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Today, I am officially retired from civil service job after 28yrs of

service. Plan to spend 6months in India and 6 months here. My immediate

tasks are to publish my father's work in Telugu, which is on Vedanta

Desika's Rahashyatraya saara. There are extensive commentaries by him,

which Shree Narayana Chinna Jeer once volunteered to publish. I have to

activate the process. I intend to publish my discussions on this and

advaita-L list that Shree Guruprasad had collected in the past. I have

to find the files; otherwise I have down load from list serve. Hope

Shree Sundar or Ram Chandran can assist me. Shree Ram Chandran

suggested that I should complete Advaita Manjari Series also. Looks like

I would not be retired after all - but with a fresh start from the New



Once I have organized the topics, I may request some volunteers to help

me edit it in terms of language and grammar, since English remained

foreign to me.


Hari OM!





What you have is destiny and what you do with what you have is self-effort.

Future destiny is post destiny modified by your present action. You are not only

the prisoner of your past but master of your future. - Swami Chinmayananda

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Pranams Sada-ji,


Your formal announcement of retirement from working for

a livelihood is welcome news for the members and readers of this

list, and all of us wish you the best in the spiritual quest

henceforth. We shall be eagerly awaiting for all that you can share

with us from your planned projects, and offer our help in your

accomplishing them.


Your stature as a contributor and moderator of this

list has been an inspiration to all of us, and no praise would

adequately express our gratitude for your work.



Best regards,







advaitin, kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada> wrote:

> Today, I am officially retired from civil service job after 28yrs


> service. Plan to spend 6months in India and 6 months here. My


> tasks are to publish my father's work in Telugu, which is on


> Desika's Rahashyatraya saara.

> I would not be retired after all - but with a fresh start from the


> Year.

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>Today, I am officially retired from civil service job after 28yrs of



Congratulations on entering vAnaprastha! Accept my advance greetings for




Note from the list moderators: Please make sure that you message is only in

text format. Your message is edited and we removed the html formats that messed

up the words. thanks for your cooperation in advance.

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advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh>



Pranams Sada-ji,


I want to join Sunderji in expressing my love and thanks for the

inspirations that you have brought to this list (from day one) with

your unselfish participation and contribution. I agree with Sunderji

that we expect you to spare more or your time for the noble cause

of motivating the members to learn and practice Sankara's Vedanta. We

will be more than happy to help you in whatever way we can in your

noble pursuit of service to the universal community.


Your friends in Northern Virginia are looking forward to your

guidance and discourses in the coming months and years.


Enjoy your retirement and be always sadananda (every happy!).


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran


> Pranams Sada-ji,


> Your formal announcement of retirement from working


> a livelihood is welcome news for the members and readers of this

> list, and all of us wish you the best in the spiritual quest

> henceforth. We shall be eagerly awaiting for all that you can share

> with us from your planned projects, and offer our help in your

> accomplishing them.


> Your stature as a contributor and moderator of this

> list has been an inspiration to all of us, and no praise would

> adequately express our gratitude for your work.



> Best regards,


> Sunder


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Namaste Dear Sadaji


I can see that you have planned the vanaprastha phase with precision

to devote your full time to contemplation and disseminating spiritual



I am sure, in this phase, we will see you as ( to borrow from a

recently thought up phrase of mine) the sun that shines with the

brilliance of a thousand Suns.


Many namaskarams to all


advaitin, kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada> wrote:

> Today, I am officially retired from civil service job after 28yrs of

> service. Plan to spend 6months in India and 6 months here. My

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Dear Sadaji:


Your teachings and contributions are of great value.The conviction with

which you convey the message of ancient sages based on your experience

as well as advaitic scholarship is inspirational. Best wishes for this

new phase of life that you are entering.


With love and gratitude



kuntimaddi sadananda wrote:

> Today, I am officially retired from civil service job after 28yrs of

> service. Plan to spend 6months in India and 6 months here.

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advaitin, kuntimaddi sadananda

<kuntimaddisada> wrote:

> Today, I am officially retired from civil service job after 28yrs


> service. Plan to spend 6months in India and 6 months here. My


> tasks are to publish my father's work in Telugu, which is on


> Desika's Rahashyatraya saara.


Dear Sada-ji


I welcome you into the fold of VAnaprastha seekers of Spirituality.

Even as a householder you have been contributing so much for the

spiritual welfare of the world around you. I am sure therefore your

service to the community will multiply several times now.


Your letter reminds me of Bharatiyar's song that says: "We shall

never more be slaving for a master except the one Master for whom we

shall live to slave till such time as He chooses!"


My best wishes to you!


PraNAms to all advaitins


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First my praNaams to all those who expressed their sentiments about my

retirement on the list. Their best wishes are expression of His



Next, my sincere apologies to all the advaitin list members for

inadvertently putting a post on my retirement that is more of personal

nature than a topic for Advaita discussions. As a moderator I should

have known better.


As we are assessing the extent of damage due to recent calamity that hit

us, there have been urgent calls from Madras to rush the help. Those

who do not care too much for the tax deductions can send the money right

away (via Bank check or in India called demand draft) to "Chinmaya Seva

Trust" and send it: 36 College Road, Nungumbakkam, Chennai 600006. I can

guarentee that 100% of the money will be utilized to help the victims.


As Aditiji mentioned in her post, we do run a 'shelter' for meritorious

but poor students in Anantapur.


Now, My wife Mrinalini wants to jump into the field right away to help

the victims of the recent disaster. ( I only give talks but she does the

action. She being a dance teacher, I have learned how to dance to some

of her tunes, mostly behind the stage.) She wants to take care of

children who are left parent-less, to provide the proper food, medical

help, clothing and facilities for education. To expedite the process

and not to re-invent the wheel, we need to explore the currently

available venues and service organizations in the costal areas, which we

can strengthen them to be able to serve the needy. Since we are involved

in Chinmaya Mission, which is world wide, we can do this via the mission

and its members. Here is skeletal plan.


1. Identify the children who lost their parents


2. Identify the parents who lost their children


3. Identify organization that can help those and work with them or

coordinate with them to channel the help.


4. Introduce the foster-student program (a similar program is in

operation at Chinmayaranyam, introduced by Swamini Saradapriyanandaji)

where people who want to help in the growth of a child by adopting the

child's complete welfare. You essentially provide the support one child

until the child graduates from the school.


5. I may request the help of all the help from fellow advaitins in this

and together we can make a difference.


If you know who can help us in India, paricularly in the chennai area

where we have a base (but other areas as well), please let us know.


I am reminded of Swami Chinmayanandaji's statement - "what we have is

His gift, and what we do with what we have is our gift to Him".


We do not stop by saying that it is the destiny that so many died at one

stroke, but it is our purushaartha to serve Him by helping those who

desperately in need of help. This is chance for us to grow. Remember we

came into this world with nothing and we leave this world taking nothing

with thus. How we use what is given to us is our purushaartha.


If you can put aside at least one day of your salary per month to help

the needy children, together we can make some dent. If you are willing

to help us in this project in any way you can please e-mail me by

personal mail rather than to the list. Remember, it is not 'how much

that one gives that counts', but the commitment and conviction that




Hari OM!









What you have is destiny and what you do with what you have is self-effort.

Future destiny is post destiny modified by your present action. You are not only

the prisoner of your past but master of your future. - Swami Chinmayananda

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