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>From compuserve.com!75041.3037 Wed Jul 12 21:37:29 EDT 1995

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"V. Sadagopan" <75041.3037

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Sriram: Here are some points on the Back to back iconography of Narasimha and

Sudarsana . Up to the seventh century AD, the narasimha Icons had two hands

only.Afterthat Period of Pallavas, the Iconography of Narasimha became complex

with his Form having 16 and even 32 hands. The two-in-one icon came into vogue

by daring sculptors. Narasimha-Sudarsana and Subrahmanya-Lakshmi Narasimha are

two such creations. The latter is a very rare one seen in atemple 30 miles ot

the Norht of Bangalore and is known as Ghati Subrahmanya. According to the

iconographic traditions, Subrahmanya faces east and Natrasimha faces



Now , Coming back to Sudarsana -Narasimha vigraha followa the Vighanasa and

Pancharatra Agama stipulations on Narasimha Iconography. According to Vaikanasa

Agama, Narasimhan has to be worshipped in 4 Places , namely, below the earth,

in pillars, on hills and in Sudarsana. Presence of Narasimha inside the

Sudarsana wheel is pointed out by Padma Samhita(31 and 257) .Narasimha is

considered as residing in the heart of Sudarsana.THe Sudarsana disc(wheel )

itself is recognized as a form of Vishnu (ie) he being present as Chakra rupi.

Thus in worshipping Sudarsana chakra, we not only worship Narasimha , but also

Vishnu in all other forms.


The Puranas(Agni, Narada, Vishnu Dharmottara ) also provide some clues in this

matter.Narada purana in particular elaborates on the worship of Narasimha in the

Ugra form with 16 arms. Narasimha is presented a shaving the lustre of the

deadly fire (Kaalanala). Sudarsana has been recognized as the wheel of

time(Kaala) in Mahabharatha . Sudarsana is also the Maha Jyothi of a Mighty

Jwaala , similar to the one seen around the head of Jwaala Narasimhan, with his

shrine on the upper reaches of the Ahobila Hills. Jwaala Narasimhan is one of

the Nava Narasimhas and the tradition has it that it is this form of Narasimhan,

who destroyed Hiranyakasipu. We have to piece the fact of Jwaala and the time

aspects of that Jwaala , which is represented by Sudharsana, the mighty weapon

of the Lord.


Some people have also speculated on the Time aspect of the Sudharsana thru its

revolving motion (dynamics) and the Space aspects of the Form denoted by

Sankam(Panchajanyam) . Here again the revolving mighty flame associated with

Sudharsana reminds one of the Kaalagni alluded to earlier. Swami Desikan"s

reference in his Shodasaayudha Stotram makes reference to Kaala chakram and

Jagat chakram (Time and space) being incorporated in the Lord (CHAKRINA:) , who

is of the form of the divine disc(CHAKRA RUPASYA)> Verse 2<.


Hope this provides some input for additional reflections,



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