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Shanti Mantra-s - 2 (Rig)

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Vedic shAnti mantra-s - 2




2. shAnti mantra in the Rig Veda


During the course of study of the upaniShat-s in the Rig Veda, the shAnti mantra

for Rig Veda is chanted at the beginning and at the end of each session. Among

the 108 important upaniShat-s, 10 are from the Rig Veda. The shAnti mantra for

all of them is the mantra starting with ' vA~Nme manasi pratiShThitA '.


It is said in muktikopaniShat 1-2-1 that the mantra starting with ' vA~Nme

manasi pratiShThitA ' is the shAnti mantra for aitareya, kauShItakI, nAdabindu,

Atmapraboda, nirvANa, mudhgala, akshamAlikA, tripurA, saubhAgya and bahvricha



shAnti mantra:


' OM vA~Nme manasi pratiShThitA

mano me vAchi pratiShThitamAvirAvIrma edhi..

vedasya ma ANIsthaH

srutam me mA prahAsIH

anenAdhItenAhorAtrAn saMdadhAmi

RRitam vadiShyAmi

satyaM vadiShyAmi.. tanmAvavatu

tadvaktAramavatu avatu mAmavatu

vaktAramavatu vaktAram..


..OM shAntiH shAntiH shAntiH.. '


[ Translation: OM! May my speech be based on (accord with, established in) the

mind; may my mind be based on speech. O Self-effulgent One, reveal Thyself to

me. May you both (speech and mind) be the carriers of the Veda to me. May not

all that I have learned depart from me. I shall join together day and night

through this study. I shall utter the Supreme Truth; I shall utter the Truth.

May That (Brahman) protect me; may That protect the speaker (the teacher); may

That protect me; may That protect the speaker; may That protect the speaker. OM!

Peace! Peace! Peace! ]



This is a prayer chanted by a seeker of Truth who is established in the path of

Knowledge. All shAnti mantra-s start with the syllable 'OM'. The actions

commencing with the chanting of this sacred syllable is considered auspicious.

The syllable itself is considered sacred and auspicious. So it is a general

practise in our Dharma to begin all activities with the chanting of this sacred

syllable. It is believed to ward off evil and to aid in the fulfillment of the

desired results.


The syllable 'OM' is the quintessence of the entire Veda-s (Read

sarva-veda-sAram). OM is the Supreme Principle, the Infinite Brahman outlined by

the entire Vedic mantra-s. We have countless quotes like


'omityekAksharam brahma' (Bh.Gita 8-13 - The single letter OM is Brahman),


'omityetadaksharamida{\m+} sarvaM' (Ma.Up.1 - This letter that is OM is all)


in the sruthi and smrithi literature which teaches us that OM is verily Brahman

and the source of all. So the shAnti mantra is commenced with the sacred

syllable OM which is the Supreme Principle unfolded in all the

veda-vedAnta-vedAnga-itihAsa-purANa shAstra-s of our eternal Dharma.


OM which is a combination of the three sounds 'a', 'u', 'm' and the consequent

tone (Read dvani) is not only the representation of the entire universe of

experience comprising the three guNa-s and the three states, but also the

innermost Self which is the transcendental Reality and the substratum of the

entire universe. With the three sounds 'a', 'u' and 'm' representing all the

triads in the empirical universe such as Waking-Dream-Dreamless states

(jAgrat-svapna-sushupti avasta), Waker-Dreamer-Deepsleeper

(vishva-taijasa-prAGYa), Gross-Subtle-Casual bodies (sthUla-sUkshma-kAraNa

sharIra), satva-rajas-tamo guNa-s, brahmA-viShNu-rudra dieties,

Heaven-earth-hell worlds (svarga-bhUmi-pAtAla loka), and the following

indeterminable tone representing the indestructible Supreme reality of Brahman

which is beyond all these triads, the syllable OM is indeed ALL. An

investigation into the vast literature concerning the meaning of the syllable OM

is beyond the scope of this work. So keeping in mind that the syllable OM which

is chanted at the beginning of the study of the upaniShat symbolizes the very

Supreme Reality expounded by the text, we will move on.


To be continued..


Hari Om




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advaitin, "Ranjeet Sankar"

<thefinalsearch> wrote:

> Vedic shAnti mantra-s - 2

> ---



> 2. shAnti mantra in the Rig Veda





Thank you, Ranjeetji, for this series.


The audio-files for these mantras are available at URL:




The site also has the pdf files in Devanagari and English for

these mantras.





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Namaste Sunderji,


Thanks for the link. Actually I should be the one thanking you for allowing

me to post this in the group.


Sunderji, can you help me out with the ITRANS for sru, as in Sri or in



Hari Om




"Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh


> The audio-files for these mantras are available at URL:


> http://sanskrit.safire.com/Audio.html


> The site also has the pdf files in Devanagari and English for

> these mantras.

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advaitin, "Ranjeet Sankar"

<thefinalsearch> wrote:

> Namaste Sunderji,


> Thanks for the link. Actually I should be the one thanking you for


> me to post this in the group.


> Sunderji, can you help me out with the ITRANS for sru, as in Sri

or in

> Srutam?


> Hari Om



Namaste, Ranjeet-ji


I was also wanting to congratulate you for your posts on the Shanti



The ITRANS for 'shruti' is 'shruti' ! For Sri it is 'shrii'.


PraNAms to all advaitin s


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advaitin, "V. Krishnamurthy" <profvk>


> advaitin, "Ranjeet Sankar"

> <thefinalsearch> wrote:


can you help me out with the ITRANS for sru, as in Sri

> or in

> > Srutam?

> >

> > Hari Om

> >

> >

> Namaste, Ranjeet-ji


> I was also wanting to congratulate you for your posts on the Shanti

> mantras.


> The ITRANS for 'shruti' is 'shruti' ! For Sri it is 'shrii'.





For the complete ITRANS code :




[The main advantage of this scheme is that it can be converted into

any of the major Indian language/scripts, as well as Roman script

with diacritics.]






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"Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh


> advaitin, "V. Krishnamurthy" <profvk>

> wrote:

> >

> > The ITRANS for 'shruti' is 'shruti' ! For Sri it is 'shrii'.



> Namaste,


> For the complete ITRANS code :


> http://www.aczone.com/itrans/#itransencoding



Namaste Sunderji, Prof-ji,


Thank you very much.


So the 4th line in the mantra should have been 'shrutam me mA prahAsIH '

instead of 'srutam me mA prahAsIH'.


Sunderji, thanks for the link. I was also 'trying' ITRANS 5.30.


There is good ITRANS tool available at




I find it very easy to use. Moreover, its free for download.


Hari Om

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