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Why be so desparate?

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Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah Om Gam Ganpatye Namah Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah


There is one thing very peculiar which we witness nowadays. We saw it yesterday

also on the occasion of Bhoomi Poojan at Arogya Dham Delhi. Sadhaks just

approach to Gurudev anywhere with their personal problems. The occasion was an

important event and we saw people just conveying their personal problems to

Gurudev at every available opportunity.

What is the need of such dangerous level of selfishness? It is true that

everybody is a seeker before Guru. This is a plain fact that we respect them

due to their knowledge. That does not mean that you just do not leave even the

personal breathing space for Gurudev. People should keep in mind that Guru in

physical from may not be like they visualise in their dreams and imagination.

Sadhaks should learn to flow with the natural flow of time with their Gurudev

and helping them in their activities.

So many shivirs are organised and what are they for? They are for solving the

problems of sadhaks only. The deekshas and sadhnas which are given there are

for the sadhaks' benefit only. Do Gurudev need to tell everybody personally

that they should perform Mahalaxmi sadhna for their financial well being? When

such prayogs and deekshas are organised then where do these people go? These

sadhaks consider their inablity to do these sadhnas as "genuine reasons". They

just cover up their miresly nature as the "will of God". They treat the all

obstacles as "Guru Pariksha". Just a little deeper look reveals their dirty

underbelly. Since its beginning in 1981, millions and millions copies of this

magazine,MTYV, has gone into the hands of millions of sadhaks.All of them list

sadhnas exactly as per their problems. They just do not have the capability to

pick up one sadhna and do it. They will delibrately keep on crying and telling

their personal problems to all and sudry.

Whenever they get any opportunity to meet Gurudev they just start with their

favourite activity...... complain ,complain and complain.

And on the days fixed by Gurudev for meeting sadhaks persoanlly, these people

just do not turn up. On those days only thing they need to do is buy six old

issues of MTYV magazine for Rs. 100. Now they weigh their options whether to

spend those hundred rupees or not. Needless to say that such calculative

persons are not made for doing sadhnas. Their money will go only in paying for

emergencies like accidents,legal disputes,thefts, injury and death. When it

come to seeking personal guidance from Gurudev , then spending 100 Rs. becomes

the most difficult task in the world for them. We see this everymonth at

Gurudham Delhi. Some people wait till late in the evening when Gurudev allow

some people to meet them without paying money. Gurudev only know who is the

genuine seeker in real need and who is just a calculative trader. We observe

these "late audience seekers " every month. They do not look in anyway which

would reflect their inability to spend Rs. 100 for buying old

issues of MTYV. Majority of them are just "free loaders". We keep on seeing them

for months together. Their is no improvement in their condition. No wonder about

that. If they are not ready to change their tricky attitude, they will not make

any progress at all. Only thing which is of great concern is that they cause

undue stress to Gurudev, who keep on listening problems of people from morning

through evening.

Every human being on this earth has similar problems. They need money, they need

good health, they need peace of mind, they want all round progress in their

life, they want all good things for their family. There is no secret about

these facts. Gurudev are aware of that and for that reason only they publish

sadhnas in magazines.

Now if people do not perform these sadhnas then what to do? Every human being

who is alive has some physical,mental and financial resources available with

him. why can't put some of them into doing sadhnas regularly?

All these complaints about "obstacles" in doing sadhnas are plain shotcomings of

these sadhaks. The agony which feel on an incomplete sadhna has to do more with

the Rs. 350/- which they had spent on procuring sadhna materials rather than

their love for the deity or Guru. How many times their prayog will go

incomplete? Once, twice, thrice,....ten times? Even if they procure new

material for every attempt they will be spending around Rs. 3500/- for ten

attempts over a period of many weeks and months. And just consider the benifit

which comes after the success. These very people are just busy in self praise

for all their achievements. Then they will not reveal that they just stuck to

one sadhna and put their all hope in that one sadhna. They had left all hopes

from any other quarter. That one sadhna saved them. They just forget about that

phase and display a completely different picture before other people.

Just keep in mind that a sadhak can not realise how Gurudev test their

character. A disciple can only guess that this could be "exam given by

Gurudev". Therefore it is better to work on strengthening all traits of

character with delibrate efforts with the help of sadhnas. Every moment is

test, therefore there is no need of feeling yourself like Jesus Christ on the

cross.Things can be taken in much more natural and calm manner if the person

himself is willing to do so. Otherwise there is no limit of pain and you can

touch the "deepest" point of pain.


Just move along with respect for Gurudev in your heart and never quit the basic

daily Guru poojan in proper manner.Take the life as natural flow on whcih you

are flowing with your beloved Gurudev. Sadhna and Gurudev should be integral

part of life so that you do not feel as if you have to just finish off the work

quickly and run away towards outside world to show off your achievements. Never

put any condition like that ; if that does not happen you will be ruined or you

can not live without that thing. Gurudev know what is to be given and when it is

to given. Gurudev has left the most powerful controls in our own hands only and

they are of sadhnas.

Do not hesitate to pick up any sadhna. Just start and stop only at finish.

Repeat until it gives results.

It is much better way than troubling Gurudev everytime on every available

occasion. Opportunity given by Gurudev to meet personally should be used for

maximum benefit. We can not define a frame work you to do that, but we are sure

that contant list of complaints of personal life is not "the best" way to do


So many sadhnas require compulsory Shakti paat Deeksha. That could be one very

good way of utilising the Golden opportunity of personally meeting Gurudev.

Physical distance is just an excuse. If physical distance was the main issue

than all those living in Delhi would have become the most accomplished sadhaks.

Keep in mind that Deeksha are given through photographs also.

We utilise that opportunity in our own way. So you should work out your own way.

Desparation causes many damages and it diverts a sadhak from sadhana and make

him think only about the problem he is facing. This in turn saps whole energy

of sadhak because by then has by then lost the direction and sense of purpose.

Attention should be towards knowledge of Gurudev and concentration on sadhnas.


Om Namah Shivaye

Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

Om Namah Shivaye






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--- ajay sharma <sharva_ajay wrote:


> Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah Om Gam Ganpatye Namah

> Om Nikhileshwaraye Namah



> Keep in mind that Deeksha are

> given through photographs also.


Dear Ajay Sharmaji


I am interested in taking "Guru Diksha".

Since at present I am unable to visit gurudham, I

would like to take "Guru Diksha" through my

photograph. Can you please tell me the procedure for

doing so. I understand from siddhashram web site that

a small donation is charged for "Guru Diksha". What is

this amount in Indian Rupees ? And to whom do I send

this amount to ?







We utilise that opportunity in our own way. So you

> should work out your own way. Desparation causes

> many damages and it diverts a sadhak from sadhana

> and make him think only about the problem he is

> facing. This in turn saps whole energy of sadhak

> because by then has by then lost the direction and

> sense of purpose. Attention should be towards

> knowledge of Gurudev and concentration on sadhnas.


> Om Namah Shivaye

> Om Param Tatvaye Narayanaye Gurubhyo Namah

> Om Namah Shivaye




> Free antispam, antivirus and 1GB to save all your

> messages

> Only in Mail: http://in.mail.







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