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Immortal Characters in Hindu Mythology.......

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Dear Bhaktas,


This is my first posting after my recent enrolment, and I think it does fall

within our forum's ambit, and merits a discussion. However, correct me if I

am wrong with the choice.


A couple of days ago, I was casually browsing the soc.religion.hindu

newsgroup, and I came across an interesting (in my opinion) question.


The topic is about immortal characters in hindu mythology, like Aswathaama,

Vibheesan et al


This piece is pretty long, therefore I request the Bhakthas to bear with my

elaborate language.

If you carefully observe, I think the question goes deep into the concept of

our philosophy in a way and seeks an explanation from the Visistadvaita

concept of soul / brahman. May be I could be wrong in trying to visualize

this beyond its merits.


The question was this.

>> In both the Ramayana and the Mahabharatha, there were characters who

>> were said to be immortal, like Parashurama, Kripacharya, Vishwamitra,

>> Ashwathama, Vibhishan, and some others. How is that statement

>> rationalized given that none of these people exist today?


I attempted to answer the question this way. Here is my abridged(!) reply

>> The boon could be intended for physique, soul, character/personality



The period of the boon, if we consider them to be for 'physical immortality'

is restricted to the 'yuga' in which it is granted. Therefore, the boon is


as the said characters probably lived till their respective 'yuga's end.


If we consider it to be valid till today, then the concept of yuga is out of

question, and therefore the physical nature of the boon. Hence it has to be

applicable to the soul. But all souls are immortal, and therefore the

speciality of the boon cannot be adequately explained if soul alone is to be

considered and therefore 'trait' comes into picture.


My explanation was, the seekers' soul/ trait is captured and made to be

re-born again and again until the process of Creation itself stops and

therefore we may find a number of Vibhesans and Aswathaamas among the 6

billion human and other life forms around us. As for mortals, we are re-born

only for a definite number of times to balance our Karmic consequences and

then cease to be re-born. Hence it is rationalized.


The inquirer makes a pitch, saying I am making the boon look like a curse

than a bless and I countered it saying the Grantor does not care on the

merits of the boon per se, but only the merits of the seeker to justify the

grant and therefore the boon is indeed a bless and not a curse.

Also the inquirer suggested, the boon may be for their names which lives

till today as we all talk and think about them.


However, I am still not sure if there could be any other convincing solution

to this intriguing question. If Bhakthas see a merit in discussing this, I

request some thoughtful responses.




Sriram Ranganathan

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Sundar wrote>

>It's a rationalization, but just that. The Vedic and post vedic quest

>has been true immortality. Look at the several mantras Vedic and

>Upanishadic, that state :

>"tam envam vidwaan amrta iha bhavati"

>Who knows this becomes deathless (a-mrta) here and now.

>Given the physical realm into which Vedic yagnya was supposed to distill

>the immortality, I find it difficult to believe that this is immortality

>of the soul,

>or immortality of a person's characteristics are a sufficient argument

>to support the myth.

>Sometimes, even a myth is just a story and we find ourselves up a creek

>trying to explain all facets of it =) I think you should read some

>Brahmana stories, you'll have fun with them. They are 'rationalizations'

>of Vedic hymns and situations that give our people a good case of

>hiccups =)


Thanks to Sundar, for his insight.


Does that mean, the only plausible (i mean convincing not deceitful ! )

explanation for

the 'immortality' bestowed on various characters in our epics ,

is purely 'physical immortality' which is restricted to 'yugam' and


there is no need to seek a justification beyond that ?


If so, what is True Immortality according to Vedas, then?



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Dearest Sri Sriram Ranganathan,


A good thoughtful reply you have sent for that query on how come none of

those "immortal personalities" exists today?


But my humble opinion is:


Why not? They are very much there.


I still remember when I used to discuss (during my teens) with my father on

the religion/God, he used to often tell that as long as we the mortal, human

beings perceive, see, hear, touch something (whatever it may be), -all that

we can perceive IS ONLY TEMPORARY. Take even the Sun. We can see. And

Scientists have discovered that Sun has got its own life, too.


The very fact that we can not comprehend, perceive, see, the Lord- the

Almighty and also these immortal ones (like Sri AnjanEyA) with our mortal

physical eyes, itself is a PROOF that they still exist and will do so

forever and ever.


This is just an opinion and has no reference to any scripture. Please

correct me, BhAgawathAs, if there is any misunderstanding on my part.


Narayana Narayana


Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan


> sriram.ranganathan [sMTP:sriram.ranganathan]

> Friday, November 13, 1998 1:52 AM

> bhakti

> Immortal Characters in Hindu Mythology.......



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Dear Sri Sriram,


Following is based on my limited understanding of Hindu

Mythology and our sampradhayam.


According to Sri Pillai Lokaachaarya, there are 5 types of



1. Eternally relased souls (nityas).

2. Released souls (muktas).

3. Souls bound in Samsara (bhaddhas).

4. Souls that are interested in obtaining enjoyment solely for

themselves without rebirth in a place called kaivalyamoksha (which is

beyond samsara but not in paramapadam).

5. Souls that desire libearation (mumukshus).


MOst of the Mythological Characters that you refer to in your post

would probably fall under the 1st or the 2nd Category. Yes

they are, then, immortal, but are so in Vaikuntham.


To read futher in Sri PIllai Lokaachaaryaa's Artha Panchakam

lease go to




and select the link for the Achaaryaa.



Sri Pillai Lokaachaaryaar thiruvadikaLE Saranam.





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