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Dear fellow Gurubhais/Bgurubahens,


Jay Gurudev


As we all know that a disastrous earthquake has struck in western india and

the experts are predicting more earthquakes hitting india in next few


The planetary combination has been malefic for quite sometime. I believe

that we people should do a group (samuhik) Guru Poojan + Guru Mantra

chanting to avert such disasters.

Something like 8-12 hours akhand Guru Mantra with a pledge to benefit the

quake victims.

Revered Gurudev has given us the divine powers of Sadhanas. And the

Sadhanas are gifted to help the needy, protect and provide service to


What is your opinion?

Shouldn't we all do some Sadhana like this.


Jay Gurudev






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Dear brothers and sisters

>From downtown Manhattan, New York in the heart of SOHO. Surrounded by

spiritual and holistic people that work in this great learning Institution.

We are eager to receive the divine Mantras that will ward-off the evil

influences of the planets.





Wednesday, January 31, 2001 10:18 AM




> Dear fellow Gurubhais/Bgurubahens,


> Jay Gurudev


> As we all know that a disastrous earthquake has struck in western india


> the experts are predicting more earthquakes hitting india in next few

> months.

> The planetary combination has been malefic for quite sometime. I believe

> that we people should do a group (samuhik) Guru Poojan + Guru Mantra

> chanting to avert such disasters.

> Something like 8-12 hours akhand Guru Mantra with a pledge to benefit the

> quake victims.

> Revered Gurudev has given us the divine powers of Sadhanas. And the

> Sadhanas are gifted to help the needy, protect and provide service to

> society.

> What is your opinion?

> Shouldn't we all do some Sadhana like this.


> Jay Gurudev







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> Jay Gurudev







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Dear Gurubhai,


Jai Gurudev

According to astrology, each planet has some benefic and malefic influence

depending on its position and proximity to other planets in the horoscope.


There are some very specific mantras for each planet. In fact the mantra

chanting has do be done in a specific process (number of times, how to sit,

where to chant, specifc rites etc.). This process in called Tantra or



Some Sadhana articles on some planets are given on our website


By performing these Sadhanas, you can increases the benefic level and

reduce the malefic (evil) influence of these planets.


Of course, Mantra Tantra Yantra Vigyan magazine publishes many Sadhanas

every month, and you can find detailed Sadhana procedure from the magazine.


And of course, I have just checked it. Audio recordings of mantras for all

planets are also listed on the web site.


Mantras and Sadhanas exist for the betterment of mankind. These are the

authentic and sureshot methods to obtain divine help to solve problems or

get success in future plans.


If you don't know about your horoscope, and don't know which planets are

good and which are bad, then you can send a email/letter/fax to Jodhpur

Gurudham with your birth details (date, time & place (yes place is very

important)) and address. If you are facing some problems, then i is better

if you also send some details on the problem also. They will advice you

about the solution to your problem.



Jai Gurudev






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31/01/01 17:33

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Dear brothers and sisters

>From downtown Manhattan, New York in the heart of SOHO. Surrounded by

spiritual and holistic people that work in this great learning Institution.

We are eager to receive the divine Mantras that will ward-off the evil

influences of the planets.





Wednesday, January 31, 2001 10:18 AM




> Dear fellow Gurubhais/Bgurubahens,


> Jay Gurudev


> As we all know that a disastrous earthquake has struck in western india


> the experts are predicting more earthquakes hitting india in next few

> months.

> The planetary combination has been malefic for quite sometime. I believe

> that we people should do a group (samuhik) Guru Poojan + Guru Mantra

> chanting to avert such disasters.

> Something like 8-12 hours akhand Guru Mantra with a pledge to benefit the

> quake victims.

> Revered Gurudev has given us the divine powers of Sadhanas. And the

> Sadhanas are gifted to help the needy, protect and provide service to

> society.

> What is your opinion?

> Shouldn't we all do some Sadhana like this.


> Jay Gurudev








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> Jay Gurudev










Jay Gurudev















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Hello Arvind,


What's the use of doing the sadhana after the disaster has already

took place?If you claim to be a clairyoyant why could'nt you

predict this event and do all the sadhanas you are talking about

and avert this dreadful event?


I don't wish to be skeptical but does it sound logical?





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Dear Anup,


This is a "Sankranti Kaal" meaning a time when one Yug is Changing to

another. The same Sankranti Kaal was there about 5,000 years back which is

very well known as Mahabharat Kaal. During the Sankranti Kaal, there are

drastic changes which make people amaze, fear, etc. Don't worry about these

things. This is nothing. If the world war would come many people would

die. Of course everyone would not wish this thing to happen but you cannot

stop the time. Refer Bhagwad Geeta, where Lord Krishna shows Viraat Swaroop

to Arjun. Arjun was frightened to see this Swaroop. When he asked as to

what was it, Lord Krishna replied "Kaalosmi..........." The word "Kaalosmi"

means "I am Kaal, the "Time"." The time eats away everything. This also

means, One must complete his work in this short period. Otherwise the time

would eat away everything, even you would perish. Dwarika, the capitol of

Lord Krishna, has gone into the sea after he left his mortal body.


We all wish & would even pray, this disastrous earthquake should not have

come. This earthquake on ricter scale was 7.9 as per news but today Times

of India says that it is 8.1. The earth is disturbed since many centuries.

The ecological structure have been totally disturbed and altered by humans

so the nature will try to adjust it in its own way. The Amazon Jungle alone

was supplying 50% of Oxygen to the world but now the whole jungle is reduced

to less than half which was before. This is just one example. People have

hampered the nature. You might have also heard about global warming. The

scientists of the world are now realizing this fact.


Twelve years ago, in the Kumbh Mela Shibir, where about only a hundred of

the Shishyas might have attended, where Pujya Sadgurudev told people that

the originating place or the birth place of River Ganges has shifted from

its earlier place within these 45 years. This Birth Place is on one

particular glacier & previously there were many trees of Bhoj-Patra (the

bark of this tree is used for writing in olden days). Now there are hardly

10 % of it there. Now this glacier is very slowly moving towards that area

of the Birth Place of Brahmaputra. Pujya Sadgurudev had warned the Indian

Govt. that time that if nothing is done in near future & if this glacier

merges with that of Brahmaputra, then River Ganges would perish. River

Sarawati had also perished in the same way. I do not know anything what the

Govt. did. But I think that positive approach has been taken now a days by

the new Indian Govt.


Anyway, back to the point. For next 20 to 25 years nature would do its best

to reorganize itself which will make people think again as to why these

things are happening. More & more steps will be taken to stop such a



Slowly, slowly you would come to know why what is happening. Even

astrologers had predicted that earthquake is going to come in near future

(as per some Gujarati newspapers), but how many believed & vacated the

place. Probably no one. After such a prophesy by the astrologer would you

have vacated the place before the earthquake would have struck? I do not



I remember at this time one sloka from Mahabharata, which has a meaning like

this :

"If you are caught in Daavaanal, a forest fire, or if you are surrounded by

some wild animals from all the sides in the jungle, or if you are washed

away by the forcefull floods in the river - only & only your good karma

would save you."


So do the Sadhana. Generate more power in your Karma. Give it a positive

direction. When everyone in the world would think in this direction only

then these natural calamities would slowly slowly stop.


But change is to come to the world. You would slowly realize how after Lord

Krishna, Bhagwan Buddha came. And then again to re-establish Hindu Religion

Adi Sankaracharya came, but his work was left some what undone. He had to

leave his body much early because of some circumstances. This what happened

was not good for India, because the Rishi-Kaal ended slowly. And slowly

slowly Bhakti-Kaal came, which made people dependent on thier God & Beliefs

and this also made India ruled by foreigners. ----- You know the history.


Now Pujya Sadgurudev has re-established the Practical aspects of the Hindu

Religion. If you will keep your eyes open you would find Pujya Sadgurudevs

work shining. This will guide you.


Now read this carefully :


In Geeta its said : "Paritraanaay Sadhunam, Vinaashaay Cha



Its saving & reviving of the Sadhus meaning good people is first &

destroying of evil is next. So everytime God does the reviving thing first.

The part of destroying the evil is always done later because where good is

bad is not there. Where the light is, the darkness is not there.


Jai Gurudev,


Pradip Merchant.



---- Original Message -----



Saturday, February 03, 2001 3:38 PM

Re: earthquake


> Hello Arvind,


> What's the use of doing the sadhana after the disaster has already

> took place?If you claim to be a clairyoyant why could'nt you

> predict this event and do all the sadhanas you are talking about

> and avert this dreadful event?


> I don't wish to be skeptical but does it sound logical?


> Regards,


> Anup





> Jay Gurudev




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Dear Anupji,

Jai Gurudev.


Revered Gurudev has been saying for so many years that the next few

decades are full of turmoil , disturbance and a big loss of human

life. This earthquake and the Orrisa cyclone were probably just the

tip of the iceberg.


The planetary situation has been highly malefic for some years now.

This, coupled with the eclipses, give rise to a situation of turmoil

and disaster. The only method to counter these negative forces is to

perform Sadhanas. We do not believe in public display of worship.

Publicity isn't, and never was the goal. Achieving

publicity by showing miracles etc. only leads to a situation wherein

one cannot devote oneself in performing constructive tasks and gets

mired in publicity.

The learned persons warn about the future and do not interfere in the

course of nature. It is very easy to criticise. Constructive tasks

take a lot of effort. Most of people don't act until the axe is on

the head. And it is too late by that time to do something.


Revered Gurudev predicted many events. But, most of the times, people

don't take prediction seriously and treat predictions with contempt.

For example, in 1970's , he phoned the Delhi Air Traffic Control and

tried His best to make them stop a flight takeoff. Nobody listened to

Him, and the flight crashed in midway killing all on board.


Thousands of families have been wiped out in this calamity. Lots of

children have been rendered orphan. People have lost all their

property and become beggars in a space of minutes. The calamity has

struck. Those people need divine help at this stage. All of us have

prayed to God and performed Sadhana for ourselves whole our life. Let

us do something for others. Let us do some Sadhana, some Guru Mantra

chanting, something so that these people get benefit. Let us do it to

aid these distressed people.


Yagna & Sadhana are highly effective processes to generate positive

forces, provided they are done correctly and authentically. If one

performs Yagna, then one should be able to see the deity in the holy

fire. The face of the deity should be visible in photographs taken

during havan.


Let us do Guru Mantra to aid the victims.


Jai Gurudev




, anupmaduskar wrote:

> Hello Arvind,


> What's the use of doing the sadhana after the disaster has already

> took place?If you claim to be a clairyoyant why could'nt you

> predict this event and do all the sadhanas you are talking about

> and avert this dreadful event?


> I don't wish to be skeptical but does it sound logical?


> Regards,


> Anup

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