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ananda bhairava/ananda bhairavi and srividya.

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Just my two pence. It is not quite right to say about DC and Vc that easily.

In vaamaachaara for panchadashi the Rishi is ananda bhairava and in shodashi it

is Dakshinaamoorty. In Dakshinaachaara it is vice versa. The main difference in

dakshinaachaara is that everything (like the panchatatwas) are internal and in

vamaahaara it is external in the early stages. In later stages they merge and

the achaara becomes the same.

jaimaa1008 <jaimaa1008 wrote:Sometime ago Ganapati Vijaya writing

about the differences between

dkshinacara and vamacara, said:


" Dc the risi is Dakshinamurthy and Kameswara Kamesvari are the

Devatas where

as for Vc Bhairava is the Risi and Anandabhairava and Anandabhairavi

are the deities."


This is indeed the opinion of most writers.


Bhaskararaya also , in his commentary on name # 912 of

Lalitasahasranam "savyapasayamargastha", says that the name of

bhairava and bhairavi are added to the names of all the deities in

the worship of vamacaris.


Could any of your members enlighten me about the texts or ritual

manuals where Ananda Bhairava and Ananda Bhairavi ar the principal

deities rather than Kamesvara and Kamesvari.Also are there any

sampradays where Ananda Bhairava and Ananda Bhairavi are invoked into

the visheshargya patra aat the time of navavarana puja.







sudhaasuuteshcandropalajalalavairarghyaracanaa .

svakiiyairambhobhiH salilanidhisauhityakaraNaM

tvadiiyaabhirvaagbhistava janani vaacaaM stutiriyam.h


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In the panchadasi mantra the rishi differs as per the sampradaya. In

the Ananda Bhairava Sampradaya the Rishi for Panchadasi Mantra is

Ananda Bhairava and for Shodasi it is Parananda Bhairava Rishi. In my

interaction with some of the North India based Sadhakas I am given

to understand that after the initiation to Maha Paduka and Mahapoorna

Abhisekham all the sampradayas they merge(vilay) with Dakshinamoorthy

Sampradaya. Then they become eligible for performing 16 avarna pooja

as prescribed in the Yati Dandaishvarya vidhan. In this regard Late

Dr. Rudradev Tripathi a learned scholar in sri vidya has done lots of

research.I would like to have the comments of learned members in this



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  • 11 years later...
Guest Ananda

h-s-kSh-m-l-v-r-yUM AnandabhairavAya vaShaT ||
s-h-kSh-m-l-v-r-yIM sudhAdevyai vauShaT ||

aIM klIM sauH ||
brahmANDa-rasa-saMbhUtam-asheSha-rasa-sambhavaM |
ApUritaM mahA-pAtraM pIyUSha-rasam-Avaha ||
akhaNDaika-rasAnanda-kare para-sudhAtmani |
svachChanda-sphuraNaM mantraM nidehy-akula-rUpiNI ||
akulasthaamR^itAkAre siddhi-j~nAna-kalebare |
amR^itatvaM nidhehy asmin vastuni klinna-rUpiNI ||
tad-rUpeNaika-rasyaM cha kR^itvA taistat-svarUpiNI |
bhUtvA parAmR^itAkArA mayi chit-sphuraNaM kuru ||




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