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ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthi of Sri MaNavALa MaamunigaL for the web pags of Sri MaamunigaL(MM): Part I

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SrimathE RaamAnujAya nama:


Dear BhakthAs:


Back in Novemeber , 1999 The Los Angeles Temple

celebrated Sri MM's Thirunakshathram for the first

time in this country. At that time ,Sri Haresh

BalasubramaNiyan of Singapore and adiyEn created

a special web page for Sri MM to clebrate His

life and vaibhavam. During the 2000 Thirunakshathram

for Sri MM , we added additional contributed articles .

The URL for this web site on Sri MM is:




THe contents of the above web pages are as follows:



2.Srimukham from HH VaanamAmalai Kaliyan Jeeyar

3.Introduction to the Web Pages

4.Life and works of Sri MM

** DevarAja MangaLam (V.Sadagopan)

** yathirAja Vimsathi (V.Sadagopan)

** UpadEsa Rathna Maalai(V.Sadagopan)

** Aarthi Prabhandham ( Kaanchi Sri T.A. SrinivAsan Swamy)

** Sri MM's Taniyan ( Velukkudi Sri Krishnan Swamy)


For this year's celebration of Sri MM's Thirunakshathram,

adiyEn thought of adding the translation and brief comments

on the illustrious work of Sri MM's ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthi.

adiyEn understands that this year's celebrations might take

place in Denver , Colorado .


The genius of Sri MM in condensing the essence of each pathikam

of ThiruvAimozhi in one Paasuram is extraordinary. There have

been five famous AchAryAs before Sri MM , who have commented

insightfully on Swamy NammAzhwAr's ThiruvAimozhi:


1.ThirukkuruhaippirAn PiLLAn (6,000 padi)

2.Swamy Nanjeeyar ( 9,000 Padi)

3.Eedu : NampiLlai/Vadakku ThiruveedhippiLLai (36,000 Padi)

4.Swamy PeriyavAcchAn PiLLAn (24,000 Padi)

5.Swamy VaadikEsari Azhagiya MaNavALa Jeeyar (12,000 Padi)


Swamy Desikan has given us two major Sanskrit Sri Sookthis

on ThiruvAimozhi ( DramidOpanishad Taathparya RathnAvaLi

in 129 verses and DramidOpanishad Saaram in 26 verses )

besides Nigama Parimalam or the Seventy Four Thousand ,

which is no longer available to us.


Sri MM has mastred all of these PoorvAchArya VyAkyAnams

on ThiruvAimozhi(TVM) and in his own inimitable way condensed

the essence of ThiruvAimozhi architected in the form of

100 pathikams into corresponding 100 Paasurams in

the same andhAthi style used by Swamy NammAzhwAr in

His original Dhivya prabhandham.


Sri MM has used the first word of each pathikam of TVM

as the first word of each paasuram. Further in each of

his 100 paasurams , Sri MM has included the ThirunAmam of

Swamy NammAzhwAr (Maaran).In each of these paasurams ,

Sri MM has captured the essence of the corresponding

Pathikams of TVM. All in all, the creative genius of

Sri MM to capture the quintessence ( Uyir Karutthu) of

each of the Pathikams with utter devotion to Swamy

NammAzhwAr is abundantly evident.


It is useful to remember the insightful comment of

Sri Kaanchi PBA Swamy regarding this exceptional

Sri Sookthi of Sri MM:


" Sol nOkkum , poruL nOkkum , thodai nOkkum ,

maRRU yennOkkum kaaNa ilakkiyamAhavum , ilakkaNamAhavum

amainthathu itthivya Prabhandham".


Here Sri PBA Swamy pays tribute to the literary and

grammatical aspects of this master piece of a Tamil

poem known for its choice of words , meaning and






The first Taniyan salutes the services rendered by

Sri MM to Swamy NammAzhwAr's TVM:


allum pahalum anubavippAr tankaLukku

sollum poruLum thohutthuraitthAn--nalla

MaNavALa Maamunivan Maaran MaRaikkut-

taNavA NooRRandhAthi thaan


(meaning): The most auspicious MaNavALa MaamunikaL

blessed us with a condensed version of 100 paasurams

in the andhAthi style for Swamy NammAzhwAr's Tamil Vedam

consisting of 100 pathikams. This MaamunikaL did for

the benefit of those who wish to enjoy Swamy NammAzhwAr's

TVM day and night and used sweet words and deep meanings

in his Sri Sookthi revered as ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthi.


(Comments): Sri MaamunikaL is described here reverentially

to us as " Nalla ManavALa Maamunivan". Swamy NammAzhwAr's

TVM is saluted as " MaaRan MaRai" or the essence of Sanskritic

VedAs in Tamil . The most appropriate 100 paasurams for

the 100 pathikams of Swamy NammAzhwAr is recognized

with adoration as " TaNavA NooRRandhAthi". The author

of this Taniyan points out that Sri MaamunigaL has

provided us with the quintessence of TVM , while

using the most appropriate words and meanings .

This Sri Sookthi was intended to for the benefit of

those , who wish to reflect upon and enjoy day and

night ("allum pahalum anubhavippAr TankaLukku),

the delectable paasurams and the pathikams of ThiruvAimozhi

of Swamy NammAzhwAr.


The Second Taniyan is an appeal to one's mind to take in

and be immersed in the Sri Sookthi of TVM NooRRandhAthi of

Sri MaamunigaL:


Mannu puhazh sEr ManavALa Maamunivan

tann aruLAl utporuLkaL tannudanE--sonna

ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthiyaam tEnai

oruvAthu arundhu nenjE uRRu


(meaning): Oh my mind ! Please drink continously

without satiety the sweet honey of ThiruvAimozhi

NooRRandhAthi of Maamunigal of lasting fame . Out

of his grace (krupai), MaamunigaL has captured

the deep thoughts of Swamy NammAzhwAr in his Sri Sookthi.


The key words in this Taniyan are:


Mannu Puhazh sEr MaNavALa Maamunivan = The great sage,

Maamunivan, whose keerthi lasts forever.


Tann aruLAl uLL poruLkaL tannudanE Sonna = Out of his

krupai , Maamunivan blessed us with this Sri sookthi

interwoven with deep meanings .


--tEnai oruvAthu uRRu arundhu = of this delectable ,

insatiable honey of ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthi ,

May You (my mind) drink without interruption and

with intensity!


AdiyEn will take up the individual Paasurams of

ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthi in the subsequent postings.


Swamy NammAzhwAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,

Vaazhi Maamunivan ThiruvAimozhi NooRRandhAthi ,

Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan

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