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Madhuraashtakam : the right version

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Dear Sri Krishna Kalale:

Her eis the right version sung by Smt MSS

in Balaji malaa Volume 3:




1. Adharam madhuram vadanam madhuram

Nayanam " Hasitam ".

Hrudhayam " Gamanam "

Madhuraadhipatehrakilam Madhuram


2. Vachanam Madhuram Charitam Madhuram

Vasanam " Valitham "

Janitham " Brahmitam "

Madhuraadhipatehrakilam Madhuram


3. Venur Madhuroh Renur Madhura:

PaaNir Maduroh Paadhaou Madhuram

Kruthyam madhuram Sakhyam Madhuram

Madhuraadhipatehrakilam Madhuram


4.Geetam Madhuram Peetham Madhuram

Buhktam Madhuram Suptam Madhuram

Rupam Madhuram Tilakam Madhuram

Madhuraadhipateharikalm Madhuram


5. DharaNam Madhuram TaraNam Madhuram

HaraNam Madhuram SmaraNam Madhuram

Brahmitam Madhuram Sanitam Madhuram

Madhuraadhipateharikalam Madhuram


6. Kunjaa Madhuraa Maalaa Madhuraa

Yamunaa Madhuraa Veechi Madhuraa

Salilam Madhuram Kamalam Madhuram

Madhuradhipateharikilam Madhuram


7. Gopee Madhuraa Leelaa Madhuraa

Yuktam Madhuram Muktham Madhuram

Dhrushtam madhuram Sishtam Madhuram

Madhuraadhipateharikhialam Madhuram


8. Gopaa Madhura Gaavoh Madhuraa

Yashtir Madhuraa Srushtir Madhuraa

Galitham Madhuraa Halitam Madhuraa

Madhuraadhipatehrakilam Madhuram


This is a quick rendering of the Ashtakam.

Hope this arrives in time to be of use to Your wife

in the Bhajan .



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  • 10 years later...
  • 1 month later...

His lips are sweet

HIs face

" eyes

" smile

" heart " :

" gait

Everything is sweet about the Original Lord of Sweetness


His voice is sweet

" character

" attire

" speech

" movements are "

" wandering is "

Everything is sweet about the Orginal Lord of Sweetness


His flute is sweet

" foot dust

" hands are "

" feet

" dancing is "

" friendship

Everything is sweet about the Original Lord of Sweetness


His singing is sweet

" drinking

" eating

" sleeping

" beauty

" tilaka

Everything is sweet about the Original Lord of Sweetness


His deeds are sweet

" acts of deliverance

" stealing is "

" amorous play

" yawning

even his chastisements are "

Everything is sweet about the Original Lord of Sweetness


His garland of miniature conch shells is sweet

" flower garland

" Yamuna

" waves are "

" water is "

" lotuses are "

Everything is sweet about the original Lord of Sweetness


His gopis are sweet

" pastimes are sweet

" paraphernalia and ornmanents

" food is "

" delight

" embrace

Everything is sweet about the original Lord of Sweetness


His gopas are sweet

" cows

" staff is "

" creation

" defeating of demons

" bestowal of fruits

Everything is sweet about the Original Lord of Sweetness





How I was told that this song came about is: one day Radhika's very

intimate Girlfriends asked Her, "Radhika, why is it that You cannot stop thinking about Krsna? He has gone to another village and married another

girl. He is not coming back here. Please, why don't You give up thinking of



At the time that They asked Her, Radhika was almost half dead in separation

from Krsna. However, hearing Her sakhis say His name revived Her. She then

picked up art materials close at hand and began to draw His picture. As She

drew She sang this song, each part of His Body elicited a feeling in Her and

She described it with Her portrait of Him and by Her singing.


This is one of the sweetest songs in the entire world. As far as I know there

are two versions of tunes: one very heavy in separation mode and one lighter and happier. This pastime was revealed in the heart of the composer who then recorded it so that we can be here on the internet today discussing it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The Madhurasthakam is composed by Vallabhacharya (1479-1531). He is one of the greatest sage- philosophers of India, who belonged to a Telugu Brahmin family. He was one of the foremost followers of Bhakthi Marga and established his philosophy of Pushti Marga in North India during the 16th century. This is a unique stotra which uses just one adjective, "madhuram", meaning sweet or beautiful, to describe the greatness and the attributes of lord Krishna.

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