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Srouta Saiva Siddhanta

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Dear All,

Some time back I had mentioned a link to Srouta Saiva Siddhanta.

It seems that that site is moved and the new URL is




This is a very informative and inspiring site about saiva siddhanta.

The site talks about Lingadharana, meaning of the panchAkshari

mantram, Aradhyas etc. One can find many (in sanskrit, english,

telugu) books full of information on reaching the absolute brahman.




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Based on a very cursory perusal, my observation is that (at least

according to the website) shrauta shaiva siddhAnta seeks to

supersede our AchAryA's advaita, accusing it of being inconsistent,

which I find *very very unpalatable*. Whether by coincidence or not

Shri Ravi posted on the great appaya dIkShitar just a few days

back :-)







> Dear All,

> Some time back I had mentioned a link to Srouta Saiva Siddhanta.

> It seems that that site is moved and the new URL is


> http://www.sivajnanalahari.org/index.htm

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Dear Shri. Sridhar,

>seeks to supersede our AchAryA's advaita, accusing it of being



I suppose you are talking about,


"...Brahman is not encircling the Midhya Jagat. Eesavasyopanishad,

the first of the

Ten Upanishads, for which Adi Sankaracharya wrote commentary says

emphatically that

Eswara, the Brahman surrounds the entire Universe, Eesavasya Midagam


The claim that "Brahma Satyam and Jagat Midhya" cannot be accepted.

The Jagath is as much Satyam as the Brahman. The Mundakopanishad

Sruti mantra confirms this view.


Shaktih Sivascha, Sachabda Prakruti Pratyayoditou

Tou Brahmasamarasyena, Samasta Jagadatmakau


- Siva Puranam

This Siva Purana Vayu Samhita vachanam says, that Brahman means,

Sakti and Siva together and Sakti means Jeeva and Jagat together in

other words Viswam.

Just as there is no difference or incongruity, in stating that parts

of the flower which

itself is part of the tree, are also part of the tree, similarly the

Jeeva in the three "Avasthas"

namely - Jagradavastha, Swapnavastha, Sushuptavastha, who is called

as Vaiswanara, Taijasa,

Prajna is also part of the Brahman, the omnipotent Ultimate



In any case, I can not make a good argument from either side as I am

not a "brahma vaadi". I do not have the inner knowledge to

understand the "brahma tattvam" presented here as it is many levels

above where I am. The people(like Mudigonda Nagalinga Sastry etc.)

who made these arguments are not ordinary people but they are people

with Siva consciousness so its not easy to grasp their philosophies.

There are several different saivate philosophies

(http://www.shaivam.org) and each one is unique in its approach to

brahman. In any case, I think these arguments are meant to

ignite the spirit within you more than anything else.


I only posted this site to give interested people a good source

about "Aradhya" philosophy. I think the people who compiled all the

material and giving it a web interface did an excellent job in

bringing some of the ancient saivate philosophies. I admire their

effort and dedication and I think this is the least I could do to

people who are interested to be aware of thier work.




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Dear Shri Shankar,


I am not disputing the dedication of the people who compiled the

website. No doubt they have done a great service. However, I do have

serious objections to number of statements on the website, including

some sections in their entirety (see "What is Suddhadwaitam?"

and "What is Adhyasa Bhashyam as stated by Sri Aadi

Sankaracharya .."). Some statements are downright condescending, for

example "This only exposes the inconsistency in the Adwaita

Siddhanta. But, we cannot find fault with the great Acharya, because

this compromise formula or Panchayatanam is introduced by Sri Aadi

Sankaracharya to bring round the persons of his time fighting among

themselves for Brahmatatwam, to do general good."


I am not well versed in the scriptures either, but have total

conviction that AchAryA was an incarnation of Dakshinamurthi, and so

personally find what the website says unacceptable.


My apologies if I caused any distress to you, that was really not my

intention. This will be my last post on this topic.





, "shankar_mallampalli"

> I think the people who compiled all the

> material and giving it a web interface did an excellent job in

> bringing some of the ancient saivate philosophies. I admire their

> effort and dedication and I think this is the least I could do to

> people who are interested to be aware of thier work.

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, "sWseshagiri" <s_seshagiri>


> but have total

> conviction that AchAryA was an incarnation of Dakshinamurthi, and


> personally find what the website says unacceptable.



I am definitely not taking sides here nor am trying to suggest one

is right and the other not, but would like to draw attention to the

following claim in the website.


"Revana Sidha also known as Renukacharya was born in Kulyapaka

village coming out of the Someswara Lingam there in Kurnool District

of Andhra Pradesh. He blessed Agasthya Maharshi with Sivatatwam. He

is reported to have presented the "Chandramouleeswara Lingam" to Sri

Aadi Sankaracharya. He belongs to Atreya Gotram. He exhibited the

greatness of the Ishta Linga worn by him to King Chandraketha, son

of Viswavarma and has shown him miracles including Kailasam, the

abode of Siva in his Istalingam. Sivayogi Sivacharya refers to his

accomplishments in his ancient text "Saiva Siddhanta Sikhamani". He

is credited with propagating "Sivadwaita Siddhatna" throughout the

country for 1400 years, before disappearing into the Jyotirlingam at

Somnath, in Gujarat."


All sects have their claims and each will adhere to their own.

HH Chandrasekhara Bharati swamin also believes that AchAryA is an

incarnation of DakshinaMurti/Shiva.



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I wanted to keep quiet but because my previous posting came across

as an argument so I finally decided to clear the air about this. I

am sorry if my previous posting came across as the way it did. My

intention was only to help Aaradhyas realize what they really are

but it ended up discouraging them a little.


The Aaradhya way of Lingarchana, their way of Pashupata vratam,

their form

of siva worship started well before the time of "Parameshwara

Swaroopa" Sri Shankara and Maha Siva Bhakta Appayya Dikshitar.

Aaradhya path of worship is mentioned in the great Siva MahaPuranam

as well. One should not ignore the fact that this saiva path that's

active for centuries would NOT have survived without the

grace/approval of Siva.

The sivadwaita siddhanta and siva bhakti/tattva propagated by these

aaradhyas inspired countless souls, it still does and it will go on

well into the future. I think that Siva himself inspires

certain "blessed souls" to write Kaavyas, Commenties appropriate for

that place and time. If one observes Basannava's Vira Shaivam

principles closely one would feel that its not along the lines of

Shankara's smartism. Each one has its significance and its way of

bringing us closer to Siva.


I myself don't know if "certain" claims made on this site are true

or not, and I may be talking from what I acquired from external

sources (as opposed to grasping these things from within) but one

thing comes across clear to me. Brahman (who is beyond space, time

and matter) is so big that "THAT" can NOT be captured in complete by

one philosophy/view/approach.

Food for thought....

How can we be sure that these Aaradhya blessed souls are NOT

incarnation of Siva just like Adi Shankara?


Pushing all these things aside, the Aaradhya way of worshiping siva

is quite intersting actually and offers several wonderful sadhanas

for the seekars of Brahman.



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