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Christianity and Vedanta.

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There are various interpretations depending on the level of

understanding of the recipient. The word Christ means Messiah or

Annointed One, in Greek. It may be related more than cognitively to

the Sanskrit Krista, which is another name for Krishna.


In Christianity there is the concept of a 'God Immanent', and a 'God



The exclusive teaching of the Vedanta is actually Nirguna Brahman.


Saguna Brahman, can be equated with the idea of 'God' in

Christianity. The Christian God is similar in concept to Isvara.


It really is Sat-Tat-Om.

Sat being the Father, Tat being the Sakti, or Son, Om being the

Holy Spirit. So when Jesus says nobody comes to the Father he is

talking as the Son or Sakti. Nisargadatta says we are actually

Praneaswara really. And as we are actually the Praneaswara, the way

of Realisation is through that. We realise our unity with

the 'creation', whilst we are still in the body, the oneness with

Brahman. So it seems we realise Praneaswara and at the same time

Nirguna Brahman. The Illusion totally disappearing on bodiless



Remembering that the final pull into Moksha is by Brahman's Grace,

there can be no way to the Father than through the



I have made some purports on the Gospel of Thomas, which is not part

of the regualar canon, as it was not discovered until fairly

recently in Nag Hammadi. It does give an idea of how the Gnostics

thought and even how many Christian Mystics thought.




Depending on the level of thought, there are many parallels between

all religions. In fact Christianity of the Catholic sort could fit

into Sanathan Dharma quite easily, if the exclusiveness of Jesus as

the only Avatar or Mukti were dropped. This was a later Roman

interpolation into Christianity anyway.


As it is accepted by many that Jesus or Jeshua spent years in India,

and the the Sankaracharya at the temple in Puri or Jagganath is

supposed to have said that he read of Jeshua's visit in the temple

record. It is not surprising that there should be parallels in the

teachings particularly, GJohn and GThomas and the Sermon on the


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1) With regard to Christianity, there was a lot of manipulation concerning political, economic and social reasons, mainly with emperors Theodosius and Constantine, as History tells us;

2) I consider that in these three statements we find the essence of the teachings of Christ:



"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." --Matthew 6:33


“The Kingdom of God is within you”- Luke 17:21

“You are Gods” – John 10:34 (Christ cites Psalm 82.6)

3) The Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH means “I AM”.

4) A person says, for instance, “I am engineer, I am Indian, I am tall, I am this, I am that”. “I am” is the basis; “I am” is permanent. The accretions are transitory. “I am” is God – I am that I am.

5) Sri Ramana Maharshi calls our attention to be in the feeling “I am”. Our attention must be turned to the feeling “I”. “Who am I?” “If “I” is held, all else disappears. It is enough, but only for the competent few”. This feeling “I”, “I am”, is within us. The pure “I am”, without accretions, is God. Intellect cannot measure IT. Intellect is contained in IT. IT is infinite. You are That (Tat Twam Asi).

6) Jesus is Yahushua. “Yahu” is the Tetragrammaton YHWH, I AM; “Shua” is the verb “to save”. That is, I AM is what saves, I AM is the salvation; That which saves is I am.

7) It’s immaterial whether there was or there was not the historic figure of Jesus, because Yahushua – “I am is what saves”.

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