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Digest of Paramacharya's Discourses - unification of advaita with shaktism !

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professorji observes on this auspicious day of Shankara Jayanti


" But the same Acharya, the teacher of brahma-vidyA, now

talks as the teacher of Shri Vidya and shows the way to

those who have a taste in this direction. And the way is

Kameshvari, the `para-brahma-mahishhI'. The Shri Vidya

tantra also has the same aim as advaita-sAyujyaM. Thus he

combines the turIya at the goal of the jnAna path of

> advaita and the Shiva-Shakti concept in the Bhakti path."







together (or even if practiced seperately) lead to Brahma vidya !


and who else but Shankara Bhagvadapada could have given this

PARAMAVIDYA -beautiful unification of bhakti and jnana through

Saundarya lahari ?


Was this the reason why Shri Ramana Maharishi called ADI SHANKARA

A "tANTRIC advaitin"?


AUM Gurave Namaha !

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advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>

wrote:> Was this the reason why Shri Ramana Maharishi called ADI


> A "tANTRIC advaitin"?


Namaste Adi-ji,


Would you happen to have a reference to this? I have not

come across it yet.


By the way, one of the refernces to mokshapuri has a verse

which says:


'kAshyantu maraNanmuktiH | smaraNAdaruNachale ||'


"One can be liberated by dying in Kashi (Varanasi), but remembering

Arunachala is enough (to get it)".


In fact, Sri Ramana referring to Arunachala Mahatmya said anyone

dying within 20 mile radius of Arunachala is vouchsafed liberation.






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oh ! sunderji!


i had that quote from shri ramana in my own groups but i could not

get it this morning because i do not know what heading i posted it...

i will keep looking !


oh yes ! i have heard of that one by thanx for reminding me of that

on this great day ... coming from a learned person like you , it has

added significance ! smiles!


well, i have been to kashi, kanchi and arunachalam but "moksha" that

will elude me for a few more births!


here is a beautiful verse from Moha Mudgara ...


kurute gaN^gaasaagaragamanaM

vrataparipaalanamathavaa daanam.h .

GYaanavihinaH sarvamatena

muktiM na bhajati janmashatena




One may go to gangasagar, observe fasts, and give away riches in

charity ! Yet, devoid of jnana, nothing can give mukthi even at the

end of a hundred births. (Stanza attributed to Sureshwaracharya.)


This old lady is in your group hoping one day the 'lighttning of

knowledge ' will strike me and open my ajna chakra .... all this sat-



Jaya Jaya Shankara! Hara Hara Shankara!


For some reason i cannot help remembering Shri Harshananda who wrote

such wonderful articles on Asi SHANKARA , MANASALOLLASA etc in my

group! What a learned young man, my own harshananda who taught me how

to Love ambaal in a;; her glory and splendor and introduced me to

both advaita and ambaal worship ! my blessings to youu, Haesha

wjerever you are! May your tribe increase!

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advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh>



> By the way, one of the refernces to mokshapuri has a


> which says:


> 'kAshyantu maraNanmuktiH | smaraNAdaruNachale ||'


> "One can be liberated by dying in Kashi (Varanasi), but


> Arunachala is enough (to get it)".



Namaste, Sunder-ji


Can I add one more line to your half-shloka, from my memory:


'darshaNAd-ambara-tale jananAt kamalAlaye'.


Meaning, (Moksha is obtained) by having darshan (of the Lord) in

Chidambaram; also by being (just) born in Tiruvarur (kamalAlayaM)!


PraNAms to all advaitins


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Here is the exact verse from a site describing the greatness of

Muthuswami Dikshitar. Tiruvarur is the birthplace of Muthuswami

Dikshitar and the verse is being referred in that connection.

Muthuswami Dikshitar is one of the trinity of Karnataka music, the

other two are Sri Tyagarajar and Sri Syama Sastrigal.


Tiruvarur is one of the mukti kshetras known for its magnificent

temple for Lord Thyagaraja and Goddess Kamalambika and its huge tank,

Kamalalaya. It is also famous for its magnificent chariots.


jananAt kamalAlayE, darshanAt aprasadasi,

smaraNAd aruNAchalam, kAshi tu maraNAn muktih


The puranas have declared that birth at Tiruvarur, darshan of

Chidambaram, thinking of Arunachala and death at Kashi result in

liberation. Great many were the saints born at Tiruvarur. Among these

were the Carnatic music Trinity of Shyama Sastri, Thyagaraja and

Muthuswami Dikshitar.


Warmest regards,


Ram Chandran







advaitin, "V. Krishnamurthy" <profvk>


> advaitin, "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh>

> wrote:

> >

> > By the way, one of the refernces to mokshapuri has a

> verse

> > which says:

> >

> > 'kAshyantu maraNanmuktiH | smaraNAdaruNachale ||'

> >

> > "One can be liberated by dying in Kashi (Varanasi), but

> remembering

> > Arunachala is enough (to get it)".

> >


> Namaste, Sunder-ji


> Can I add one more line to your half-shloka, from my memory:


> 'darshaNAd-ambara-tale jananAt kamalAlaye'.


> Meaning, (Moksha is obtained) by having darshan (of the Lord) in

> Chidambaram; also by being (just) born in Tiruvarur (kamalAlayaM)!


> PraNAms to all advaitins

> profvk

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advaitin, "Ram Chandran" <RamChandran@a...>



> jananAt kamalAlayE, darshanAt aprasadasi,

> smaraNAd aruNAchalam, kAshi tu maraNAn muktih




To top it all off, the Tattva Bodha ends with this assertion:


.....Atmavit saMsAraM tIrtvA brahmAnandam iha eva prApnoti | tarati

Atmavit iti shruteH |


....the knower of the Self, having crossed samsAra, attains Supreme

Bliss here itself. Thus the shruti affirms : 'The knower of the Self

goes beyond all sorrows'.



tanuM tyajatu vA kAshyAM shvapachasya gR^ihe atha vA |

j~nAnasaMprAptisamye muktosau vigatAshayaH | it smR^iteH cha |


Let the Jnani shed his body in Kasi or in the house of a dog-eater,

(it is immaterial because) at the time of gaining Knowledge itself he

is freed from all results of actions. So asserts the smriti too.






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-thank you sunderji specially for this ...



tanuM tyajatu vA kAshyAM shvapachasya gR^ihe atha vA |

j~nAnasaMprAptisamye muktosau vigatAshayaH | it smR^iteH cha |


Let the Jnani shed his body in Kasi or in the house of a dog-eater,

(it is immaterial because) at the time of gaining Knowledge itself


is freed from all results of actions. So asserts the smriti too.


and shri ramachandranji for mentioning the Holy Trinity of Carnatic

music on this auspicious day ... and for referring to that lovely

article on Muthuswamy dikshitir, a great devotee of Meenkashi and

whose guru is none other than Subramanya .


well, folks, it has been a long day and i leave you all with this

verse from Bhatruhari's vairagya shatakam


Oh mother earth, father wind,

Friend light, sweetheart water,

Brother sky,

Here take my last salutation

With folded hands!

For today I am melting away into Brahman,

Because my heart became pure,

And all delusion vanished

Thro' the power of your good company.


(Verse 100)


THANK YOU ADVAITINS for sprading the message of Shankara's immortal

words through this world wide web ... i know there is a member here

from all continents ... maybe not antartica ... smiles !!!


Sarvam vishnu mayam

Sarvam SAKTI mayam

Sarvam BraHma Mayam

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Namaste Adiji.


You can find these articles in Advaitin archives too. Harshanandji

posted them here some time last year. Very enlightening indeed.

Where is he now? I had heard he was planning to retire to life as a

total spiritual recluse.




Madathil Nair


advaitin, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16>


> For some reason i cannot help remembering Shri Harshananda who


> such wonderful articles on Asi SHANKARA , MANASALOLLASA etc in my

> group! What a learned young man, my own harshananda who taught me


> to Love ambaal in a;; her glory and splendor and introduced me to

> both advaita and ambaal worship ! my blessings to youu, Haesha

> wjerever you are! May your tribe increase!

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kAshyantu maraNanmuktiH



jananAt kamalAlaye


Please don't raise eyebrows or overburden me with Sanskrit

inflexions. I find a beautiful meditation verse here. Let us,

therefore, forget geography and grammar for a moment to look at it

this way:


jananAt kamalAlaye: What this could mean is already well-said in the

18th verse of MahiSasuramardinI stOtram quoted here below:


[padakamalam karuNaanilaye varivasyati yoanudinam sashive ||

ayi kamale kamalaanilaye kamalaanilayah sakatham na bhavet ||

tava padameva param padamityanushiilayato mama kim na shive ||

jaya jaya he mahiSasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute || ||


O Devi, the abode of mercy, consort of Shiva! If someone daily

cherishes (finds place at) your lotus-like feet , then, O Kamala,

the lotus-dweller, how will he not become verily your abode (the

lotus abode) ? What else there is to me other than understand and

practice that Your Feet are the last and only goal to be achieved!? ]


Let us, therefore, understand jananAt kamalAlaye as total surrender

at the Feet of the Devi (Consciousness to the Advaitin).


DarshanAt ambaratale is ambaratala iva darshanAt – a vision as

expansive (as endless) as the sky! Like vyomavatvyAptadeha Lord



ArunAchala is shONagiri from behind which the crimson sun rises.

It , therefore, picturesquely signifies the dawn of Knowledge.


Thus, kamalAlaya jananAt ambaratala iva darshanAt aruNagirismaranAt

cha (by totally surrendering to Consciousness, having a philosophical

vision as expansive as the sky and meditating on the dawn of

Knowledge) what happens? KAshyantu maranAnmuktih – mOkSa shines in

ordinary death! He who meditates this way is deathless.


My apologies for having taken such great liberties with Sanskrit. It

is pure Sankarajayanti hangover!




Madathil Nair

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This is so exquisiye ...


sandhya bhasha of tantra ( twilight langauge ) -


to have a hangover, one must get intoxicated first!!


and I can tell you are drunk with the divine ambrosia of devi's

divine name!!! and then u did not waste one moment and you quoted

that beeautiful verse from adi shankara's Mahisasura mardini stotra

to make it all LOOK "LEGAl" in this advaitin setting ...


But nairji, when i was in Arunachalanm in jan, 2004 and was doing

the 'giri valam' - (can u imagine at age 60- Shri ramana carrued me

on his shoulders the whole time) ,


and here is what shri ramana says in the first verse of


Sri Arunachala Navamanimalai.


"Though he is truly motionless by nature, in the court [of

Chidambaram] Lord Siva dances before Sakti, thereby making her

motionless. But know that [in Tiruvannamalai] Lord Arunachala shines

triumphant, that Sakti having merged in his motionless form. "


I simply luv it!! this divine union of siva-shakti!!!!


Shri Ramakrishna says ...


""Brahman and Shakti are identical, like fire and its power to burn.

When we talk of fire we automatically mean also its power to burn.

Again, the fire's power to burn implies the fire itself.

If you accept the one you must accept the other."


Did i not mention about 'fire' and the power to burn in my previous
















-- In advaitin, "Madathil Rajendran Nair"

<madathilnair> wrote:

> Namaste.


> kAshyantu maraNanmuktiH

> smaraNAdaruNAchale

> darshanAdambaratale

> jananAt kamalAlaye


> Please don't raise eyebrows or overburden me with Sanskrit

> inflexions. I find a beautiful meditation verse here. Let us,

> therefore, forget geography and grammar for a moment to look at it

> this way:


> jananAt kamalAlaye: What this could mean is already well-said in


> 18th verse of MahiSasuramardinI stOtram quoted here below:


> [padakamalam karuNaanilaye varivasyati yoanudinam sashive ||

> ayi kamale kamalaanilaye kamalaanilayah sakatham na bhavet ||

> tava padameva param padamityanushiilayato mama kim na shive ||

> jaya jaya he mahiSasuramardini ramyakapardini shailasute || ||


> O Devi, the abode of mercy, consort of Shiva! If someone daily

> cherishes (finds place at) your lotus-like feet , then, O Kamala,

> the lotus-dweller, how will he not become verily your abode (the

> lotus abode) ? What else there is to me other than understand and

> practice that Your Feet are the last and only goal to be

achieved!? ]


> Let us, therefore, understand jananAt kamalAlaye as total


> at the Feet of the Devi (Consciousness to the Advaitin).


> DarshanAt ambaratale is ambaratala iva darshanAt – a vision as

> expansive (as endless) as the sky! Like vyomavatvyAptadeha Lord

> DakshiNAmUrti!


> ArunAchala is shONagiri from behind which the crimson sun rises.

> It , therefore, picturesquely signifies the dawn of Knowledge.


> Thus, kamalAlaya jananAt ambaratala iva darshanAt aruNagirismaranAt

> cha (by totally surrendering to Consciousness, having a


> vision as expansive as the sky and meditating on the dawn of

> Knowledge) what happens? KAshyantu maranAnmuktih – mOkSa shines in

> ordinary death! He who meditates this way is deathless.


> My apologies for having taken such great liberties with Sanskrit.


> is pure Sankarajayanti hangover!


> PraNAms.


> Madathil Nair

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