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The date of raama - 7 (some reference)

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We saw in the Rosicrucian world ages a cosmic cycle as a permutation

of seven, which seven is taken from the central cube and hidden

seventh point residing within the tetractys. We tracked the source of

this system beginning with the Quabbalah, through the Apocalypse of

St. John in the New Testament, to 17th Century and finally 19th

Century Rosicrucian symbolism. This is the progression of Western


The progression of the Eastern occultism is based upon the Hindu Yuga

cycle of 4-3-2 and not the Rosicrucian cycle of 7 x 7, although the

two cycles are related, as will be later shown. Both Western and

Eastern occult cycles are drawn from the tetryactys.

First, as described on page , the Hindu Yuga cycle is most definitely

based upon the tetractys with a root number of 432 which is the

tetractys ratio in reverse order, with the number 1 or unity dropped,

viz: 1-2-3-4 reversed to 4-3-2-(1 dropped). Thus, the numbers of years

in a Kali Yuga is 432,000 years and each successive Yuga adds to the

tenfoldness of the Maha Yuga of 4,320,000 years.

Now, the Hindu Yuga cycle as well as the Chaldean numerical and

astronomical systems stem from the grand occult solar precessional

cycle called the Great Platonic Year. We shall see this cycle

frequently, but a simple description follows.

The sun travels across the sky on a pathway called the plane of the

ecliptic which is also a line that passes through the 12

constellations of the zodiac. The signs of the zodiac are not equal

but approximate divisions of this great circle, which when divided

into twelve equal parts would have equal arcs of 30 degrees. The

position that the sun occupies at the moment of the solar equinox is

called the first point of Aries. This point moves each year and in

fact moves in a retrograde direction so that there is a lag between

two successive coincidences of the spring equinox in relation to two

successive coincides of the sun with the same point in a given

constellation (sidereal year). This annual lag is calculated by

occultists as about 50 seconds per year which amounts to 1 degree in

72 years (50" x 72 = 3600" = 60' = 1) and further to 2,160 years to

30 degrees or one sign of the zodiac and a full zodiac cycle of 12 x

2,160 or 25,920 years. These numbers of 60, 72, 2,160 and 25,920 are

very occult numbers and will be dealt with separately, but the

important object here is that they are derived from the complete

solar precessional cycle of 25,920 years.

The discovery of this solar cycle is attributed to the Greek

astronomer Hipparchus in the year 125 B.C. However, this is an

exoteric designation given by Western science including the

appellation "great Platonic Year". That it was known to Chaldean

astronomers is obvious from the fact that the entire mathematical,

geometrical, astronomical and musical aritmetic of the Babylonians

was sexagesional or based upon the unit of 60. Divide the standard

Babylonian base number of 60 into the solar precessional year and the

result is our tetractys base number of 432!


This sacred number 432 of the tetractys saturates ancient Hindu,

Babylonian, Chaldean and Egyptian cosmological systems. For example,

according to Berossus, the reign of the ten antediluvian kings in the

Babylonian Marduck mythology was 432,000 years and this was called

their "great year". In the Hindu RG VEDA, (the oldest written text)

the 10,800 stanzas average forty syllables per stanza for a total of

432,000. In the geometry of Ptolemy, the diameter of his great

circles in 432,000 and in his musical theory 432,000 is the least

common denominator of his monochord fractions.

Now, the tetractys frequency grid has some interesting qualities.

First, it represents the underlying triangling of nature. As we

showed on page , the only stable polygons have triangular faces. All

polygons are reducible to triangles and are not further reducible.

All polyhedra are reducible to triangulation and not further


Second, it utilizes 60 degree coordination which we discussed supra as

the most efficient geometry. The 90 degree X-Y-Z coordinate system is

less economical because it is based upon a square and cube. In

addition, in 90 degrees coordination, the lengths of radials are

unequal so that the hypotenuse of 90 degree angles do not integrate

with circumference lengths.

Whereas, 60 degree coordination operates either circumferentially or

radially because the angles, lengths, arcs and chords are of equal

length. The prime structural relationship of all polyhedrons and

polygons is with the 60 degree angle.

Third, its symmetry is a model of equilibrium. The triangular grid is

composed of equal angles which produce equal arcs and equal chords.

The internal length between each monad or point is equal and the

internal lengths between different monads is proportionally equal in

a harmonic relationship. If nature abhors an equilibrium as much as

she abhors a vacuum, then the tetractys frequency grid is her model

of perfection Inestimabilis et Incomparabilis Magnitudinis!

It is upon the system of ten that the universe is built. Every

complete hierarchy consists of ten degrees. Every atom, molecule,

cell, organ, man, planet, sun, solar system and galaxy or as H.P.B.

would say, every God, Monad and atom is a completed whole constructed

upon the decad. Each hierarchy has a dual tendency and function to

exist both as a part and a whole. At every level of hierarchic

organization there is a self-assertive tendency that is

dis-associative and an integrative tendency that is associative. This

polarity between the part function as self-assertive and the whole

function as integrative is a universal fabric of life. Dynamic

equilibrium exists when these two tendencies counter balance each

other. The ten degrees of each hierarchy is structured by the Law of

Seven and the Law of Three, together. The visible, manifest world is

septenary. The invisible, unmanifest world behind the scene is

threefold, with associative, The "yuga" cycle corresponds to the

phenomenon described as "precession of the equinoxes" whereby the

positions of constellations shift across the horizon over a period of

(if it continues at current rates) 25,600 years. The usual explanation

for this is that it is due to precession, whereby Earth's poles wobble

over time much like the motion of a toy top. However, according to

California venture capitalist Walter Cruttenden of The Binary

Research Institute, the same observed phenomenon could be explained

equally well or better by elliptical motion of our solar system

through space, such as would be caused by it orbiting (and being

orbited by) a binary companion. (Such elliptical motion would cause

the "precession" to vary in speed over time, resulting in a complete

cycle of length very close to 24,000 years.)

However, Steiner was very careful never to express the Rosicrucian

cycles in ages of years. The Madame H.P.B. does give some idea of the

length in yars when she says there is, "comparative approximation of

duration between the lives of a family race and a sidereal year." We

know the cycle of the occult solar sidereal year is 25,920 years.

Steiner does seem to relate the length of each cultural epoch (the

present fifth one beginning year 1413) in terms of 2,160 years or

one-twelfth of a solar year.


In The Holy Science, Sri Yukteswar writes the traditional view is

based on a misunderstanding. He says that at the end of the last

descending Dwapara Yuga (about 700 BC) "Maharaja Yudhisthira,

noticing the appearance of the dark Kali Yuga, made over his throne

to his grandson [and]...together with all of his wise men...retired

to the Himalaya Mountains...Thus there was none in the court...who

could understand the principle of correctly accounting the ages of

the several Yugas."

Nobody wanted to announce the bad news of the beginning of the

descending Kali Yuga, so they just kept adding years to the Dwapara

date (at that time 2400 Dwapara). By the deepest point of the Kali

Yuga (around 500 BC) that made the date 3600. As the Kali began to

ascend again, scholars of the time recognized that there was a

mistake in the date (then being called 3600+ Kali, although their

texts said Kali had only 1200 years). "By way of reconciliation, they

fancied that 1200 years, the real age of Kali, were not the ordinary

years of our earth, but were so many daiva years ("years of the

gods"), consisting of 12 daiva months of 30 daiva days each, with

each daiva day being equal to one ordinary solar year of our earth.

Hence according to these men 1200 years of Kali Yuga must be equal to

432,000 years of our earth."

Sri Yukteswar also writes that our sun is part of a binary system,

orbiting another star, with an orbital period of about 24,000 years.

As our sun moves through this orbit it takes the whole solar system

closer to and then further from some "grand center called

'Vishnunabhi', which is the seat of the creative power, 'Brahma',

[which]...regulates...the mental virtue of the internal world."

Interestingly, Western astronomy in 1894 had no concept whatsoever of

binary star systems; however, modern astronomy has recently

recognized that the majority (half or more) of observable stars are

part of multi-star gravitational/orbital systems (binary or more).

The "yuga" cycle corresponds to the phenomenon described as

"precession of the equinoxes" whereby the positions of constellations

shift across the horizon over a period of (if it continues at current

rates) 25,600 years. The usual explanation for this is that it is due

to precession, whereby Earth's poles wobble over time much like the

motion of a toy top. However, according to California venture

capitalist Walter Cruttenden of The Binary Research Institute, the

same observed phenomenon could be explained equally well or better by

elliptical motion of our solar system through space, such as would be

caused by it orbiting (and being orbited by) a binary companion.

(Such elliptical motion would cause the "precession" to vary in speed

over time, resulting in a complete cycle of length very close to

24,000 years.)

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