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Sensation at third eye

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I'm writing to get input on a sensation I feel at my third eye chakra. About 3

years ago I began feeling a sensation at my third eye chakra; this was before I

had done any meditation or even knew very much about the chakras. This sensation

I feel quite often, and no special concentration or effort is required. Lately

I've been making an effort to keep awareness of this sensation for hours a day

while performing normal activities. For a while I would have described the

sensation as a buzzing or tingling, but as it's grown stronger at times, I would

desribe the sensation as magnetic. The other night I woke up, and as I was lying

on my side I heard an internal rushing sound, which immediately reminded me of

accounts of kundalini rising accompanied by a sound like a waterfall. I didn't

feel any special sensations, but I think it might have been a weak or

preliminary kundalini rising. I'd be interested in getting any feedback or

advice relating to my experiences. Do my experiences

indicate that a full kundalini rising is eminent?








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praNAm-s Nathan-ji,


I visited this group after a long time and happened to read this interesting

experience of yours.


I've very basic things to say which you may already be knowing. First, as a

background, I've had toe-in-the-water experiences with different paths,

needless to say Kundalini Yoga was one of them. Though I don't claim myself

to be a follower of Kundalini, neither do I say that I left the path, after

being initiated.


Yours seems to be a Kundalini experience and my personal opinion from

various studies is that it is very risky to pursue alone, without a guru.

Having said that, also allow me to add that any progress that you make

spiritually in any of the paths, Kundalini is bound to rise, with or without

your knowledge. Now, if you're planning a focussed approach to it even so

only with interest, I suggest you to contact some Kundalini guru. Else,

continue on the path that you're currently on, unless these experiences

trouble you (most of the times, these things are in passing).


(PS: May I also say that Kundalini yoga has much stricter restrictions of

do's and don'ts, apart from the fact that each chakra's opening brings in

some risks of being misguided of utilizing powers! Pls do take a

well-thought decision.)






advaitin [advaitin]On




I'm writing to get input on a sensation I feel at my third eye chakra. About

3 years ago I began feeling a sensation at my third eye chakra; this was

before I had done any meditation or even knew very much about the chakras.

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Dear Brother


You are fortunate to have an experience of that order.The third eye will open

only whn Satwa Guna operates pre doeminantly. You have not revealed what other

experiences you have had. With it, there will be so mamy othernbody sensations.

The thymus starts functioning and there will be goose pimples and vibrations. I

will stop here as I do not want to feed you with information. Just think and

meditate as to who is the expierenceer.




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Greetings Jayantha Srirama,


Thank you for your reply. You are right, I have had other experiences relating

to my body. Close to the beginning of my sadhana I'm quite sure that I almost

left my body on two or three occasions. These occurances, like most of my

experiences, happen during the night upon waking up; I think that this is

because the mind isn't functioning yet and there are no thoughts to hinder. I

think that I almost left my body on these occassions because upon waking it felt

as if I was moving forward out of my body. During one of these occasions I saw

the window, and it felt as if I was about to go towards, and perhaps fly out of

it. But unfortunatly, or perhaps fortunatly, having just woken I was somewhat

frightened and so held myself back. Also, at the beginning of my sadhana I

briefly heard an unusual music, which I'm sure wasn't external. This music was

beautiful and a little startling at the same time.


More recently I've on a number of occasions felt a very solid and dense feeling

throughout my entire body. One day I happened to be scanning through a Sri

Aurobindo book and read a passage where he talks about a 'solid block' feeling,

and I was sure that this was what I felt. Sri Aurobindo says that this 'solid

block' feeling is a foundation upon which Light, Peace, Ananda, etc. will come



And then there is the almost constant sensation at the third eye chakra that I

mentioned in my original post, which has been the only long lasting and constant

experience throughout. For most of the time I didn't make any special effort to

concentrate on this sensation, although I did sometimes look up at it during

formal meditation. Within the last couple of months I've been making a special

effort to keep my awareness on it. Now it is starting to bring a subtle pleasure

while I concentrate on it. And most recently there is the experience related in

my last post.


You mentioned the thymus. I didn't know what this was so I looked it up and see

that it is a glandular structure that functions in the development of the immune

system, and is for the most part active in the young and inactive in adults.

Recently I've been diagnosed with a disease called Crohn's disease, which is a

disease related to the immume system. In a body with Crohn's the immune system

malfunctions and attacks the organs of the body, mainly the digestive system; I

got sick in November and even had to have my large intestine removed. So now

that you have mentinoed the thymus, which is relating to the immune system, I'm

somewhat alarmed. Of course, the fact that my third eye is open and I have this

disease may be entirely unrelated. My aunt (and thousands of other people) has

Crohn's too, and I doubt that she has any active Kundalini.


At the beginning of my illness there was one night when I was shaking

uncontrollably for a few minutes. And a couple of times during my illness I woke

up in the night and felt a very unusual sensation in my body, or maybe just in

my arms (I'm not sure now). But it felt as if my arms were streching out forever

or that they were in the wrong dimension. This experience I would say was

negative and scary; I thought that this sensation might not end. Looking at it

from another point of view, it may have just been that my arms were 'asleep' and

felt so strange because I was quite ill.


One member suggested that I think about finding a guru. Living in the United

States this isn't that easy, especially in the part of the country in which I

live. In India there are probably many qualified gurus, but in America there are

far fewer. Also, I just can't go off to live at an ashram because I need health

insurance to keep this body alive. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. Some

may say that I am putting myself in danger, but the sensation arose on it's own,

before any sadhana, so it was unasked for. Still, I consider it a gift.







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Dear Nathan


You should feel elated and fortunate. I do not know what kind of meditation you

do. The real meditation is to either follow the thoughts to its end, or to

witness one's breathing, which will create a thoughtless state. In that

thoughtless state which may be in seconds or in minutes, the universal mind, as

energy enters, and shocks the Thymus which sends goose pimples. On some days I

have had goose pimples a thousand times.This alters the rigdges of the brain. In

my intition, I will say that the lliberated has no two halves of brain and I

feel intutively that it could be like a ball of flour with very little ridges.

Of late I do not know where you are, I found a person to communicate. Please do

communicate as often as possible. The sensation of goose pim[ples, causing

raising of hair all over the body, emeantes from the center of the brain, which

in fact is the op[ening of Pineal gland, to the toes. It will be a wonderful

vibration and more pleasant than the sexual orgasm. So many

people talk of bliss and ananda. This is the real ananda, and bliss where the

seer and the seen are one. This is samadhi. But it is retained in memory not in

words but as an experience. These experineces leads to other mental faculites.

As you know one cannot remeber taste and smell. But with increased happenings, I

am able to recall taste and smell.It is left for you and other discerning

readers to either accept what I have stated or reject it, as unbelievable and

evn crticise. All comments and crticisms will be accepted with equanimity.

Readers can share thier experiences. In this group, there appears to be

theoritical expositions, rather than personal expeirences. It is not affrontery,

but a sincere comment. Please excuse me if anybody feels this as affrontery. If

Advaitha is to be understoof, it is only as Kriya-Advaitha not as



I am reminded of one sloka from the avadhutha geetha-


Sarva Vedantha sara sanghraham Jnana Vijnana savasvam


Aham Atmaa Nirakaraha Swabhavathah Sarvavyapi.


Keep this in mind and meditate on the meaning. I do not know your age. It does

not matter. Yu are neither the body nor the body is yours. You are the eternal













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advaitin, jayantha srirama

<jayanthasrirama> wrote:


> "Dear Nathan


> You should feel elated and fortunate. I do not know what kind of

meditation you do. The real meditation is to either follow the

thoughts to its end, or to witness one's breathing, which will create

a thoughtless state. In that thoughtless state which may be in

seconds or in minutes, the universal mind, as energy enters, and

shocks the Thymus which sends goose pimples. On some days I have had

goose pimples a thousand times.This alters the rigdges of the brain.

In my intition, I will say that the lliberated has no two halves of

brain and I feel intutively that it could be like a ball of flour

with very little ridges. Of late I do not know where you are, I



Dear JS,


thank you for sharing some of spiritual "experiences"....

i agree with you that there can't be realy "understading of advaita"

without "experience".


Personally i believe that "understanding and experience" belong

together....means, "initiate" each other on the path....


There is a conversation going on about special kind of

sensations.....Third Eye....and so on.....

I think it's positive "sign" on the path....if one make

such "experiences"....

I have some of this "experiences" too.....but i feel for myself that

this "experiences" should be "discussed" in presence of a Master or

learned (experienced) Swami who realy can "see" on how far

this "experiences" are of importance or not......


....often such "experiences" show the result and some clearness in


like a moment.....of "bliss"....as for example


It's very difficult to talk about "bliss"....because it is of our

real Being....in which it has it's source.....


I can understand that maybe you would prefer to talk and write more

about personal "experiences"......

I have the confidence that most of people in the advaitin group have

such "experiences"....

maybe such "experiences" are partly the reason why one day.....there

is the connection to this group happening.....


this "experiences" let one have better "understanding" .....and by

this "understanding" it's easier to communicate.....


maybe the third eye will show the real path.....

is it not one caracteristic of the third eye?....




love and peace




























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Dear Travis,

To share and live is the motto of Vedanta.In fact to tell the truth, opening of

the third eye means that the Kundalini has shot up, involuntarily. The third eye

usually called, is really Ajna Chakra, located between eye brows a little higher

in the forehead-Lalaata. Actually it is re-functioning of the pineal gland which

remains inactive and redundant after self-consciousness takes a firm hold of the

life. When due to some method or the other, or by itself, when pineal gland

starts functioning, in the initial phases, there will be appearances of a huge

white light, which effaces the independent individual self-ego temprarily. It is

also called satori. In the path to self-realisation such satoris appear every

now and then. In fact one should not get addicted to repeat it. Anyhow it comes

uncaused.After feeling those lights, (even to say feel, or see is erroneous)

being that light, the next step is the opeing of the Thymus. A thud in the

Thymus opens up the Heart Knot. It is called

chit-jada-granthi. When the said Granthi is permanently opened, meaningly

ripened, realisation happens. But this again is temporary. When self Realisation

is permanent, with the dissolution of mind, then there is liberation.That

exeprience cannot be remebered, as the experiencer and the experience and the

experienced, are one the same.The Brain has no capacity to retain it in the

network of memory.

The memory of the pleasantness causes the desire to repeat. Think it out fully

like traversing a tunnel, from light to pirch darkness, then a small light at

the other end, and full light at the other hand, to the end. the desire to

repeat it gets annihilated. Unless one goes through this, there is no point in

actually discussing this also. Some other force made this reply. In another way,

the universal mind speaks for whatever purpose , unknown. Thicker layers of

consciousness, are witnessed by thinner layers. The thinnest is pure being.

There cannot be any quanitification of consciousness. It has no form colour or

design. To the question how this has to be realised could be given in this

example.Sitting silently one can remeber his friend's or the dear one's face.

Or even a lotus or a rose. Then there is a seer and a seen object. But for

seeing that, light is required. That light is conciousness. Then what is that

mental eye? Ponder over it.

All the best.







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advaitin, jayantha srirama

<jayanthasrirama> wrote:


When self Realisation is permanent, with the dissolution of mind,

then there is liberation.That exeprience cannot be remebered, as the

experiencer and the experience and the experienced, are one the

same.The Brain has no capacity to retain it in the network of memory.

> The memory of the pleasantness causes the desire to repeat.



Namaste Shri Jayanta.


Don't you think there is a contradiction in your statement quoted

above? How can there be a pleasant memory of an experience that

cannot be remembered. Will you please explain in detail?




Madathil Nair

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