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naama sankirtanam

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There are many popular texts that glorify naama sankirtanam

as the easiest way to mukti. I think even the Vishnu

Sahasranaamam has prefatory shlokas that say this; I

can look it up if you need to know for certain.


Usually, though, most texts say that naama sankirtanam

is the easiest way to remove all hindrances to true bhakti.

Vishnu Purana says that uttering the name of Hari once

will remove all chance of suffering in hell.


For more scriptural references, one need only look at

any book published by the Hare Krishnas, who champion

hari naama sankirtanam more than any other sect. They will

quote endlessly from the Bhagavata and other Puranas.


I will also do some more research if you would like.




P.S. In his exposition of the Vishnu Sahasranaama,

Parasara Bhattar comments that putting one's hands

together and chanting the names of the Lord is itself

as good or better than the arduous practice of bhakti-yoga.

This easier form of bhakti is what he suggests the

rest of us should do. Parasara Bhattar was one of the

chief disciples of Ramanuja.

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