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Thanks for all help and some suggestions

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Jai Gurudev

Dear Brothers


My name is Charanjit from Ghaziabad. Thank u very much for all the

reply about Satvik and Tamsik food. Fortunately, I got a chance to go

through all the messages posted in the list i.e. i have read all the

message from 2-192. All the messages are very good and specially the

Gurudev Message. I would like to suggest something if others agree.

Like me there are so many other peoples who are going to join in near

future. So it will really great, if some senior gurubhai can post

how should somebody start entering into the Sadhna path. I m putting

some probable questions

1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

habits and non-veg etc. in details

2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get familier

with Puja/Sadhna?

3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?

4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?

5. What is the procedure for a family man?

6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal



I request others also to put up some questions so that all can be



SECONDLY, I have a suggetion regarding the Sadhna Procedures

published in old issues of MTYV Magazine. I have read a message of

some gurubhai who is a web developers, either he or may be our

Siddhashram.Org web site developers can prepare and put up a index of

all sadhnas published in which particular month. like


Name of Sadhna- Month and Year of Publication


I hope my other gurubhais will also contribute to these suggestions.


Jai Gurudev

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Dear Charanjit

Jai Gurudev,

When good sense prevails, it leads a person to improve towards a meaningful,

purified graceful life. Sadhna is the only way which can boost the level of a

person and can bring dramatic result in a sure way. It is to be kept in mind

that result depicts the level of effort. When a continuous and whole heartedly

effort is carried out, it comes into the category of Sadhana. The meaning of

sadhana itself is ("sadho") to prove/to shape in a desired way. When you are

to give a shape or prove, it is not easy or casual effort.

I recall about the sadhana of pencil. A person did the sadhana of pencil and

achieved the mastery/command over pencil and he could be able to draw anything

like sketching a person siting in front of him within a few minutes. Pencil is

easily available with everybody but everyone cannot sketch a person. It is only

the sadhana, which made the difference.

In mantra sadhana also we are to keep the basics of pencil sadhana in our mind.

In mantra sadhana, the first and most essential thing is effective & live

mantras and establishing our relation with that mantras. It is our Pride that

SatGurudevji is with us and we are blessed with the live and effective mantras.

You have desired to know answers of few of your questions. I feel that the

above description will remove the most of your doubts/questions about how to

succeed in sadhana. Still I would like to mention the following:

1 Mantra sadhana itself means to uplift our spiritual level and with the

blessing/help of God/Goddess we improve our materialistic level also.

2 There is only one way i.e. purified approach (mental as well as physical)

for getting blessing of God. Gurudevji teaches/shows us the method/way for it.

Hence determination to purify oneself is most essential. There are and may be

a difference from the present level to a purified level and this difference is

crossed step by step. It depends upon the determination level of a person how

fast he wants the desired result in sadhana. It is sure that without getting

purified approach, success in mantra sadhana is not possible. Can anyone think

of bad habbits and non-veg etc in the category of purified things?

3 Gurudevji Has time and again repeated that sadhak should first (sadhe

sharir) control upon his body and when every one sleeps, sadhak awakes and

performs sadhanas. Bhrahm muhurat i.e. 4AM to 6AM is the time when the nature

is also doing amrit varsha and Gurudevji Has said that during this time HE

visits the places of their shishyas.

5 Time of sadhana can be understood with the sadhana of pencil. Until &

unless one achieves the command and sees the result of its sadhana, the sadhana

is incomplete. It depends upon the determination level and natural (or past

life)success in mantra sadhana. A good sketcher will learn anything which can

be drawn with pencil in a limited time or no time. Like this, the time of

success in sadhana given in our Magazine is only for those who have achieved a

particular level in sadhana. Hence time differs for everybody for first

success in sadhana.

6 To live a family life does not come in the way of sadhana. However when

one has to do sadhana, he has to keep in mind only about the sadhana. When a

person is honest about this thing, definitely he can comeover the family life

and passes the rishi-life during that period. One more thing, not to involve

in any thing mentally will also lead a person towards success.

7 Determination and only determination to achieve success in sadhana is

required for entring in the path of sadhana and one's own determination will

pave the way towards success rest formalities are secondary.

Dear Charanjit, I have tried with my little knowledge to answer a few questions.

There are senior gurubhais who can guide better and we have an apportunity to

clear our anysort of doubts from Gurudevji personally.

Param Hans Swami Nikhileshar Bhagawan ki Jai



Wednesday, March 21, 2001 9:19 PM

Thanks for all help and some suggestions

Jai GurudevDear BrothersMy name is Charanjit from Ghaziabad. Thank u very much

for all the reply about Satvik and Tamsik food. Fortunately, I got a chance to

go through all the messages posted in the list i.e. i have read all the message

from 2-192. All the messages are very good and specially the Gurudev Message. I

would like to suggest something if others agree. Like me there are so many

other peoples who are going to join in near future. So it will really great,

if some senior gurubhai can post how should somebody start entering into the

Sadhna path. I m putting some probable questions1. What should one left before

coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad habits and non-veg etc. in details2. What is

the starting puja steps one should take to get familier with Puja/Sadhna?3.

What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?4. How much time one should

atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?5. What is the procedure for a family

man?6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal days?I

request others also to put up some questions so that all can be

benefited.SECONDLY, I have a suggetion regarding the Sadhna Procedures

published in old issues of MTYV Magazine. I have read a message of some

gurubhai who is a web developers, either he or may be our Siddhashram.Org web

site developers can prepare and put up a index of all sadhnas published in

which particular month. likeName of Sadhna- Month and Year of PublicationI hope

my other gurubhais will also contribute to these suggestions.Jai GurudevJay


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Dear Charanjitji,

Jai Gurudev. u have raised some very good questions. I will try to

answer yr questions to the best of my ability.



>>1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

habits and non-veg etc. in details


The basic purpose of Sadhana is to invoke deity and place the deity

in one's body. A deity will exist only in a pure place. Non-veg,

alcohol, smoking, onion, garlic etc. will lead to tamas gun and will

lead to bad thoughts, lack of concentration etc. So, the chances of

instillation of deity in self will get hampered. Moreover, each

Sadhana has some specific rules to follow. And basic rule of purity

of body, eating satvik food , eating once a day etc. apply to most

Sadhanas. Moroever eating of food leads to an increase in

"annamaykosh" and decrease in "prannmaye kosh" . Spiritual upliftment

, Kundalini Jagran, Third eye activation etc. require an abundance

of "Prannmaye kosh". So, a Sadhak eats just to get enough energy.

Moroever the discipline & rigours of Sadhana build an amazing Stamina

and energy in the Sadhak. A Sadhak can easily draw upon the inner

reservoirs of energy and beat even a good wrestler with application

of concentrated energy.

Having said this, one notices that one's mind automatically starts to

distance itself from the impure stuff like alcohol, non-veg etc.

after taking Guru Diksha & regular chanting of Mantra. One starts

hating even the smell of the same non-veg food, which one used to eat

with relish before!

>>2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get familier

with Puja/Sadhna?


In my humble view, one sud purchase the "Dainik Sadhana Vidhi " book

and perform Guru Poojan daily early in the morning. One sud chant at

least 4 mala of Guru Mantra & 1 mala each of Gayatri & Chetna mantra

daily. Of course, one is free to do other Sadhanas of his choice.

>>3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?


Guruji has said in one pravachan that the human body requires a deep

slumber of 37 minutes. That is enough for a person. However, i guess

that night time is a good time to perform tantra sadhana. Everything

is quite, free from disturbance etc.

The morning time is also an excellent time. The time just before

sunrise. between 4-6 am. is the right time to do Guru Sadhana etc.

Moroever, Gurudev visits each Sadhak at that time in "suksham" form

and one can get some detailed instructions from Gurudev at that time.

Ideally, one sud get up before Sunrise. Guruji has also said that the

person getting up before sunrise gets activated by the energy waves

in the atmosphere. These energy waves disappear at sunrise. This

practice also leads to longevity.

Probably one can start some Sadhana at 10ish, and sleep by 11:30-12.

Then , wake up at 3-3:30 am. If u start such a schedule, u will feel

a strange activeness in yr body throughout the day.


i guess that such a timeschedule wont be too difficult to keep up.

Most of the households sleep by 10 pm. So, the Sadhak can do Sadhana

for some time, and then go to sleep. In the morning, even if the

other members of the family get up early, then they can also

participate in Sadhana , Mantra chanting etc. The children will gain

good values and their intelligence will improve by chanting Guru

Mantra daily. Even in the West, most of the kids get up early in the

morning and regularly go for jogging , exercise etc. And even

jobholders, professionals in west play games like football late at

night during weekdays.

It is more a matter of making a workable schedule and disciplining

oneself to the schedule.

>>4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?


depends on person. obviously a family man has thousands other

responsibilities and cant devote much time. do at least Guru Poojan

and basic mantras – Guru Mantra, Gayatri Mantra & Chetna Mantra. in

the morning. In the night do any sadhana for some time. Try to do

pranayam, kriya yog etc. in the morning.

>> 5. What is the procedure for a family man?


live like a normal householder and enjoy all the privileges of

family life. dont show off your sadhana siddhis to anyone else.

realise the benefits of Sadhanas himself, and try to help others in

society by introducing this Divine knowledge to them.

Follow all the rules of sadhana (eg. celibacy etc.) when performing

specific sadhana . Achieve proficiency in some Sadhanas. Meet Gurudev

as much as possible and get regular guidance. attend at least the

major sadhana camps & get practical guidance & Dikshas.

Guruji has always said that his disciple sud aim high and achieve

highest possible goals. If he is businessman, then he sud earn so

much money, that he can spend money carelessly. If he is in

service/professional, then he sud rise to the highest position. He

sud use Divine help from Sadhanas to progress in life.

>>6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal



follow all rules of sadhana (eg. celibacy etc.) strictly during

sadhanas.. This means that one sud be celibate both by body as well

as mind. u sud have control over mind. Pranayam, Tratak etc. are

excellent methods to gain control over mind.


You can also read the FAQ on the website for more info. i have tried

to answer yr queries to the best of my ability. However, i might be

wrong in some places. check out with Gurudham thru letter fax or

email to get confirmed answers

Jai Gurudev



, ckumar99 wrote:

> Jai Gurudev

> Dear Brothers


> My name is Charanjit from Ghaziabad. Thank u very much for all the

> reply about Satvik and Tamsik food. Fortunately, I got a chance to


> through all the messages posted in the list i.e. i have read all


> message from 2-192. All the messages are very good and specially


> Gurudev Message. I would like to suggest something if others


> Like me there are so many other peoples who are going to join in


> future. So it will really great, if some senior gurubhai can post

> how should somebody start entering into the Sadhna path. I m


> some probable questions

> 1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

> habits and non-veg etc. in details

> 2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get familier

> with Puja/Sadhna?

> 3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?

> 4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?

> 5. What is the procedure for a family man?

> 6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal

> days?


> I request others also to put up some questions so that all can be

> benefited.


> SECONDLY, I have a suggetion regarding the Sadhna Procedures

> published in old issues of MTYV Magazine. I have read a message of

> some gurubhai who is a web developers, either he or may be our

> Siddhashram.Org web site developers can prepare and put up a index


> all sadhnas published in which particular month. like


> Name of Sadhna- Month and Year of Publication


> I hope my other gurubhais will also contribute to these suggestions.


> Jai Gurudev

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Dear Sharmaji,

Jai Gurudev


Thank u very much for your words, i will surely follow these. The

answers are very correct and up to point. I was really looking for

such clear cut answers.


Once again thank u.

Jai Gurudev



, arvind_sharma@b... wrote:

> Dear Charanjitji,

> Jai Gurudev. u have raised some very good questions. I will try to

> answer yr questions to the best of my ability.




> >>1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

> habits and non-veg etc. in details


> The basic purpose of Sadhana is to invoke deity and place the deity

> in one's body. A deity will exist only in a pure place. Non-veg,

> alcohol, smoking, onion, garlic etc. will lead to tamas gun and


> lead to bad thoughts, lack of concentration etc. So, the chances of

> instillation of deity in self will get hampered. Moreover, each

> Sadhana has some specific rules to follow. And basic rule of purity

> of body, eating satvik food , eating once a day etc. apply to most

> Sadhanas. Moroever eating of food leads to an increase in

> "annamaykosh" and decrease in "prannmaye kosh" . Spiritual


> , Kundalini Jagran, Third eye activation etc. require an abundance

> of "Prannmaye kosh". So, a Sadhak eats just to get enough energy.

> Moroever the discipline & rigours of Sadhana build an amazing


> and energy in the Sadhak. A Sadhak can easily draw upon the inner

> reservoirs of energy and beat even a good wrestler with application

> of concentrated energy.

> Having said this, one notices that one's mind automatically starts


> distance itself from the impure stuff like alcohol, non-veg etc.

> after taking Guru Diksha & regular chanting of Mantra. One starts

> hating even the smell of the same non-veg food, which one used to


> with relish before!


> >>2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get


> with Puja/Sadhna?


> In my humble view, one sud purchase the "Dainik Sadhana Vidhi "


> and perform Guru Poojan daily early in the morning. One sud chant


> least 4 mala of Guru Mantra & 1 mala each of Gayatri & Chetna


> daily. Of course, one is free to do other Sadhanas of his choice.


> >>3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?


> Guruji has said in one pravachan that the human body requires a


> slumber of 37 minutes. That is enough for a person. However, i


> that night time is a good time to perform tantra sadhana.


> is quite, free from disturbance etc.

> The morning time is also an excellent time. The time just before

> sunrise. between 4-6 am. is the right time to do Guru Sadhana etc.

> Moroever, Gurudev visits each Sadhak at that time in "suksham" form

> and one can get some detailed instructions from Gurudev at that


> Ideally, one sud get up before Sunrise. Guruji has also said that


> person getting up before sunrise gets activated by the energy waves

> in the atmosphere. These energy waves disappear at sunrise. This

> practice also leads to longevity.

> Probably one can start some Sadhana at 10ish, and sleep by 11:30-


> Then , wake up at 3-3:30 am. If u start such a schedule, u will


> a strange activeness in yr body throughout the day.


> i guess that such a timeschedule wont be too difficult to keep up.

> Most of the households sleep by 10 pm. So, the Sadhak can do


> for some time, and then go to sleep. In the morning, even if the

> other members of the family get up early, then they can also

> participate in Sadhana , Mantra chanting etc. The children will


> good values and their intelligence will improve by chanting Guru

> Mantra daily. Even in the West, most of the kids get up early in


> morning and regularly go for jogging , exercise etc. And even

> jobholders, professionals in west play games like football late at

> night during weekdays.

> It is more a matter of making a workable schedule and disciplining

> oneself to the schedule.


> >>4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?


> depends on person. obviously a family man has thousands other

> responsibilities and cant devote much time. do at least Guru Poojan

> and basic mantras – Guru Mantra, Gayatri Mantra & Chetna Mantra. in

> the morning. In the night do any sadhana for some time. Try to do

> pranayam, kriya yog etc. in the morning.


> >> 5. What is the procedure for a family man?


> live like a normal householder and enjoy all the privileges of

> family life. dont show off your sadhana siddhis to anyone else.

> realise the benefits of Sadhanas himself, and try to help others in

> society by introducing this Divine knowledge to them.

> Follow all the rules of sadhana (eg. celibacy etc.) when performing

> specific sadhana . Achieve proficiency in some Sadhanas. Meet


> as much as possible and get regular guidance. attend at least the

> major sadhana camps & get practical guidance & Dikshas.

> Guruji has always said that his disciple sud aim high and achieve

> highest possible goals. If he is businessman, then he sud earn so

> much money, that he can spend money carelessly. If he is in

> service/professional, then he sud rise to the highest position. He

> sud use Divine help from Sadhanas to progress in life.


> >>6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal

> days?


> follow all rules of sadhana (eg. celibacy etc.) strictly during

> sadhanas.. This means that one sud be celibate both by body as well

> as mind. u sud have control over mind. Pranayam, Tratak etc. are

> excellent methods to gain control over mind.


> You can also read the FAQ on the website for more info. i have


> to answer yr queries to the best of my ability. However, i might be

> wrong in some places. check out with Gurudham thru letter fax or

> email to get confirmed answers

> Jai Gurudev



> , ckumar99 wrote:

> > Jai Gurudev

> > Dear Brothers

> >

> > My name is Charanjit from Ghaziabad. Thank u very much for all


> > reply about Satvik and Tamsik food. Fortunately, I got a chance


> go

> > through all the messages posted in the list i.e. i have read all

> the

> > message from 2-192. All the messages are very good and specially

> the

> > Gurudev Message. I would like to suggest something if others

> agree.

> > Like me there are so many other peoples who are going to join in

> near

> > future. So it will really great, if some senior gurubhai can


> > how should somebody start entering into the Sadhna path. I m

> putting

> > some probable questions

> > 1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

> > habits and non-veg etc. in details

> > 2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get


> > with Puja/Sadhna?

> > 3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?

> > 4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?

> > 5. What is the procedure for a family man?

> > 6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal

> > days?

> >

> > I request others also to put up some questions so that all can be

> > benefited.

> >

> > SECONDLY, I have a suggetion regarding the Sadhna Procedures

> > published in old issues of MTYV Magazine. I have read a message


> > some gurubhai who is a web developers, either he or may be our

> > Siddhashram.Org web site developers can prepare and put up a


> of

> > all sadhnas published in which particular month. like

> >

> > Name of Sadhna- Month and Year of Publication

> >

> > I hope my other gurubhais will also contribute to these


> >

> > Jai Gurudev

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, arvind_sharma@b... wrote:

> Dear Charanjitji,

> Jai Gurudev. u have raised some very good questions. I will try to

> answer yr questions to the best of my ability.




> >>1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

> habits and non-veg etc. in details


> The basic purpose of Sadhana is to invoke deity and place the deity

> in one's body. A deity will exist only in a pure place. Non-veg,

> alcohol, smoking, onion, garlic etc. will lead to tamas gun and


> lead to bad thoughts, lack of concentration etc. So, the chances of

> instillation of deity in self will get hampered. Moreover, each

> Sadhana has some specific rules to follow. And basic rule of purity

> of body, eating satvik food , eating once a day etc. apply to most

> Sadhanas. Moroever eating of food leads to an increase in

> "annamaykosh" and decrease in "prannmaye kosh" . Spiritual


> , Kundalini Jagran, Third eye activation etc. require an abundance

> of "Prannmaye kosh". So, a Sadhak eats just to get enough energy.

> Moroever the discipline & rigours of Sadhana build an amazing


> and energy in the Sadhak. A Sadhak can easily draw upon the inner

> reservoirs of energy and beat even a good wrestler with application

> of concentrated energy.

> Having said this, one notices that one's mind automatically starts


> distance itself from the impure stuff like alcohol, non-veg etc.

> after taking Guru Diksha & regular chanting of Mantra. One starts

> hating even the smell of the same non-veg food, which one used to


> with relish before!


> >>2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get


> with Puja/Sadhna?


> In my humble view, one sud purchase the "Dainik Sadhana Vidhi "


> and perform Guru Poojan daily early in the morning. One sud chant


> least 4 mala of Guru Mantra & 1 mala each of Gayatri & Chetna


> daily. Of course, one is free to do other Sadhanas of his choice.


> >>3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?


> Guruji has said in one pravachan that the human body requires a


> slumber of 37 minutes. That is enough for a person. However, i


> that night time is a good time to perform tantra sadhana.


> is quite, free from disturbance etc.

> The morning time is also an excellent time. The time just before

> sunrise. between 4-6 am. is the right time to do Guru Sadhana etc.

> Moroever, Gurudev visits each Sadhak at that time in "suksham" form

> and one can get some detailed instructions from Gurudev at that


> Ideally, one sud get up before Sunrise. Guruji has also said that


> person getting up before sunrise gets activated by the energy waves

> in the atmosphere. These energy waves disappear at sunrise. This

> practice also leads to longevity.

> Probably one can start some Sadhana at 10ish, and sleep by 11:30-


> Then , wake up at 3-3:30 am. If u start such a schedule, u will


> a strange activeness in yr body throughout the day.


> i guess that such a timeschedule wont be too difficult to keep up.

> Most of the households sleep by 10 pm. So, the Sadhak can do


> for some time, and then go to sleep. In the morning, even if the

> other members of the family get up early, then they can also

> participate in Sadhana , Mantra chanting etc. The children will


> good values and their intelligence will improve by chanting Guru

> Mantra daily. Even in the West, most of the kids get up early in


> morning and regularly go for jogging , exercise etc. And even

> jobholders, professionals in west play games like football late at

> night during weekdays.

> It is more a matter of making a workable schedule and disciplining

> oneself to the schedule.


> >>4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?


> depends on person. obviously a family man has thousands other

> responsibilities and cant devote much time. do at least Guru Poojan

> and basic mantras – Guru Mantra, Gayatri Mantra & Chetna Mantra. in

> the morning. In the night do any sadhana for some time. Try to do

> pranayam, kriya yog etc. in the morning.


> >> 5. What is the procedure for a family man?


> live like a normal householder and enjoy all the privileges of

> family life. dont show off your sadhana siddhis to anyone else.

> realise the benefits of Sadhanas himself, and try to help others in

> society by introducing this Divine knowledge to them.

> Follow all the rules of sadhana (eg. celibacy etc.) when performing

> specific sadhana . Achieve proficiency in some Sadhanas. Meet


> as much as possible and get regular guidance. attend at least the

> major sadhana camps & get practical guidance & Dikshas.

> Guruji has always said that his disciple sud aim high and achieve

> highest possible goals. If he is businessman, then he sud earn so

> much money, that he can spend money carelessly. If he is in

> service/professional, then he sud rise to the highest position. He

> sud use Divine help from Sadhanas to progress in life.


> >>6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal

> days?


> follow all rules of sadhana (eg. celibacy etc.) strictly during

> sadhanas.. This means that one sud be celibate both by body as well

> as mind. u sud have control over mind. Pranayam, Tratak etc. are

> excellent methods to gain control over mind.


> You can also read the FAQ on the website for more info. i have


> to answer yr queries to the best of my ability. However, i might be

> wrong in some places. check out with Gurudham thru letter fax or

> email to get confirmed answers

> Jai Gurudev



> , ckumar99 wrote:

> > Jai Gurudev

> > Dear Brothers

> >

> > My name is Charanjit from Ghaziabad. Thank u very much for all


> > reply about Satvik and Tamsik food. Fortunately, I got a chance


> go

> > through all the messages posted in the list i.e. i have read all

> the

> > message from 2-192. All the messages are very good and specially

> the

> > Gurudev Message. I would like to suggest something if others

> agree.

> > Like me there are so many other peoples who are going to join in

> near

> > future. So it will really great, if some senior gurubhai can


> > how should somebody start entering into the Sadhna path. I m

> putting

> > some probable questions

> > 1. What should one left before coming to Gurudev i.e. all the bad

> > habits and non-veg etc. in details

> > 2. What is the starting puja steps one should take to get


> > with Puja/Sadhna?

> > 3. What should be the ideal wake up/Sleeping time?

> > 4. How much time one should atleast devote for chanting Mantra(s)?

> > 5. What is the procedure for a family man?

> > 6. What care should be taken by a married man while Sadhna/normal

> > days?

> >

> > I request others also to put up some questions so that all can be

> > benefited.

> >

> > SECONDLY, I have a suggetion regarding the Sadhna Procedures

> > published in old issues of MTYV Magazine. I have read a message


> > some gurubhai who is a web developers, either he or may be our

> > Siddhashram.Org web site developers can prepare and put up a


> of

> > all sadhnas published in which particular month. like

> >

> > Name of Sadhna- Month and Year of Publication

> >

> > I hope my other gurubhais will also contribute to these


> >

> > Jai Gurudev

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