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Few Questions

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Jai Gurudev

Dear brothers and Sisters


Congratulation James for the excellent work you r doing. You are

really doing a great job.


I have few questions/help which I think I should put up first on this

group for answer.


1. 1972 Calender – I am looking for a panchang/calendar of December

1972, basically showing the exact nakhstra position between 20-24

Dec, 1972. I think Any can help in this reaged.


2. Tantrokt Guru Pujan – What is procedure about this? Can we

perform any of the pujan given in the book instead of normal Guru



3. Diksha – Normally, every month MTYM publish so many

sadhnas/prayogs, so is it necessary to every time go for Diksha for

every sadhna or for every small sadhna/prayog. Coz, if an average we

go for 1-4 diksha every month that will cost of more than Rs. 10000/-.


4. Use of Egg – Today most of things use egg in one or the other

way, even the icecream also contain the egg. I was really surprised

to know this. So I want to know what are the directions in this

regard. Shall we stop eating all bakery items/biscuits, cakes,

icecreams, pastry etc. or is it considered as a veg.



Jay Gurudev


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C. Kumar,


This is only in Europe & America that you get biscuits & ice-creams with

egg, but not in India.

We do not eat these things eventhough we are in USA.


In India they use emulsifier (its a chemical) instead of egg in biscuits &



Jai Gurudev,


Pradip Merchant.




C Kumar <ckumar99


Friday, September 21, 2001 5:41 AM

Few Questions



Jai Gurudev

Dear brothers and Sisters


Congratulation James for the excellent work you r doing. You are

really doing a great job.


I have few questions/help which I think I should put up first on this

group for answer.


1. 1972 Calender - I am looking for a panchang/calendar of December

1972, basically showing the exact nakhstra position between 20-24

Dec, 1972. I think Any can help in this reaged.


2. Tantrokt Guru Pujan - What is procedure about this? Can we

perform any of the pujan given in the book instead of normal Guru



3. Diksha - Normally, every month MTYM publish so many

sadhnas/prayogs, so is it necessary to every time go for Diksha for

every sadhna or for every small sadhna/prayog. Coz, if an average we

go for 1-4 diksha every month that will cost of more than Rs. 10000/-.


4. Use of Egg - Today most of things use egg in one or the other

way, even the icecream also contain the egg. I was really surprised

to know this. So I want to know what are the directions in this

regard. Shall we stop eating all bakery items/biscuits, cakes,

icecreams, pastry etc. or is it considered as a veg.



Jay Gurudev







Jay Gurudev






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> 1. 1972 Calender – I am looking for a panchang/calendar of December

> 1972, basically showing the exact nakhstra position between 20-24

> Dec, 1972.



I think Any can help in this reaged.



Go to www.astroexpert.com. sign in and make a new account.

go to birth horoscopes. type day time etc, will give you the exact

panchang at a particulaer place at a particular instant. nakshatras

follow one afte the other. so eg if it is pushya today, you can be

sure that it was punarvasu last year, and will be ashlesha tomorrow

and so on. you can find the exact nakshtra by typing in all 4 days.


all pandits in india have panchangs of back date. you can ask

shricastav uncle.

> 3. Diksha – Normally, every month MTYM publish so many

> sadhnas/prayogs, so is it necessary to every time go for Diksha for

> every sadhna or for every small sadhna/prayog. Coz, if an average we

> go for 1-4 diksha every month that will cost of more than Rs.




no, to the best of understanding taking GURU diksha is enough for evry

sadhna. why are you worrying about accumulating money, are you afraid

to work hard? i have faced the same problem, and still do -- lack of

focus or greed.

first identify an area of your life you wish to work on. then identify

a deity or sadhna that appeals to your heart. then, shut all issues of

MTY and do not open another one, or an old one until you have

acheived success at this one at the desired level. so in my opinion,

anusthan i the best way of getting reqd. success.

> 4. Use of Egg – Today most of things use egg in one or the other

> way, even the icecream also contain the egg. I was really surprised

> to know this. So I want to know what are the directions in this

> regard. Shall we stop eating all bakery items/biscuits, cakes,

> icecreams, pastry etc. or is it considered as a veg.


> depends on the problems in your life, and how much you are willing

to sacrifice for them, in normal circumstances i would eat pyaaj

lahsun and egg (as an ingredient), and eat chocoltaes and ice creams

and what not- i do not like raw eggs, take a sip of wine or two. sorry

i do not smoke, or eat non veg.

when i am working on a serious sadhna, i can make do with just one

meal a day if necessary without salt or spices or oil too why pyaaj

lahsun? and eat the same thing for a month. As far as i am concerned

there is no oath like NOT touch pyaaj lahsun, or even non veg for


BUT i think i am kind of rebel, and do as i please. But cannot claimm

yet any great success in my sadhnas. So perhaps an experienced person

should answer.


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, "C Kumar" <ckumar99> wrote:

> 1. 1972 Calender – I am looking for a panchang/calendar of

Already answered

> 2. Tantrokt Guru Pujan – What is procedure about this? Can we

> perform any of the pujan given in the book instead of normal Guru

> Pujan.


Yes. i guess that one may perform any pujan. Deinik Guru poojan is

the basic Guru pujan, but one may perform others. For example, due to

family/travel, some might prefer maansik Guru Poojan.

> 3. Diksha – Normally, every month MTYM publish so many


already answered. Better get advice from pujya Gurudev or Gurudham

about specific sadhanas.

> 4. Use of Egg – Today most of things use egg in one or the other


Eating non-veg is prohibited. moroever if u knowingly eat non veg in

strong sadhanas like Baglamukhi/Hanuman etc, then u might even get

adverse reactions. U can either perform Sadhana with a pure,satvik

body or u may eat nonveg/drink.smoke etc. and have animal-like

existence. By doing Sadhanas, we ask God/Goddess to come in our

body&soul. how can They live in a polluted-body. plus, after

performing any sadhana, one sud daily chant the sadhana mantra for

some time to retain the Sadhana effect.

So, if u have taken Diksha, and started Sadhanas, then u sud

completely refrain from non veg, drink, smoke etc. to preserve

sadhana benefits. it might be better to avoid onion, garlic and other

taamsik food also. As Pradeepji mentioned - Egg free bakery products

are also available.

If Mahatma Gandhiji (websites -


g & http://www.mkgandhi.org/cwm/vol1/chap031III.htm)

survived in a completely white London in 1888-92 without touching

nonveg/egg, then after 111 years surely we can too in india or

anywhere else!!


Jay Gurudev

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dear charanjit,

> 4. Use of Egg - Today most of things use egg in one or the other

> way, even the icecream also contain the egg. I was really surprised

> to know this. So I want to know what are the directions in this

> regard. Shall we stop eating all bakery items/biscuits, cakes,

> icecreams, pastry etc. or is it considered as a veg.


from your question i assume that you are a vegetarian and you dont

even eat eggs and so the issue is that should

you(who is a vegetarian) avoid eating bakery items which may contain


i think lot of members have given lot of good advise, i will be

covering the area which they didnt cover,

unless a sadhana explictly states that you should not eat non

vegetarian thing , until then ,i feel that

you should not be bothered about the BAKERY stuff.

My view is based on the following FACT


we can safely consider food and mind as two ends of a SELF REGULATING

SYSTEM where you can exercise control for


your upliftment/benfit.

food --------> mind


there arise 3 situations of type of exercise of control that this

system supports


1) controlling food thus affecting mind( forcibly taking sattvic food

so as to develop sattvic thoughts, when



food taking habit stabilizes)

2) controlling mind thus affecting food ( this is a different way ,

you observe that once you think good things

automatically you would start disliking tamasic/rajasic food(

i believe it works for you all , but

you have to observe carefully)

3)contolling food and controlling mind both at same times but in

different proportions as what situation you are


in(like the Anu case)



so if i were in your case i would not Micro Manage the bakery issue,

unless a sadhana requires.../ until my body rejects by

develping a dislike for the consumed item( this becomes more and more

evident as you progess in spirtual sadhnas).


i have done sadhnas but of different nature..( for ex controlling


(For past 2-3 years i have not attempted any of my type sadhana due

to various bottlenecks...).


for me sadhana is not just TANTRIk , TO ME ITS MORE GENERALISED AND



Even Gandhi jis struggle for independence is a sadhana of different


All achievements are the successful end results of a sadhana.


Before i end ,i will give you my example basically iam a Non-veg but

i do used to relish/eat eggs 7-8 years ago which

i gave up due to my Madness for Bade Gurudev, few months back one of

my friends mom visited us to stay with us for

few months and she prepared good egg curry with palak and some other

decorative stuff. She knew that i had stopped

eating eggs but still asked me why dont you taste it? i understood

the hard work she has put in making the egg



and decorating and her intention of concern/care for me, i just

couldnt tell no, though i was not that enthusiastic


i ate so as not to hurt her...




Take another ex in some tantrokt sadhans you have to eat non veg stuff

( which you people know)

but in that case the intention of sadhana is different.




For example if you are taking sattvic food say fro ex milk and if you

go on drinking say 20 glasses, to me

its not sattvic. He also should have MODERATION.


so what i conclude is dont bother too much about micro managing the

practise of vegetenariasm, but instead

develop a sattvic intentions.(Moderation and lightweight).


if you are non veggie , let me know i have to add many more points to

an this

in my reply.i assume that you are a veggie.



Jai Gurudev




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Jai Gurudev,

I must admit that i strayed the path, and went into veg-nonveg stuff

instead of sticking to the orignal line and replying to the original


Yes, charanjitji u r right. these days they use egg in most of the

bakery products. some bakeries even use egg in making bread etc., at

least our university bakery did so.

Most of the new biscuits available in delhi from MNCs do contain egg.

Moroever, renin (obtained from stomach lining) is used in most of the

cheese and cheese products. Gelatin (obtained from bone powder) is

used in confectioneries like toffees, breath freshner pills etc.


Well, one end of the argument is that - chemically all food is

composed of chemical compounds. gelatin might have more of C=H=O or

other chemical structures compared to, say, wheat.

On the other hand is the willingness or ability to stick to the pure

satvik vegge diet. Probably, this is the reason which prompted u to

ask this question. And anyway one man's food is other man's poison!


My own take on it is this (my personal opinion)- We are what we eat.

Don't willingly eat non-veg. Nonveg pollutes the body, and cancels

good effect of Sadhanas. Avoid tamsik substances. I do remember

Shrivastav uncle once saying that one sud avoid hotel food and eat

only home-prepared food. At that time i cudnt understand it, but now

i realise that there might be sense in that. However, if at times if

u r out of home, in middle of nowhere,without any choice, and feel

very hungry, then u might be forced to eat in a restaurant. Or

alternatively, one might (like Gandhiji) think of it as another one

of life's trials, and patiently stick to one's resolve, and stay

hungry instead of getting tempted. After all, what is will power if

it cant control hunger feeling for few hours or even a day.

Controlling one's senses is the basic of Sadhana. One feeds food to

one's body daily, and one wont die if one doesnt eat for a day. And

speaking of potential loss of strength, soldiers in a combat compaign

have to stay without proper food for days together, and still remain

in peak condition. The Sikh and Maratha warriors practically lived on

their horseback, mostly hungry, and their usual diet (when they got

it) was salt and jwaar-roti.

Moroever, in forests, the ascetics are also forced to stay hungry for

days in winter, in rain etc.


Plus of course , is pujya Gurudev's comment in "Amrit Boond" book

that one sud decrease one's "annamay kosh" and increase the "prannmay



Still, i admit, preaching is pretty easy compared to practicing. So,

it is upto u to do what u can do. In a nutshell, my answer to yr

question will be to be cautious, and not eat tamsik food when in

doubt about its contents, and when u can.

For example, in my case, in those early-youth-wild-years i tried non-

veg, smoking, drinking etc. couple-of-times to gain "experience"

and "become mature". And luckily, i didnt like any of those things

and gave them up after trying once/twice. But today, i wont eat

a "deliciously tempting" icecream if i knew that it had traces of

egg, but i will eat a medicine containing animal extracts on medical

advice. Still sometimes, due to living in west, during official

lunches or other events, sometimes, by mistake , i have had lapses,

and unknowingly taken a morsel of non-veg food.


Jay Gurudev

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C Kumar <ckumar99


Thursday, September 20, 2001 10:41 PM

Few Questions



Jai Gurudev

Dear Charanjitji and brothers and Sisters


^Congratulation James for the excellent work you r doing. You are

really doing a great job. I also join the group in this and Thank you very

much James.


I have few questions/help which I think I should put up first on this

group for answer.



4. Use of Egg - Today most of things use egg in one or the other

way, even the icecream also contain the egg. I was really surprised

to know this. So I want to know what are the directions in this

regard. Shall we stop eating all bakery items/biscuits, cakes,

icecreams, pastry etc. or is it considered as a veg.


Dear Charanjitji

I had the same questuion in my mind after I quit eating (self inspiration

after meeting Param Pujya Guru Dev for the first time) meat product. This

question was best answered by one of the Santa living in Kathmandu

Shivapuri. Shyambaba, runs a school, ardent yogi.... His answer was

If you are climbing a hill you would not want to carry a load on your back

especially a bag stuffed with unnecessary item. Animal Protein is the same,

it is an unnecessary load on you if you are doing Sadhana. Egg is also

animal protein. Therefore, Do you want to carry the load or quit




Jaya Guru Dev







I used to be a carnovorous most of my life using meat/egg products every

meal for more than 30 years.

Jay Gurudev







Jay Gurudev






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Jay Gurudev

Dear Brothers and Sisters


Pradipji – In India also they use egg in icecreams and bakery items.


Bishnuji – your advise is very well noted. I will come back on this

issue later.


Anu – Noted. But your understanding is not correct that Guru Diksha

is enough for every sadhna. You are supposed to take relevant diksha

but as per my understanding you can perform any sadhna without taking

diksha but for sure success you should take diksha. But for teevra

sadhna's you should take the appropriate diksha.


Please elaborate anusthan more.


Reg. Use of egg your justification seems to be more workable. Let me

do some more manthan on this issue than I will come back.


Arvindji – Reg. Tantrok Guru Pujan – I hope u understand that for

doing TGP, I have to leave Dainik GP.


Reg. Egg – Egg free bakery products are available but most of the

time they tell lie that its not there but they use egg. And u will

appreciate that daily we used so many things that contain this egg in

one or other way.


Your second mail justification are more appropriate and let me think

on this. Coz most of things u mentioned are applicable on me also.


Birendraji – You are very correct that one should have more control

in his own. But there are certain situation when you have to live

only on these things like while on tour, you prefer to take biscuits

with you and like that.


Once again thanks to everybody.


Jay Gurudev


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>, "C Kumar" <ckumar99> wrote:

> Please elaborate anusthan more.

> Arvindji – Reg. Tantrok Guru Pujan – I hope u understand that for

> doing TGP, I have to leave Dainik GP.


Jai Gurudev,

Yes, i understand that one can perform only one type of Guru Pujan at

one time. So, obviously when u do Tantrokt Guru Pujan or Saabar Guru

Pujan , then u wont do "Deinik Sadhana Vidhi".


A detailed article on anusthaan is on website at



About non-veg food- The Best strategy , according to me, it to better

stay hungry rather then take doubting food. Admittedly it was

difficult at first to practice it, but body adopts after some time.

A good alternative is to drink half a liter of milk or eating curd

when feeling hungry, though it is a bit costlier.


Jai Gurudev

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