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Question from Murali Krishna

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Sri ramanujaya namah:

Sri Nigamahantha Desikaya namah:

Sri Lakshmi naraSimha Paramatmane parabrahmane namah:


The incident u have described is seen in many places.

The prasadam of the lord can be partaken by anyone ,

irrespective of caste , creed or color

and the lord does not distinguish a person by his

looks or the way he is dressed.


Deha Shuddhi is recommended even by the veda's , so

its every person's duty to keep his body and clothes

clean and neat.

even the young child should start developing that

habit right now. may be his clothes are torn , but

even those he could keep it clean and neat.

he could have washed his face , combed his hair.

the basic things should be followed.


This does not mean that i try to prove what the other

bhagavatha did was right, probably he could have asked

the child to have given the prasad directly to the

child and asked him to go out and have, instead of

sending off the child.


As far as the qualities of a vaishnava is concerned,

it is the pancha samskaras


for more info on pancha samskaras refer to







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Dear Sri Murali Krishna,

I'm sure you are aware of this term called 'protocol'. If there's an evolved

process, there's always bound to be some discipline, and our 'Vedic Culture'

is something that evolved even before the mankind that we know of did.

When it comes to offerings, Sriman Narayana and Piratti come first and then

his entourage and then Rishi-Munis, Bhagavathas and lastly, common people

like me.


Let me give you an unbiased view here since I DO NOT belong to this

ashramam(I belong to Sri Ahobila Matam). I'm sure the Bhagavatha with the

Thiruman who asked the boy to wait outside did NOT REFUSE food to the little

boy. It might have been a simple thought of "GHOSHTI FIRST" and others

later. The little boy has had to only wait not starve.

And I'm sure everyone of us here will have either been taught to wait till

our turn comes or learnt from experiences to wait.

And if you had any grouses you could have walked up to the Holy Feet of

Srimadh Andavan and expressed yourself.


Lastly, please think and act responsibly before you pull some religious

institution's name in public. A lot of us need to develop this culture

before we exhibit our immature-self. Always try your best to use "some",

"somebody" etc before you come up with what is construed as an opinionated

story and/or an impulse-triggered tale.


A lot of us are distracted by such sporadic incidents though our purpose is

to get involved in the bhagavadhanubhavam. But giving everything a thought

backed by "supreme faith" helps!

Have faith in the system, especially the Srivaishnava system. The Lord will

feed all, and at the right times!


Emberumaanar ThiruvadigaLe sharaNam!

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Thanks for Sri Srikant Sadagopan's email reminding everyone of "protocol"

and even network protocol as to what to put on the network. I personally

feel that we should cultivate "respect" for acharyas. If anyone has some

issues to take up, I am sure there are other ways - such as personal

contacts to find the truth regarding controversial issues. I personally

have found it difficult to swallow some things but it is best taken care of

when we do "pari prashnena sevaya" ( by questioning the right people in the

right format and service the masters). I have found myself at fault and

regretted much later after causing a flood of controversies. Email should

not be used as a " rumur information dump".


One other thing to avoid is to flood email with news of " someone heard that

so and so did so and so". Unless the person is involved deeply and knows

every aspect of the issue that is the point of controversy, one will not be

able to evaluate them properly. It is better to avoid half cooked ideas and

issues to be sent to this network.


I think since email is easy and people don't have to ask anyone's permission

to express views freely, this network is used for grievances etc.


I personally feel that value of email should be more focused on " scriptures

and explanations", news of events pertaining to promote bhakti to Lord

srimmanarayana and such issues.


Adiyen Krishna

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Dear Sri Srikant Sadagopan:


On behalf of Sri Ramanuja Mission of Srirangam Srimad Andavan Periaashramam,

I appreciate and endorse your response to Sri Murali Krishna. Religious

institutions serving Sri Ramanuja Siddhantham have unsurpassed scriptual

authority, invaluable history, and demonstrated practice with regards to

human values, social service, and justice. Sri Vaishnavism breaks all

barriers in reaching out and serving humanity. When sensitive things are

discussed in public, there is a potential to judge institutional intent

based on isolated instances involving individuals like us.


The integrity of Sri Murali Krishna and his intent is not being questioned

or doubted in any way. His was an innocent posting. However, one should be

extremely cautious to not allow any room for creating negative perceptions

when discussing such matters in public. In the future, we should exercise

due diligence when posting matters involving high public perception.


Nadadur Mathavadasan

Secretary, Sri Ramanuja Mission

of Srirangam Srimath Andavan Periyaashramam









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sreedhar shivkumar writes:

> Deha Shuddhi is recommended even by the veda's , so

> its every person's duty to keep his body and clothes

> clean and neat.

> even the young child should start developing that

> habit right now. may be his clothes are torn , but

> even those he could keep it clean and neat.

> he could have washed his face , combed his hair.

> the basic things should be followed.


This strikes me as a bit insensitive. Where, pray tell,

should a little homeless boy wandering the streets of Delhi

wash himself and his clothes? Where should he get a comb

to groom himself? We can't even imagine how difficult it

must be to live under the circumstances this boy does.

I don't think we are in the position of judging how and

when he grooms himself, especially when he is trying to

fill his stomach.


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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Sri Nadadur Madhavan wrote:

> Sri Vaishnavism breaks all barriers in reaching out and serving

> humanity.


I would like some elaboration on this statement.

There is no doubt that the acharyas and scholars

of Sri Vaishnavam do a tremendous service to the

Vaidika and Sri Vaishnava community, by doing

grantha-pravacana and administering sacraments

and providing for temples, food and sambhAvana

for Vaidikas, etc.


But can this really be described as "breaking all barriers"

and "reaching out"? In this day and age, are there many

(or any) Sri Vaishnava organizations that actively reach

out to all, irrespective of caste, gender, and

race, and feed, clothe, or minister to the people's

religious needs? As so many Christian groups do (with

whatever motivation), does a single Sri Vaishnava group

gather able-bodied youth and go do humanitarian

service work in a Dalit (or any) downtrodden or

impoverished village?


This is what I consider "reaching out and serving".

Why is it that our people do not do this indiscriminately?

Or, perhaps they are doing it and I am unaware of it.

If not, let us not exaggerate our contribution.


aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,


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Respected members:


I would like to spew my thoughts on this topic. Logically,

going back to Sri.Ramanuja and coming from him in every step

from there, it is very true and obvious from the Great

Acharyan's words that Social cause is one among the prime

concerns in SriVaishnavism. If that not be the case, why should

Sri.Ramanuja have overruled his Acharyan's words(breaking some

set standards in the past by people), and tell the charama

slokam to everyone after facing so much of difficulty in

getting it from his Acharyan.(He got it only on his 18-th visit

to Tirukottiyur)

This issue of Social cause has been much stressed by our

Acharyan himself, in order make sure that everyone attains

Moksha, which gives the prime happiness.Thank very much,


Sarve Janah Sukino Bavantu!


Sri Ramanuja Dasan,

Ramanan Rajagopalan



iruppidam vaikundham vEnkatam * mAlirunchOlaiyennum

poruppidam mAyanuk enbar nallOr * avai thannodum van

thiruppidam mAyan irAmAnusan manathinRavan van

thiruppidam * enRan idhayaththuLLE thanakkinpuRavE.





---- On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Mani Varadarajan

(mani) wrote:

> Sri Nadadur Madhavan wrote:

> > Sri Vaishnavism breaks all barriers in reaching out and


> > humanity.


> I would like some elaboration on this statement.

> There is no doubt that the acharyas and scholars

> of Sri Vaishnavam do a tremendous service to the

> Vaidika and Sri Vaishnava community, by doing

> grantha-pravacana and administering sacraments

> and providing for temples, food and sambhAvana

> for Vaidikas, etc.


> But can this really be described as "breaking all barriers"

> and "reaching out"? In this day and age, are there many

> (or any) Sri Vaishnava organizations that actively reach

> out to all, irrespective of caste, gender, and

> race, and feed, clothe, or minister to the people's

> religious needs? As so many Christian groups do (with

> whatever motivation), does a single Sri Vaishnava group

> gather able-bodied youth and go do humanitarian

> service work in a Dalit (or any) downtrodden or

> impoverished village?


> This is what I consider "reaching out and serving".

> Why is it that our people do not do this indiscriminately?

> Or, perhaps they are doing it and I am unaware of it.

> If not, let us not exaggerate our contribution.


> aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

> Mani






> -----------------------------

> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

> To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list

> Archives: http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/



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Sriman Sadagopan Swamin please accept my countless

pramanams to you. All, bhagavathas please do not

take this as an insult.

I recall very faintly that Adi Sankara's final

test was an interlude with a person who was

dressed in rags and a derelict. The test was

if the foremost Sriman Narayana Bhaktha Adi Sankara

would discriminate between ephemeral appearance and

the immutable Jeeva inside and add to that

Antaryami Sriman Narayana HIMSELF.

Only when Adi Sankara respected this person was HIS

knowledge deemed complete.

The lesson was that no one may

be judged by appearance alone.


I write software and "find a remedy not a fault"

is one of my favorite quotations. I do not know who

said this. We can apply this here as well.


Going forward how can this incident be prevented.

Why not have the following schemes:

(0) for those who want to satiate their physical

hunger only, have a location where they get food

and on a strictly "take out" mode. Such a location

could be on the periphery.

(2) for those who want more than "food"

(2a) for those who are already observing "saucam"

the usual place where people eat

(2b) for those who are inclined to get cleansed

and get indoctrinated into God Principle (not even

Sriman Narayana), provide a bathing place.

This way water and cleaning resource will not go

waste on TYPE (0).


I am not sure if this is a practical or feasible



This certainly happens in Tirumala, where HE

observably rules and is no longer elusive or



Om Namo Narayana

--- Mani Varadarajan <mani


> sreedhar shivkumar writes:

> > Deha Shuddhi is recommended even by the veda's ,

> so

> > its every person's duty to keep his body and

> clothes

> > clean and neat.

> > even the young child should start developing that

> > habit right now. may be his clothes are torn , but

> > even those he could keep it clean and neat.

> > he could have washed his face , combed his hair.

> > the basic things should be followed.


> This strikes me as a bit insensitive. Where, pray

> tell,

> should a little homeless boy wandering the streets

> of Delhi

> wash himself and his clothes? Where should he get a

> comb

> to groom himself? We can't even imagine how

> difficult it

> must be to live under the circumstances this boy

> does.

> I don't think we are in the position of judging how

> and

> when he grooms himself, especially when he is trying

> to

> fill his stomach.


> aDiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan,

> Mani





> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

> To Post a message, send it to:

> bhakti-list

> Archives: http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/



> Your use of is subject to








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