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Cassette collections

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General enquiry


Akila Suresh sent an email which is attached below. In the same line of

thought, I am wondering if anyone on the net can send me an email if they

possess rich collection of cassettes on Visistadvaita or Ramanuja system of

thought. With a general view, I feel that we should know about advaita and

dvaita also. If anyone possesses these rare gems, please send me an email.

We will figure out a mass method of copying them on to CDs or tapes and

preserve these collections . This will be a major service to the current

generation and the generations to come.







Akila Suresh [akisuresh]

Friday, July 20, 2001 10:08 AM


Any video/Audio Cassette of Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar


Dear everybody,


I've started collecting Sri Mukkur Lakshmi

Narasimhacharyar's Upanyasam cassettes. If you have

any personal video/audio cassettes on his

upanyasams/yagnams/or any informal presentation and if

you are willing to share, I really would appreciate an

n email. I'll take resposibility for all the expenses

towards making copies and collecting them.


Any information on this would mean a lot to me and

would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in Advance.








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Dear Bhagavathas and All,


Sri. Sri. Krishna Premi Maharaj ( popularly Anna ) has given excellent

discourses on several Vaishnava points of interests. In particular, his

rendering on Sri. Ramanuja Vaibhavam is beyond description. An excellent

treatise and runs into well over some 25 ~ 35 audio cassettes. Likewise Anna

has given discourses on Sri Ranga Mahatmiam, Glory of 108 Divya Desam

Perumals, Glory of Sri Srinivasa, Ramayanam, Sri Krishna Premamrutham and

much more. These are all in Tamil.


For those of you who, who has never had a chance to listen to Anna, please

do listen to his discourse atleast once. Not only will you like it but you

will go in for all his cassettes. Anna's discourses are interesting,

enlightening and will attract you enough to listen over and over again.


Also, if you go to India, you can meet him at Paranur - a small place 1/2 ~

1 hour away from Srirangam. Anna makes it a point to spend every Ekadasi at

Paranur irrespective of where he is the rest of the times. He goes around

for discourses, sapthahams and parayanam to far and near places in India. At

Paranur there is a Muralidharan ( Radhe Krishna ) temple.


Anna's cassettes can never be purchased in any store or shop for the simple

reason that it is not for commercial sale. It can be purchased from one Dr.

Menon, an ardent devotee of Anna. Dr. Menon records these tapes during

parayanams, sapthahams and satsangs of Anna. When you buy you will be

requested not to make copies of these. I have almost all of his collections

but I never have made a single copy to this day nor do I intend to make at

any point of time.


You can download a sample of Anna's discourse by clicking the following link

to Anna's website http://www.srivaishnavism.com/


For those interested in contacting Dr. Menon, the address is:


Premikadasan Dr. A.G.K Menon MBBS.

1/121 South East Layout, Salem 636 016

Tel ( 0427 ) 7356




Murali Sampath



"Krishna Kalale" <kkalale1

"Akila Suresh" <akisuresh; <bhakti-list>;

<>; <>

Cc: <lecture-announce>

Sunday, July 22, 2001 12:47 PM

Cassette collections



> General enquiry


> Akila Suresh sent an email which is attached below. In the same line of

> thought, I am wondering if anyone on the net can send me an email if they

> possess rich collection of cassettes on Visistadvaita or Ramanuja system


> thought. With a general view, I feel that we should know about advaita


> dvaita also. If anyone possesses these rare gems, please send me an


> We will figure out a mass method of copying them on to CDs or tapes and

> preserve these collections . This will be a major service to the current

> generation and the generations to come.


> Thanks


> krishna



> Akila Suresh [akisuresh]

> Friday, July 20, 2001 10:08 AM

> bhakti-list

> Any video/Audio Cassette of Mukkur Lakshmi Narasimhacharyar


> Dear everybody,


> I've started collecting Sri Mukkur Lakshmi

> Narasimhacharyar's Upanyasam cassettes. If you have

> any personal video/audio cassettes on his

> upanyasams/yagnams/or any informal presentation and if

> you are willing to share, I really would appreciate an

> n email. I'll take resposibility for all the expenses

> towards making copies and collecting them.


> Any information on this would mean a lot to me and

> would be greatly appreciated.


> Thanks in Advance.


> Regards

> -Akila





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> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

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> Srirangasri-




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Dear Bhagavathas

This is definitely a worthwhile effort. BTW, I would like to repeat my

request a few days back - could somebody record the forthcoming(?) lectures

by VeLukkudi Kannan swami? It would make a great addition to the collection.





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Sri Mattapally NaaTam PranathOsmi Nithyam Namaha


Dear Friends,


I do have a few audio casettes of Sri Mukkur Swamy's upanyAsams.


I have

2 90 minute recordings of Sri Nrusimha AvatAram

2 90 minute recordings of Srinivasa Kalyanam

20 90 minute recordings of Sri Ramayanam


I am willing to duplicate these for those interested in US.

However, over and above the cost of the tapes and the charge

for posting them, I expect you to contribute monetarily to the

"Sri Swathi Narasimha Mahayagna Trust" that is established to

continue the nithya thiruvaradhanams for Sri Swamy's Yag~namoorthy

who has blessed us with 107+++ Swathi MahaYag~nams.


Your pledge should commensurate with my efforts and your

enthusiasm in furthering the sampradAyam.


With Kindest Regards


Rajagopalan, Srinivasan


Blood and Money are meant to Circulate! Donate!!

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Dear Bhagavathas,


I fully endorse Sri.Murali's views. I enjoy & benefit from Sri.Krishna

Premi's discourses,specially the ones on lives of great saints.




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I need a small consultation.


If i want to convert audio tapes as MP3 files, What acessories and

Software I need.

Could you list me the same?


I would buy them here before leaving for India.


In case if the software is avaialble free in the internet, Please let me

know the site from where i can downlaod.


Also inform me the accessories like cable etc i may need





KM Narayanan




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I am in the process of converting some old Audio Tapes and Records (Remember

those?) to MP3 format. You can very easily hook up your device to the sound

card on your PC and the reproduction is very good. Software is available from

several places. I've tried Real Audio and Music Match. I like Music Match

better than Real Audio. It costs about US $40.00. You can download a trial

version from http://www.musicmatch.com. There is on-line help available that

tells you how to convert from external sources like cassettes to MP3. I hope

this helps.

Thanks & Regards

Raja Srinivasan

km.narayanan (AT) averydennison (DOT) com wrote: Ramki,I need a small consultation.If i

want to convert audio tapes as MP3 files, What acessories andSoftware I

need.Could you list me the same?I would buy them here before leaving for

India.In case if the software is avaialble free in the internet, Please let

meknow the site from where i can downlaod.Also inform me the accessories like

cable etc i may needThanksRegardsKM


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> If i want to convert audio tapes as MP3 files, What acessories and

> I need.


Dear Sri Narayanan,


Though you addressed this to somebody else, since it was posted in a

common forum adiyEn takes it that anybody can pitch in. This might

not be directly relevant to you but anyways I thought its the right

place to address the following.


First accessory one needs to convert a commercial tape to any other

format is an **approval from the original source** for doing so.

Irrespective of the profits they make out of it,we should acknowledge

that they have taken some efforts in its production. We come across

many cases where ,more out of enthusiasm, we infringe copyright

issues. This discourages the miniscule few who still try to release

recordings related to the sampradAyam.


Equally discouraging it is to see many bhaktAs using freely

photocopied materials of stotra malas, sahsranamam, prabhandam etc..,

during the gatherings. Surprisingly this is more common outside

India. Gone are the days when it is difficult to eOrder these texts.

They are easily available, cheap and of course not heavy to carry (Do

we ever see a Christian carrying a photocopied Bible?) since the car

does it for us.


Our small acts would mean a lot to publishers like LIFCO. Sri

Varadhan of LIFCO is accessible via email and is very prompt in

responding to our eOrders.


My sincere apologies if I had gone overboard.


With Kindest Regards

Rajagopalan, Srinivasan

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Respected Members,


I inadvertently copied the personal note to Ramki on MP3 copy to Sriranga

Sri group.

MY apologies




KM Narayanan




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Sri Rajagopalan Srinivasan:


You have rightly pointed out this very important aspect.

Many practicing Hindus of various denominations, Sri

Vaishnavas included, take their religious texts and

other material for granted - with the assumption that

"anything goes" as far as duplication and distribution

of those sources is concerned.


Agreed, many vidwans give away copies of their work

for free at times, in order to encourage readers to

learn and spread their message. But it is incumbent

upon the recipient to handle this "gift" appropriately,

and to exercise discretion before going ahead and

making photocopies to give to others.


After all, the issues of copyright infringement etc.

have arisen largely because of advanced duplication

technologies, which were unheard of till a few years

ago. Most traditional vidwans still think in terms

of those days, while giving away copies of books and

stotrams to interested persons.


These ethical concerns of "copyright infringement",

and so on were completely inapplicable during the days

of our poorvacharyas and their palm leaf manuscripts.

It is time we (modern-day followers) put an end to our

double-standards; one for western publications and

another conveniently dubious standard for our religious

material. When there are publishers such as LIFCO etc.

why don't we try and look at it both as financial help

towards their noble cause, in addition to doing away

with our own double standards?


Let us first put our money where our mouths are, and

see how many of the problems that plague our traditions

today, will automatically disappear...



-Srinath C.



> adiyaen [adiyaen]

> Tuesday, July 24, 2001 4:48 PM


> Re: Cassette collections


> First accessory one needs to convert a commercial tape to any other

> format is an **approval from the original source** for doing so.

> Irrespective of the profits they make out of it,we should acknowledge

> that they have taken some efforts in its production. We come across

> many cases where ,more out of enthusiasm, we infringe copyright

> issues. This discourages the miniscule few who still try to release

> recordings related to the sampradAyam.


> Equally discouraging it is to see many bhaktAs using freely

> photocopied materials of stotra malas, sahsranamam, prabhandam etc..,

> during the gatherings. Surprisingly this is more common outside

> India. Gone are the days when it is difficult to eOrder these texts.

> They are easily available, cheap and of course not heavy to carry (Do

> we ever see a Christian carrying a photocopied Bible?) since the car

> does it for us.


> Our small acts would mean a lot to publishers like LIFCO. Sri

> Varadhan of LIFCO is accessible via email and is very prompt in

> responding to our eOrders.

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Dear Bhaghavathas

> Equally discouraging it is to see many bhaktAs using freely

> photocopied materials of stotra malas, sahsranamam, prabhandam etc..,

> during the gatherings.


While I do not intend to question the spirit in what Sri. Rajagopalan is

saying here, I do not understand what copyright violation might occur here.

Copyrights are for protecting the intellectual property. Nobody can claim

Prabhandham or Sahasranamam to be their intellectual property (except of

course the azhwars and Bheeshma :) ).


While I concede that LIFCO and other publishers are doing a commendable job

in bringing these literature to us, I do not understand how photocopying

material could be wrong. After all, the cost that these books entail are for

recovering the cost of the material (and some profit margin). If we are going

to spend our material, why should we take their permission?


Besides, some of the audio material we are talking abt are lectures that were

not intended to be marketed and but for such reproduction, might get lost



Please do clarify if I am wrong.





PS: I would like to re-iterate my appreciation of the immense service that

publishers who bring out these books. I am just confused abt the legality on

this issue.

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> Ramakrishnan Kazhiyur-Mannar [kazhiyur-mannar.1]

> Friday, July 27, 2001 10:11 AM


> Re: Cassette collections


> While I do not intend to question the spirit in what Sri. Rajagopalan is

> saying here, I do not understand what copyright violation might

> occur here.

> Copyrights are for protecting the intellectual property. Nobody can claim

> Prabhandham or Sahasranamam to be their intellectual property (except of

> course the azhwars and Bheeshma :) ).


Sri Ramakrishnan:


What's involved here is NOT the intellectual property of

ancient personages, but the LEGAL RIGHTS of modern-day

publishers. Duplicating portions of printed books without

their publishers' consent is copyright infringement, and

is punishable by law in most countries.


Whether one follows copyright law down to the letter or not,

whether one is caught violating it or not, and whether such

violators are punished or not - is a discussion beyond the

scope of this electronic group.


But the point is simple - if you think there are no bounds

to duplicate the intellectual properties of rishis/azhwars,

then please go ahead and either hand-write or type them out

yourself, and only duplicate your own reproductions. Any

other means, such as photocopying pages out of published

books - is illegal.


> While I concede that LIFCO and other publishers are doing a

> commendable job

> in bringing these literature to us, I do not understand how photocopying

> material could be wrong. After all, the cost that these books

> entail are for

> recovering the cost of the material (and some profit margin). If

> we are going

> to spend our material, why should we take their permission?


Perhaps we should accept software piracy also as legal,

since the violators do after all, use their own material

(floppy disk, compact disk, etc.)!! You misunderstand

the purpose behind copyright. It exists NOT to provide

for the cost of material, but to protect the rights of

the publisher as the only one authorized to distribute,

reproduce and sell that printed material for business.


Copyright infrigement in such contexts not only harms

the business interests of publishers (like LIFCO), but

sends a wrong message to the numerous people who accept,

use and reuse the duplicated material - that a double

standard is o.k. where Hindu religious books/media are

concerned. Not to mention the fact that everyone -

recipients and duplicators alike, are in violation of

copyright law!!


> Besides, some of the audio material we are talking abt are

> lectures that were

> not intended to be marketed and but for such reproduction, might get lost

> forever.


The proper way to go about this (even though one may

have the best of intentions) is to obtain written rights

to the production and distribution of these materials.

This can (and must) be done through legal documents,

for after all - ignorance of the law is never an excuse!



-Srinath C.

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Dear Sri Ramakrishnan,



> While I concede that LIFCO and other publishers are doing a

> commendable job in bringing these literature to us, I do not

> understand how photocopying material could be wrong.



You are right. Since the publishers do not have an explicit

statement regarding our right to reproduce, it is **legally** okay for

us to go ahead and photocopy them. However is it morally correct?

Shouldnt a SriVaishnava exhibit a much higher code of conduct than

what is required by law?



> After all, the cost that these books entail are for

> recovering the cost of the material (and some profit margin).



IMHO the return on Investment (ROI) is not that great for religious

texts. Lets take LIFCO's (My links with LIFCO are only to the extent

that my visit to India is never complete without a trip to

Ranganathan Street and particularly to LIFCO) Divya Prabandham and

Valmiki Ramayanam texts.


DP has 1641 pages and costs Rs. 180 @ 11 paise/page.

VP has 1788 pages and costs Rs. 250 @ 14 paise/page.


Do you think this ROI is going to make the publisher richer?


BTW my concern was not just about copyright infringement. What

suffocates me is the act of some ppl who photocopy select portions of

the text and bring these loose sheets to the satsanghs. Of course it

is very convenient, but is it the right way? Do we ever see a

Christian carry photocopied version of the Bible? Are we

expecting somebody to tell us about stOtraputhagaOzhungu?



> Besides, some of the audio material we are talking abt are lectures

> that were not intended to be marketed and but for such

> reproduction, might get lost forever.



Note that my reference was reg. commercial audio cassettes.



Rajagopalan, Srinivasan

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Dear Sirs


Is there such a law that exists in India? Adiyen thinks that there is such a

law in USA. We do not photocopy any materials here in USA. This is being

asked out of curiosity.



Lakshminarasimhan S.



Srimathe Lakshminrusimha divya pAduka sevika

srivan satakopa Sri Narayana Yathindra MahadesikAya Namaha





>"Srinath Chakravarty" <xsrinath



> Re: Cassette collections

>Fri, 27 Jul 2001 15:08:49 -0500


> >

> > Ramakrishnan Kazhiyur-Mannar [kazhiyur-mannar.1]

> > Friday, July 27, 2001 10:11 AM

> >

> > Re: Cassette collections

> >

> > While I do not intend to question the spirit in what Sri. Rajagopalan is

> > saying here, I do not understand what copyright violation might

> > occur here.

> > Copyrights are for protecting the intellectual property. Nobody can


> > Prabhandham or Sahasranamam to be their intellectual property (except of

> > course the azhwars and Bheeshma :) ).


>Sri Ramakrishnan:


>What's involved here is NOT the intellectual property of

>ancient personages, but the LEGAL RIGHTS of modern-day

>publishers. Duplicating portions of printed books without

>their publishers' consent is copyright infringement, and

>is punishable by law in most countries.


>Whether one follows copyright law down to the letter or not,

>whether one is caught violating it or not, and whether such

>violators are punished or not - is a discussion beyond the

>scope of this electronic group.


>But the point is simple - if you think there are no bounds

>to duplicate the intellectual properties of rishis/azhwars,

>then please go ahead and either hand-write or type them out

>yourself, and only duplicate your own reproductions. Any

>other means, such as photocopying pages out of published

>books - is illegal.


> > While I concede that LIFCO and other publishers are doing a

> > commendable job

> > in bringing these literature to us, I do not understand how photocopying

> > material could be wrong. After all, the cost that these books

> > entail are for

> > recovering the cost of the material (and some profit margin). If

> > we are going

> > to spend our material, why should we take their permission?


>Perhaps we should accept software piracy also as legal,

>since the violators do after all, use their own material

>(floppy disk, compact disk, etc.)!! You misunderstand

>the purpose behind copyright. It exists NOT to provide

>for the cost of material, but to protect the rights of

>the publisher as the only one authorized to distribute,

>reproduce and sell that printed material for business.


>Copyright infrigement in such contexts not only harms

>the business interests of publishers (like LIFCO), but

>sends a wrong message to the numerous people who accept,

>use and reuse the duplicated material - that a double

>standard is o.k. where Hindu religious books/media are

>concerned. Not to mention the fact that everyone -

>recipients and duplicators alike, are in violation of

>copyright law!!


> > Besides, some of the audio material we are talking abt are

> > lectures that were

> > not intended to be marketed and but for such reproduction, might get


> > forever.


>The proper way to go about this (even though one may

>have the best of intentions) is to obtain written rights

>to the production and distribution of these materials.

>This can (and must) be done through legal documents,

>for after all - ignorance of the law is never an excuse!



>-Srinath C.










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  • 3 weeks later...



All of sri Velukkudi Krishnan Swami's upanyasams are at:



We will be addding all of sri PBA swami, sri MAV Swami,

HH ChinnaJeeyar Swami to the list you find there in the next few months.


adiyEn rAmAnujA dAasan


In response to :

:->by VeLukkudi Kannan swami? It would make a great addition to the


AzhwAr emberumAnAr Jeeyar thiruvadigalE saranam


adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan

Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi

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