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please don't contemplate suicide

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Jai Gurudev.


<Note : This email is being sent as reply to a brother disciple's

private email. This brother disciple (name withheld to respect

privacy) is in serious problems, and is contemplating suicide. >


You should never ever think of committing suicide or taking away the


I know that sometimes, one passes thru such bad times and situation

worsens so much, that one thinks that suicide is the only option. I

can empathise with u since I myself have passed thru such stages in

life ssome years ago. I can understand the gravity and seriousness

of your situation.

However , having said this, taking one's life is never going to solve

the problem.

One faces bad astrological Yogs and bad times due to karmas of past

lives. If you take away yr life now, then, instead of countering and

nullifying those bad karmas, u are letting them stay in your account.

They might come back to hunt u in yr next life. One cannot escape the

bad karmas. Moroever, committing suicide will only increase the bad

karmas. So, u won't gaining anything by committing suicide, instead u

are making the situation worse for yrself in future life.

It is the fortune of our generation that Revered Gurudev is with us

and He is present to guide us, to teach us, and to uplift us. It is

your good luck that , out of billions of people on this planet, you

are among the chosen few , who have come in His contact, and have

taken divine Dikshas. You have a golden opportunity to attain success

in Sadhanas and to change the fate of yourself as well as of your

generation and country. Out grandparents, and other forefathers

(basically us in previous births) did not have this fortune of

getting taught by Gurudev personally. In this birth, we have this

unique opportunity. We have received Shaktipaat Diksha. Pujya Gurudev

has been saying many many times that the coming days are going to be

full of struggle and upheaveal; and the coming days belong only to

Sadhaks. He has been trying everything to make us follow His words

and perform Sadhanas. However, one can only lead a horse to water,

but cannot make him drink it forcefully!


You have taken divine Dikshas from the Supreme. You have come in

contact with someone, who challenged and successfully performed the

rarest and toughest Sadhanas. In Siddhashram, He performed Sadhanas,

wherein the "Sudarshan Chakra of Lord Vishnu" revolved around Him to

destroy Him in case of a single,tiny mistake. He never preached from

the books and granths. He preached only after practical experience.

He perfected the arts of Astrology, Palmistry, Ayurveda, Solar

science etc. etc. He is the head of Siddhashram.

You have become disciples of Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranand who

is another form of Lord Vishnu. It was published in some Nepalese

papers some years ago, that Paramhans Swami Nikhileshwaranad gave

Diksha to Jesus two thousand years ago. Every single Yogi of Himalaya

wants to be His disciple. There is a craze in them to get closer to


You are indeed very lucky to talk personally to the "real" Gurutatva,

which is at a higher stage than even Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva

Even the Devtaas (Gods) struggle hard to obtain His darshan and enter

Siddhashram. The celestial nymphs (apsaras) are ready to give away

their life just to get a glimpse of His. Even the plants and flowers

of Gurudham bloom during Gurudev's presence.

Just imagine, the coming generations will not believe that you

actually were in contact with the most Divine being in the universe.

He even took his disciples to other planets like Shukra, Jupiter etc.

and the disciples saw for themselves that beings on those planets are

ever eager to get His and get Diksha from Him.

We are indeed very lucky that we are getting Dikshas from the

Supreme Being Himself. Some disciples have even witnessed His form

merging into Pujaniya Trimurti Gurudevs during various shivirs.

It is another fact of life, that one never values something which one

gets easily. We are getting these Dikshas very easily, probably

because of some past good karmas. And we tend to foget the divinity

associated with these.


You have a golden opportunity. Meet Revered Trimurti Gurudevs in

person, or send a letter/fax/email to Jodhpur Gurudham with your

problems. You will definitely get advice from Revered Trimurti

Gurudevs. Follow their advice, perform Sadhana and destroy this ill-

luck completely.


Don't ever contemplate about suicide please, because that will be a

very big insult to all the Dikshas given to you. Pujya Guruji

transfers a part of His own being into you through Diksha. Have you

ever watched Guruji closely after Diksha? All the energy gets

drained into the disciple during Diksha. Gurudev takes the illness,

the misfortune of disciples upon Himself after the Diksha. Gurudev

suffers our karmas so that we get freed from them. And some of us

think - "If He knows so many Sadhanas, then why is He ill ?" . He is

ill, because He took your illness upon Himself. Remove this cloak of

materialism and ignorance from your mind and submit yourself to Him.

Don't do blind bhakti. Do Sadhanas. Chant Guru Mantra.


Do you read Guru Gita and Nikhileshwar Stavan? I read somewhere, that

reading them regularly after Sadhana, increases chances of success in



I apologise for sending such a big mail.


Life is a gift, and you have been born because of a divine purpose.

Life of each disciple is invaluable after the Dikshas. Don't sqander

it. Devote it in service, devotion and Sadhanas to Revered Gurudev.

There are always ups and downs in life. One should face the adverse

times with courage. Change your bad fate with Sadhanas. Always

remember the Pujyaniya Gurudev is always with you.


Please send all your emails to the "discussion list" so that other

people also may benefit from the discussion.

I am also sending this posting to the discussion list. However, I am

not mentioning your name etc. anywhere. Hope you don't mind.





Jai Gurudev

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Jai Gurudev,


Well I agree that life is of Ups and Downs.Everybody

has to go thru' it.I would like to suggest the

Anonymous person who is thinking of suicide.


Please think on following points:


1)Did you come to earth with uer wish?


If yes then its simple you can end uer life

because its uer wish.

if no then somebody lets say GOD sent u.Then the

life which u are living it is according to his

wish/will.so if he wishes u are suppose to live

then you will live no matter what the circumstances.


2)Do you think you are the only one who is unhappy

on this earth?


Please look around yourself compare your grief

with the people who are suffering more than you.

Take the case of recent earthquake.

Then you will realize u r not alone.please don't

make your grief personal.It is universal.


3)Has God given Grief without reason?


It is because to make us more strong and as

per animal kingdom survival for the fittest.


In conclusion if u face it u will become more



4)If u think there is no other way to get out then

remember u r close to success.Never Giveup Never

Surrender.If u surrender then surrender only to GOD.


5)If you still feel SUICIDE is the only option

then go ahead and do it.It requires lot of guts.

And u can also test the GOD's wish.


I am sure you will not do it.There is lot of

difference between saying and doing.And if u

do it its not a Great Thing because all are

going to the same destiny whether we like it

or not.some people die in old age some young.

It does not matter when u die.What matters is

what did u achieve in life?







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Regarding the person that was contemplating suicide.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Anthony

Hinduism is basically my second religion, since it is my wife's religion and

her ancestors.

I have seen many people going through the same morbid and pessimistic

moments in life as you are experiencing right now.

Often, we do not realize that our bodies are open to a myriad of energies

that are often not to pleasant. The power of evil manifests itself in

various forms. One of those forms deals with lower astral entities or the

residues left by people that lived a life of sin. These energies like

attach themselves to living people who behave the same way.

During these period there is a mind - body imbalance sometimes the result of

unregulated habits. The food we eat, in the long run will affect the way we

feel and interact with people.

Unfortunately, those that have the power to help, never come up with a

solution for those that need help. The brother or sister that is

contemplating suicide is presently feeling completely hopeless and


My advise to the person is. Go and find anyone that is wiling to help you.

It does not matter who the person is: can be Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu

or even a Traditional African priest or even a spiritualist.

If you feel that you would like to contact me again. Please send me your

e-mail, and I will contact you and try to help you on a more personal basis.

I will be very glad to extend to you my humble offer. God bless you.



"anup maduskar" <anupmaduskar


Monday, February 05, 2001 10:09 AM

Re: please don't contemplate suicide



> Jai Gurudev,


> Well I agree that life is of Ups and Downs.Everybody

> has to go thru' it.I would like to suggest the

> Anonymous person who is thinking of suicide.


> Please think on following points:


> 1)Did you come to earth with uer wish?


> If yes then its simple you can end uer life

> because its uer wish.

> if no then somebody lets say GOD sent u.Then the

> life which u are living it is according to his

> wish/will.so if he wishes u are suppose to live

> then you will live no matter what the circumstances.


> 2)Do you think you are the only one who is unhappy

> on this earth?


> Please look around yourself compare your grief

> with the people who are suffering more than you.

> Take the case of recent earthquake.

> Then you will realize u r not alone.please don't

> make your grief personal.It is universal.


> 3)Has God given Grief without reason?


> It is because to make us more strong and as

> per animal kingdom survival for the fittest.


> In conclusion if u face it u will become more

> strong.


> 4)If u think there is no other way to get out then

> remember u r close to success.Never Giveup Never

> Surrender.If u surrender then surrender only to GOD.


> 5)If you still feel SUICIDE is the only option

> then go ahead and do it.It requires lot of guts.

> And u can also test the GOD's wish.


> I am sure you will not do it.There is lot of

> difference between saying and doing.And if u

> do it its not a Great Thing because all are

> going to the same destiny whether we like it

> or not.some people die in old age some young.

> It does not matter when u die.What matters is

> what did u achieve in life?


> Regards,


> Anup



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> Jay Gurudev







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