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Names of 64 yoginis

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Hi all

I am Vinay from Bangalore who has recently joined this group

for which I am very excited. Yesterday I was reading the mails where

I found about the 16 yoginis. I think yoginis are not 16 in number

instead they are 64 in number( chausat yogini). Yoginis are dearest

to Goddess Durga and in Navratri, people who do Durga Puja for 9 days

should chant the names of these 64 yoginis by which Goddess will be

pleased. If we do so then the Goddess forgives the sins committed by

us in our previous incarnations.

The names of these yoginis are as follows:

Divyayoga, Mahayoga, Siddhayoga, Ganeshwari, Pretaashi, Dakini, Kali

(Kali, here, is not Goddess Mahavidya Kali. Instead, this is the name

of this yogini), Kalaratri, Nishachari, Jhenkaari, Oordwavetaali,

Pishachi, Bhootaa, Daamari, Oordwakeshi, Virupakshi, Shushkangi,

Narabhojani, Raakshasi, Ghoraa, Raktaakshi, Vishwaroopi, Bhayankari,

Bhraamari, Rudravetaali, Bhishmari, Tripuraantaki, Bhairavi(i.e., not

Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi. This is the name of this yogini),

Dhwamsini, Krodhi, Durmukhi, Pretavahini, Khatvangi,

Deerghalamboshti, Malini, Mantrayogini, Kaushiki, Mardini, Yakshee,

Romajhangaa, Prahaarini, Kalagnee, Graamanee, Chakri, Kankali,

Bhuvaneshwari(not Goddess Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari instead this is the

name of this yogini), Ghatkari, Veerabhadreshi, Dhoomrakshi,

Kalahapriya, Kantaki, Naataki, Maari, Yamadooti, Karalini,

Sahasrakshi, Kaamalola, Kaakadanshtra, Adhomukhi, Dhoorjati, Vikati,

Ghori, Kapali and Vishalanghini

Hope if this will help people, I will be the happiest.





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Jai Gurudev

Hi Vinay,


> I am Vinay from Bangalore who has recently

> joined this group




> Yesterday I was reading the mails where

> I found about the 16 yoginis. I think yoginis

> are not 16 in number instead they are 64 in

> number( chausat yogini).


What you think is absolutely right. There are 64 yoginies. Since a

sadhana related to 16 of them was published in MTYV, I wrote about

only 16 of them.


> Hope if this will help people


Yes, it certainly will.


May Guruji bless you.



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Dear Vinay ,

Please red my posting ''yoginis of kalika puran'' I hope

it will clarify some issues.






, "honeybunchlll"

<honeybunchlll> wrote:



> Hi all

> I am Vinay from Bangalore who has recently joined this


> for which I am very excited. Yesterday I was reading the mails


> I found about the 16 yoginis. I think yoginis are not 16 in number

> instead they are 64 in number( chausat yogini). Yoginis are


> to Goddess Durga and in Navratri, people who do Durga Puja for 9


> should chant the names of these 64 yoginis by which Goddess will


> pleased. If we do so then the Goddess forgives the sins committed


> us in our previous incarnations.

> The names of these yoginis are as follows:

> Divyayoga, Mahayoga, Siddhayoga, Ganeshwari, Pretaashi, Dakini,


> (Kali, here, is not Goddess Mahavidya Kali. Instead, this is the


> of this yogini), Kalaratri, Nishachari, Jhenkaari, Oordwavetaali,

> Pishachi, Bhootaa, Daamari, Oordwakeshi, Virupakshi, Shushkangi,

> Narabhojani, Raakshasi, Ghoraa, Raktaakshi, Vishwaroopi,


> Bhraamari, Rudravetaali, Bhishmari, Tripuraantaki, Bhairavi(i.e.,


> Mahavidya Tripura Bhairavi. This is the name of this yogini),

> Dhwamsini, Krodhi, Durmukhi, Pretavahini, Khatvangi,

> Deerghalamboshti, Malini, Mantrayogini, Kaushiki, Mardini,


> Romajhangaa, Prahaarini, Kalagnee, Graamanee, Chakri, Kankali,

> Bhuvaneshwari(not Goddess Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari instead this is


> name of this yogini), Ghatkari, Veerabhadreshi, Dhoomrakshi,

> Kalahapriya, Kantaki, Naataki, Maari, Yamadooti, Karalini,

> Sahasrakshi, Kaamalola, Kaakadanshtra, Adhomukhi, Dhoorjati,


> Ghori, Kapali and Vishalanghini

> Hope if this will help people, I will be the happiest.



> Vinay



> 08-10-2004

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