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mantras to mother kali and mother aparajita DIKSHA

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> What is diskha? Does one have mantra diksha because

> the guru has performed an elaborate ceremony, has

whispered the mantra into their...


There are a couple of points here, mantropadesham is

given to the shishya only when The guru is convinced

that the shishya is "worthy" of the mantra

For example when a repected individual asked the seer

of Kanchi for initiation into SriVidya, he was

politely refused He said that every action is a form

of SriVidya, there are some mantras(I believe that He

was refering to the panchadashakshari)which are also a

form of worship but that is not required now.

> You also say that "most mantras of mother kali dont

> work to their full potential."


I have a counter question what is the potential of a

mantra? does it mean the fullfillment of the


> Isn't a teacher disappointed if his student doesn't

> guru will never do your work for you or merely give

> you the answers.


Unless a student asks a Guru will not tell. Question

and answer, respectful debate are all forms of








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--- vishwanthan Krishnamoorthy <krishvishy


> For example when a repected individual asked the

> seer of Kanchi for initiation into SriVidya, he was

> politely refused He said that every action is a form

> of SriVidya, there are some mantras(I believe that

> He was refering to the panchadashakshari)which are

> also a form of worship but that is not required now.


What the seer of Kanchi said sounds like a great

lesson and an inititiation in itself! Again, I

reiterate that sometimes an "initiation" does not

always have to be in the strict form that is

"expected." And now, Sri Vishwanthan, you have

initiated us all into this great knowledge from


> I have a counter question what is the potential of a

> mantra? does it mean the fullfillment of the

> phalasthuthi?


I suppose Sri Kalika Putra was referring to the

phalashruti when he wrote that "most mantras of kali

don't work to their full potential." Personally, I

believe the phalashruti is only there to goad the

sadhak into more earnest practice; if there is no

reward, why should would we do it? Surely it is

entirely possible to acheive the fruits mentioned in

the phalashruti, but I think the point is for our

desires for power to fall away. In the course of

repeating a mantra so many hundreds of thousands or

millions of times, the consciousness of the aspirant

(hopefully) becomes so refined that the desire for the

siddhis falls away. By the time he achieves the

siddhis, he no longer desires them anymore, and this

is the requirement for achieving powers -- as long as

you desire them, you'll never have them, but when you

don't desire them, you'll have more power than you've

ever imagined! Perhaps this is why those with siddhis

almost never use them.

> Unless a student asks a Guru will not tell. Question

> and answer, respectful debate are all forms of

> learning


Certainly, but I was speaking of certain questions

that the answer can never be gotten from an outside

teacher such as, "Who am I?" Some answers are only

meaningful when learned through experience.






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The mantras and tantra of mother kali is one of the hardest, the fruits are

never ending, whatever you desire you will get, wether it be enlightenment or

become like the Lord Maha vishnu as the maha nirvana tantra states one will get

this attainment and much more.





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Diksha is the awakening of the metaphysical self via the use of the mantra and

attainment of the realisation of the mantra, i.e keelkam, bija and shakti

understanding these fundamental features of the mantra and realising them allows

the diksha.


This topic is open to multiple interpretations I am just outlining one of them.





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