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Dear Members of the Bhakti List,


I would like to thank Sri Sadagopan for his brilliant summaries on the

Raghuveera Gadyam. Mahaveera Vaibhavam is building up to its climax as

we get into the Yuddha Kandam further. The impact of Lord Rama's bow twang

was captured with consummate effect by Sri Sadagopan in his article. This

post caused me to reflect upon a related aspect of Lord Rama's bow twang.


Sri Sadagopan exquisitely pointed out that the twang struck terror in the

hearts of the Rakshasa women casuing them to dance to a rythym. However,

the same bow twang was sweet music to the ears of Sita Piratti. It was

a clear cut vindication of her unquestioned faith in the Lord (Maha

Vishvasam) and her Pati Vrata. One must appreciate the bow twang in the

context of Sita Piratti's question to Hanuman "When my Lord was resting

on my lap one day, a crow pecked at my bosom and drew blood. My Lord

awoke at the touch of my warm blood and was enraged at the crow's act.

Using a blade of grass, he invoked the Brahmastram. To punish a mere crow,

my Lord invoked the Brahmastram. Why has he not done anything to rescue me

from Ravana? Why has he not sent the valiant Lakshmana to kill the evil Asura?"

Lord Rama's bow twang was his announcement to Sita Piratti "Fear not, I am

here to rescue you from Ravana". This was also the Lord's warning to Ravana

of the impending doom that awaited him. The Lord's Ayudham has the

characteristic of Pida Pradanam (striking terror in the hearts of his

enemies) while bestowing Pida Pariharam (relief from sufferings) to his



Another important note is that the Lord decided to wage war only after

all avenues for peace were closed (Dandam Dasha GuNam Bhaveth). In this

context, it is instructive to hear the Lord's words to Sugreeva to allay

the latter's concern about the Lord's promise to Vibhishana, while sending

Angada as a messenger of peace to Ravana.


Background: Prior to the war, Lord Rama made one last attempt to

secure peace by sending Angada as his messenger to Ravana's court with the

message "Restore Sita to me and I shall forgive you for all your sins

and grant you Sharanagati, thereby avoiding the destruction of the

Asura clan". Hearing this, Sugriva was concerned about the Lord's

promise to Vibhishana ("I shall make you the king of Lanka") in the event

Ravana decided to opt for peace. Lord Rama assuages Sugriva's concern

with the statement "If Ravana surrenders to me, Vibhishana will become

the king of Lanka; Ravana shall be the emperor of Ayodhya." This is very

succinctly conveyed by Adikavi Valmiki's statement :Ramo DvirnAbibhashate.


In a follow up post, I shall summarize some more reflections on Garuda and

his feud with the sons of Kadru with respect to Garuda releasing Rama and

Lakshmana from the Naga Pasham.


Sri Sita Lakshmana Hanumath Sametha Sri Ramachandra Swami Parabrahmane Namaha,


Muralidhar Rangaswamy

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