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3. When we ask something about spirituality that we dont understand

from ppl who know. Why do these ppl always say that "You shall know

when u come to our age" or "why do they get angry and get annoyed

on cross querying." How can we understand anything if our basic

fundamentals are not clear. WHy dont they answer the fundamental

basic questions raised by ppl who want to understand?


That is because they have never dared to ask the questions

themselves. Many of us so called scientists or engineers too (ME

INCLUDED) just assume asset of rules and churn information. People

like Einstein who can question the basic rules are very few. This

tendency is exaggerated several times over in religion and

spirituality. While logic in science is linear, "scientific

explanations" given to explain supernatural phenomena are parabolic

or sometimes even totally random. Ever wondered why astrology is a

science, but science is not astrology?? That said no one is obliged

to answer anyone's questions and faith works a great deal in

religion, and vivekanada always said – do not disturb the faith of

another person, as his faith will take him to the other sure. But

there is difference between faith in God and superstitions and we all

have to work on our own basic premises. My teacher (of physics) who

is a very wise man (boy, will he be happy if he reads this!) once

said if you have it in you the capacity to ask a question, you are

also supplied with the ability to answer it yourself if you try



"4. I would also like to know a bit about the academic backgrounds of

the ppl participating in this group, however, this is not very

important. I felt really happy and surprised when i saw ppl with

similar fields and interests as mine, sharing information about

spiritualism, Gods and Tantra Mantra"

Spiritual accomplishment and being intellectually / academically

strong are unrelated independent sets. If we are sitting in front of

a PC punching keys, we must be having some sort of an education.


"Please dont take this query otherwise."


Sure, manuj. I understand your point, its fine, you may ask. And

people may wish to share theirs like you shared yours.



"5. I felt very scared and uneasy when i read about Mr. Raghu's

Sister. That her in laws have done some totka on her and she has

suffered from paralysis due to that."



Unfortunately, there are ugly sides to everything and raghu's

suffering may bean expression to this ugly side of tantra as ashish

pointed out. You can also make the atom bomb by using E= mc^2.



"6. I read about powers like 'Walking on water' and 'Flying in air'

and 'Seeing the past and Future like vision'. Can these powers

REALLY be achieved by kundalini activation? Has anyone ever seen any

such powers in a human being in person with his / her own eyes."


I believe this is possible though I have never been fortunate enough

to witness such a demonstration. Arun bhaiyya who answered queries

when guruji was alive once told me how he had seen an ugly woman

transformed into a beautiful one in matter of mintues by guruji. If

anyone other than arun bhaiyya would have said this I would have

totally ignored this, but I believe arun bhaiya. A sadhak I met once

also told me how he is able to communicate with guruji as and when he

wishes to and its like talking on the phone. I believe this man too

and have my reasons for it.




these powers not be used to control the sufferings of the life forms

like in Kashmir, Gujrat, Andhra, Iraq, Russia, Afganistan etc. if

not eliminate them OR to find the solutions of unknowns like

Scientific / Mathematical / Space Research problems / Genetics

problems etc."



Manuj, you cannot add or subtract suffering to this world. The

energies in this world are in perfect balance. If you try to remove

it in one form it will find another expression. The only person you

help in helping others is yourself. And getting the opportunity to do

this is like a double promotion in school. That said we should do

what we can. But ever wondered why the already illuminated souls

never do anything about all this? Suffering like happiness is the

natural consequence of being born. You can call it karma but I call

it just an endless learning process. You are being taught something

in ahppiness and being taught something in pain. And each soul will

have to walk on the path destined for it until the lessons are driven

in – you or me or whoever.


"7. Can we somehow invite some independant agency like 'DISCOVERY

CHANNEL' or 'NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC' or 'BBC' or someone like them to

help us in the re-search and popularize this vidya scientifically.

Indian Science Museum have kept some problems to be solved using

these powers in order to remove 'andh-vishwas' from the people. We

can really do a great service to our world by making them aware of

spirituality in this better, easier and more scientific way."


you sure do have the innocence of a child. Before convincing others

you have to be convinced yourself and the only way to do so is prove

it works. Do not think, sit and do some sadhana and see for yourself.

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