

for “ThOLukkiniyaan”, for “kAAnikkai”, for Sukravaara arai, where articles

like civet, fragrant sandal paste, musk etc. used for applying to the Lord

on Fridays are kept. Next to this is the “parivaTTa” room for keeping

special robes of the Lord.


Proceeding further, we come across the place where during the month of

Kartigai on the Kaisika Ekaadasi day the Lord enjoys “Karpoora PaDiEtram”.

Vijaya Ranga Chokkanaathar used to attend this every year with his entire

family. Once, he was late. By the time he arrived the function was over. It

seems that he stayed put there itself for one whole year till the function

in the next year! Even today the figures of the family can be seen on one

side of this enclosure.


On the northwest side is the “Yaaga Saalai” (Sacrificial altar) and opposite

to this is the “ThoNDamaan KuraDu” constructed by King ThoNDamaan. Next to

this is the big Sannidhi for VishvaksEnar. There is a mantapam called

“Arjuna Mantapam” where the “Pagal Pathu” utsavam is held during the month

of Margazhi. Also can be seen the Sannidhis for KulasEkara and ‘Tulukka



Opposite this is the “KiLi mantapam” where parrots were kept. From a

particular spot on this mantrap, we can have Darsanam of “Para VaasudEvar”

on the “PraNAvaakaara Vimaanam”. There is also a huge mirror on which the

Lord’s reflection can be seen when the Lord takes His stroll.


On the East Side is a mantapam called “ Azhagiya MaNavaaLan Sandhana

Mantapam” where NamperumaaL has His Tirumanjanam (ceremonial bath) on

special occasions. We can have a good Darsanam of Periya perumaaL from here.

There is a figure of AnjanEyar here. Azhagiya Singhar used to observe in a

light vein that because the Lord was constantly reclining on His couch of

AdisEsha, AnjanEya, out of utmost care always stays nearby to rush to the

Lord if ever He were to be affected by the poison from the serpent.


There is a “Mirror room’ (kaNNaaDi arai) nearby where the Lord used to rest

during BrahmOtsavams. When the Lord emerges from this, He adopts the style

of a lion (Simhagathi) and while returning He adopts the style of a serpent





(Written in Tamil by Desika Bhakta Ratnam, U. Ve. Seva Srinivasa Raghava

chariar Swami under his "Jayamangala Paada Thittam" and translated in

English by Sri M.K.Srinivasan Swami of Vedanta Desika Research Center.


As already noted in an earlier Chapter and as Swami Desika’s Tanian

declares-“even one of his works can take us to high Heavens above”.

We give below some Stotras ON Sri Desika:

Name of the work / By whom

Desika MangaLaasaasanam/ Sri Kumaravaradachar (Nainarachar Swami)

Desika Vigraha Dhyaanam/ Same

Desika Dinacharya/ Same

Desika Prapatti/ Same

Desika Pradhaana Sathakam/ Same

Pillai Anthaadhi/ Same

Saptadhi Ratnamaalika/ Sri Prativaadi Bhayankaram ANNan

Desika Kavacham/ Sri Panchamatha Bhanjanam Thaatha Desikan

Acharya Panchaasath/ Sri VenkaTaadwari

Acharya Dvaatrimsath/ Same

Sriman Nigamaantha Mahha Desika Vimsathi/Sholinghur DoDDayaachaarya

Achaarya Vimsathi/ Sri Annayaarya Mahaa Desikan

Achaarya Vimsathi/ Sri Raghunaathaadwari

Vimsathi Ratnamaala/ Sri PaaTraachaariar

AshTottara Satham/ Same

Vedaantha Guru DanDakam/ Same

Sri Vedaantha Desika Gadhyam/ Same

Nigamaantha Desika Gadhyam / Same

Abda maalikaa Stotram/ Same

Muktaka Slokas/ Same

Akshaya Aaraadhanam/ Sri Seva Swami



1. Write the names of any 15 of Sri Desika’s Stotras and enumerate the

benefits, which would accrue on reading them?

2. For removal of ignorance which are the Stotras to be studied?

3. Write the names of 8 works ON Sri Desika by others and give the names of

the authors?






























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