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before I vanish again ...

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before i vanish again, a few notes from someone who has made all

mistakes ...

and seen others make them. It is possible that what I say comes

across as opinionated to some, but none the less I can speak only

from my own experiences and perhaps and am best suited for guiding

like minded individuals, not others.



"why are you here"


if the reason is spiritual guidance this note is not for you. if

however, material problems bring you here and you have never chanted

anything before and are wondering where to start please start with

chanting gayatri

whatever you capacity permits

1 mala, 5 mala, 11 mala whatever.

If you are someone incapable of even making a regular regime due to

external circumstances or internal weaknesses just do it once a day.

And chant as and when you can as much as you can. Light a lamp, wear

white take a tulsi mala and face east. Make sure you use an asan.

Good things cannot happen to us until our negative karma is

countered. Gayatri sadhana will help make the path smooth for every

other sadhana and a very important step in this direction. Gayatri

the supreme gift of vishwamitra, gayatri the ved mata. A combination

of gayatri mantra along with a fast on ekadashis can work wonders.

Both are directed towards redemption from sins. And even if you get

bored reading about punya greater than 1000 ashwameghas or whatever,

using it as a cleansing regime is something I read in the first book

of sadhanas I ever read. Unfortunately for me, I never used it.


"guru diksha"


I am guru dikshit.

Nonetheless, accepting someone as your guru is a very serious

decision. No doubt having a guru makes the path much simpler, even

so take it only if you think you can make a commitment for chanting

guru mantra daily, and if not that, as often your circumstances

permit. Devotion is matter of time and practice. It comes easily to

some, some like me have to struggle hard for it. I admit it I still

am not very devoted. And ultimately we have to find what works best

for us. Chanting 4 mala guru mantra 1 chetana 1 gayatri is

recommended with guru diksha.


"which sadhana do I perform to get out of deep shit"


D.S. can take various forms, everything failing, caught up in

circumstances where it is difficult to break the from negative

emotions anger hatred because of people at home and work or even

friends, all efforts failing, unable to break shackles of negative

behaviour, a mind which is our own enemy, a life which is

unfulfilled with issues like job, marriage, children, or abject


There is a huge myriad of sadhanas which one do I perform? If you

are someone given to fear and greed like me you may end up believing

that you need to perform all of them, and get confused with every

issue of MTY you lay your hands on. There is myriad of dikshas all

promising the sky and the stars. AT this point it is important to

remember two things. One that all negative circumstances are caused

by our own sins mistakes in this and previous lives.

And second that in looking at the sadhanas it is important not to

loose focus on what is wrong in your own life. Assuming everything

is wrong, take up a sadhana for paap nash. There are many given in

old issues of MTY. It will help bring success in every task no

matter what. Or let your antah chetana guide you and choose a

sadhana. Then stick to it. Close all issues of MTY, don't go near

them. Just stick to one sadhana till your problem is solved. Have

faith that it will happen and fight it out by being stubborn about

the sadhana. Also if you are considering taking diksha for a

specific problem, you will be given mantra, a yantra and a rosary

with instructions to chant usually 5 mala for 21 or 31 days. In such

case follow this regime, disperse the yantra + rosary into a water

body. Remember to tie something heavy like a stone else the samagri

does not sink.

Then acquire a similar yantra and mala and you have the following


1)either repeating the regime again, a single samagri is allowed for

use upto three times i.e. you can reperform the same sadhana with

the same set of articles up to three time.

And then disperse them into water.


2) chant a given number of times daily till karya purti your problem

is solved.


3)perform anusthaan. An anusthaan can be 125000 mantras but it can

also be only 24000 or 51000 or whatever you capacity permits. If you

intend to perform any anusthaan for any mantra, please try and

perform an anusthaan of guru mantra.

At the same time do not hypnotize yourself into believing that your

problem will not be solved until you perform an anusthaan. That's a

sure way of getting stuck wherever you are. Nobody else can tell you

how many days to perform an anusthaan in. shorter periods are

recommended, but are they within your capacity?? Affirm again and

again, tell yourself that the fear of life that brought you here in

the first place is unfounded. That you do not need to give up the

battle of life, and hide in a room with MTYs. That nothing will work

for you, nothing can work for you until you follow your svadharma.

Some of us may have problem with even that. Serious problems like

tantra badha, shraap, pitru dosha etc are indicated here. Also, with

people for whom things refuse to work out but keep going wrong.


"what's the antidote?"


to me the antidote of everything negative that is within everyone's

reach is mahakali. A lot of ugra mahavidyas like baglamukhi and

chinnamasta have become fashionable in our group. To everyone with a

serious problem we say try bagalamukhi. With due respect to the holy

feet of the divine mothers and asking for their blessings, I wish to

state that they should not be attempted on a whim or fancy. They

are not for beginners or newcomers And should only be attempted in

the following manner which was once recommended to me by the only

successful sadhak (of high level sadhanas) I have met in person. I

give his words without adding or subtracting from them, they are not

my personal opinion.


Take guru disha,

Take guru hridyatha diksha

Take special shaktipaat for the relevant mahavidya.

If you wish to perform an anusthaan of an ugra mahavidyaonce again

please perform an anusthaan of guru mantra first.


Kali and bhuvaneshwari are two mahavidyas which are more for evryone

and I am quoting from Gurudev's relevant books when I say this.

Mistakes are forgiven and they give easy success. Special dikshas

help but can be attempted by someone unable to take them.


"What to do and not do"


sankalp – taking water in hands and saying oh lord I will do so many

malas for so many days and by the effect of my mantra please let

this problem be solved or this task be accomplished.

If you take a sankalp you had jolly well finish the required chant.

If for any reason, the sadhana breaks, repeat the whole procedure

starting day one as soon as possible. Broken

sankalps cost heavy and this is one thing I can say with 100 percent

first hand experience. Do not leave a sadhana incomplete and sit for

another one till you have kept your promise to the deity. And if you

have several broken sankalps, please perform extra chants of guru

mantra or some other dosha nivaran sadhana as prayschit.

If you are very week willed, don't take a sankalp. Replace it with a

prayer. Daily fold hands and say please forgive my mistakes and help

me achieve this…or take a sankalp daily only for that day's sadhana.


Do not reduce the count of malas per day, till the given time - say

21days or whatever is fulfilled.


Bringing in tapasya in any form will help. It can take the form of

giving up smoking drinking non veg, following brahmacharya, and not

telling a lie, remaining happy and pleasant. But remember again sva

dharma decided by desh kala is much more superior to any fancy

charity. Follow the path of karma, work hard at something keeping

busy in the constructive ways is a must. Sadhanas of people who

chant an hour a day and spend the rest is wasteful activities do not

succeed. There are two major energy loss centres in human body the

second and the fifth charka –through sex and through talking.

Talking uselessly is frittering hard earned energy and should be

avoided for sure during the time sadhana is going on.


Ideally perform sadhana at same place same time daily. If this is

too much, do the next best thing –don't miss a day. Do it sometime

during 24 hours.


"how much should I chant"


surely till the problem is solved, but why not make this apart of

life. So that we never end up in a quandary again?


"tantrik shatkarma –maaran mohan stambhan vashikaran, uchhatan



Guaranteed paths to destroy positive karma and sink down the drain.

In my opinion nothing, nothing absolutely nothing justifies them.

Interfering into auras of others has a heavy price. There is no such

thing as a good cause for them. Marrying someone does not give you

ownership on somone's soul. So things like its Ok for your wife or

husband … I can go on and on but I stop and touch a subject.

What to do if I love X deeply or obsessively, but X does not love


What I say is what I would do or use.

Work on yourself in every way. Sadhana is the best way of clearing

your own aura and making it positive. Every sadhana works in this



If you are using some specific mantra for this purpose, be it any

mantra, pray to the presiding deity and/or gurudev saying this

clearly. I love X, and I want him/her but I leave the final

judgement to you. Please do as you deem fit and in both our


Yatha yogyam tatha kuru


Ask for happiness, ask for love, ask for everything beautiful and

auspicious. BUT don't ask for your will to be higher than some one

else's. least of all the person you love. There is no such thing as

love which does not come with giving and taking freedom.

By not taking upon yourself the karma of a vashikaran, you will be

saved from its phal –the paap that comes along

Jaigurudev and bye for now


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Great timely email & help for someone going through similar thoughts. Thanks

for the open, frank eloquently written words to help through a difficult



-------------- Original message -------------- before i vanish again, a few

notes from someone who has made all mistakes ...and seen others make them. It

is possible that what I say comes across as opinionated to some, but none the

less I can speak only from my own experiences and perhaps and am best suited

for guiding like minded individuals, not others."why are you here"if the reason

is spiritual guidance this note is not for you. if however, material problems

bring you here and you have never chanted anything before and are wondering

where to start please start with chanting gayatriwhatever you capacity permits1

mala, 5 mala, 11 mala whatever.If you are someone incapable of even making a

regular regime due to external circumstances or internal weaknesses just do it

once a day. And chant as and when you can as much as you can. Light a lamp,

wear white take a tulsi mala and face east. Make sure you use an asan.Good

things cannot happen to us until our negative karma is countered. Gayatri

sadhana will help make the path smooth for every other sadhana and a very

important step in this direction. Gayatri the supreme gift of vishwamitra,

gayatri the ved mata. A combination of gayatri mantra along with a fast on

ekadashis can work wonders. Both are directed towards redemption from sins. And

even if you get bored reading about punya greater than 1000 ashwameghas or

whatever, using it as a cleansing regime is something I read in the first book

of sadhanas I ever read. Unfortunately for me, I never used it."guru diksha"I

am guru dikshit. Nonetheless, accepting someone as your guru is a very serious

decision. No doubt having a guru makes the path much simpler, even so take it

only if you think you can make a commitment for chanting guru mantra daily, and

if not that, as often your circumstances permit. Devotion is matter of time and

practice. It comes easily to some, some like me have to struggle hard for it. I

admit it I still am not very devoted. And ultimately we have to find what works

best for us. Chanting 4 mala guru mantra 1 chetana 1 gayatri is recommended

with guru diksha."which sadhana do I perform to get out of deep shit"D.S. can

take various forms, everything failing, caught up in circumstances where it is

difficult to break the from negative emotions anger hatred because of people at

home and work or even friends, all efforts failing, unable to break shackles of

negative behaviour, a mind which is our own enemy, a life which is unfulfilled

with issues like job, marriage, children, or abject poverty.There is a huge

myriad of sadhanas which one do I perform? If you are someone given to fear and

greed like me you may end up believing that you need to perform all of them, and

get confused with every issue of MTY you lay your hands on. There is myriad of

dikshas all promising the sky and the stars. AT this point it is important to

remember two things. One that all negative circumstances are caused by our own

sins mistakes in this and previous lives.And second that in looking at the

sadhanas it is important not to loose focus on what is wrong in your own life.

Assuming everything is wrong, take up a sadhana for paap nash. There are many

given in old issues of MTY. It will help bring success in every task no matter

what. Or let your antah chetana guide you and choose a sadhana. Then stick to

it. Close all issues of MTY, don't go near them. Just stick to one sadhana till

your problem is solved. Have faith that it will happen and fight it out by being

stubborn about the sadhana. Also if you are considering taking diksha for a

specific problem, you will be given mantra, a yantra and a rosary with

instructions to chant usually 5 mala for 21 or 31 days. In such case follow

this regime, disperse the yantra + rosary into a water body. Remember to tie

something heavy like a stone else the samagri does not sink.Then acquire a

similar yantra and mala and you have the following choices1)either repeating

the regime again, a single samagri is allowed for use upto three times i.e. you

can reperform the same sadhana with the same set of articles up to three

time.And then disperse them into water.2) chant a given number of times daily

till karya purti your problem is solved.3)perform anusthaan. An anusthaan can

be 125000 mantras but it can also be only 24000 or 51000 or whatever you

capacity permits. If you intend to perform any anusthaan for any mantra, please

try and perform an anusthaan of guru mantra.At the same time do not hypnotize

yourself into believing that your problem will not be solved until you perform

an anusthaan. That's a sure way of getting stuck wherever you are. Nobody else

can tell you how many days to perform an anusthaan in. shorter periods are

recommended, but are they within your capacity?? Affirm again and again, tell

yourself that the fear of life that brought you here in the first place is

unfounded. That you do not need to give up the battle of life, and hide in a

room with MTYs. That nothing will work for you, nothing can work for you until

you follow your svadharma. Some of us may have problem with even that. Serious

problems like tantra badha, shraap, pitru dosha etc are indicated here. Also,

with people for whom things refuse to work out but keep going wrong."what's the

antidote?"to me the antidote of everything negative that is within everyone's

reach is mahakali. A lot of ugra mahavidyas like baglamukhi and chinnamasta

have become fashionable in our group. To everyone with a serious problem we say

try bagalamukhi. With due respect to the holy feet of the divine mothers and

asking for their blessings, I wish to state that they should not be attempted

on a whim or fancy. They are not for beginners or newcomers And should only be

attempted in the following manner which was once recommended to me by the only

successful sadhak (of high level sadhanas) I have met in person. I give his

words without adding or subtracting from them, they are not my personal

opinion.Take guru disha,Take guru hridyatha dikshaTake special shaktipaat for

the relevant mahavidya.If you wish to perform an anusthaan of an ugra

mahavidyaonce again please perform an anusthaan of guru mantra first.Kali and

bhuvaneshwari are two mahavidyas which are more for evryone and I am quoting

from Gurudev's relevant books when I say this. Mistakes are forgiven and they

give easy success. Special dikshas help but can be attempted by someone unable

to take them."What to do and not do"sankalp – taking water in hands and saying

oh lord I will do so many malas for so many days and by the effect of my mantra

please let this problem be solved or this task be accomplished. If you take a

sankalp you had jolly well finish the required chant. If for any reason, the

sadhana breaks, repeat the whole procedure starting day one as soon as

possible. Broken sankalps cost heavy and this is one thing I can say with 100

percent first hand experience. Do not leave a sadhana incomplete and sit for

another one till you have kept your promise to the deity. And if you have

several broken sankalps, please perform extra chants of guru mantra or some

other dosha nivaran sadhana as prayschit.If you are very week willed, don't

take a sankalp. Replace it with a prayer. Daily fold hands and say please

forgive my mistakes and help me achieve this…or take a sankalp daily only for

that day's sadhana.Do not reduce the count of malas per day, till the given

time - say 21days or whatever is fulfilled.Bringing in tapasya in any form will

help. It can take the form of giving up smoking drinking non veg, following

brahmacharya, and not telling a lie, remaining happy and pleasant. But remember

again sva dharma decided by desh kala is much more superior to any fancy

charity. Follow the path of karma, work hard at something keeping busy in the

constructive ways is a must. Sadhanas of people who chant an hour a day and

spend the rest is wasteful activities do not succeed. There are two major

energy loss centres in human body the second and the fifth charka –through sex

and through talking. Talking uselessly is frittering hard earned energy and

should be avoided for sure during the time sadhana is going on. Ideally perform

sadhana at same place same time daily. If this is too much, do the next best

thing –don't miss a day. Do it sometime during 24 hours. "how much should I

chant"surely till the problem is solved, but why not make this apart of life.

So that we never end up in a quandary again?"tantrik shatkarma –maaran mohan

stambhan vashikaran, uchhatan vidveshan"Guaranteed paths to destroy positive

karma and sink down the drain. In my opinion nothing, nothing absolutely

nothing justifies them. Interfering into auras of others has a heavy price.

There is no such thing as a good cause for them. Marrying someone does not give

you ownership on somone's soul. So things like its Ok for your wife or husband …

I can go on and on but I stop and touch a subject. What to do if I love X deeply

or obsessively, but X does not love me? What I say is what I would do or

use.Work on yourself in every way. Sadhana is the best way of clearing your own

aura and making it positive. Every sadhana works in this direction. If you are

using some specific mantra for this purpose, be it any mantra, pray to the

presiding deity and/or gurudev saying this clearly. I love X, and I want

him/her but I leave the final judgement to you. Please do as you deem fit and

in both our welfares. Yatha yogyam tatha kuruAsk for happiness, ask for love,

ask for everything beautiful and auspicious. BUT don't ask for your will to be

higher than some one else's. least of all the person you love. There is no such

thing as love which does not come with giving and taking freedom.By not taking

upon yourself the karma of a vashikaran, you will be saved from its phal –the

paap that comes alongJaigurudev and bye for nowanuJay Gurudev

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, bsubramaniam@c... wrote:

> Great timely email & help for someone going through similar

thoughts. Thanks for the open, frank eloquently written words to

help through a difficult period.




I am honoured. please try the paap nash sadhana . it is high level

sadhana, and like all high level sadhanas it needs poorva punya to

even go near them. IT is written in teh article that accompanies it

that it will give success to people who have been failing repeatedly

in sadhanas.


It is written again and again about mahakali too - jeevan me jab

prabal poonyodya hota hai, tabhi manushya is sadhana me baithta hai.


I have huge non monetary debt to pay back to someone called

balasubramanium so, it felt all the more better to read your name.

And if there are serious problems of any kind, consider continuing

the 3 day regime monger.

There are two schools(!) of thought at gurudham on this. one say

that every sadhana should be done exactly as instructed no more, no

less. The other believ it is Ok to carry it on longer but not

shorter. I belong to the second and do it myself when i wish to.


Irrespective of whether you are gurudikshit or not, please pray to

our gurudev before starting it as he has been instrumental in your

getting it.


Jai gurudev

may you find strength through your tough time..

bye to all


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Hi Anu,

This is a beautiful email. I know I am reading it late as I was busy..

I really want to thank you for such a wounderful email.

Can I get in touch with you personally..

Thanks and Reagrds




Original message --------------

before i vanish again, a few notes from someone who has made all

mistakes ...

and seen others make them. It is possible that what I say comes

across as opinionated to some, but none the less I can speak only

from my own experiences and perhaps and am best suited for guiding

like minded individuals, not others.

"why are you here"

if the reason is spiritual guidance this note is not for you. if

however, material problems bring you here and you have never chanted

anything before and are wondering where to start please start with

chanting gayatri

whatever you capacity permits

1 mala, 5 mala, 11 mala whatever.

If you are someone incapable of even making a regular regime due to

external circumstances or internal weaknesses just do it once a day.

And chant as and when you can as much as you can. Light a lamp, wear

white take a tulsi mala and face east. Make sure you use an asan.

Good things cannot happen to us until our negative karma is

countered. Gayatri sadhana will help make the path smooth for every

other sadhana and a very important step in this direction. Gayatri

the supreme gift of vishwamitra, gayatri the ved mata. A combination

of gayatri mantra along with a fast on ekadashis can work wonders.

Both are directed towards redemption from sins. And even if you get

bored reading about punya greater than 1000 ashwameghas or whatever,

using it as a cleansing regime is something I read in the first book

of sadhanas I ever read. Unfortunately for me, I never used it.

"guru diksha"

I am guru dikshit.

Nonetheless, accepting someone as your guru is a very serious

decision. No doubt having a guru makes the path much simpler, even

so take it only if you think you can make a commitment for chanting

guru mantra daily, and if not that, as of! ten your circumstances

permit. Devotion is matter of time and practice. It comes easily to

some, some like me have to struggle hard for it. I admit it I still

am not very devoted. And ultimately we have to find what works best

for us. Chanting 4 mala guru mantra 1 chetana 1 gayatri is

recommended with guru diksha.

"which sadhana do I perform to get out of deep shit"

D.S. can take various forms, everything failing, caught up in

circumstances where it is difficult to break the from negative

emotions anger hatred because of people at home and work or even

friends, all efforts failing, unable to break shackles of negative

behaviour, a mind which is our own enemy, a life which is

unfulfilled with issues like job, marriage, children, or abject


There is a huge myriad of sadhanas which one do I perform? If you

are someone given to fear and greed like me you may end up believing

that you need to perform all of them, and get confused with every

issue of MTY you lay your hands on. There is myriad of dikshas all

promising the sky and the stars. AT this point it is important to

remember two things. One that all negative circumstances are caused

by our own sins mistakes in this and previous lives.

And second that in looking at the sadhanas it is important not to

loose focus on what is wrong in your own life. Assuming everything

is wrong, take up a sadhana for paap nash. There are many given in

old issues of MTY. It will help bring success in every task no

matter what. Or let your antah chetana guide you and choose a

sadhana. Then stick to it. Close all issues of MTY, don't go near

them. Just stick to one sadhana till your problem is solved. Have

faith that it will happen and fight it out by being stubborn about

the sadhana. Also if you are considering taking diksha for a

specific problem, you will be given mantra, a yantra and a rosary

with instructions to chant usually 5 mala for 21 or 31 d! ays. In such

case follow this regime, disperse the yantra + rosary into a water

body. Remember to tie something heavy like a stone else the samagri

does not sink.

Then acquire a similar yantra and mala and you have the following


1)either repeating the regime again, a single samagri is allowed for

use upto three times i.e. you can reperform the same sadhana with

the same set of articles up to three time.

And then disperse them into water.

2) chant a given number of times daily till karya purti your problem

is solved.

3)perform anusthaan. An anusthaan can be 125000 mantras but it can

also be only 24000 or 51000 or whatever you capacity permits. If you

intend to perform any anusthaan for any mantra, please try and

perform an anusthaan of guru mantra.

At the same time do not hypnotize yourself into believing that your

problem will not be solved until you perform an anusthaan. That's a

sure way of getting stuck wherever you are. Nobody else can tell you

how many days to perform an anusthaan in. shorter periods are

recommended, but are they within your capacity?? Affirm again and

again, tell yourself that the fear of life that brought you here in

the first place is unfounded. That you do not need to give up the

battle of life, and hide in a room with MTYs. That nothing will work

for you, nothing can work for you until you follow your svadharma.

Some of us may have problem with even that. Serious problems like

tantra badha, shraap, pitru dosha etc are indicated here. Also, with

people for whom things refuse to work out but keep going wrong.

"what's the antidote?"

to me the antidote of everything negative that is within everyone's

reach is mahakali. A lot of ugra mahavidyas like baglamukhi and

chinnamasta have become fashionable in our group. To everyone with a

serious problem we say try bagalamukhi. With due respect to the holy

feet of the divine mothers and asking for thei! r blessi

ngs, I wish to

state that they should not be attempted on a whim or fancy. They

are not for beginners or newcomers And should only be attempted in

the following manner which was once recommended to me by the only

successful sadhak (of high level sadhanas) I have met in person. I

give his words without adding or subtracting from them, they are not

my personal opinion.

Take guru disha,

Take guru hridyatha diksha

Take special shaktipaat for the relevant mahavidya.

If you wish to perform an anusthaan of an ugra mahavidyaonce again

please perform an anusthaan of guru mantra first.

Kali and bhuvaneshwari are two mahavidyas which are more for evryone

and I am quoting from Gurudev's relevant books when I say this.

Mistakes are forgiven and they give easy success. Special dikshas

help but can be attempted by someone unable to take them.

"What to do and not do"

sankalp – taking water in hands and saying oh lord I will do so many

malas for so many days and by the effect of my mantra please let

this problem be solved or this task be accomplished.

If you take a sankalp you had jolly well finish the required chant.

If for any reason, the sadhana breaks, repeat the whole procedure

starting day one as soon as possible. Broken

sankalps cost heavy and this is one thing I can say with 100 percent

first hand experience. Do not leave a sadhana incomplete and sit for

another one till you have kept your promise to the deity. And if you

have several broken sankalps, please perform extra chants of guru

mantra or some other dosha nivaran sadhana as prayschit.

If you are very week willed, don't take a sankalp. Replace it with a

prayer. Daily fold hands and say please forgive my mistakes and help

me achieve this…or take a sankalp daily only for that day's sadhana.

Do not reduce the count of malas per day, till the given time - say

21days or whatever is fulfilled.

Bringing in tapasya in an! y form w

ill help. It can take the form of

giving up smoking drinking non veg, following brahmacharya, and not

telling a lie, remaining happy and pleasant. But remember again sva

dharma decided by desh kala is much more superior to any fancy

charity. Follow the path of karma, work hard at something keeping

busy in the constructive ways is a must. Sadhanas of people who

chant an hour a day and spend the rest is wasteful activities do not

succeed. There are two major energy loss centres in human body the

second and the fifth charka –through sex and through talking.

Talking uselessly is frittering hard earned energy and should be

avoided for sure during the time sadhana is going on.

Ideally perform sadhana at same place same time daily. If this is

too much, do the next best thing –don't miss a day. Do it sometime

during 24 hours.

"how much should I chant"

surely till the problem is solved, but why not make this apart of

life. So that we never end up in a quandary again?

"tantrik shatkarma –maaran mohan stambhan vashikaran, uchhatan


Guaranteed paths to destroy positive karma and sink down the drain.

In my opinion nothing, nothing absolutely nothing justifies them.

Interfering into auras of others has a heavy price. There is no such

thing as a good cause for them. Marrying someone does not give you

ownership on somone's soul. So things like its Ok for your wife or

husband … I can go on and on but I stop and touch a subject.

What to do if I love X deeply or obsessively, but X does not love


What I say is what I would do or use.

Work on yourself in every way. Sadhana is the best way of clearing

your own aura and making it positive. Every sadhana works in this


If you are using some specific mantra for this purpose, be it any

mantra, pray to the presiding deity and/or gurudev saying this

clearly. I love X, and I want him/her but I leave the final


ment to you. Please do as you deem fit and in both our


Yatha yogyam tatha kuru

Ask for happiness, ask for love, ask for everything beautiful and

auspicious. BUT don't ask for your will to be higher than some one

else's. least of all the person you love. There is no such thing as

love which does not come with giving and taking freedom.

By not taking upon yourself the karma of a vashikaran, you will be

saved from its phal –the paap that comes along

Jaigurudev and bye for now


Jay Gurudev

Jay Gurudev

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devi_bhagat2 wrote:

Irrespective of whether you are gurudikshit or not, please pray to our gurudev

before starting it as he has been instrumental in your getting it.

This is a very good logic you have said anu ji. I know I could not get

guru diksha from

Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranandji but I do bow infront of him and

may be someday he will accept me as his disiple.




Jai gurudev may you find strength through your tough time..

bye to all




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, Dhirendra Pal Singh <dp_singh@s...>


hello dp,


> my apologies with folded hands to you. i do not under any

circumstances send or receive personal mails, or chat messages. if

you have a problem please get in touch with gurudham. you can still

take guru diksha or any other diksha there and take guidance. if for

any reason you are unable to do so, please pray to gurudev your

antah chetana will guide you.


it was a mistake that i ever started answering personal mails from

. I got queries and i started answering them according to my

limited knowledge and saw more than once that the problems were

solved. Then somewhere along, i forgot that i was an instrument of

gurudev and the divine and grew vain about this, and just went and

told some friends because i am after all an exhibitionist. Silence

is very important about your sadhana, the good you are made to do.

When i asked the one and only high level sadhak he was reluctant

even to name the mahaviyas he has chanted. yet he was able to hear

gurudev every morning in sadhana and he ended up saying this so

casually. he was a very simple man doing some low level job in a

government office, but sure he was miles ahead of me as a sadhak.

It took a few hard jolts, and sincere prayers to gurudev around guru

poornima to clear this perspective.


Along the way i realized also how difficult is the task of the guru.

If you disturb someone in state of deep negative energy, be sure

that some of it will come to you. it may be directed as negative

emotions towards you or just cling around in other ways.

that is why they say that a guru takes up part of the sins of the

disciple. i was only advocating the paapnash sadhana on the basis of

personal experience.


regards and jaigurudev



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Hello Anu ji,

It was a request.. and you have every right to say no.. and I will not

question it.

Thanks for your time...



devi_bhagat wrote:

, Dhirendra Pal Singh <dp_singh@s...> wrote:

hello dp,

my apologies with folded hands to you. i do not under any

circumstances send or receive personal mails, or chat messages. if you have a

problem please get in touch with gurudham. you can still take guru diksha or

any other diksha there and take guidance. if for any reason you are unable to

do so, please pray to gurudev your antah chetana will guide you.

it was a mistake that i ever started answering personal mails from . I

got queries and i started answering them according to my limited knowledge and

saw more than once that the problems were solved. Then somewhere along, i

forgot that i was an instrument of gurudev and the divine and grew vain about

this, and just went and told some friends because i am after all an

exhibitionist. Silence is very important about your sadhana, the good you are

made to do.

When i asked the one and only high level sadhak he was reluctant even to name

the mahaviyas he has chanted. yet he was able to hear gurudev every morning in

sadhana and he ended up saying this so casually. he was a very simple man doing

some low level job in a government office, but sure he was miles ahead of me as

a sadhak.

It took a few hard jolts, and sincere prayers to gurudev around guru poornima to

clear this perspective. Along the way i realized also how difficult is the task

of the guru. If you disturb someone in state of deep negative energy, be sure

that some of it will come to you. it may be directed as negative emotions

towards you or just cling around in other ways.

that is why they say that a guru takes up part of the sins of the disciple. i

was only advocating the paapnash sadhana on the basis of personal experience.

regards and jaigurudev




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, Dhirendra Pal Singh <dp_singh@s...>


> Hello Anu ji,


> It was a request.. and you have every right to say no.. and I will


> question it.


> Thanks for your time...

> Regards

> Dp



Hello Dp etc,

You do not have to ji me, nor does anyone else. From the day I

started writing at to this day, tremendous hurt and harm

has come my way through the business of discussion lists.

There have been more than one or two people who make pseudo ids and

post questions here and to me personally just for the sake of

amusement because i happen to be girl. Not only I, but even my

gurubhais in their sincerity try to answer them. I take every

message in praise of an article I wrote with a pinch of salt. To me

this is mockery of the sadhak parivar. I have gotten chat messages

for phrrrriendships I am not interested in. This is not the way

spiritually inclined people should behave. Except for a

few gurubhais I know from the past like arvind, ashish anurag etc, I

trust no one on the internet - man or woman.

And I understand fully that by taking this decision, I may be

missing out on knowing a few genuine human beings, but the loss is

worth it. Morality seems not to be decided by an inherent definition

of right or wrong, but the degrees of freedom available for misuse.

So, sorry I do not wish to know a single person on the internet in

any capacity, and please rest assured that this is not directed

towards you as an individual.


In any case most queries sent with the casualness and comforts from

behind a PC are not sincere. Its from people who are writing to

everyone here and there, and may not even bother to chant after you

spend an hour typning areply explaining the intricacies as you

understand, so why waste energy and time, why bother at all?

The only solution that I found that works is that I stay totally

away from ISSPLIST, just got an urge to tell people about paapnash

sadhana, so I wrote a few mails. And probably I will write only when

I get such an urge again.


my apologies and sorry if I got a bit carried away, as it is said

seva dharma ati kathora

and may guruji bless you.

Good bye and if there are no further replies to mails specifically

addressed to me please do not mind.

jai gurudev


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Hello Anu ji,

I just want to say 3 things..

A) I use ji to give respect. Its a standard for me unless I am talking

to my friend. Sorry but my mom taught me that, and I dont go against


B) I did not know that you were a girl. Not that it changes anything in

the world of spirituality, but if I had know it before I would have not

said what I said. My cousin brother has the same name, "Anu", hence I

assumed that you are guy. My Apologies if I had hurt you. I had no

intentions of doing it. I think that I would have done the same if it

was someone else as I would like to be in the company of people who are

sadhaks. May be its "Birds of a feather flock together."

C) Thanks for saying that its not against me, personally. Even if it

was, I would still be as calm as I like to be. Ego and Anger are 2 big

deamons from whom I prefer to stay away from.

Thanks for all your time, and would still look forward to your mails on

the list, as you are way ahead of at least me, and off course for sure

will not bug you.

Thanks & Regards



devi_bhagat wrote:

, Dhirendra Pal Singh <dp_singh@s...> wrote:

Hello Anu ji,

It was a request.. and you have every right to say no.. and I will


question it.

Thanks for your time...



Hello Dp etc,

You do not have to ji me, nor does anyone else. From the day I started writing

at to this day, tremendous hurt and harm has come my way through the

business of discussion lists. There have been more than one or two people who

make pseudo ids and post questions here and to me personally just for the sake

of amusement because i happen to be girl. Not only I, but even my gurubhais in

their sincerity try to answer them. I take every message in praise of an

article I wrote with a pinch of salt. To me this is mockery of the sadhak

parivar. I have gotten chat messages for phrrrriendships I am not interested

in. This is not the way spiritually inclined people should behave. Except for a

few gurubhais I know from the past like arvind, ashish anurag etc, I trust no

one on the internet - man or woman.

And I understand fully that by taking this decision, I may be missing out on

knowing a few genuine human beings, but the loss is worth it. Morality seems

not to be decided by an inherent definition of right or wrong, but the degrees

of freedom available for misuse.

So, sorry I do not wish to know a single person on the internet in any capacity,

and please rest assured that this is not directed towards you as an individual.

In any case most queries sent with the casualness and comforts from behind a PC

are not sincere. Its from people who are writing to everyone here and there,

and may not even bother to chant after you spend an hour typning areply

explaining the intricacies as you understand, so why waste energy and time, why

bother at all? The only solution that I found that works is that I stay totally

away from ISSPLIST, just got an urge to tell people about paapnash sadhana, so

I wrote a few mails. And probably I will write only when I get such an urge


my apologies and sorry if I got a bit carried away, as it is said

seva dharma ati kathora

and may guruji bless you.

Good bye and if there are no further replies to mails specifically addressed to

me please do not mind.

jai gurudev




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Ego and Anger are 2 big

> deamons from


dear brother,

i am very sorry about my outburst. I am much lesser than perfect

myself. it was directly partly towards someone who has been plaguing

me with chat messages and is unable to see what I am trying to tell

him. Contacting me with several ids is his speciality. For the past

8 months it has become a nuisance– again I am sorry. I have nothing

against him, I wish him all the best but I do hope that he does not

misread my posts here as lovenotes. Anything is possible when you

are suffering from delusions …But there have been others as well and

I maintain that my experiences with internet have been very

unpleasant –men or women. so i am scared of it.

I will mail you myself after a while maybe a looong while.


Ann, I know nothing about tara sadhana please forgive me.

Jaigurudev and good bye


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No Hard Feelings Sister... :-)

Will wait for your emails again...

Thanks and Regards


devi_bhagat wrote:

Ego and Anger are 2 big

deamons from

dear brother,

i am very sorry about my outburst. I am much lesser than perfect myself. it was

directly partly towards someone who has been plaguing me with chat messages and

is unable to see what I am trying to tell him. Contacting me with several ids is

his speciality. For the past 8 months it has become a nuisance– again I am

sorry. I have nothing against him, I wish him all the best but I do hope that he

does not misread my posts here as lovenotes. Anything is possible when you are

suffering from delusions …But there have been others as well and I

maintain that my experiences with internet have been very unpleasant –men

or women. so i am scared of it.

I will mail you myself after a while maybe a looong while. Ann, I know nothing

about tara sadhana please forgive me.

Jaigurudev and good bye




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