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'NArAyananE namakE parai tharuvAn'

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Dear bhAghavadhOthamals,

My humble obeisance to the devotees of Lord NarAyanA.SriAndAl addresses

the “selva sirumeergal” first. “Selvam” is wealth, wealth, spoken in

terms of money power, then there is the wealth of knowledge. All of us

posses this wealth in both forms to a certain degree. “You girls may be

wealthy but do you know what true wealth is ,who can give the eternal

wealth of parai”.

“swAdhu swAdhu padhE padhe” –Sri AndAl would not send a chill down the

spine asking' don’t you all know that Paramapurushan of that magnitude

who will give that parai to that evolved souls'. Instead AndAL gently

says, the cub like boy, the son of Y ashOdhA and Nandan whom we are so

familiar with is the NarAyanan the SwarAt who will give the wealth. So

cast away your fear and doubts.

The first step in “farming” is the tilling of the land. This is a tough

process because of the “deposits” deep rooted in the human mind- fear,

doubt, clinging, the beasts of passion raging like war. Will we,wont we,

should we,shouldn’t we,can we, cant we -this perplexity is a fixed

feature.Now that the weeds of doubt and fear are wilting slowly, the

seeds of “faith” are introduced.For the seeds of faith to germinate

“avanE tharuvAn” - He will give, is the food, water and air supply given

in ample doses.

SriAndAl thiruadigalE charanam,

With highest regards,


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