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Sadhana with sammohan mala.

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Dear Gurubhai,

Jai Gurudev,


Om Paramtatvaaye Naaraayanaaye Gurudhayo Namah


I haven't tried this particular Sadhana, but have tried some others and can

assure u by my experience that the Sadhana surely works. Each Sadhana

brings advantages only.

Sometimes I feel depressed and get despaired because results are not

visible immediately and some current troublesome situation doesnt look

like getting solved ; but by SadGurudev's grace everything becomes all

right in the end.

If I look back with hindsight, then I am always pleasantly amazed by

Gurudev's blessings during various events.

Probably it is all right to say- that a disciple proposes and Sadgurudev

disposes appropriately and suitably. Sadgurudev knows what future has in

stock for a disciple and moulds the events suitably for the disciple. We

feel troubled and depressed because our scope of vision is very limited.

But Gurudev always looks at the larger picture and He always does the best

(and most suitable) for the disciple.


One senior Gurubhai once gave a very good analogy to me. He told me that -

suppose you go to Gurudev and get Diksha for Lakshmi. However, Sadgurudev

knows that your death is near. He will give Diksha and first priority

will be to save you from the approaching untimely death. After that your

Lakshmi Diksha will start giving fruits. But you feel bad and depressed

because you took Lakshmi Diksha and you arent getting money after 1-2


In my experience, each Mantra chanting brings results and advantages to a

Sadhak. Even a small effort yields big dividend. Sadgurudev has always

protected me from very big dangers and accidents. Some months ago, I even

fell asleep while driving a car alone at 90-100 milesperhour in the fast

lane on a busy highway. One of Gurudev's audio cassette was running on the

car cassette player. Gurudev protected me. I woke up just in time to

realise that the car was just about to touch the central reservation

barrier. Since I had got up with a jolt, on impulse, I immediately turned

the steering wheel sharply towards the other lanes before regaining

control of car. I distinctly remember before falling asleep that there was

a lot of traffic on the road in all the lanes. However, when I woke up, by

Gurudev's grace, the road was clear and there was no vehicle nearby in

front,back or side. So, even though I had switched across all the lanes in

milliseconds, there was no mishap. SadGurudev saved my life from a sure

death. Whole of my life is a precious gift from Him.


Has anyone else got similar experiences to relate.


Jai Gurudev.


Param pujaneeya SadGurudev Bhagwan ki Jai

Vandaniya Mataji ki Jai

Trimurti Gurudev ki Jai

Siddhashram Sadhak Parivar ki Jai

Om Har Har Mahadev








21/11/00 Sadhana with

sammohan mala.



respond to









Has anyone tried the "Magnetise Persona" sadhana from the Jan 2000

issue of the Mantra Vigyan magazine? What were your experiences?






Jay Gurudev

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