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[4prachar] bout articles andphotos

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Jai Gurudev.


Warning: contents of this message might be offensive. I am sorry if

contents of this message offends someone. Please take them in the

right spirit. I don't want to criticise or stop any good work being

done by others.


I think that most of the people on the web prefer to read in english.

Very few people like to read in Hindi. Moroever, most of the people

who are interested in reading in Hindi will basically be reading from


They can very well purchase Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan hindi

magazine and read it itself. The cost of the magazine is Eighteen

rupees only. The cost of half an hour internet session in an internet-

cafe is at least twice that amount!!!

So, at this point, i dont think that there is much sense in devoting

time and energy and making a full-fledged hindi website. There is a

whole treasure of information on the actual magazine. The duty of the

website sud be to direct all interested people to buy and read the

actual magazine.


It will make sense to write and putup a few introductory articles in

Hindi about Gurudev, Siddhashram, Sadhanas, techniques of Mantra

chanting, traatak etc. However, the basic duty of the website sud be

to direct/lead people into actually buying and reading the magazine.

We surely do not want to scan the entire hindi magazine/book etc. and

put it on the internet!! This will be against copyright, and

moroever, will be unethical.

Moroever, a selection of articles on sadhanas etc. are already

available on the main website www.siddhashram.org I recently looked

into the Sadhana section, and it now has articles covering all the

Mahavidyas and other major deities, etc.


Apart from Hindi, it will make sense in having such intro. articles

in other main languages like Bengali, Tamil, Telugu etc. So far,

these people have been cutoff from this golden treasure due to

language gap.


I am terribly sorry if my views have offended some people. I think

that instead of typing/scanning the hindi pages, a better idea cud

be to translate some good articles/Gurudev's pravachans from old

issues , and put them up. This will enable non-hindi people to also

benefit from the wealth which is currently available only to hindi-

speakers. Again, probably i sud not be saying things like this and

putting a spanner in the works, when I myself have not submitted even

a single article ! I probably aint eligible for this and havent

earned the right to comment on good work being done by other people,

as i havent submitted anything myself. It is just that i feel that

more productive usage can be made of this time & effort. Sorry again.


Yes, Amitji, this shivashakti site seems to be a good site. Though ,

i will actually doubt the authenticity of the actual mantras and

other details. Some of his mantras about Bhuvaneshwari seems to be

incorrect. I have got another personal gripe against the controller

of this site. For the past 1 year, I have been sending him many

emails to add www.siddhashram.org in his link section. He has got a

good link section covering some good hinduism sites. He seems to be

keen on adding even the tantric_pornography sites, but has not added

our website. So, I have a personal peeve against this site! Why

doesnt he add our site ? On a personal basis, i am boycotting this

site! Or, does someone want to join me in sending him emails to add

www.siddhashram.org in the list of links.


Jai Gurudev



, Amit Shrestha <amit_enigma> wrote:


> //jay gurudev//


> Intead of typing articles in devangiri script i

think more emphasis should be given on scanning coz it'll save time +

more easy to read.. for translating sanskrit...i dont think

it'll.....perhaps u should try scanning sanskrit and post it as a

jpeg file...similarly if one has got some good stotras in sanskrit or

goodies from the magazine itself..it would be wonderful if he/she

scans and send to the members ...no tension of wrong

pronunciation..coz the scanned image will contain sanskrit/hindi

words. i shall be sending scanned images + stotras etc in

future.though i onlyhave a b&w it does good job..and any guru

brothers and sisters..having scanner can do the good job.


> //jay gurudev//




> p.s ..www.shivashakti.com is a good tantric site..check it out










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arvind_sharma (AT) bigfoot (DOT) com

Tuesday, June 26, 2001 4:09 AM

[4prachar] Re: bout articles andphotos

Jai Gurudev.Warning: contents of this message might be offensive.

I think that instead of typing/scanning the hindi pages, a better idea cud be

to translate some good articles/Gurudev's pravachans from old issues ,

Or, does someone want to join me in sending him emails to add

www.siddhashram.org in the list of links.Param Hans Swami Nikhileshwar Bhagwan

ki Jai

Jai Gurudev

I absolutely agree with Arvind that most of the Hindi readers are from India and

our MTYV Magazine and other Granths(books) of Sat Gurudevji are easily available

in India, hence developing a ful-fledge Hindi web site will be making sincere

valuable efforts in least useful work for the Parivar.

Since the site - shivshakti has been ignoring your request for the last year, I

opine that we should not mail him for linking with our site.

My suggestion:

- not to translate/post any sadhana procedure on the developing site, as the

main site contains all the essential/common sadhanas and that is authentic and

more particularly doing sadhana from reading that site has the blessing from

Gurudevji as it is directly given by them

- I agree with Arvind's idea that we should translate/post Sat Gurudevjis

pravachan from old magazines or cassattes and many more aspects of Sat

Gurudev's life so that every one can feel the Greatest Divya Swarup of Sat


Param Hans Swami Nikhileshwar Bhagwan ki Jai Your use of is

subject to the

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